Get string from current URL -

I am writing an MVC Application. I have the application send a request to FreeAgent and if the request is successful a code is returned in the redirect of the URL.
For example this is a copy of a successful URL.
They have added the ?code=144B2ymEKw3JfB9EDPIqCGeWKYLb9IKc-ABI6SZ0o&state= to my URL
I need the bit after the ?code= and before &state=
I can use this to get the URL
string code = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
but I need help extracting the code from this
The code will be different each time it is run

You can use the System.Uri and System.Web.HttpUtility classes
string uri = "http://localhost:3425/FreeAgent/Home?code=144B2ymEKw3JfB9EDPIqCGeWKYLb9IKc-ABI6SZ0o&state=";
string queryString = new System.Uri(uri).Query;
var queryDictionary = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);
Then the value of the code query parameter will be available in queryDictionary["code"]


How can I catch a pound sign(#) from URL with multiple values in ASHX files

This is my ASHX File where I am catching multiple parameters from request URL using httpcontext, and it is working properly but when I am including a Hash(#) value in Text parameter through the URL. It is not taking the value of FLOW which is another parameter(next to Text parameter).
So it is working for:
And it is not working for:
My ASHX files:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
HttpRequest httpRequest = context.Request;
string user = httpRequest.QueryString["user"].ToString();
string pass = httpRequest.QueryString["pass"].ToString();
string tid = httpRequest.QueryString["tid"].ToString();
string msisdn = httpRequest.QueryString["msisdn"].ToString();
string text = httpRequest.QueryString["text"].ToString();
flow = httpRequest.QueryString["flow"].ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] = user;
HttpContext.Current.Session["pass"] = pass;
HttpContext.Current.Session["tid"] = tid;
HttpContext.Current.Session["msisdn"] = msisdn;
HttpContext.Current.Session["text"] = text;
HttpContext.Current.Session["flow"] = flow;
You need to URI encode your parameter values before they are added to the URL. This way the server will not get confused by unsafe characters such as '#' which has its own meaning when included as part of a URL. See RFC 3986 Section 2.
See Encode URL in JavaScript as an example of how to encode the sent data using JavaScript. Whatever is sending the data in the URL will need to do the encoding. There is not much you can do once the request has reached the server. Without knowing how your URL is being created, I can't offer much more.
In short: the problem is with your client code not your ASHX file.

Illegal argument exception: Host name may not be null

Illegal Argument exception: Host name may not be null
I am getting this error at last line
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(get)
I tried all possible solutions like encoding url if contains space etc.. and variables like name and phone all these are from my calling class
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
String time = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
String value="Dish:"+cr.getString(1)+"Quantity:"+cr.getInt(2)+"Price"+cr.getString(3).trim()+"TotalPrice:"+Integer.parseInt(cr.getString(3))*cr.getInt(2)+"Address:"+address+"CustomerName:"+name+"RestaurantName:"+cr.getString(4).trim();
url = ""+name.trim()+"&no="+phone.trim()+"&add="+URLEncoder.encode(address, "UTF-8")+"&rest="+URLEncoder.encode(cr.getString(4),"UTF-8")+"&cost="+cr.getString(3).trim()+"&value="+URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8")+"&dishname="+cr.getString(1).trim()+"&qty="+cr.getInt(2)+"&time="+time;
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(get);
You forgot the // after http:.
url = "
The stacktrace says it all; your URL does not contain a hostname (a domain name or IP). That means you either didn't supply one, or you made a formatting error somewhere so the URL couldn't be parsed properly. In this case, you did supply a domain name, it's just that the URL isn't formatted properly.
Note that the Apache HttpClient that you are using is deprecated and Google recommends you switch to something else, e.g. URLConnection. Square's OKHttp is also a great alternative.
Also, you might want to try and make your code more readable. Using a builder pattern for your URI would probably help a lot. See URIBuilder or you could just use a StringBuilder.

Is there a way to send back a string as well as an image via Http response?

I am hitting a servlet and based on the data passed to the server , I have two conditions.
1) If data is 'X' then I have to return a string in response.
2) If data is 'Y' then I have to return a string as well an image in response.
So is this scenario possible? How do I return both a string as well as image from the server?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Simply return the URL of the image and store it in the session object, something like this:
String imgUrl = "...URL";
request.getSession.setAttribute("Image", imgUrl);
Then call the requestDispatcher and forward it to a jsp, so
request.getRequestDispatcher("jsp/myJsp").forward(req, resp);
Then, from the JSP extract the imgUrl,
<% String url = (String)session.getSession.getAttribute("Image");
and there you go.
Good luck!

Find application root URL without using ~

I need to construct the URL of a page in a String, to send it an email (as part of an email verification system). If i use the ~ symbol to denote the app root, it is taken literally.
The app will be deployed on a server on three different sites (on different ports) and each site can be accessed via 2 different URLs (one for LAn and one for internet).
So hardcoding the URL is out of question. I want to construct the url to verify.aspx in my application
Please help
You need this:
It's equivalent to "~" in a URL.
Unfortunately none of the methods listed generated the full url starting from http://---.
So i had to extract these from request.url. Something like this
Uri url=HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder();
Can someone spot any potential problems with this?
HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request;
string url = req.Url.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped)
+ ((req.ApplicationPath.Length > 1) ? req.ApplicationPath : "");
You need to put the URL as part of your web application's configuration. The web application does not know how it can be reached from the outside world.
E.g. consider a scenario where there's multiple proxies and load balancers in front of your web server... how would the web server know anything but its own IP?
So, you need to configure each instance of your web application by adding the base URL e.g. as an app setting in its web.config.
You can use HttpRequest.RawURL (docs here)property and base your URL on that, but if you are behind any kind of redirection, the RawURL may not reflect the actual URL of your application.
I ended up with this. I take the request url, and use the position of Request.ApplicationRoot to discover the left part of the uri. Should work with applications hosted in a virtual directory "/example" or in the root "/".
private string GetFullUrl(string relativeUrl)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relativeUrl))
throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeUrl");
if (!relativeUrl.StartsWith("/"))
throw new ArgumentException("url should start with /", "relativeUrl");
string current = Request.Url.ToString();
string applicationPath = Request.ApplicationPath;
int applicationPathIndex = current.IndexOf(applicationPath, 10, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
// should not be possible
if (applicationPathIndex == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to derive root path");
string basePath = current.Substring(0, applicationPathIndex);
string fullRoot = string.Concat(
(applicationPath == "/") ? string.Empty : applicationPath,
return fullRoot;
This has always worked for me:
string root = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.PathAndQuery, "");

ASP.NET & Ajax: query string parameters using ISO-8859-1 encoding

Here's another one for you to help me solve: I have an ASP.NET website that uses AJAX (asynchronous) calls to am .ashx handler, passing a query string parameter to get some information from the database.
Here's an example of how it works:
Client-side (Javascript) code snippet that makes the asynchronous call to the handler:
/* Capture selected value from a DropDownBox */
var dropdown = document.getElementById(DropDownID);
var selectedValue = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
/* Make the call to the handler */
var url = "MyHandler.ashx?param=" + selectedValue;
var ajaxObj = new Ajax();
ajaxObj.doRequest(url, MyCallback, args, connectionFailed);
When I load the webform (that contains this AJAX call) for the first time, it sends the right query string to the handler (I checked it using debug in Visual Studio), like param = Street Joseph Blíss. That's the right behavior I want it to have.
The thing is that when I load that webform again (and all subsequent times), that í character from "Blíss" appears in server-side as í-. As that's the key from the entity I'm trying to select on server-side database access script, it doesn't work as it worked on 1st webform load.
I tried encoding the query string on client-side and decoding it on server-side, using something like this:
Client-side (Javascript):
var encodedParam = encodeURIComponent(selectedValue);
/* Make the call to the handler */
var url = "MyHandler.ashx?param=" + encodedParam ;
Server-side (ASP.NET, C#):
string encodedParam = context.Request.QueryString["param"];
string value = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(encodedParam, Encoding.ASCII);
...but I had no luck with it and the problem still remains. Any help?
After some more searching, I found out how to solve with server-side code refinement. Here's the deal:
I had to alter my .ashx handler to parse the original parameter grabbed from the query string and convert it into UTF-8. Here's how it's made:
// original parameterized value with invalid characters
string paramQs = context.Request.QueryString["param"];
// correct parsed value from query string parameter
string param = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1").GetBytes(paramQs));
Happy coding, folks! :)
