This may not be possible, but what I'm looking to do is represent data points on a buildings facade in Sketchup. A good example would be a way to show wind pressure at certain points on the building face. This could be represented with points on the surface or with contours. Does anyone know of a way to do this using either plugins or the Ruby Console?
To clarify, I would like to be able to visualize text based data on a building facade. I have xyz (UTM) data with a fourth column which represents a concentration, pressure, etc. I have not imported the data into Sketchup in any way, and am looking for a way to display this data in sketchup.
You can use Entities.add_text to add text labels to points in the model:
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.active_entities
leader_vector =, 5, 5)
entities.grep(Sketchup::Face) { |face|
face.vertices.each { |vertex|
point = vertex.position
entities.add_text('Some text data', point, leader_vector)
I hope this get you started.
For example, this is a heatmap from a website using GPS data:
I have gotten some degree of success with adding a weight parameter to each vertex and calculating the number of events that have vertices near those, but that takes a long time, especially with a large amount of data. It also appears a bit spotty when the distance between vertices is a bit wonky, which causes random splotches of different colors throughout the heatmap. It looks kind of cool, but it makes the data a bit harder to read.
When you zoom out, it looks a bit more continuous due to the paths overlapping more.
In R, the closest I can do to this involves using an alpha channel, but that only gets me a monochromatic heatmap, which is not always desirable, especially when you want to see lesser-traveled paths visibly. In theory I could do two lines to resolve the visibility part (first opaque, second semi-transparent), but I would like to be able to have different hue values.
Ideally I would like this to work with ggplot, but if it cannot, I would accept other methods, provided they are reasonably quick computationally.
Edit: The data format is a data frame with sequential (latitude, longitude) coordinate pairs, along with some associated data that can be used for filter & grouping (such as activity type and event ID).
Here is a sample of the data for the region displayed in the above images (~1.5 MB):
I would try something like
ggplot() + geom_count(data, aes(longitude, latitude, alpha=..prop..))
but you need to show some data to check how it works.
I have an XY scatter plot of many points which define filament like structures (imagine looking at a pile of sticks laying on the ground, that's what these plots look like). I am using Locator to identify a start and end of each filament. The end result I get is a table of line segments defined by two points in XY.
A simplified base version of my code runs like this:
while (n<=NumberOfFilaments) {
plot (Xdata,Ydata)
clicks = locator(2)
A = c(clicks$x[1],clicks$y[1])
B = c(clicks$x[2],clicks$y[2])
clickpoints = c(A,B)
clicks.table = rbind(clicks.table,clickpoints)
Some of my data sets have gotten quite large in regard to the total width of the data in X & Y in comparison to the length of the filaments I am trying to click on. This makes it hard for me to accurately click on the start and end of the filaments. What I would like to be able to do is zoom in on the plot to view an individual filament, click two points then zoom out to view the whole pile again. I typically use R studio if that matters. Thank you in advance.
Below is a JavaScript page I have created that allows me add and freely move markers on the map. From this map I can figure out the regions I am interested in.
Basically what I want to do is show the same map using ggplot2/MarMap with coastline indicators + bathymetry data. I am really just interested in getting bathymetry data per GPS location, basically getting negative/positive elevation per Lat+Long, so I was thinking if I can plot it then I should be able to export data to a Database. I am also interested in coastline data, so I want to know how close I am (Lat/Long) to coastline, so with plot data I was also going to augment in DB.
Here is the R script that I am using:
a_lon1 = -79.89836596313478;
a_lon2 = -79.97179329675288;
a_lat1 = 32.76506070891712;
a_lat2 = 32.803624214389615;
dat <- getNOAA.bathy(a_lon1,a_lon2,a_lat1,a_lat2, keep=FALSE);
autoplot(dat, geom=c("r", "c"), colour="white", size=0.1) + scale_fill_etopo();
Here is the output of above R script:
Why do both images not match?
In google-maps I am using zoom value 13. How does that translate in ggplot2/MarMap?
Is it possible to zoom in ggplot2/MarMap into a (Lat/Long)-(Lat/Long) region?
Is it possible to plot what I am asking for?
I don't know how you got this result. When I use your script, I get an error since the area your are trying to fetch from the ETOPO1 database using getNOAA.bathy() is too small. However, adding resolution=1 (this gives the highest possible resolution for the ETOPO1 database), here is what I get:
To answer your questions:
Why do both images not match?
Probably because getNOAA.bathy() returned an error and the object dat you're using has been created before, using another set of coordinates
In google-maps I am using zoom value 13. How does that translate in ggplot2/MarMap?
I have no clue!
Is it possible to zoom in ggplot2/MarMap into a (Lat/Long)-(Lat/Long) region?
I urge you to take a look at section 4 of the marmap-DataAnalysis vignette. This section is dedicated to working with big files. You will find there that you can zoom in any area of a bathy object by using (for instance) the subsetBathy() function that will allow you to click on a map to define the desired area
Is it possible to plot what I am asking for? Yes, but it would be much easier to use base graphics and not ggplot2. Once again, you should read the package vignettes.
Finally, regarding the coastline data, you can use the dist2isobath() function to compute the distance between any gps point and any isobath, including the coastline. Guess where you can learn more about this function and how to use it...
I am trying to render some geographic data onto the map in Tableau. However, some data points located at the same point, so the shape images of the data points overlaps together. By clicking on a shape, you could only get the top one.
How can we distinguish the overlapped data points in Tableau? I know that we can manually exclude the top data to see another, but is there any other way, for example, make a drop down list in the right click menu to select the overlapped data points?
Thank you!
There are a couple of ways to deal with this issue.
Some choices you can try are:
Add some transparency to the marks by editing the color shelf properties. That way at least you get a visual indication when there are multiple marks stacked on top of each other. This approach can be considered a poor man's heat map if you have many points in different areas as the denser/darker sections will have more marks. (But that just affects the appearance and doesn't help you select and view details for marks that are covered by others)
Add some small pseudo-random jitter to each coordinate using calculated fields. This will be easier when Tableau supports a rand() function, but in the meantime you can get creative enough using other fields and the math function to add a little jitter. The goal here is to slightly shift locations enough that they don't stack exactly, but not enough to matter in precision. Depends on the scale.
Make a grid style heat map where the color indicates the number of data points in each grid. To do this, you'll need to create calculated fields to bin together nearby latitudes or longitudes. Say to round each latitude to a certain number of decimal places, or use the hex bin functions in Tableau. Those calculated fields will need to have a geographic role and be treated as continuous dimensions.
Define your visualization to display one mark for each unique location, and then use color or size to indicate the number of data points at that location, as opposed to a mark for each individual data point
I have a scanned map from which i would like to extract the data into form of Long Lat and the corresponding value. Can anyone please tell me about how i can extract the data from the map. Is there any packages in R that would enable me to extract data from the scanned map. Unfortunately, i cannot find the person who made this map.
Thanks you very much for your time and help.
Take a look at OCR. I doubt you'll find anything for R, since R is primarily a statistical programming language.
You're better off with something like opencv
Once you find the appropriate OCR package, you will need to identify the x and y positions of your characters which you can then use to classify them as being on the x or y axis of your map.
This is not trivial, but good luck
Try this:
Read in the image file using the raster package
Use the locator() function to click on all the lat-long intersection points.
Use the locator data plus the lat-long data to create a table of lat-long to raster x-y coordinates
Fit a radial (x,y)->(r,theta) transformation to the data. You'll be assuming the projected latitude lines are circular which they seem to be very close to but not exact from some overlaying I tried earlier.
To sample from your image at a lat-long point, invert the transformation.
The next hard problem is trying to get from an image sample to the value of the thing being mapped. Maybe take a 5x5 grid of pixels and average, leaving out any gray pixels. Its even harder than that because some of the colours look like they are made from combining pixels of two different colours to make a new shade. Is this the best image you have?
I'm wondering what top-secret information has been blanked out from the top left corner. If it did say what the projection was that would help enormously.
Note you may be able to do a lot of the process online with mapwarper:
but I'm not sure if it can handle your map's projection.