HTTP GET too big for buffer - http

Hello. I am using this example from cooking hacks to make a HTTP GET call to my server.(bottom of the page)
My end goal would be to get one word from a php page to my Arduino Uno.
But I am running in to problems because my Arduino has a limited buffer and the header size is bigger than its buffer.
My header size is 363
And my download size is 12
The max size is 64
Because of this my code is not working. I want to only get the 12 but don't know how to do this I hope someone can help me point me in the right direction.
* Description: This example shows how to do a GET method. So the buffer of
* is limited, we recommend to use the GET method with short answer for the
* requested webs.
* This example shows the AT commands (and the answers of the module) used
* to work with HTTP. For more information about the AT commands,
* refer to the AT command manual.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Version 0.2
* Author: Alejandro Gallego
int8_t answer;
int onModulePin = 2, aux;
int data_size = 0;
int end_file = 0;
char aux_str[100];
char data[250];
int x = 0;
long previous;
char url[ ]="";
int port= 80;
char request[ ]="GET /misc/twittertest5/get_tweet.php HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n";
void setup(){
pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT);
// sets the PIN code
sendATcommand("AT+CPIN=0000", "OK", 2000);
while( (sendATcommand("AT+CREG?", "+CREG: 0,1", 500) ||
sendATcommand("AT+CREG?", "+CREG: 0,5", 500)) == 0 );
// sets APN, user name and password
sendATcommand("AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,\"IP\",\"prepaidinternet\"", "OK", 2000);
sendATcommand("AT+CSOCKAUTH=1,1,\"\",\"\"", "OK", 2000);
void loop(){
// request the url
sprintf(aux_str, "AT+CHTTPACT=\"%s\",%d", url, port);
answer = sendATcommand(aux_str, "+CHTTPACT: REQUEST", 60000);
if (answer == 1)
//Serial.println("Content-Length: 0");
// Sends <Ctrl+Z>
aux_str[0] = 0x1A;
aux_str[1] = 0x00;
answer = sendATcommand(aux_str, "+CHTTPACT: DATA,", 60000);
if (answer == 1)
data_size = 0;
aux =;
data_size *= 10;
data_size += (aux-0x30);
aux =;
while(aux != 0x0D);
Serial.print("Data received: ");
if (data_size > 0)
while(Serial.available() < data_size);;
for (int y = 0; y < data_size; y++)
data[x] =;
data[x] = '\0';
Serial.println("Download finished");
Serial.println("Error getting the url");
data_size = 0;
answer = sendATcommand2("", "+CHTTPACT: DATA,", "+CHTTPACT:0", 20000);
}while (answer != 1);
if (answer == 2)
Serial.print("Data received hallo:");
Serial.println("Error getting data");
Serial.println("Error waiting the request");
void power_on(){
uint8_t answer=0;
// checks if the module is started
answer = sendATcommand("AT", "OK", 2000);
if (answer == 0)
// power on pulse
// waits for an answer from the module
while(answer == 0){
// Send AT every two seconds and wait for the answer
answer = sendATcommand("AT", "OK", 2000);
int8_t sendATcommand(char* ATcommand, char* expected_answer1,
unsigned int timeout)
uint8_t x=0, answer=0;
char response[100];
unsigned long previous;
memset(response, '\0', 100); // Initialize the string
while( Serial.available() > 0); // Clean the input buffer
Serial.println(ATcommand); // Send the AT command
x = 0;
previous = millis();
// this loop waits for the answer
if(Serial.available() != 0){
response[x] =;
// check if the desired answer is in the response of the module
if (strstr(response, expected_answer1) != NULL)
answer = 1;
// Waits for the asnwer with time out
while((answer == 0) && ((millis() - previous) < timeout));
return answer;
int8_t sendATcommand2(char* ATcommand, char* expected_answer1,
char* expected_answer2, unsigned int timeout)
uint8_t x=0, answer=0;
char response[100];
unsigned long previous;
memset(response, '\0', 100); // Initialize the string
while( Serial.available() > 0); // Clean the input buffer
Serial.println(ATcommand); // Send the AT command
x = 0;
previous = millis();
// this loop waits for the answer
if(Serial.available() != 0){
response[x] =;
// check if the desired answer is in the response of the module
if (strstr(response, expected_answer1) != NULL)
answer = 1;
// check if the desired answer is in the response of the module
if (strstr(response, expected_answer2) != NULL)
answer = 2;
// Waits for the asnwer with time out
while((answer == 0) && ((millis() - previous) < timeout));
return answer;
It now returns
GET /misc/twittertest5/get_tweet.php HTTP/1.1
Data received: 524
It gets stuck at
if (data_size > 0)
while(Serial.available() < data_size);;

I have several ideas you can try...
1) Process your incoming data one line at a time, don't buffer it all up to process.
2) Add some special characters to your web server response, toss all the data until you see that character or sequence. Say add a # symbol in front of the data you want, as bytes come in only buffer up those after the #.
3) use a circular buffer and let it overwrite till all the data is received, leaving you the last X bytes in the buffer, process by working backwards from the buffer tail.
Number 1 is the best answer, number 2 is the easiest.


Can't read packets from Cygbot LIDAR properly

I'm trying to get an MCU to read data from a LIDAR via UART, but for some reason the checksum isn't correct. I'm using an ESP32-WROOM dev chip (using Arduino) and a Cygbot D1 LIDAR with this datasheet. I am able to read the 2D data packets, but not the 3D data packets, which are much longer.
After receiving a packet, I use a sequence of calls to read in data, byte by byte. The packet header, packet length bytes, and payload header are read correctly. The payload is 14,401 bytes long.
When I finish reading the data, the checksum doesn't match, and there are ~300 bytes left in the Serial buffer. After a lot of debugging I'm stuck and would appreciate any pointers or ideas for how to get un-stuck.
The relevant portions of my code:
bool readPacket() {
* Call when we're expecting a packet. The top of the buffer
* must be the correct packet header.
if (Serial2.available()) {
//Check the header, return false if it's wrong
if (not checkHeader()) {
return false;
//Next 2 bytes are the packet length
byte b0 =;
byte b1 =;
unsigned int payloadLen = combineBytesIntoInt(b0, b1);
//Read in the data based on the payload header.
byte payloadHeader =;
byte sum = b0 ^ b1 ^ payloadHeader; //Start computing checksum
if (payloadHeader == 0x08) {
sum ^= parse3D();
byte packetChecksum =;
if (packetChecksum != sum) {
Serial.println("Checksum error");
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
byte parse3D() {
* Parse a 3D dataset, reading directly from the serial.
* Reading in batches of 3 due to the way data is formatted in the packet.
* Returns checksum.
byte checksum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N_MEASURES_3D; i+=2) {
int msb0 = -1;
//If data hasn't been sent, will return -1. Wait until we receive valid data before proceeding.
while (msb0 < 0) {
msb0 =;
int split = -1;
while (split < 0) {
split =;
int lsb1 = -1;
while (lsb1 < 0) {
lsb1 =;
checksum ^= byte(msb0) ^ byte(split) ^ byte(lsb1);
return checksum
void loop() {
//When the button is clicked, send a packet.
if (buttonState == 1) {
ct += 1;
if (ct % 2 == 0) {
Serial.println("Write packet: start 3d");
bool readSuccess = readPacket();
if (readSuccess) {
//This code just updates the button
if ((digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == 1) and (millis() - lastTime > BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_TIME)) {
lastTime = millis();
buttonState = 1;
} else {
buttonState = 0;
All the reads in your code here:
byte b0 =;
byte b1 =;
unsigned int payloadLen = combineBytesIntoInt(b0, b1);
//Read in the data based on the payload header.
byte payloadHeader =;
and here
byte packetChecksum =;
and possibly in checkHeader() (which you didn't provide), should be safe-guarded against buffer under-run, ie., reading bytes when none are available.
You could add
while (!Serial.available());
before each read().

What is proper way to read and delete message from SIM900?

I would like to wait in loop for sms message arrival on my SIM900 and when message is detected , read that message and delete it from the system.
What's bothering me is what if another message comes while I am working on this one (Unsolicited message info).
What is proper algorithm to handle sms reading and deletion?
This is how I do similar task
At start delete all sms from sim memory
Enable new message alerts using AT+CNMI command
Use Interrupt based serial communication and make use of a ring buffer to store all in-coming data
Whenever you will get a new message the modem will send an alert to the controller.
parse the alert message to know the location of sms
After reading the SMS delete the sms
Below is another approach.
* Description: This example shows hot to read a SMS from SIM memory.
* This example only shows the AT commands (and the answers of the module) used
* to read the SMS For more information about the AT commands, refer to the AT
* command manual.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Version 0.2
* Author: Alejandro Gallego
int8_t answer;
int x;
int onModulePin= 2;
char SMS[200];
void setup(){
pinMode(onModulePin, OUTPUT);
// sets the PIN code
sendATcommand("AT+CPIN=****", "OK", 2000);
Serial.println("Setting SMS mode...");
sendATcommand("AT+CMGF=1", "OK", 1000); // sets the SMS mode to text
sendATcommand("AT+CPMS=\"SM\",\"SM\",\"SM\"", "OK", 1000); // selects the memory
answer = sendATcommand("AT+CMGR=1", "+CMGR:", 2000); // reads the first SMS
if (answer == 1)
answer = 0;
while(Serial.available() == 0);
// this loop reads the data of the SMS
// if there are data in the UART input buffer, reads it and checks for the asnwer
if(Serial.available() > 0){
SMS[x] =;
// check if the desired answer (OK) is in the response of the module
if (strstr(SMS, "OK") != NULL)
answer = 1;
}while(answer == 0); // Waits for the asnwer with time out
SMS[x] = '\0';
Serial.print("error ");
Serial.println(answer, DEC);
void loop(){
void power_on(){
uint8_t answer=0;
// checks if the module is started
answer = sendATcommand("AT", "OK", 2000);
if (answer == 0)
// power on pulse
// waits for an answer from the module
while(answer == 0){ // Send AT every two seconds and wait for the answer
answer = sendATcommand("AT", "OK", 2000);
int8_t sendATcommand(char* ATcommand, char* expected_answer, unsigned int timeout){
uint8_t x=0, answer=0;
char response[100];
unsigned long previous;
memset(response, '\0', 100); // Initialice the string
while( Serial.available() > 0); // Clean the input buffer
Serial.println(ATcommand); // Send the AT command
x = 0;
previous = millis();
// this loop waits for the answer
// if there are data in the UART input buffer, reads it and checks for the asnwer
if(Serial.available() != 0){
response[x] =;
// check if the desired answer is in the response of the module
if (strstr(response, expected_answer) != NULL)
answer = 1;
// Waits for the asnwer with time out
}while((answer == 0) && ((millis() - previous) < timeout));
return answer;

Arduino Code not executing after Wire.endTransmission line

I am working on a project, syncing Nintendo Nunchuk with Arduino. I found a code online for the same from
Here, is the code
#include <Wire.h>;
void setup(){
Serial.print("Nunchuck ready\n");
void loop(){
//Do not modify!!!!!!!!
// Nunchuck functions
static uint8_t nunchuck_buf[6]; // array to store nunchuck data,
// Uses port C (analog in) pins as power & ground for Nunchuck
static void nunchuck_setpowerpins()
#define pwrpin PORTC3
#define gndpin PORTC2
DDRC |= _BV(pwrpin) | _BV(gndpin);
PORTC &=~ _BV(gndpin);
PORTC |= _BV(pwrpin);
delay(100); // wait for things to stabilize
// initialize the I2C system, join the I2C bus,
// and tell the nunchuck we're talking to it
void nunchuck_init()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus as master
Wire.beginTransmission(0x52); // transmit to device 0x52
Wire.send(0x40); // sends memory address
Wire.send(0x00); // sends sent a zero.
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// Send a request for data to the nunchuck
// was "send_zero()"
void nunchuck_send_request()
Wire.beginTransmission(0x52); // transmit to device 0x52
Wire.send(0x00); // sends one byte
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// Receive data back from the nunchuck,
// returns 1 on successful read. returns 0 on failure
int nunchuck_get_data()
int cnt=0;
Wire.requestFrom (0x52, 6); // request data from nunchuck
while (Wire.available ()) {
// receive byte as an integer
nunchuck_buf[cnt] = nunchuk_decode_byte(Wire.receive());
nunchuck_send_request(); // send request for next data payload
// If we recieved the 6 bytes, then go print them
if (cnt >= 5) {
return 1; // success
return 0; //failure
// Print the input data we have recieved
// accel data is 10 bits long
// so we read 8 bits, then we have to add
// on the last 2 bits. That is why I
// multiply them by 2 * 2
void nunchuck_print_data()
static int i=0;
int joy_x_axis = nunchuck_buf[0];
int joy_y_axis = nunchuck_buf[1];
int accel_x_axis = nunchuck_buf[2]; // * 2 * 2;
int accel_y_axis = nunchuck_buf[3]; // * 2 * 2;
int accel_z_axis = nunchuck_buf[4]; // * 2 * 2;
int z_button = 0;
int c_button = 0;
// byte nunchuck_buf[5] contains bits for z and c buttons
// it also contains the least significant bits for the accelerometer data
// so we have to check each bit of byte outbuf[5]
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 0) & 1)
z_button = 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 1) & 1)
c_button = 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 2) & 1)
accel_x_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 3) & 1)
accel_x_axis += 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 4) & 1)
accel_y_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 5) & 1)
accel_y_axis += 1;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 6) & 1)
accel_z_axis += 2;
if ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 7) & 1)
accel_z_axis += 1;
Serial.print(joy_y_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(" \t");
Serial.print(accel_x_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(accel_y_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(accel_z_axis, DEC);
Serial.print(z_button, DEC);
Serial.print(c_button, DEC);
Serial.print("\r\n"); // newline
// Encode data to format that most wiimote drivers except
// only needed if you use one of the regular wiimote drivers
char nunchuk_decode_byte (char x)
x = (x ^ 0x17) + 0x17;
return x;
// returns zbutton state: 1=pressed, 0=notpressed
int nunchuck_zbutton()
return ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 0) & 1) ? 0 : 1; // voodoo
// returns zbutton state: 1=pressed, 0=notpressed
int nunchuck_cbutton()
return ((nunchuck_buf[5] >> 1) & 1) ? 0 : 1; // voodoo
// returns value of x-axis joystick
int nunchuck_joyx()
return nunchuck_buf[0];
// returns value of y-axis joystick
int nunchuck_joyy()
return nunchuck_buf[1];
// returns value of x-axis accelerometer
int nunchuck_accelx()
return nunchuck_buf[2]; // FIXME: this leaves out 2-bits of the data
// returns value of y-axis accelerometer
int nunchuck_accely()
return nunchuck_buf[3]; // FIXME: this leaves out 2-bits of the data
// returns value of z-axis accelerometer
int nunchuck_accelz()
return nunchuck_buf[4]; // FIXME: this leaves out 2-bits of the data
When I write, Serial.Println("End"), in the line after Wire.endTransmission(); in function nunchuck_init(), it does not display on Serial Monitor.
Also, it does not display Nunchuck ready on Serial Monitor since it is written after nunchuck_init() has been called.
I am working on Arduino 0023, Windows 7.
A existing problem with the stock Arduino Wire library is that there is no timeout.
It is possible for the endTransmission function to hang the microcontroller in different scenarios.
This issue has been discussed in several other forums, and the best solution I've found so far is to use an alternate library.
The Arduino I2C Master Library by Wayne Truchsess
With proper timeout, it fixed the problem on my system reading the MMA7455 accelero
In the source code provided, there's an example where it shows how the same piece of program is done using Wire vs the I2C Master Library.
You can use that example to easily modify your code to adopt the new library.

ASCII reading with arduino

This is my first post, I know this theme could be very simple or obvious but I can't figure out how to solve it.
I have a capacitance meter from jyetech wiuch claims to have a 8-N-1 serial output, here is the link to the manual. I just want to read the output with my Arduino Uno, can anyone help me? Here is the code I have done, I'm getting some real data but also some strange characters.
#include <stdio.h>
void setup() {
char command[1024];
char commandBuffer[128];
int commandBufferSize = 0;
void readCommandBuffer(int bytesToRead) {
int i = 0;
char c = 0;
while (i < 128 && (i < bytesToRead || bytesToRead <= 0)) {
while (!Serial.available())
c =;
if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
commandBuffer[i] = c;
commandBufferSize = i;
void readCommand() {
command[0] = '\0';
if (strncmp(commandBuffer, "RCV", 3) == 0) {
commandBuffer[commandBufferSize] = '\0';
int expectedSize = atoi(commandBuffer + 4);
if (expectedSize <= 0 || expectedSize > 1024) {
int bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < expectedSize) {
readCommandBuffer(expectedSize - bytesRead);
memcpy(command + bytesRead, commandBuffer, commandBufferSize);
bytesRead += commandBufferSize;
Serial.print("ACK ");
command[bytesRead] = '\0';
} else {
memcpy(command, commandBuffer, commandBufferSize);
command[commandBufferSize] = '\0';
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
// "command" now contains the full command
You have to use two serial ports, one to talk to the PC (the usual Serial object), and the other to talk to the instrument.
If you have an Arduino UNO, which has only one hardware serial port, you have to use the software serial library. Mega boards have instead 4 hardware serial ports, which are available through the bulit-in objects Serial1, Serial2, etc.
BTW, just noticed a very similar question was asked awhile ago:
Serial Data communication Arduino

Arduino : Check byte array for chars one at a time

I communicate with Arduino via Serial using a program that sends a series of bytes.
In order for the Arduino to realize it is receiving a message rather than junk, I have tagged the start of my byte array with the chars 'S' 'T' 'A' 'R' 'T'. After this will eventually follow a series of bytes that will be assigned to internal variables (not yet implemented).
The Arduino must read each byte sequentially and compare it to the byte array and if all are present in the correct order it will continue with the next part of the program, otherwise it will should discard current byte and wait for more bytes to arrive.
I am trying to implement it in the most efficient and readable way rather than using a series of nested if statements.
So far I have got:
byte inByte = 0;
byte handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
for (int x =0; x < sizeof(handShake) ; x++)
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[x])
if (x == (sizeof(handShake)-1)) {setArduino();}
else break;
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
This however doesn't seem to get past the second byte and I'm not sure why.
Worked it out :
Here is the answer:
byte inByte = 0;
char handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
for (int x =0; x < sizeof(handShake) ; x++)
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[x])
if (x == (sizeof(handShake)-1)) {setArduino();}
while(!Serial.available()) {delay(1);}
else {break;}
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
This may not be the most efficient way perhaps, but I can't see a problem with it currently.
Better answer : This allows the rest of the loop to iterate while waiting for the message to finish and if the full handshake message isn't received the counter will reset.
byte inByte = 0;
char handShake[] = {'S','T','A','R','T'};
int messageIndex = 0;
void setup() {
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
inByte =;
if (inByte == handShake[messageIndex])
if (messageIndex == sizeof(handShake)) {messageIndex = 0; setArduino();}
else {messageIndex=0;}
// Other code while waiting for message to finish
void setArduino () {
Serial.println("Ready To Set Parameters");
You could try to calculate your message. CRC is old and good solution. I use it and it works perfect for me. I am not sure what kind of device are you communicating with.
const uint32_t Polynomial = 0xEDB88320;
const uint16_t NumBytes = 256;
uint8_t data[NumBytes];
/// compute CRC32
uint32_t crc32_bitwise(const void* data, uint16_t length, uint32_t previousCrc32 = 0)
uint32_t crc = ~previousCrc32; // same as previousCrc32 ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
uint8_t* current = (uint8_t*) data;
while (length--)
crc ^= *current++;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
uint8_t lowestBit = crc & 1;
crc >>= 1;
if (lowestBit)
crc ^= Polynomial;
return ~crc; // same as crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
when you need to calculate CRC
uint32_t crc = crc32_bitwise(data_bytes, sizeof(data_bytes));
data_bytes is byte array.
Then you can get all settings or message in byte data[x] and calculate CRC. Then you can add CRC to the message and send message byte data[x+sizeof(CRC)]
P.S. Use byte instead of int. For ex. for(byte x =0; x<sizeof(handShake); x++)
