Async call generates " Error: Can't wait without a "fiber", even with _wrapAsync - meteor

I've been having a problem using an RSS parser in meteor. It's an async call, so it needs ot be wrapped, however it still doesn't seem to work. I presume this is because the anonymous on('readable' function is outside the fiber, but I can't see how to resolve it.
var FeedParser = Meteor.require('feedparser');
var request = Meteor.require('request');
function getBlog(url, parameter, id){
.on('error', function (error) {
.pipe(new FeedParser())
.on('error', function (error) {
.on('readable', function () {
var stream = this,
while (item = {
var wrappedGetBlog = Meteor._wrapAsync(getBlog);
blog: function (url, parameter, id) {
console.log('parsing blog');
var items = wrappedGetBlog(url, parameter, id);

Meteor._wrapAsync() expects the wrapped function to return error and result to a callback. Your function, getBlog(), does not do that so _wrapAsync is not the right approach.
I have wrapped that function before but used a Future.
That approach allowed me to call feedparser from a Meteor.method(), which doesn't allow async functions, but you are also trying to do an insert inside the readable event. I think that insert will complain if it is not in a fiber. Maybe like this would also be necessary:
var r = request( parameter );
r.on( 'response' , function(){
var fp = r.pipe( new FeedParser() ); //need feedparser object as variable to pass to bindEnvironment
fp.on('readable', Meteor.bindEnvironment(
function () {
var stream = this,
while (item = {
, function( error ){ console.log( error );}
, fp // variable applied as `this` inside call of first function
Fibers is another option...
var Fiber = Npm.require( "fibers" );
.on('readable', function () {
var stream = this,
while (item = {
Fiber( function(){


How to get object by id in the JSON format using angularfire2?

I am looking for simply fetching an object as a JSON, not as an observable.
So far I could:
fbGetCarById(car_id: string){
var car_json;
var car_obs: FirebaseObjectObservable<any>;
car_obs = this.db.object('/cars/'+car_id, { preserveSnapshot: true });
car_obs.subscribe(snapshot => {
car_json = snapshot.val();
return car_json;
However, .subscribe is an async function which does not return the snapshot linearly, so everything ends a mess =/.
How can I simply look for an object and have a simple JSON object as a response?
You could return a Promise.
fbGetCarById(car_id: string):Promise<string>{
const promise = new Promise<string>((resolve,reject)=>{
var car_obs: FirebaseObjectObservable<any>;
car_obs = this.db.object('/cars/'+car_id, { preserveSnapshot: true });
car_obs.subscribe(snapshot => {
return promise;

How do i change "this" object

I know the rule that this object cant be changed but need an alternative method .
var that= this
console.log("inside axios ",data)
items : data,
var curGroupId = that.props.cartReducer.val;
var items = that.state.items ;
var curItems= [];
for(var i in items){
curItems : curItems
I want to update the state in this object which is not accessible inside the then function and therefore i have stored this object in that before the function but i want to apply changes in the this object.
You can try using an arrow function, that way you will have access to this inside the inner functions.
.then((data) => {
console.log("inside axios ",data)
this.setState({ // <---- references to the parent scope
items : data,
var curGroupId = that.props.cartReducer.val;
var items = that.state.items ;
var curItems= [];
for(var i in items){
this.setState({ // this too ;)
curItems : curItems
}).catch((err) => {
An arrow function will use the same scope as the parent function, pretty handy for these situations.
One more thing, I don't recommend calling setState multiple times. You should call it only once at the end of the callback, when all your data is ready to use.

How to show documents from multiple remote publication in the template?

I wish to use Meteor to subscribe a few remote publication via DDP. Then show the documents in one template. Here is what I did:
Posts = {};
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000"},
{server: "localhost:5000"}
var startup = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection});
This file is at client folder. Every startup, in this example, at browser I have two client collections Posts["localhost:4000"] and Posts["localhost:5000"], both are same schema. I know this format (Collection[server]) is ugly, please tell me if there is a better way.
Is there a way to show these client collections in the same template with reactive. Like this:
Template.registerHelper("posts", function () {
return Posts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
I think Connected Client is a big part of the Meteor. There should be a best practice to solve this problem, right?
Connect to multiple servers via DDP, then observe their collections reactive via cursor.observeChanges.
Posts = {};
PostsHandle = {};
// LocalPosts is a local collection lived at browser.
LocalPosts = new Mongo.Collection(null); // null means local
// userId is generated by another Meteor app.
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000", userId: [
{server: "localhost:5000", userId: [
var connect = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
console.log("connect:", list.server, list.userId);
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection}); // 'posts' should be same with remote collection name.
PostsHandle[`${list.server}`] = connection.subscribe("posts", list.userId);
var observe = function () {
_.each(PostsHandle, function (handle, server) {
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (handle.ready()) {
console.log(server, handle.ready());
// learn from
// thank you cursor.observeChanges
var cursor = Posts[server].find();
var cursorHandle = cursor.observeChanges({
added: function (id, post) {
console.log("added:", id, post);
piece._id = id; // sync post's _id
removed: function (id) {
console.log("removed:", id);
Template.posts.onCreated(function () {
connect(); // template level subscriptions
posts: function () {
return LocalPosts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}); // sort reactive

How can I get the name of the currently executing Meteor method?

Can I get the name of the currently executing Meteor method (from within
same)? This would be handy for logging.
I inspected this inside a Meteor method. It is an instance of MethodInvocation, and doesn't appear to have anything useful for figuring out the method name.
Seems like it would be easy enough to add the method name to MethodInvocation and callers, but I'm not sure if the maintainers would accept a patch that added a name field to every MethodInvocation instance.
Crossposted here.
It's not ideal, but here's how you could monkey-patch Meteor.methods to get this functionality, like stubailo suggests:
var currentMethod = new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable();
function log(message) {
var method = currentMethod.get();
if (method) {
console.log(method + ": " + message);
} else {
var oldMeteorMethods = Meteor.methods;
Meteor.methods = function (object) {
var methods = {};
_.each(object, function (func, name) {
methods[name] = function () {
var self = this;
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
return currentMethod.withValue(name, function() {
return func.apply(self, args);
example: function (arg1, arg2) {
return doSomethingElse(arg1) + arg2;
function doSomethingElse(x) {
log("doSomethingElse called with " + x);
return x * 2;
//"example", 5, 6) logs:
// "example: hello"
// "example: doSomethingElse called with 5"
If you prefer not to monkey-patch:
defineMethods = function (object) {
var methods = {};
_.each(object, function (func, name) {
methods[name] = function () {
var self = this;
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
return currentMethod.withValue(name, function() {
return func.apply(self, args);
example: function (arg1, arg2) {
return doSomethingElse(arg1) + arg2;
It's easy with Meteor 1.10.1
You can just use
new ValidatedMethod({
name: "pod.create",
validate: new SimpleSchema({
stuff: {
type: String,
run(pData) {
console.log("methodname:" +;
outputs :
I20210126-08:35:30.120(0)? methodname:pod.create
I've reworked a little bit #user337's answer. Now you can use #name inside method function.
Add this to server code (coffeescript):
currentMethod = new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable()
oldMeteorMethods = Meteor.methods
Meteor.methods = (object) ->
methods = {}
_.each object, (func, name) ->
methods[name] = ->
args = _.toArray(arguments) = name
currentMethod.withValue name, =>
func.apply this, args
oldMeteorMethods methods
Just my two cents, for a fully working monkey patched version (without underscore).
Inside method function you can use this.currentMethodName now.
Meteor.methods = (object) => {
let methods = {};
let keys = Object.keys(object)
keys.forEach(key => {
methods[key] = function () {
let self = this;
let args = [...arguments];
self.currentMethodName = key
return object[key].apply(self, args);

Scope data seem empty after putting json in it

I'm trying to get some data from an API in the variable $scope.proposition with the following code
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('propositionCtrl',['$scope', 'propositionRepository',
function ($scope, propositionRepository) {
// $scope.proposition = { marge_propose: 3 };
function getProposition() {
propositionRepository.getProposition(function (result) {
$scope.proposition = result;
console.log("we put the json in the scope variable");
$scope.proposition = {marge_propose : 3};
app.factory('propositionRepository', function ($http) {
return {
getProposition: function (callback) {
console.log("we call the api");
With the following view
ViewBag.Title = "Edit";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<div ng-controller="propositionCtrl">
<p>{{ proposition.marge_propose}}</p>
It does not work, but when I uncomment the $scope.proposition = { marge_propose: 3 }; everything works just fine.
That's why I assume that it is my getProposition that encounters some problems.
I don't know what it is because firebug actually tells me that the data are well received from the api with the following result
Can someone explain me please where the problem is?
Thanks a lot!
The console log displays "we call the api" but not "we put the json in the scope variable"
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('propositionCtrl',['$scope', 'propositionRepository',
function ($scope, propositionRepository) {
// $scope.proposition = { marge_propose: 3 };
function getProposition() {
propositionRepository.getProposition(function (result) {
console.log("we put the json in the scope variable");
$scope.proposition = result;
$scope.proposition = {marge_propose : 3};
app.factory('propositionRepository', function ($http) {
return {
getProposition: function (callback) {
console.log("we call the api");
This code works...
The thing is that I didn't know that $http.get returns a promise, so I forgot to add the .success(callback) in the line
Now everthing works.
Thanks for the hint MohammedAbbas
You could try to set the extra data as real JSON, eg:
$scope.proposition = { "marge_propose": "3" };
maybe try to console.log in your propositionRepository to view the result you're getting, place a console.log in the getProposition() as well to check if everything is passing trough fine
here's a working fiddle:
bottomline: you don't call the callback, so when you do
it should work
