adding row/column total data when aggregating data using plyr and reshape2 package in R - r

I create aggregate tables most of the time during my work using the flow below:
temp.df <- data.frame(var1=sample(letters[1:5],100,replace=TRUE),
temp.output <- ddply(temp.df,
function(df) {
temp.output.all <- ddply(temp.df,
function(df) {
temp.output <- rbind(temp.output,temp.output.all)
temp.output[,"var1"] <- factor(temp.output[,"var1"],levels=c(letters[1:5],"all"))
temp.output <- dcast(temp.output,formula=var2~var1,value.var="count",fill=0)
I start feeling silly to writing the "boilerplate" code every time to include the row/column total when I create a new aggregate table, is there some way for skipping it?

Looking at your desired output (now that I'm in front of a computer), perhaps you should look at the margins argument of dcast:
dcast(temp.df, var2 ~ var1, value.var = "var2",
fun.aggregate=length, margins = "var1")
# var2 a b c d e (all)
# 1 11 3 1 6 4 2 16
# 2 12 1 3 6 5 5 20
# 3 13 5 9 3 6 1 24
# 4 14 4 7 3 6 2 22
# 5 15 0 5 1 5 7 18
Also look into the addmargins function in base R.


Using two grouping designations to create one 'combined' grouping variable

Given a data.frame:
df <- data.frame(grp1 = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4),
grp2 = c(1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,6,9,10))
#> df
# grp1 grp2
#1 1 1
#2 1 2
#3 1 3
#4 2 3
#5 2 4
#6 2 5
#7 3 6
#8 3 7
#9 3 8
#10 4 6
#11 4 9
#12 4 10
Both coluns are grouping variables, such that all 1's in column grp1 are known to be grouped together, and so on with all 2's, etc. Then the same goes for grp2. All 1's are known to be the same, all 2's the same.
Thus, if we look at the 3rd and 4th row, based on column 1 we know that the first 3 rows can be grouped together and the second 3 rows can be grouped together. Then since rows 3 and 4 share the same grp2 value, we know that all 6 rows, in fact, can be grouped together.
Based off the same logic we can see that the last six rows can also be grouped together (since rows 7 and 10 share the same grp2).
Aside from writing a fairly involved set of for() loops, is there a more straight forward approach to this? I haven't been able to think one one yet.
The final output that I'm hoping to obtain would look something like:
# > df
# grp1 grp2 combinedGrp
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 1 2 1
# 3 1 3 1
# 4 2 3 1
# 5 2 4 1
# 6 2 5 1
# 7 3 6 2
# 8 3 7 2
# 9 3 8 2
# 10 4 6 2
# 11 4 9 2
# 12 4 10 2
Thank you for any direction on this topic!
I would define a graph and label nodes according to connected components:
gmap = unique(stack(df))
gmap$node = seq_len(nrow(gmap))
oldcols = unique(gmap$ind)
newcols = paste0("node_", oldcols)
df[ newcols ] = lapply(oldcols, function(i) with(gmap[gmap$ind == i, ],
node[ match(df[[i]], values) ]
g = graph_from_edgelist(cbind(df$node_grp1, df$node_grp2), directed = FALSE)
gmap$group = components(g)$membership
df$group = gmap$group[ match(df$node_grp1, gmap$node) ]
grp1 grp2 node_grp1 node_grp2 group
1 1 1 1 5 1
2 1 2 1 6 1
3 1 3 1 7 1
4 2 3 2 7 1
5 2 4 2 8 1
6 2 5 2 9 1
7 3 6 3 10 2
8 3 7 3 11 2
9 3 8 3 12 2
10 4 6 4 10 2
11 4 9 4 13 2
12 4 10 4 14 2
Each unique element of grp1 or grp2 is a node and each row of df is an edge.
One way to do this is via a matrix that defines links between rows based on group membership.
This approach is related to #Frank's graph answer but uses an adjacency matrix rather than using edges to define the graph. An advantage of this approach is it can deal immediately with many > 2 grouping columns with the same code. (So long as you write the function that determines links flexibly.) A disadvantage is you need to make all pair-wise comparisons between rows to construct the matrix, so for very long vectors it could be slow. As is, #Frank's answer would work better for very long data, or if you only ever have two columns.
The steps are
compare rows based on groups and define these rows as linked (i.e., create a graph)
determine connected components of the graph defined by the links in 1.
You could do 2 a few ways. Below I show a brute force way where you 2a) collapse links, till reaching a stable link structure using matrix multiplication and 2b) convert the link structure to a factor using hclust and cutree. You could also use igraph::clusters on a graph created from the matrix.
1. construct an adjacency matrix (matrix of pairwise links) between rows
(i.e., if they in the same group, the matrix entry is 1, otherwise it's 0). First making a helper function that determines whether two rows are linked
linked_rows <- function(data){
## helper function
## returns a _function_ to compare two rows of data
## based on group membership.
## Use Vectorize so it works even on vectors of indices
Vectorize(function(i, j) {
## numeric: 1= i and j have overlapping group membership
common <- vapply(names(data), function(name)
data[i, name] == data[j, name],
which I use in outer to construct a matrix,
rows <- 1:nrow(df)
A <- outer(rows, rows, linked_rows(df))
2a. collapse 2-degree links to 1-degree links. That is, if rows are linked by an intermediate node but not directly linked, lump them in the same group by defining a link between them.
One iteration involves: i) matrix multiply to get the square of A, and
ii) set any non-zero entry in the squared matrix to 1 (as if it were a first degree, pairwise link)
## define as a function to use below
lump_links <- function(A) {
A <- A %*% A
A[A > 0] <- 1
repeat this till the links are stable
oldA <- 0
i <- 0
while (any(oldA != A)) {
oldA <- A
A <- lump_links(A)
2b. Use the stable link structure in A to define groups (connected components of the graph). You could do this a variety of ways.
One way, is to first define a distance object, then use hclust and cutree. If you think about it, we want to define linked (A[i,j] == 1) as distance 0. So the steps are a) define linked as distance 0 in a dist object, b) construct a tree from the dist object, c) cut the tree at zero height (i.e., zero distance):
df$combinedGrp <- cutree(hclust(as.dist(1 - A)), h = 0)
In practice you can encode steps 1 - 2 in a single function that uses the helper lump_links and linked_rows:
lump <- function(df) {
rows <- 1:nrow(df)
A <- outer(rows, rows, linked_rows(df))
oldA <- 0
while (any(oldA != A)) {
oldA <- A
A <- lump_links(A)
df$combinedGrp <- cutree(hclust(as.dist(1 - A)), h = 0)
This works for the original df and also for the structure in #rawr's answer
df <- data.frame(grp1 = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7,8,9),
grp2 = c(1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,6,9,10,11,3,12,3,6,12))
grp1 grp2 combinedGrp
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 1
4 2 3 1
5 2 4 1
6 2 5 1
7 3 6 2
8 3 7 2
9 3 8 2
10 4 6 2
11 4 9 2
12 4 10 2
13 5 11 1
14 5 3 1
15 6 12 3
16 7 3 1
17 8 6 2
18 9 12 3
Here's a version using igraph, which makes the connection with #Frank's answer more clear:
lump2 <- function(df) {
rows <- 1:nrow(df)
A <- outer(rows, rows, linked_rows(df))
cluster_A <- igraph::clusters(igraph::graph.adjacency(A))
df$combinedGrp <- cluster_A$membership
Hope this solution helps you a bit:
Assumption: df is ordered on the basis of grp1.
## split dataset using values of grp1
split_df <- split.default(df$grp2,df$grp1)
parent <- vector('integer',length(split_df))
## find out which combinations have values of grp2 in common
for (i in seq(1,length(split_df)-1)){
for (j in seq(i+1,length(split_df))){
inter <- intersect(split_df[[i]],split_df[[j]])
if (length(inter) > 0){
parent[j] <- i
ans <- vector('list',length(split_df))
index <- which(parent == 0)
## index contains indices of elements that have no element common
for (i in seq_along(index)){
ans[[index[i]]] <- rep(i,length(split_df[[i]]))
rest_index <- seq(1,length(split_df))[-index]
for (i in rest_index){
val <- ans[[parent[i]]][1]
ans[[i]] <- rep(val,length(split_df[[i]]))
df$combinedGrp <- unlist(ans)
grp1 grp2 combinedGrp
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 1
4 2 3 1
5 2 4 1
6 2 5 1
7 3 6 2
8 3 7 2
9 3 8 2
10 4 6 2
11 4 9 2
12 4 10 2
Based on, I used a different implementation of igraph because I already had an adjacency matrix of sf polygons from st_intersects():
# Use example data
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
nc <- nc[-sample(1:nrow(nc),nrow(nc)*.75),] #drop some polygons
# Find intersetions
b <- st_intersects(nc, sparse = F)
g <- graph.adjacency(b)
clu <- components(g)
gr <- groups(clu)
# Quick loop to assign the groups
for(i in 1:nrow(nc)){
for(j in 1:length(gr)){
if(i %in% gr[[j]]){
nc[i,'group'] <- j
# Make a new sfc object
nc_un <- group_by(nc, group) %>%
summarize(BIR74 = mean(BIR74), do_union = TRUE)

R - Output of aggregate and range gives 2 columns for every column name - how to restructure?

I am trying to produce a summary table showing the range of each variable by group. Here is some example data:
df <- data.frame(group=c("a","a","b","b","c","c"), var1=c(1:6), var2=c(7:12))
group var1 var2
1 a 1 7
2 a 2 8
3 b 3 9
4 b 4 10
5 c 5 11
6 c 6 12
I used the aggregate function like this:
df_range <- aggregate(df[,2:3], list(df$group), range)
Group.1 var1.1 var1.2 var2.1 var2.2
1 a 1 2 7 8
2 b 3 4 9 10
3 c 5 6 11 12
The output looked normal, but the dimensions are 3x3 instead of 5x3 and there are only 3 names:
[1] "Group.1" "var1" "var2"
How do I get this back to the normal data frame structure with one name per column? Or alternatively, how do I get the same summary table without using aggregate and range?
That is the documented output of a matrix within the data frame. You can undo the effect with:
newdf <-, df_range)
# Group.1 var1.1 var1.2 var2.1 var2.2
#1 a 1 2 7 8
#2 b 3 4 9 10
#3 c 5 6 11 12
#[1] 3 5
Here's an approach using dplyr:
df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise_each(funs(max(.) - min(.)), var1, var2)

From long to wide form without id.var?

I have some data in long form that looks like this:
dat1 = data.frame(
id = rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=4),
value = 1:8
In table form:
id value
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
B 5
B 6
B 7
B 8
And I want it to be in short form and look like this:
dat1 = data.frame(A = 1:4, B = 5:8)
In table form:
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
Now I could solve this by looping with cbind() and stuff, but I want to use some kind of reshape/melt function as these are the best way to do this kind of thing I think.
However, from spending >30 minutes trying to get melt() and reshape() to work, reading answers on SO, it seems that these functions requires the id.var to be set. Now, it is plainly redundant for this kind of thing, so how do I do what I want to do without having to resort to some kind of looping?
I'm pretty sure this has been answered before. Anyway, unstack is convenient in this particular case with equal group size:
unstack(dat1, form = value ~ id)
# A B
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 6
# 3 3 7
# 4 4 8
Solution below works when there are different numbers of As and Bs. For equal counts, unstack works great and with less code (Henrik's answer).
# create more general data (unbalanced 'id')
each <- c(4,2,3)
dat1 = data.frame(
id = unlist(mapply(rep, x = LETTERS[1:length(each)], each = each)),
value = 1:sum(each),
row.names = 1:sum(each) # to reproduce original row.names
tab <- table(dat1$id)
dat1$timevar <- unlist(sapply(tab, seq))
dcast(dat1, timevar ~ id )[-1]
initial data:
id value
1 A 1
2 A 2
3 A 3
4 A 4
5 B 5
6 B 6
7 C 7
8 C 8
9 C 9
1 1 5 7
2 2 6 8
3 3 NA 9
4 4 NA NA
Here's a base R approach to consider. It uses the lengths function, which I believe was introduced in R 3.2.
x <- split(dat1$value, dat1$id), function(y) `length<-`(y, max(lengths(x)))))
# A B C
# 1 1 5 7
# 2 2 6 8
# 3 3 NA 9
# 4 4 NA NA

get z standardized score within each group

Here is the data.
set.seed(23) data<-data.frame(ID=rep(1:12), group=rep(1:3,times=4), value=(rnorm(12,mean=0.5, sd=0.3)))
ID group value
1 1 1 0.4133934
2 2 2 0.6444651
3 3 3 0.1350871
4 4 1 0.5924411
5 5 2 0.3439465
6 6 3 0.3673059
7 7 1 0.3202062
8 8 2 0.8883733
9 9 3 0.7506174
10 10 1 0.3301955
11 11 2 0.7365258
12 12 3 0.1502212
I want to get z-standardized scores within each group. so I try
data_split<-split(data, data$group) #split the dataframe
stan<-lapply(data_split, function(x) stdz(x$value)) #compute z-scores within group
However, It looks wrong because I want to add a new variable following 'value'
How can I do that? Kindly provide some suggestions(sample code). Any help is greatly appreciated .
Use this instead:
within(data, stan <- ave(value, group, FUN=stdz))
No need to call split nor lapply.
One way using data.table package:
data <- data.table(ID=rep(1:12), group=rep(1:3,times=4), value=(rnorm(12,mean=0.5, sd=0.3)))
setkey(data, ID)
dataNew <- data[, list(ID, stan = stdz(value)), by = 'group']
the result is:
group ID stan
1: 1 1 -0.6159312
2: 1 4 0.9538398
3: 1 7 -1.0782747
4: 1 10 0.7403661
5: 2 2 -1.2683237
6: 2 5 0.7839781
7: 2 8 0.8163844
8: 2 11 -0.3320388
9: 3 3 0.6698418
10: 3 6 0.8674548
11: 3 9 -0.2131335
12: 3 12 -1.3241632
I tried Ferdinand.Kraft's solution but it didn't work for me. I think the stdz function isn't included in the basic R install. Moreover, the within part troubled me in a large dataset with many variables. I think the easiest way is:
data$value.s <- ave(data$value, data$group, FUN=scale)
Add the new column while in your function, and have the function return the whole data frame.
stanL<-lapply(data_split, function(x) {
x$stan <- stdz(x$value)
stan <-, stanL)

reshape data into panel with multiple variables and no time variable in R

I'm new to reshaping data in R and can't figure out how to use reshape() (or another package) to create a panel data. There are two time observations for each geographical unit, however each of the time observations is formatted in a variable. For example:
subdistrict <- 1:4
control_t1 <- 5:8
control_t2 <- 9:12
motivation_t1 <- 12:15
motivation_t2 <- 16:19
data_mat <-, control_t1, control_t2, motivation_t1, motivation_t2))
subdistrict control_t1 control_t2 motivation_t1 motivation_t2
1 1 5 9 12 16
2 2 6 10 13 17
3 3 7 11 14 18
4 4 8 12 15 19
Here, control_t1 and control_t2 each refer to a different period. My goal is to reshape the data such that a time variable can be established and the named variable can be collapsed so to produce the following frame:
subdistrict time control motivation
1 1 1 12
1 2 5 16
2 1 2 13
2 2 6 17
3 1 3 14
3 2 7 18
4 1 4 15
4 2 8 19
I'm not sure how to create the new time variable, and collapse and rename the variables to reshape the data as such. Thanks for any help.
You just have to use the reshape() function with option direction = "long". Here is the code :
district <- 1:4
control_t1 <- 5:8
control_t2 <- 9:12
relax_t1 <- 12:15
relax_t2 <- 16:19
data_mat <-, control_t1, control_t2, relax_t1, relax_t2))
reshape(data = data_mat, direction = "long", idvar = "district", timevar = "time", varying = list(c(2:3), c(4:5)))
# district time control_t1 relax_t1
# 1.1 1 1 5 12
# 2.1 2 1 6 13
# 3.1 3 1 7 14
# 4.1 4 1 8 15
# 1.2 1 2 9 16
# 2.2 2 2 10 17
# 3.2 3 2 11 18
# 4.2 4 2 12 19
Have a look at the R Programming wikibooks to learn more.
A simple answer is to split and rebind the data frame into your new form, like so:
new_Data <- data.frame(
All we are doing here is collapsing the two columns of 'control' and 'motivation' into single columns of data by using the 'unlist' function and then binding it all into a new data frame. The 'subdistrict' data repeats, so there is no reason to specify it twice.
