I need to repoint a Domain on a Names host to another server that runs my WordPress site? - wordpress

I have a Domain host (JustHosts.com) that host my domain name:
I have another server with a WordPress site on it which is accessed directly as:
I want this to be accessed via mydomain.com, so:
mydomain.com -> mywordpress.com/wpsite1
The URL should stay as mydomain.com, not go back to mywordpress.com/wpsite1.
I can add the following types of records:
What should I do on my domain host to make this change?
Many thanks.

I could solve this in particular condition where we use subdomain to pointing to the WordPress site and the Wordpress site itself is installed on a host provider that is using cPanel.
Formerly I simply set CName on subdomain blog.mydomain.com to the subdomain where my Wordpress site is installed. Unfortunately this pointing was resulting a redirection like this:
Searching for a solutiom then I found this documentation:
It is actually a documentation for a plugin to map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain. I didn't install the plugins I just marked that for cPanell users we need to put the mydomain.com as a parked domain in cPanel where the Wordpress site is installed.
So with the cPanel I uninstalled my WordPress and rearrange the installation step as below:
1. Put mydomain.com as a parked domain
2. Re install WordPress using blog.mydomain.com
Viola! The blog.mydomain.com is running the WordPress perfectly and stay in blog.mydomain.com without any error or redirection to other domain.


Wordpress Multisite on existing subdomain Installation

I have a fresh Wordpress install that I have put onto a temporary subdomain temp.example.com as I want to transfer in blog.example.com as part of a multisite on this install that will work with the main marketing site www.example.com.
However when I enable multisite and go to the network settings it is trying to create site1.temp.example.com.
How do I configure this so the sites it creates are temp.example.com and site2. example.com (without thesub-sub-domain) so I can transfer the existing sites into this. I already have live sites on the main example.com domain and so can't change the cname/a record for this.

Setting Up WordPress Multisite Domain Mapping in Plesk

Our intention is to create a multisite like www.example.com and than point other sites in that multisite installation
We have set up Wordpress multisite with subdirectories option and also activated Domain Mapping Plugin.
Than we created a child site via Multisite and in Domain Mapping Options we created a domain www.example2.com and conected it with child site via id.
In Plesk than we created a website for www.example2.com with no hosting option.
Also Both of domains www.example.com and www.example1.com are hosted in same server.
We are missing something any suggestion would be appreciated.
First you need create the website on wp multisite from network admin. This will be accessible at ww.example1.com/example2.
Then you need to go to admin of example2 admin and map the domain www.example2.com.
If the domain is pointing to the server where wordpress is (in your case should be as they are on the same place) the site should be available at www.example2.com

Wordpress Multisite stops old subdomains working

I followed the instructions for setting up Wordpress multisite using subdomains on a Mediatemple DV server with wildcard DNS and got it working fine, however, I had previously hosted subdomains setup but now Multisite stops these from working by defaulting to the multisite 'system'. How can I set up Multisite so I can choose which subdomains it uses and which ones for it to leave alone incase I need to setup a non-wordpress solution in these ones?
Please double check DNS records. The way I have my instances, is I use a wildcard on a CNAME pointing to my server (# or ip)
For subdomains that aren't apart of the "wp multisite network" I used A records pointing to the server ip. From there, those subdomains have to be parked properly. Say for instance, in WHM I create a cPanel account for subdomain.domain.com that roots to /home/subdomain/public_html - meanwhile domain.com cPanel accout roots to /home/domain/pubic_html - apache resolves both respectively.

Hosting a wordpress blog on a server with other web sites

I have a wordpress installation on its own folder, on my server that hosts another site (non-wp) to. I want to keep the wp installation to its own sudirectory, but change the url to point directly to the blog (to get rid of /wp in the url).
Is it possible?
How does the index.php have to be configured to correctly point to both sites hosted?
You should set the subdomain in something like your cPanel with the web hosting.
I want to have: blog.domain.com and www.domain.com
www.domain.com is set by default.
In your hosting settings, you will need to create the blog sub-domain and have it point directly to another directory.

Redirecting domains in local server with Wordpress installations

I am using Uniserver as local server and have several sub-directories under www that simulate each one a different domain.
http://localhost/WPTest/ is the WPTest site where there is a Wordpress installation
http://localhost/WPTest1/ is the WPTest1 site where there is another Wordpress installation
What I would like to do and haven't been able, is to redirect http://localhost/WPTest/ just to http://WPTest and http://localhost/WPTest1/ just to http://WPTest1, etc.
I will appreciate any help to do this or at least to tell me if it's possible.
Let Uniserver do the work for you:
Create a Virtual Host opening Server Configuration -> Apache -> Apache Vhosts
Enter the Document Root path (i.e. ./whatever/www/WPTest).
Enter the Server Name (i.e. "wptest"). Use lower case only.
Select Confirm
Restart Apache Server.
Now in Wordpress, go to http://localhost/WPTest/wp-admin.
In Settings -> General, modify:
WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) replacing the actual URLs with http://wptest
Restart WP.
That's all. Now the virtual Wordpress site is accessed at http://wptest
Repeat the same steps for each subdirectory.
