QR code tracking in Google Analytics - google-analytics

I would like to track visitors sent to a website from different QR-codes. The QR-codes are unfortunately not created with google url builder. The problem, as I understand it, is that these visitors will only show as direct traffic to the different pages to where the Qr-codes points. Is there any good way to segment this traffic from other direct traffic to the same pages?

You will either need to:
Create a unique (sub) domain like qr.example.com/whatever
Create a unique get request like example.com/whatever?from=qr
Assume that everyone visiting your site from a mobile, with no referrer header set scanned your QR.
That's about all you can do.


Redirect with custom link to an external source and track the redirect

I want to share links like www.domain.com/twitter/headline where twitter/headline represents the link I put in my twitter headline. Then I use something like nginx to configure what would happen. I want to redirect the source to an external page like a profile and I want to track how many people clicked the link with something like bitly or google analytics or does anyone know an elegant solution for my use case?
Problems with bitly
1. You can not have two links for the same destination. So let's pretend I have domain.com/twitter/a and domain.com/twitter/b and both redirect to two bitly links that forward to my linkedin profile. This does not work.
Problems with Google Analytics
1. ga is not made to track redirects. it can track where the traffic comes from but since I forward to external sources like linkedin I cannot put a ga code on my linkedin profile to do it.
I am not sure to understsand the entire flow.
You can use a service like anytrack.io.
it will track the incoming traffic landing on your page (very much like GA does), and
track the outbound clicks to wherever you send the visitors.
Then it will tie the events to your GA account.
Not sure if that's what you wanted to do...

Filtering out ghost traffic from Google Analytics

Recently I've been experiencing a large amount of (what I think is) ghost traffic.
I need help in creating a filter to exclude this traffic from my Google Analytics.
URL's are showing up that have other websites appended to them.
Almost all articles I've read mention including only relevant hostnames but this doesn't seem to apply to my situation.
Here you can see the URL's with other random website addresses.(overworlf.com/evite.com/shmoop.com and many others)
Here is a screenshot of the hostnames none of them are out of the ordinary. I suspect this ghost traffic is using my main domain looking at the huge amount of users.
Posted the same question at stackexchange, someone there was able to help me
"Almost all the analytics spammers insert data into your stats by pinging the GA tracker directly with fake data. They never visit your site and they usually just guess at the tracking id without knowing website host name associated with it. They won't send a host name, so it wouldn't appear in that report. See How to fight off Google Analytics referrer spammers?
That appears not be the case here. In this case these appear to be actual hits to your website. I tried one of those "top active pages" and it gives a 404 error. It looks like your 404 template has the GA tricking snippet installed on it. I don't think that is best practice. You could try taking the snippet off your 404 page. Then if you did get actual hits to such URLs, GA wouldn't count them as pages."
This can happen when there are search and replace or advanced filters. Are there filters on your view that alter the Request URI?
Typically, tracking 404 pages is best practice (referring to your other post).
I don't believe that removing the tracking from that page will help anyway. Like the other poster mentioned, these hits are sent from bots most of the time and they never actually land on your site. The hit is sent directly to your property with an http call. It bypasses the site completely, so whether there is a 404 page or not, the hit will show up in GA.
Adding an exclusion filter to exclude traffic with a page path (not hostname) ending in ".com"

Ban a URL from showing up in Google Analytics

There is a website that doesn't seem legitimate that and keeps showing all of these page views in my google analytics. Is there a way to ban certain URLs from being processed in google analytics?
You can make an IP address not show up by adding it to a filter.
Please look at http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55481, even though it talks about excluding internal addresses, it should work well as a guide how to do it with the "difficult" site too.
Edit: To filter on referrals you need to create a custom filter.
See http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=55492 for a guide.
http://support.google.com/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&topic=1034830&answer=1034842 talks specifically about excluding referrers.
Note that the filters will only act on future data, the referrals that are already collected will still show up.

how can I know where users come from if they are coming from another website of mine?

I have two websites, website A and website B, the website A is a hotsite that is linked to website B, where the sales happen.
We need to know how the user got the website A and turned into a customer in website B(it means he bought something), so we can mesure the good sources to invest.
as the developer, I have access to these two websites source-code and can implement any google-analytic tag on them.
Web browsers generally send a referrer header, which contains the URL of the page which linked to the current page.
You can access this in the HTTP requests made to site B, and track sessions differently when the first page load is referred by site A. You can also access a document.referrer property in JavaScript, and use it to manipulate your analytics.
The correct way to implement this in Google Analytics is to configure the trackers so that they work cross-domain.
This will allow you to see all the information about where the converting visits originally came from and their path to purchase.
If you don’t use cross-domain tracking or you have it improperly configured, you’ll end up with meaningless data that shows self-referrers in the visit reports and a lack of proper attribution towards your conversion points.  As a visitor moves from your primary domain to the other, they will start a brand new session in Google Analytics.
If a visitor clicks an ad or performs and organic search and ends up viewing a page on the www.3rdpartycheckout.com after viewing pages on www.primarydomain.com, you lose ALL data about how that user arrived and the complete picture of what they did.  If they end up converting, you will only know that they came from www.primarydomain.com (which is not helpful at all).
Have the landing page on website B look at the referrer tag and if its website A then use a separate Google Analytics instance on website B for all sessions that were sourced from website A.

Can I use the same Google Analytics tag for a blog subdomain of my site as the main site?

I have my site.com and blog.mysite.com on a different IP address. Can I use the same Google analytics ID for both sites? Does Google analytics look at what IP address the recorded visitor information is from? If it doesn't, what prevents random sites from including your Google analytics tag and sending random data to your account?
You have to modify your script tag a little. Google's FAQs cover this:
You can run any UA-XXXXX-YY on any website (any domain name, on any IP), it will end in your profile stats.
Yes, your stats could get completely messed up if some site would put your UA id on its site.
To prevent this, you can setup an include filter on your GA profiles, and Include only your domain names by using a regep like this "www.domain1.com|www.domain2.com|www.domain2.com" on the hostname field.
Be careful, the Include filter is exclusive (If you have 3 Include filters on the field hostname, only the first one will be applied).
The alternative is to create an advanced segment based on the hostname, you'll get mostly the same result but could be exposed to data sampling effects if you have a large audience. But it allows a quick fix afterwards, while filters need to be set before you get into trouble.
Sure. you can use the same for both. You will be able to segment traffic by domain name.
