Unable to find rss feed URL in few websites - rss

I want to make a tech news app in android by parsing rss feed from various tech websites, I have found techcrunch rss feed URL by looking for href in page source using type="application/rss+xml".
RSS feed URL of techcrunch:
I'm unable to find similar URLs for other websites like cnet, gizmodo etc.
Is there any other way of finding rss feed URLs ?

While on the homepage, http://techcrunch.com/ for you, press ctrl+u and the source code appears. There press ctrl+f and try searching for stuff like rss, atom, feed... Works for me in Firefox (not sure if ctrl+u has different compilation in Chrome for example).
If that's a slow approach for you, try installing an add-on like Feedbro, open the site on a tab and from the icon of Feedbro click "Find feeds on Current Tab", and then go to the add-on to see the details on the feed.

Some sites use ATOM, rather than RSS, feeds. Some websites will not even specify the RSS link in the head tag. You will have to leave it to the user to find the RSS link and let him add it to your app.


Can I add RSS-less websites on Feedly or other RSS-Reader?

I am a huge fan of RSS.I am currently using Feedly as my default RSS Reader.I have a question though that I am unable to find the answer.How can I follow a website that does not provide RSS Feeds?I have tried several addons on firefox or extensions on chrome that automatically detect RSS when I am visiting a website,therefore with one-click I can add that website on Feedly.In addition I have searched through the internet to create manually an RSS Feed,when a website does not provide one,but it seems there is not a free way to do it,or if I try an online 'RSS Creator' (like page2rss and more) most of the times they are not working (either can't find the RSS of a website or create an invalid RSS).However,I didn't give up,so I was desperately seeking a way,to find the RSS Feed via the 'source code' of a website.Unfortunately,that only works for Youtube Channels and not for other websites.Is there a way via those actions to 'follow' another website?
I have found a way to 'detect changes' of Feed-less websites using update-scanner addon on firefox and page monitor on chrome.But,all I want to do is put those webpages in one app/website (like Feedly) so that I can follow them whether I am using my pc,or iphone/ipad (iOS),or tablet (android),or another user's pc/laptop.Any suggestions?Keep in mind that iOS devices don't support extensions.If I confused you,visit this link and you'll understand exactly what I am looking for.
The only drawback is that googleReader does not exist anymore!Do you know another RSS Reader that support this feature (like Feedly,the Old Reader etc) ?
A simple but basic solution is Page2Rss.com. You put the URL of the page. One's a day, the service crawl the page and generate an item for all what's new.
Feed43.com does a much better job, even its free version. You have to elaborate rules of extraction from the HTML code.
Feedity is much (much) more interactive, bit commercial.

RSS feed link doesn't open up reader or just dumps out raw XML

I developed an RSS feed following a tutorial and I think the .xml file itself is in order. However, I have two problems:
When people click on the RSS link, it doesn't automatically load into their RSS readers
For those that don't have an RSS reader, clicking the link results in a page full of code which is not very understandable
I was hoping that there might be some tips on how to easily realize this.
Try to remove the <![CDATA[ and ]]> in the description tag.
I downloaded your xml, changed those lines, tested it on my server, and it worked in google's rss reader.
This is a browser and user profile dependent issue in how the RSS link is going to react when clicked on.
If the user has the action set up to automatically load it into their feed reader of choice, it will do that.
If they don't, then it won't.
For those that just see a raw dump, it could be that they're using a browser that does not support RSS feeds and will dump out the XML as raw text. Google Chrome (at least still in version 18) without the use of extensions or add-ons will usually be the dump truck culprit here.

Problem: How to display a Wordpress RSS feed in a browser that doesn't have a built in RSS reader?

If I can, i'd rather not use a service like FeedBurner.
My setup:
I've setup a RSS feed link on a self-hosted Wordpress website, clicking the RSS link in Safari shows the feed - because Safari has a built in RSS reader. Great.
Unfortunately clicking the same RSS link in Chrome displays the raw XML feed. I know why this happens - Chrome doesn't have a built in RSS reader. I also assume this will be the same in older versions of Internet Explorer.
Possible solution?
I've noticed http://www.bbc.co.uk/news has a nice solution:
Click the RSS feed (top tight of the page) in a RSS enabled browser (Safari) and it uses the built in RSS reader to display the RSS feed.
Click the same RSS feed link in Chrome (Chrome has no built in RSS reader) it displays the RSS feed using what looks like a custom page.
Is there a way to check if a browser has a built in RSS reader?
How would I provide alternative content (like the BBC site) to a browser that doesn't have a RSS reader installed?
Any help on this would be brilliant, thanks for taking the time to read this.
Just look at the source code of the BBC's feed. It's all the same stuff - they just have an XSL stylesheet (which Safari ignores).
That stylesheet contains instructions on generating the friendly display you see in Chrome.
(this is, incidentally, how Feedburner does it, too)
I think you could use jQuery to check browser's version, and then redirect to the normal RSS feed, OR redirect to a page using a feed reader plugin, like zrssfeed ( http://www.zazar.net/developers/zrssfeed/ ).
But, you will have to do a little reasearch about waht browsers supports RSS to do the redirect! :)
I would route your feed through Feedburner. As well as giving you handy subscriber stats, you can also turn on their "BrowserFriendly" setting -- this should give your readers a pleasant experience in both Chrome and other browsers.
I didn't actually mean for that to sound like a soap powder ad, and I have no marketing affiliation to Google or Feedburner, by the way :)

Preventing RSS feed scraping?

On a Wordpress site, I have both a normal blog that I want Google to detect and an RSS feed for outgoing links to other sites. I don't need/want bots to get at this other RSS feed nor do I want people to be able to get the link for their own use.
I've disabled RSS for the main blog successfully but am not sure how to encrypt/protect/hide the RSS link for this additional feed.
I'm not sure how Facebook runs a newsfeed without RSS but however they do it is probably beyond my means/experience to replicate.
Where these are just outgoing links, I don't think copyright notices in the feed will do much. Maybe there is a way to output the links automatically through a means other than RSS?
Use Robots.Text www.robotstxt.org to prevent google from following the link. All self respecting robots should follow the directives in the robots.txt file. This file needs to go in the root of your sit.
The basic answer to this is to use a method of getting the feed entries in a manner other than using the actual RSS like outputting JSON, going through the API, etc.
It will help prevent scraping though not completely.

Collecting RSS Feeds Online?

I'd like to be able to collect RSS feeds online as an alternative to collecting them on a desktop machine using a regularly running process.
Ideally, it would either collect all feeds and simply email them to a single address as soon as it finds a new one (or even without checking for new feeds) or aggregates all the smaller feeds and sends them out as a bulk larger feed less periodically.
It would have to run on a web server continually, but would be a nice to be able to collect all feeds, not just the ones I happen to pick up when a feed reader is running on my machine. Is something like this available?
Just use Google Reader. :)
Google Reader.
Maybe Yahoo's Pipes could help you. It is an interesting way of combining and manipulating feeds.
I'm not sure if you have ever used it but iGoogle allows you to customise the google homepage to display information from around the web. You can add tabs to the page to allow you to split the information up. It's extremely useful and as you can log into it from any computer / browser you can access your feeds anywhere.
If you have a lot of feeds of one type or feeds that update infrequently then iGoogle can also be combined with google reader.
It's also great for adding other plugins like gmail, games, Dilbert :) and more.
To create an iGoogle page go to the google home page and click the iGoogle link in the top right corner. iGoogle will then provide you with a starter page and some suggested content which you can add or ignore. If you click the "Add Stuff" link then "Add feed or gadget" you can manually add all your RSS feeds. However, you can also configure Firefox to automatically select google as your RSS reader when ever you click on an RSS feed icon in the navigation bar. You can select / change this under Tools -> Options -> Applications -> Web Feed.
In order to use your iGoogle on multiple browsers / computers you will need a gmail / google account however it's free and easy to create.
simplepie is great if you have PHP installed.
Universal Feed Parser if you're programming in python might be of help
