ASP.NET Depending on data number of pages -

Right now my website(ASP.NET) has a database where it pulls data from, and the more data enter the longer the page. I am wondering how I can make it so for example once it pulls ten items from database it starts a new page and puts ten more items on the next. Basically like how does it.

You should take a look att the DataPager Control.
To create a solution that works in the long run, you need to let the paging selection end up in your sql where clause, so that you only retreive the amount of records that you have specified in the PageSize property of the DataPager Control each time you round trip to the database. Otherwise it will lose it's performace when the records in the database increases.


Need suggestions Asp.Net DropDown LIist Filtering

3262 Points
662 Posts
Need suggestions
17 hours, 13 minutes ago|LINK
I have an insert data page, having a drop down on the page items are filling from SQL Data Source (using code behind)
I need to apply some filter to chop out certain values from Drop Down (user will select some radio buttons and then
apply the filter, when filter applies, it will remove the unwanted items from drop down)
Now I dont know what is best procedure, I have done:
1) Using AJAX update panel, so when the user clicks on Apply, I am re-generating query and re-binding the drop down list)
so it involves server round trip, every time user clicks on apply button.
The best thing about this is, if user wants to insert records one by one, then user does not have to apply filter agian and again
(once applied it will only show the filtered values after each record insertion)
2) Using client side javascript i have achieved the same but big problem here is that
once a record is inserted, the page will refresh, and thus the drop down will show all the UN-Filtered values again
I need suggestions on which techinque I should follow in this regard, plz help
Using ajax is the best option, but in sql you create a stored procedure, so that it might reduce the time of regenerating query.

Do I need to re-retrieve data when paging using asp:GridView

I have a .aspx search screen that displays the results of the search in an asp:GridView component. There can be up to approx 1000 records returned by the search. I want to implememt paging on the grid so that only 15 records are displayed at any one time and the user can page through the results.
I am retrieving the records by passing search parameters to a WCF service which returns a List of particular entity objects. I create a Datatable and insert one DataRow per entity object from the List. I then bind the grid view to the Datatable.
This is how my grid is defined in the .aspx page:
<asp:GridView ID="gridCat" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="CatalogueID"
HeaderStyle-CssClass="fieldHeading" RowStyle-CssClass="fieldContent"
AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="alternateFieldContent" Width="100%"
AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True"
and I also have this method in the code behind (.aspx.vb file):
Sub GridPagingAction(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewPageEventArgs) Handles gridCat.PageIndexChanging
gridCat.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
gridCat.Visible = True
End Sub
My problem is this: the first page is rendered correctly i.e. the first 15 records are displayed correctly. However, when I navigate to page 2 in the grid, the GridPagingAction method is hit on the server but nothing is displayed in the grid - it is just blank.
I think the reason this is happening is because the Datatable no longer exists on the server when the request for the second page hits the server - is that right? And the asp:GridView, when it is rendering the first page of results, only takes the first 15 records from the Datatble and sends them back to the browser. So when the request for the second page comes in the other records (i.e. records 16 - 1000) don't exist anywhere - is all that correct?
If so, what's the best solution - I can't see how to implement paging without having to do one of the following:
re-perform the search each time the user uses the paging option;
saving the search results on the Session after the first Search retrieving them each time the user uses the paging option;
manually inserting the Search results into ViewState and retrieving them each time the user uses the paging option.
Is there a better way to do this (or am I doing it wrong)? If not, which of the 3 options do you think is the best? I'm leaning towards option 2 as I don't think option 1 is performant and I don't want to be sending loads of unnecessary data back to the browser as per option 3.
All you said is correct. You could either use ViewState or the Session to keep hold of the data on client- or server-side, but if you really have that many records, it might be a good idea to only collect the data you actually need.
So if you want to show records 1 to 10, you perform a query against the database and only fetch those ten records. If you want to show the next ten, you perform another query with the according parameters.
This will improve your performance and memory usage significantly, IF calling your DB is not overly expensive.
This article might give you a start on how to do this:
If you want an easy solution without any additional efforts, I would query all the records on each postback (your option #1).
If you want the best performing solution with not much overhead, use the custom paging.


I have a gridview which was working fine with a small dataset in development. In production it has to bind to thousands of records, which is making it slower to load. Is there a way to improve performance, like retrieving the data during gridview pageindex changing?
Also chances are you only want to bind it once. So you should (if not already):
This way your GridView will only have to hit the db the first time to get the data.
First and formost turn off ViewState.
You should tell your datasource to take less records and then enable paging in your grid and datasource.
You can enable "AllowPaging" property to true in your GridView and give a page size say 10. Then Write your data retrieval logic to return a batch of data instead of the whole set of data at once.
When you write the SQL query make sure to order it by an ID.
Thus if the page index is 1 you can take the first batch of data by passing page index of 1 and the page size of 10.
Logic will be;
SELECT [RequiredFields]
FROM [YourDataSource]
WHERE (Id>=((PageIndex-1)*pageSize) AND Id<(PageSize*pageIndex)) ORDER BY Id
In the first page it will return first set of entries of those Ids starting from 0 to 9. In the second page it returns entries of those Ids starting from 10 to 19 assuming the pageSize is 10. You can change the page size and the query logic as you wish.
But if sorting is enable then this will not produce accurate results.

Custom paging/sorting for GridView filled by CodeBehind Datasource?

I'm coding a report page. In this page, there are two date fields for user to filter the date and the GridView is filled depending on these dates in the CodeBehind (When user click the button view). Now I want to implement a paging/sorting feature for this GridView. I've researched and see there are default paging for GridView which is not very efficient (my report table may have thousands of records) and custom paging but this requires using ObjectDataSource (which I don't use). Thus anyone can recommend me some approaches that are best used in this situation? Some tutorials will be gladly appreciated :)
Assuming you have the records stored in a database, I would get the record count and use that number for paging. Then I'd query for the ones I want to see on each page.
SELECT TOP {1} pkId FROM Records ORDER BY pkId
) ORDER BY pkId;",
Where upperBoundary would be lowerBoundary + itemsPerPage, for example. Using MSSQL, we don't have the luxury of MySQL's LIMIT feature, but this does the same.
Narrowing down on dates, would be something like
SELECT * FROM Records WHERE Date > earlyDate AND Date <= lateDate
This is the most effecient way in my oppinion, cause it causes little traffic and if you cache the record count, you won't have many queries flying around either.

How to bind DataGrid to display only 25 records of a table having more than 1000 records ..?

I have a datagrid control which is bound to a table which containing more than 1000 records. And i want to show only 25 records once a time. I have used paging in datagrid. But each time the next page index is set, query is fired again. This takes lots of time. So what is the easiest way to bound data in this case to improve performance..??
I don't recommend using caching since the whole data will be returned to the server anyway for the first time.
You can improve performance by using custom paging queries to the database.
Assuming you're working with at least SQL Server 2005,
Here's a great article for your purpose with different benchmarking results
have you considered caching your data set? then you would only need to query the data if the cache is empty or expired.
When you handle your Page Changed event, you need to pull in the new page information. You will need to create a stored procedure that takes CurrentPageNumber and PageSize as arguments.
This is in addition to any other arguments you already supply when bringing down your data.
In the SP, you fill up a temporary table or table variable (or you can use a CTE) with the data that you are returning, but also the RowNumber.
Based upon your CurrentPageNumber argument, you are able to return all the results between CurrentPageNumber * PageSize and (CurrentPgaeNumber + 1) * PageSize - 1.
Here's a good resource:
How to return a page of results from SQL?
