What files need to be overwritten to move an active WordPress site to a local version for development? - wordpress

I want to take the files from an active online WordPress instance and develop on my local machine. I will only be doing front end development so I don't need any database other than my local dev environments which is a MAMP stack.
What folders and files do I need to pull from the online version to add to the local version?
An obvious example would be the 'Themes" folder , but what else? What is the full list? Is there a list of these items online?
Thank you.

You may have a look into wordpress plugin Duplicator meant for taking backups or transferring entire website from one location to another.
The plugin page also contain short tutorial on what it is capable of..

You just need to get a theme on which you are going to work from the themes folder.
On your local machine have the same wordpress version installed as on live and install all the plugins that you have on live wordpress.
In this way you`ll only need the theme folder and nothing else for development.


How to run a wordpress.com hosted website locally using docker?

Currently we have a WooCommerce webshop hosted on wordpress.com. This webshop was setup as a prototype and because of its succes we want to start developing the webshop further. We don't want to change the production website directly, but we want to develop inside a closed development environment (e.g. locally using docker).
I have tried to run the webshop locally by exporting all its data using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. Afterwards I have created a docker environment with a wordpress and a mysql container. On the wordpress container I've also installed the All-in-One WP Migration plugin and I've imported all the data. It looked like this worked fine, but after a few clicks I saw that I could not navigate to any other URL besides the homepage. I have read online that the Wordpress codebase being used on wordpress.com differs from the default codebase which can be download on wordpress.org. So I think this means the wordpress.com export file can't be imported into a default wordpress container.
Because of this I've tried to download all the files on wordpress.com using FTP and run the website myself using a php container. This also didn't work, because I can't download all the files using FTP because of the permissions. I also contacted the support of wordpress.com, and they told me they couldn't sent me the contents of these files. But without these files, I don't know how I can run the wordpress.com website locally.
I hope someone can help me with getting the wordpress.com website to run locally in a development environment. A suggestion how we can implement a workflow where we can change the webshop in a development environment and deploy the changes to our production website is also very welcome.
Edit: For now I've chosen to run my site in a docker environment and write down all the changes I make locally. When I'm satisfied with the site locally, I will repeat the changes I made earlier on the production website. I've chosen this workflow because I don't really know the structures inside Wordpress. I don't know how I can migrate the files and database tables I need to switch theme, without overwriting the database tables I want to keep (e.g. WooCommerce orders table).
Have you tried running it on a localhost? MAMP is a good option for this.

How to install WordPress locally for developing multiple websites

I have installed WordPress using Bitnami locally, I've developed a website through that.
Now I want to develop second WordPress website (locally). So, do I need to install second Bitnami WordPress or what should I do now ?
All I want is to develop new WordPress website.
I'm searching for this for about 2 days, but I am not finding relevant information, may be the words are not correct for what I want to do, please help me
I know the method of installing XAMPP and extracting wordpress files in htdocs, but since there is some problem in that , that is why I want to go with Bitnami installation.
Here is my Bitnami Folder.
Bitnami Folder contain another folder, which then contain the following stuff.
When I type localhost/wordpress then it loads my site locally, although I don't have any wordpress folder that is inside Bitnami.
Thank you every respected out there.
Hi there are 2 different ways of having more than one site locally, below is the easier way, it only takes 2-3 mins to set up. The other one, is to build up a second website under the same wordpress folder as your first website. I used both before, but now I recommend the first one, it saves time and runs faster.
Do you have the /htdocs file folder locally? like this?
And you have a wordpress.zip file some where right?
Now you can directly unzip this wordpress.zip file into htdocs folder,like this,
After you rename the wordpress folder, to whatever it needs to be,
visit: localhost/thisRenamedFolder from your browswer as you did with the other site and complete the installation
Is this the answer you are looking for?

Deploying First WP Site with Understrap, Can't Find Required Resources

I've transferred my database and entire Wordpress file structure over to the live site, but the live site is still looking for all its resources at localhost:8888/.
I looked back on what I did when getting started and I edited my gulpfile.js to include
var browserSyncOptions = {
proxy: 'localhost:8888',
notify: false
Thinking this was the issue, I switched it to proxy: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], but still no luck. Any ideas for what I may be doing wrong?
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a single bit of information about deploying an understrap themed site. Here are the docs for the theme though: https://understrap.com/demos/core/wp-content/themes/core-understrap/docs/.
I've transferred my database and entire Wordpress file structure over to the live site, but the live site is still looking for all its resources at localhost:8888/.
That is an easy to way to get into live server maintenance hell. UnderStrap is a unique theme package because it has strong npm dependencies running in the back-end that are appropriate for localhost development builds. For that reason, Here is an alternative approach I recommend instead.
Install a clean vanilla version of WordPress on your live server.
Install and activate UnderStrap.zip on your live server through wp-admin.
Import/Export your posts and pages from your local site, onto the live site. Add all media images. Adjust your settings, install your plugins, and clear your cache.
Now use the file manager in your C-Panel to only upload all modified theme files from your localhost to your live server.
Test your site, then go live.
That is more of a manual process, but it has its benefits. For one, you learn and see what each step looks like, you push up only what you need, you don't have localhost decencies running on your live site and the database is 100% targeted on live site content.
If you can access the wp-admin of your live site there's a great plugin called Velvet Blues Update URLs that you can install.
Install it, go to Tools > Update URLs and enter the localhost address and then the live site address.
Always works great for me.
Many developers have done this process by running its gulp dist when processing deployment. It will create dist folder which you can upload on the server. It contains all necessary files that supports running the scss. So try to use also the gulp dist-product as a "product" that the theme can be published and downloaded in the near future.

Wordpress second install in subdomain?

I am having a website redesigned. The designers plan to use Wordpress as the CMS and want a development copy to work with. Thing is, I now have Wordpress installed to run a blog (only) on a subdirectory of my current site.
Soooo...question is: Can I create a subdomain, install Wordpress on there, point it at a separate (new) schema on MySQL and have them use that for the development work? I know I can physically do this, but will anything about running the the WP install scripts on the subdomain screw up the existing production install on the main domain?
The install itself should not create any problems. Personally, I always develop WP sites in their own subdomain, allowing me to do away with the wordpress/ subdirectory.
The most significant hurdle will come when you are ready to move the development site to a new domain and/or place in the directory hierarchy. Although the theme files and their associated CSS, JS, etc., files should be using relative-path references, the database itself may contain hundreds of fully qualified URLs that reference the development domain and/or directory.
There are a number of WordPress plugins that address this problems. The one I am most familiar with is BackupBuddy from ithemes.com. (I'm not a shill, just a satisfied customer.) BB is useful both for performing scheduled backups (full or database-only), but it is also very useful during development and during deployment. There is an included script, importbuddy.php, than can not only take a .zip of a full backup and restore the site, it can also move the site from one directory and/or domain to another.
Note: BackupBuddy is not free, but it is released under GPLv2. You are paying for the support necessary to keep it tracking changes in the WP ecosystem. If you are doing any serious WP work then it is money well-spent. You might suggest this to your designers.
Yes you can do it. It doesn't matter. You can install your new blogs to any directory or subdomain (actually they're directories, too). Also you can use new MySQL databases for them, or you can use same database for your all WP installations (by editing wp-config.php manually), thereby you'll have same content for your all WP blogs.
Technically, yes you can do it.
However, if you have a live domain with public people using it, you are best not developing on either the same domain or server, because:
Mistakes happen. You can break the database or other code.
While you develop, you can affect performance of the server.
Develop on a local machine, or a completely different server, and when you are happy with it, push the code live onto the production server.
if you are planning to make a test copy of the current install on a subdomain which includes separate source code and database the answer is NO it will not affect your current installation.

When migrating from a production server to a live one while using wordpress how should I go about doing this?

I am wondering if I can just export/import the SQL and then copy the folder to the new server or do I need to deactivate the plugins or how to do this? I don't want to mess up my current site in the production server just to find myself in a worse position.
I have been working with Wordpress for about a year now, and I haven't found an easy way to move the setup. You have to move the database, and you have to move the folder with all supporting files (uploads, etc). I would just use the export feature of wordpress to download an XML and then import it on your prod install. Move the folders via ftp.
Have you checked the "moving wordpress" official instructions?
