JavaFX 2.X - Animated background and animated controls - css

A few days ago I started studying JavaFX, and came across the desire to perform 2 experiments. Firstly, I would like to know if it is possible to put an animated background behind an user interface. I've succeeded in creating an animated background, and now I'm having great difficulties to position some controls in the middle of my interface.
I'd like to introduce you 2 pictures of my program. The first demonstrates the undesirable result that I'm getting:
I believe this is my nodes tree:
This is the code of my application:
public class AnimatedBackground extends Application
// #########################################################################################################
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public static void main(String[] args)
// #########################################################################################################
// #########################################################################################################
private Group root;
private Group grp_hexagons;
private Rectangle rect_background;
private Scene cenario;
// UI
private VBox lay_box_controls;
private Label lab_test;
private TextArea texA_test;
private Button bot_test;
// #########################################################################################################
// #########################################################################################################
#Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception
cenario = new Scene(this.root , 640 , 480);
stage.setTitle("Meu programa JavaFX - R.D.S.");;
protected void confFX()
this.root = new Group();
this.grp_hexagons = new Group();
// Initiate the circles and all animation stuff.
for(int cont = 0 ; cont < 15 ; cont++)
Circle circle = new Circle();
circle.setEffect(new GaussianBlur(Math.random() * 8 + 2));
double randScale = (Math.random() * 4) + 1;
KeyValue kValueX = new KeyValue(circle.scaleXProperty() , randScale);
KeyValue kValueY = new KeyValue(circle.scaleYProperty() , randScale);
KeyFrame kFrame = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(5000 + (Math.random() * 5000)) , kValueX , kValueY);
Timeline linhaT = new Timeline();
this.rect_background = new Rectangle();
// UI
this.lay_box_controls = new VBox();
this.bot_test = new Button("CHANGE POSITIONS");
this.bot_test.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
#Override public void handle(ActionEvent e)
for(Node hexagono : grp_hexagons.getChildren())
hexagono.setTranslateX(Math.random() * cenario.getWidth());
hexagono.setTranslateY(Math.random() * cenario.getHeight());
this.texA_test = new TextArea();
this.texA_test.setText("This is just a test.");
this.lab_test = new Label("This is just a label.");
this.lab_test.setFont(new Font(32));
I've tried to make the use of a StackPane as the root of my scene graph, but also found an undesired result. Despite the controls have stayed in the center of the window, the circles begin to move in as they grow and shrink, making it appear that everything is weird.
The second thing I would like to know is if it is possible to customize the controls so they perform some animation when some event happens. Although we can change the appearance of controls using CSS, it's harder to create something complex. For example, when a control changes its appearance due to a change of state, the transition state change is not made in an animated way, but in an abrupt and static way. Is there a way to animate, for example, a button between its states? This would be done using the JavaFX API? Or would that be using CSS? Or would not be possible in any way?
Thank you for your attention.

after much struggle, I and some users of the Oracle community could resolve this issue. I see no need to repeat here all the resolution made ​​by us, so I'll post the link so you can access the solution of the problem. I hope this benefits us all. Thanks for your attention anyway.


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Problem and Hitbox

I have two problems one this that, if i want to show score with the circle object:
layoutV.getChildren().addAll(virus, score);
I get the following error:
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Children: duplicate children added: parent = Pane#6661fc86[styleClass=root].
As far as I understand it is because the Task wants to show multiple scores. So should I use another scene or layout to show score?
My other problem is the hitbox of the object, right know everytime i click the score goes up. I looked up the mouse event getTarget but it does not seem like I can make it so that my object is the only target to use the mouse event on.
public class Main extends Application {
private Stage window;
private Pane layoutV;
private Scene scene;
private Circle virus;
private int score;
private Label scores;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
window = primaryStage;
window.setTitle("Enemy TEST");
this.score = 0;
scores = new Label("Score "+ score);
layoutV = new Pane();
scene = new Scene(layoutV, 600, 600);
Thread th = new Thread(task);
Task task = new Task<Void>() {
protected Void call() throws Exception {
while (true) {
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void drawCircles() {
double x = (double)(Math.random() * ((550 - 50) + 1)) + 50;
double y = (double)(Math.random() * ((550 - 50) + 1)) + 50;
double r = (double)(Math.random() * ((30 - 10) + 1)) + 10;
virus = new Circle(x, y, r, Color.VIOLET);
layoutV.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
if (e.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
System.out.println("score: "+ this.score);
public static void main(String[] args) {
You have lots of issues, not just the ones from your question:
Although it will work as you coded
it, I don't advise spawning a thread to draw your circles, instead
JavaFX periodic background task
You don't need to set the root in the scene and the scene in the
window every time you draw a new circle.
Nor do you need to set the
mouse handler on the layout every time you draw a circle.
Rather than setting a mouse handler on the layout, you are better off setting a mouse handler on the circles themselves (which you can do before you add them to the scene).
score is an int, not a node you can only add nodes to the scene
See the documentation for the scene package:
A node may occur at most once anywhere in the scene graph. Specifically, a node must appear no more than once in the children list of a Parent or as the clip of a Node. See the Node class for more details on these restrictions.
How you are adding the node more than once is not clear to me, because you are probably doing it in code different than the Main class you provided.
To add a circle with a score on top, use a StackPane with the score in a label, but make the label mouse transparent, so that it does not register any clicks:
Label scoreLabel = new Label(score + "");
StackPane balloon = new StackPane(circle, scoreLabel);
Add the click handler on the balloon.
And additional issues I don't detail here but are solved in the demo code provided.
To fix all your errors, I would write some code like below. Perhaps you can review it and compare it with your code to help understand one way to create this game.
The example code might not be exactly the functionality you are looking for (that is not really its purpose), but it should be enough to keep you on the right track for implementing your application.
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.text.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class Inoculation extends Application {
public static final int W = 600;
public static final int H = 600;
private final IntegerProperty score = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
private final Pane playingField = new Pane();
public void start(Stage stage) {
StackPane overlay = createOverlay();
Pane layout = new StackPane(playingField, overlay);
stage.setScene(new Scene(layout, W, H));;
Infection infection = new Infection(playingField, score);
private StackPane createOverlay() {
Label totalScoreLabel = new Label();
"Score ", score.asString()
StackPane overlay = new StackPane(totalScoreLabel);
StackPane.setAlignment(totalScoreLabel, Pos.TOP_LEFT);
return overlay;
public static void main(String[] args) {
class Infection {
private static final Duration SPAWN_PERIOD = Duration.seconds(1);
private static final int NUM_SPAWNS = 10;
private final Timeline virusGenerator;
public Infection(Pane playingField, IntegerProperty score) {
virusGenerator = new Timeline(
new KeyFrame(
event -> spawnVirus(
public void begin() {;
private void spawnVirus(Pane playingField, IntegerProperty score) {
Virus virus = new Virus();
event -> {
score.set(score.get() + virus.getVirusScore());
class Virus extends StackPane {
private static final int MAX_SCORE = 3;
private static final int RADIUS_INCREMENT = 10;
private final int virusScore = nextRandInt(MAX_SCORE) + 1;
public Virus() {
double r = (MAX_SCORE + 1 - virusScore) * RADIUS_INCREMENT;
Circle circle = new Circle(
Text virusScoreText = new Text("" + virusScore);
setLayoutX(nextRandInt((int) (Inoculation.W - circle.getRadius() * 2)));
setLayoutY(nextRandInt((int) (Inoculation.H - circle.getRadius() * 2)));
public int getVirusScore() {
return virusScore;
// next random int between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclusive)
private int nextRandInt(int bound) {
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(bound);
Some additional notes on this implementation that might be useful to know:
The total score is placed in an overlayPane so that it is not obscured by elements added to the playingField (which contains the virus spawns).
The overlayPane is made mouseTransparent, so that it won't intercept any mouse events, and the clicks will fall through to the items in the playing field.
The app currently generates viruses within a fixed field size, regardless of whether you resize the window. That is just the way it is designed and coded, you could code it otherwise if wished. It would be more work to do so.
The Bindings class is used to create a string expression binding which concatenates the static string "Score " with an integer property representing the score. This allows the string representing the score to be bound to the score label text in the overlay so that it automatically updates whenever the score is changed.
The virus generation uses a timeline and is based on the concepts from:
JavaFX periodic background task
The application class is kept deliberately simple to handle mostly just the core application lifecycle, and the actual functionality of the application is abstracted to an Infection class which handles the spawning of the virus and a Virus class that generates a new virus.
This technique is used to center a score for each individual virus on the virus:
how to put a text into a circle object to display it from circle's center?
The virus itself is laid out in a StackPane. The pane has pick on bounds set to false. To remove the virus infection, you must click on the circle which represents the virus and not just anywhere in the square for the stack pane.
Because circle coordinates are in local co-ordinates and the circle is in a parent stack pane representing the virus, the circle itself does not need x and y values set, instead layout x and y values are set on the enclosing pane to allow positioning of the pane representing the entire virus.
The following technique is used to generate random integers in acceptable ranges using ThreadLocalRandom:
How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

JavaFX keyboard input stops working after adding buttons

I am building a game engine as a school project. When I add button to the same group as where I have my canvas, I can't control my player anymore with keyboard. Buttons and everything else still works like normal.
My code is pretty huge, so this is a simplified code of the problem:
public abstract class GEngine extends Application {
public void start(Stage theStage) throws Exception {
try {
this.stage = theStage;
Group root = new Group();
Scene theScene = new Scene(root);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
Button btn = new Button("new");
Timeline gameLoop = new Timeline();
// Handle input
// Control game loop and it's speed
KeyFrame kf = new KeyFrame(
Duration.seconds(0.017), // 60 FPS
gameLoop.getKeyFrames().add( kf );;;
} catch (Exception e) {
There is probably something happening on the background which I just don't understand. I can show my Input class code too if somebody wants to see it, but in my understanding it's not necessary.
I have tried using AnchorPane as main root and make a separate groups for buttons and canvas which I add the to the AnchorPane, but that did not help at all. That was pretty much the only offered solution I could find from google.
Adding btn.setFocusTraversable(false); fixed the problem, thanks to Luxusproblem for providing the answer!

Modifying interface with key interactions in javafx

I'm trying to code a 2048 game using JavaFX and I'm facing a problem.
public void start(Stage primaryStage){
Scene scene = new Scene(firstContent());
scene.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>(){
public void handle(KeyEvent e){
KeyCode key = e.getCode();
System.out.println("recieved UP");
Scene scene = new Scene(createContent());
} else if(key.equals(KeyCode.DOWN)){
System.out.println("recieved DOWN");
So here I open my window initialised with firstContent (basically it creates an array of empty tiles, and fills two of them with 2 or 4 randomly), display it and start listening for key presses. The idea is to have a behavior for each arrow key (UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT) which will move the tiles accordingly. This is done by the following createContent() method :
public Parent createContent(){
String c = "";
List<Integer> known = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Pane root = new Pane();
root.setPrefSize(740, 700);
Random rand = new Random();
int pos1 = rand.nextInt(15);
if(tiles.get(pos1) != new Tile("")){
pos1 = rand.nextInt(15);
pos1 = rand.nextInt(15);
for(int i = 0; i < NB_TILES; i++){
tiles.add(new Tile(c));
tiles.set(pos1, new Tile("2048"));
for(int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++){
// boring stuff to set the tile display to the right size
return root;
Now for the problem : when the application is running, if I press the down arrow, I do get on my terminal the "recieved DOWN" text as many times as I press the key as expected. But if I press the up arrow, the application will only recieve it once and the application seems to be frozen (meaning if I press down again, nothing happens).
As you could guess, I want to be able to call my method for each key press to be able to move my tiles around and utltimately combine them to get a playable version of 2048... Anyone know why my app gets frozen ?
If needed, I can provide other bits of code but I think I provided the essential. Just know that firstContent() works basically the same as createContent for now except it genereates two random numbers to get the first tiles of the game.
Thanks in advance for your help.

JavaFX 2. How to stop or pause all animations?

I am working on creating a small game.
I use scene switching (scene with a main game's screen and scene with some Help information). So, I decided to use HashMap scenes and set all scenes there. And clicking the button "Help" causes the scene switching.
But I have an issue. I want to stop all animations on non-active scene and currently I just set scene as NULL. I know that it is very bad realization.
Could somebody help me and also explain how to pause or stop all animations on scene?
Setting scene on primaryStage:
public static void setSceneToStage(String sceneId, Stage stage) {
Clearing non-active scene:
public void clearCurrentActiveScene() {
if(activeScene != null) {
public void clearScene() {
scene = null;
Initialize new scene:
public void setNewActiveScene(String sceneId) {
activeScene = sceneId;
public void init() {
scene = new Scene(new Pane(), 300, 300);
I think your program has to have a structure that you can have access to all transitions at time, for example you can have ''TransitonManager Class'' and in that class you have a arraylist of transitions and then you can add this transitions to that in their constructors and then when ever you want , you can have access to all transitions and stop them.
class TransitionManger{
public static ArrayList<Transition> transitions = new ArrayList<>();
class CustomTransition extends Transition{
protected void interpolate(double v) {
//todo do what you want
you can also use singleton design pattern for TransitionManger for better encapsulation.

How to implement collision detection on nodes which are in StackPane (in JavaFX)?

I am trying to check collision detection on the nodes which are inside StackPane. Below is my code:
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
StackPane pane = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(pane,300,300,Color.GREEN);
Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(50, 50);
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(50, 50);
TranslateTransition translateTransitionEnemyCar = new TranslateTransition();
//Collision Detection
void checkCollision(StackPane pane, final Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2){
rect2.boundsInParentProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Bounds>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Bounds> arg0,Bounds oldValue, Bounds newValue) {
System.out.println("Collide ============= Collide");
Here the collision detection is working if I use AnchorPane. But with StackPane I am not able to achieve it. I guess it is because of the co-ordinate system of the stack pane (Correct me if I am wrong).
So please help me out to achieve collision detection of the above two rectangles. Also please provide some suggestion (if you know) to implement such collision detection on nodes inside StackPane if I want to change the the co-ordinate of the nodes.
In your test condition you compare the local bounds of one rectangle with the bounds in parent of the other rectangle. You want to compare the same bounds types.
So change:
To understand bounds types better, you might want to play with this intersection demo application.
Well in My experience, if creating an environment (collision space) a group should be used as opposed to a container..
I think in your situation the stackPane is the culprit.
plus I think your collision check should be more along the lines of this:
public void checkCollisions(){
Shape intersect = Shape.intersect(rect1, rect2);
if(intersect.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() != -1){
// Collision handling here
System.out.println("Collision occured");
Or you could do something more along these lines: in a class that extends "Node"
public boolean collided(Node other) {
Shape intersect = Shape.intersect(this.getShape(), other.getShape());
if(intersect.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() != -1){
System.out.println(this.getId() + " : " + other.getId());
return true;
return false;
public void checkCollisions(){
for(Node n : root.getChildren().filtered(new Predicate(){
public boolean test(Object t) {
//makes sure object does not collide with itself
return !t.equals(this);
// for shapes
// return t instanceof Shape;
// handle code here
well thats my 2 cents...
Another thing i just noticed is you are registering a new changeListener each time your check collision method is called without un-registering it.. that could lead to problems later imo...

