I get error in Qt: SIGILL ERROR - qt

I'm gettint error when trying to compare a QString with a empty string.
QString S = "abc";
if (S != "") // Sigill on this line

According to the signal man page (section 7), SIGILL indicates an illegal instruction and is raised if an attempt is made to execute an instruction that is invalid or ill-formed or if the instruction requires a higher privilege level than you run at.
Because the comparison of two strings should not require operations that need special privileges, your QT version was likely compiled with supoort for instruction sets that are not supported by your processor (eg. support for SSE 4.2, whereas your processor does not support SSE 4.2). To check that condition, you might recompile the QT library after checking that all instruction sets the compiler uses are supported by your processor.


Segmentation fault at clReleaseEvent(*events)

I have multiple OpenCL events in the code which are defined like the following
cl_event events0[4], events1[4];
And when I release events at the end of the code like below, I get segementation fault (core dumped) error.
While for other OpenCL objects including memory buffers, kernels and programs, command queues and contexts are defined and released in the same manner does not occur any errors. Am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?
According to OpenCL specification, clReleaseEvent() should return CL_​INVALID_​EVENT if passed event is not a valid event object. But some OpenCL runtime implementations only check that the event is not NULL. Therefore, following code can lead to segmentation fault:
cl_event e = (cl_event)1;
This code
cl_event events0[4], events1[4];
does not initialize the events and if they are not initialized in the code below before calling clReleaseEvent() it can lead to segmentation fault.

How to check which CUDA error arises in which asynchronous CUDA call?

Suppose we have the following situation:
launch_kernel_a<<<n_blocks, n_threads>>>(...);
launch_kernel_b<<<n_blocks, n_threads>>>(...);
if(cudaGetLastError() != CudaSuccess)
// Handle error
My understanding is that in the above, execution errors occurring during the asynchronous execution of either kernel may be returned by cudaGetLastError(). In that case, how do I figure out which kernel caused the error to occur during runtime?
My understanding is that in the above, execution errors occurring during the asynchronous execution of either kernel may be returned by cudaGetLastError().
That is correct. The runtime API will return the last error which was encountered. It isn't possible to know from which call in a sequence of asynchronous API calls an error was generated.
In that case, how do I figure out which kernel caused the error to occur during runtime?
You can't. You would require some kind of additional API call between the two kernel launches to determine the error. The crudest would be a cudaDeviceSynchronize() call, although that would serialize the operations if they actually did overlap (although I see no stream usage so that is probably not happening here).
As noted in comments -- most kernel runtime errors will result in context destruction, so if you got an error from the first kernel, the second kernel will abort or refuse to run anyway and that is probably fatal to your whole application.

RocksDB cryptic error message

Does anyone understand what this RocksDB error refers to ?
/column_family.cc:275: rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData::~ColumnFamilyData():
Assertion `refs_ == 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
This is an assertion failure raised by RocksDB, and it intentionally terminates the execution of the program.
In general, assertions are used by programmers to ensure certain invariants in the program. Assertions have some runtime overhead, and therefore can be completely disabled. Often they are compiled into development or debug builds, but are omitted for production builds.
When an assertion fails, the program execution is intentionally aborted immediately by calling std::abort. This may lead to your OS writing a core dump (as it obviously did as the above message reveals), but if and where core dumps are written depends on the OS configuration.
In case of this specific assertion, the destructor of rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData raised the assertion because it requires its refs_ member to have a value of 0. refs_ is a reference counter and it makes sense to assert that no references are actually held when the object's destructor is called.
From just looking at the destructor code, it is unclear whether this is a bug in the RocksDB library itself, or an error caused by using it the wrong way, e.g. destroying column family objects when they are still in use by other objects.
For reference, here's the code part that raised the assertion (currently on line 365 in file rocksdb/db/column_family.cc):
ColumnFamilyData::~ColumnFamilyData() {
assert(refs_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0);
If the error persists, it may be useful if you provide the code that uses RocksDB here. Otherwise it may be impossible to find the error source.
The core dump may also provide useful information, because it contains the stack trace of the code that actually invoked the object's destructor.
I noticed that all column_family.cc errors (core_dumped, memory_order_relaxed and etc) occur after incorrect rocksdb installation. In my vagrant script i found true way.
instead of use
i create script
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git
cd rocksdb
git checkout tags/v4.1
PORTABLE=1 make shared_lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rocksdb
LD_LIBRARY_PATH add better to your environment path(.bash_rc or /etc/environment)
Assertion refs_ == 0 fails on ~ColumnFamilyData() means the reference count of a column family is not zero when the column family is deleted. Most likely you have some un-deleted column family handles before closing the DB. Note that all column family handles must be deleted before closing the DB. Otherwise the assertion will fail.
// Before delete DB, you have to close All column families by calling
// DestroyColumnFamilyHandle() with all the handles.
static Status Open(const DBOptions& db_options, const std::string& name,
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles, DB** dbptr);
To fix such assertion failure, making sure you delete all column family handles before closing the DB.

Qt DBus registerService function call returns false on an embedded Linux device

I’m new to DBus, but I’m trying to use it in two Qt applications on an embedded device. I have a very simple interface that consists of one slot:
QString SendMessage(const QString &cmd);
The server application is then using the following code to start the connection:
DbusService* dBus = new DbusService;
new interfaceIfAdaptor(dBus);
QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
bool ret = connection.registerService("com.domain.project.interface");
qDebug() << "returns" << ret;
ret = connection.registerObject("/", dBus);
qDebug() << "returns" << ret;
This works fine on the desktop. In the embedded system, the connection.registerService function returns false. As a result, any messages to the server fail. I’m not sure why. Running ‘ps’ tells me that [dbus-daemon —system] and [dbus-daemon —sesson] are both running.
Finally, I have noticed that Qt Creator complains when I debug the application. I see the following warning messages:
Could not load shared library symbols for 10 libraries, e.g. /opt/arm/lib/libQtDBus.so.4.
Use the “info sharedlibrary” command to see the complete listing.
Do you need “set solib-search-path” or “set sysroot”?
Could not load shared library symbols for /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.
Do you need “set solib-search-path” or “set sysroot”?
If additional information is required to debug this problem, please let me know. Or if there are useful dbus commands I could run to help figure this out. Thanks!
It turns out the session bus was not getting started on the device. I enabled it, but then I ran into the problem of the address not getting propagated to the environment variables. I can manually set it in a terminal, but I'm not sure how to do the same in Qt Creator.
Anyway, rather than spend more time figuring out the issues with the session bus, I switched to using the system bus. I just had to change the /etc/dbus-1/system.conf file to allow anyone to talk to the system bus and my applications work on the embedded device. I know that's probably not the long term solution, but it works for now.

QProcess::finished ( int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus ) :possible values of exitcode?

I am using QProcess to execute shell commands.
How can I determine that command is executed successfully ?
ExitStatus tells that process exited normally or crashed.
What are the possible values of exitcode ?
I am getting variant exitcode for different process.
Any exit code which fits into int is possible.
By convention, an exit code of 0 means "success" and anything else means "failure". This works for all operating systems I know, and there are additional conventions to give more details about errors in some cases. There is an overview at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_status
In practice you will find that almost all programs with a Unix heritage will correctly follow the convention of 0 for success, but some Windows programs will not. Due to the design differences between the two OS, exit codes tend to be used less correctly on Windows than on Unix.
