Task "concurrent:server" not found - gruntjs

I am trying to build a yeoman generator that uses the foundation-five gruntfile but the tasks are not found. Only the clean task is found.
Warning: Task "concurrent:server" not found. Use --force to continue
Related codes is here, how can I fix it?

I have run into similar issues when trying to 'reuse' a gruntfile.js. You may need to install the relevant grunt packages from npm - packages that grunt is relying upon, but have not actually been installed in your project. In this case, from your terminal, inside the project folder:
$ npm install grunt-concurrent

I was able to figure out how to apply the foundation 5 yeoman generator to my own. It took a little effort to figure out what files and other configurations were required. Apparently there is more to it than just trying to reuse a Gruntfile.js which does not surprise me since I am new to yeoman and grunt.
Here are some of the lines I added to my index.js
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// setup the test-framework property, Gruntfile template will need this
this.testFramework = options['test-framework'] || 'mocha';
// for hooks to resolve on mocha by default
options['test-framework'] = this.testFramework;
// resolved to mocha by default (could be switched to jasmine for instance)
this.hookFor('test-framework', { as: 'app' });
skipMessage: options['skip-install-message']
var webappDir = 'src/main/webapp/html/';
this.template('_Gruntfile.js', webappDir + 'Gruntfile.js');
this.template('_package.json', webappDir + 'package.json');
this.copy('bowerrc', webappDir + '.bowerrc');
this.copy('_bower.json', webappDir + 'bower.json');
this.copy('jshintrc', webappDir + '.jshintrc');
this.copy('editorconfig', webappDir + '.editorconfig');
this.mkdir(webappDir + 'uat');
this.copy('_dalekjs-tests.js', webappDir + 'uat/dalekjs-tests.js');
this.indexFile = this.readFileAsString(path.join(this.sourceRoot(), 'index.html'));
this.indexFile = this.engine(this.indexFile, this);
this.directory('app', webappDir + 'app', true);
this.write(webappDir + 'app/index.html', this.indexFile);
Hopefully this is useful for someone coming along and trying to merge Foundation 5 yeoman generator code with their own generator.

First install all necessary grunt modules from the same folder where you have Gruntfile.js:
npm install grunt-concurrent grunt-nodemon --save-dev
Second, load this modules by defining in Gruntfile.js
grunt.registerTask('default', [
Now you are ready to run the task:
Bellow you can see entire example of Gruntfile.js with watch, sass and nodemon that I have:
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
project: {
app: ['app'],
assets: ['assets'],
scss: ['<%= project.assets %>/sass/css'],
css: ['<%= project.assets %>/public/css']
sass: {
dev: {
options: {
style: 'expanded',
compass: false,
loadPath: 'bower_components'
files: {
'<%= project.css %>/style.css': '<%= project.scss %>/style.scss'
watch: {
sass: {
files: '<%= project.scss %>/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}',
tasks: ['sass:dev']
// watch our node server for changes
nodemon: {
dev: {
script: 'server.js'
// run watch and nodemon at the same time
concurrent: {
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
tasks: ['nodemon', 'watch']
grunt.registerTask('default', [


How to combine multiple watch tasks for different compass tasks in Grunt

We are having some problems finetuning our Grunt setup. Our current project setup is like this. We have a Themes folder, in that themes folder there are different themes that all hold their own SCSS files and other bits related to that theme.
Our grunt file is setup like this with around 15 themes (leaving out default Grunt setup and JSHint because in the end Grunt is working):
compass: {
options: {
theme1: {
src: ['App/Themes/theme1/scss/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compass'],
options: {
sassDir: 'App/Themes/theme1/scss',
cssDir: 'App/Themes/theme1'
theme2: {
src: ['App/Themes/theme2/scss/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['compass'],
options: {
sassDir: 'App/Themes/theme2/scss',
cssDir: 'App/Themes/theme2'
concurrent: {
watch: {
tasks: ['compass:theme1', 'compass:theme2', ..., 'compass:themeXX'],
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true,
spawn: false
grunt.registerTask('default', ['concurrent']);
The actual issue then is that when we start the default task also x watch threads are started. Which have a lot of overhead for the small watch task they have to do.
The solution I'm looking for is a way to setup a single watch task that can trigger the specific theme compass compile. Is there a way to do that? Or is the current setup the only way to do it? So no other option than to have x watch tasks?
First, scaffold a watch task in your config object that watches files but doesn't execute any tasks. Using the glob pattern, tell the watcher to spy on all .scss files within the themes directory:
compress: {}, //your existing compress object goes here
watch: {
themes: {
files: ['App/Themes/**/*.scss'],
tasks: []
Next, you're going to add a grunt.event listener to your gruntfile. The listener event will expose the file changed (example: App/Themes/theme1/scss/foobar.scss). With that, you can now determine which compress target (theme1) to run:
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) {
if (target === 'themes') {
var theme = filepath.split("/");
grunt.task.run('compress.' + theme[2]); //tells grunt to run "compress.theme1" based on this example

Grunt kill watch session & use variables in grunt file names

I am using grunt-contrib-watch and this sublime package sublime-grunt.
I am using the sublime-grunt package to start a watch session and livereload with the Chrome extension. Everything works great however once a 'watch' session is started what is the command to stop/kill/cancel a watch. I tried using a command in the sublime-grunt package called 'Grunt Kill Running Processes' and it tells me something has been canceled but if I change my style.scss file and save it, it compiles and updates are made to my html page, so 'watch' is still in effect. Right now I have to close down Sublime Text to kill the 'watch' session.
I am trying to use a variable for a path to my theme root directory but when I try to concat the variable with a string I received this error. What type of syntax should I use, do I need to create a variable in the package.json file?
var theme_path = 'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/';
// Sass plugin
sass: {
dist: {
files: {
theme_path + 'style.css': theme_path + 'sass/style.scss',
// Error
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> SyntaxError: C:\wamp\www\grunt\Gruntfile.js:31
>> theme_path + 'style.css': 'wp-content/th
>> ^
>> Unexpected token +
Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.
Here is my Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Theme Directory Path
var theme_path = 'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/';
// Configure main project settings
// Basic settings and info about our plugins
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// Watch Plugin
watch: {
sass: {
files: 'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/sass/*.scss',
tasks: ['sass','postcss','uglify'],
options: {
livereload: true,
// Sass plugin
sass: {
dist: {
files: {
'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/style.css': 'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/sass/style.scss',
// Postcss plugin
postcss: {
options: {
map: true, // inline sourcemaps
// or
map: {
inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files...
processors: [
require('pixrem')(), // add fallbacks for rem units
require('autoprefixer')({browsers: 'last 2 versions'}), // add vendor prefixes
require('cssnano')() // minify the result
dist: {
src: 'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/style.css'
// Minify JS Uglify
uglify: {
dist: {
files: {
'wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/js/functions.min.js': ['wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/js/functions.js']
// Load the plugin
// Run plugin
grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch'] );
I think that tasks options can't have variable assigned, i don't have any source at the moment but i can suggest another way to do it:
you can use task params:
watch: {
sass: {
files: '<%= grunt.task.current.args[0] %>/sass/*.scss',
tasks: ['sass:<%= grunt.task.current.args[0] %>','postcss','uglify'],
options: {
livereload: true,
sass: {
dist: {
files: {
'<%= grunt.task.current.args[0] %>/style.css': '<%= grunt.task.current.args[0] %>/sass/style.scss',
and than
grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch:'+theme_path] );
This is a problem that i have already meet to make dynamic watch tasks

Set up grunt to build Jekyll site, serve & livereload

I have a simple Jekyll site, and am using grunt to compile LESS files.
I want to build in the ability to continue compiling .less files, building the jekyll site & serving it locally. I also have a task to watch and copy compiled css files into the jekyll _site folder.
However the Grunftile I have at the moment isn't quite working:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// compile set less files
less: {
development: {
options: {
paths: ["assets/less"],
yuicompress: true,
compress: true
files: {
"assets/css/site.css": ["assets/less/*.less", "!assets/less/_*.less"]
// watch changes to less files
watch: {
styles: {
files: ["less/**/*"],
tasks: ["less", "copy:css"]
options: {
livereload: true,
spawn: false,
// copy compiled css to _site
copy: {
css : {
files: {
cwd: './assets/css/',
src: 'site.css',
dest: './_site/assets/css',
expand: true
// run jekyll command
shell: {
jekyll: {
options: {
stdout: true
command: 'jekyll build'
// jekyll build
jekyll: {
files: [
'*.html', '*.yml', 'assets/js/**.js',
'_posts/**', '_includes/**'
tasks: 'shell:jekyll',
options: {
livereload: true
exec: {
server: {
command: 'jekyll serve -w'
concurrent: {
options: { logConcurrentOutput: true },
server: {
tasks: ['watch', 'exec:server']
// Load tasks so we can use them
// the default task will show the usage
grunt.registerTask("default", "Prints usage", function () {
grunt.log.writeln("Using Base");
grunt.log.writeln("* run 'grunt --help' to get an overview of all commands.");
grunt.log.writeln("* run 'grunt dev' to start watching and compiling LESS changes.");
grunt.registerTask("dev", ["less:development", "watch:styles", "copy:css", "shell:jekyll", "concurrent:server"]);
It's probably better to have Grunt also building Jekyll, using grunt-jekyll https://github.com/dannygarcia/grunt-jekyll. I suspect you're having issues with Jekyll cleaning the output directory after your copy task has placed your compiled LESS output there, so it's important your tasks are run in the correct sequence.
There's an excellent Yeoman generator with a complete Jekyll / Grunt workflow that's also worth checking out; https://github.com/robwierzbowski/generator-jekyllrb and if you don't want to use Yeoman then you will at least find some helpful pointers in the Gruntfile https://github.com/robwierzbowski/generator-jekyllrb/blob/master/app/templates/Gruntfile.js

How to use grunt-forever and grunt-watch together

I have both files: app.js which starts the http server, and main.js which is compiled by browserify and used in html as
So I have a Grunt configured with forever, browserify and watch.
I want that on app.js chance, the http must be restarted (via forever:restart), and when main.js changes, the build must be browserified (via browserify)
so, when i run grunt, says forever:start does not exist, any help ?
$ grunt
Warning: Task "forever:server1:start" not found. Use --force to continue.
this is my gruntfile:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
browserify: {
dist: {
files: {
'examples/public/js/module.js': ['examples/main.js']
forever: {
server1: {
options: {
index: 'examples/app.js',
logDir: 'examples/logs'
watch: {
app: {
files: ['examples/*.js', 'examples/templates/*' ],
tasks: ['forever:server1:start']
web: {
files: ['examples/*.js', 'examples/templates/*' ],
tasks: ['browserify']
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['browserify', 'forever:server1:start']);
grunt.registerTask('restart', ['browserify', 'forever:server1:restart']);
The task isn't found because you're missing grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-forever'). You might also find more success using something like nodemon instead of grunt.

grunt - doesn't give any output

I have installed grunt-cli,grunt(local),grunt-init. Below is the simple grunt file to minify javascript files in source folder.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
min: {
dev: {
src: 'calculator/*.js',
dest: 'calculator.min.js'
when I run grunt, it does nothing, nor it gives any message out. nor does grunt --help or grunt --version..none of them seem to say anything. but if I dont' have grunt.js file it does complain about the grunt file not existing and help gives the details..
What you need to do is add a task that then calls min. To get it to run by just using grunt you must call this task default.
If you call it anything else (e.g. development, you must run grunt development)
You also need to make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed with npm. So min you probably want to minify JS with the gruntjs uglify module.
From the docs:
Install this plugin with this command:
npm install
grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed,
it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
For example, here are some snippets from one of my Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks
// configurable paths
var yeomanConfig = {
app: 'resources',
dist: 'dist'
yeoman: yeomanConfig,
uglify: {
dist: {
files: {
'<%= yeoman.dist %>/js/scripts.js': [
'<%= yeoman.app %>/js/lib/*.js'
'<%= yeoman.dist %>/js/output.js': [
'<%= yeoman.app %>/js/*.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', [
// 'jshint',
// 'test',
The above sets up an uglify task and then the grunt.registerTask('default'.. part calls uglify when I run grunt.
The above was generated and used as part of the yeoman workflow.
