From core.clj, the definition of assoc (trimmed of metadata etc)
(def assoc
(fn assoc
([map key val] (. clojure.lang.RT (assoc map key val)))
([map key val & kvs]
(let [ret (assoc map key val)]
(if kvs
(if (next kvs)
(recur ret (first kvs) (second kvs) (nnext kvs))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "assoc expects even no of args...")))
what does the let binding of ret achieve? Why is it not just:
(def assoc
(fn assoc
([map key val] (. clojure.lang.RT (assoc map key val)))
([map key val & kvs]
(if kvs
(if (next kvs)
(recur (first kvs) (second kvs) (nnext kvs))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "assoc expects even no of args...")))
Rudimentary testing (in ClojureCLR) seemed to indicate the latter works ok, and I can't find any documentation indicating the use of the former. Any clues?
Thanks, gary
Your version should fail to compile because not enough arguments are passed to recur (four are needed in this case). The let exists to bind the result of association of the first pair of key/values passed to the first body (3-arity) as ret. In case the second body was invoked by itself earlier using recur with kvs = nil (as a result of calling nnext in the recur form as the fourth argument) (if kvs ..) will fail and ret can simply be returned. If there are more kvs tailrecursion can happen.
I have a struct with :name and :value that I'd like to use as arguments to a macro. But I'm not sure how to tell lisp that.
I can write out the call like
(sxql:yield (sxql:set= :name "a" :value 1))
"SET name = ?, value = ?"
("a" 1)
But I'd like to use an already existing structure
(defstruct my-struct name value)
(setq x (make-my-struct :name "a" :value 1))
using answers from Common LISP: convert (unknown) struct object to plist?
I've made
(defun struct-plist (x)
"make struct X into a property list. ugly kludge"
(let* ((slots (sb-mop:class-slots (class-of x)))
(names (mapcar 'sb-mop:slot-definition-name slots)))
(mapcar (lambda (n) (list (intern (string n) "KEYWORD")
(slot-value x n)))
(setq p (struct-plist x)) ; (:NAME "a" :VALUE 1)
My naive attempts are
(sxql:set= p) ; error in FORMAT: No more argument SET ~{~A = ~A~^, ~}
(funcall 'sxql:set= p) ; SXQL:SET= is a macro, not a function.
(macroexpand (sxql:set= p)) ; error in FORMAT ...
I imagine this is an easy/fundamental lisp programming question. But I'm not sure how to ask it (or search for answers). I'm also hoping there is an better struct<->plist story than what I've stumbled across so far.
EDIT: In case this is really an xy-problem. I've used flydata:defmodel to create the struct and I want to insert to a database using the same model.
This is definitely an xy problem: unfortunately I don't understand y (flydata?) well enough to answer the y part.
Here's why what you are trying to do can't work however. Consider this code in a file being compiled:
(defstruct mine name value)
(sxql:set= <anything derived from mine>)
Compiling this file must satisfy two constraints:
It does not fully create the structure type mine (see defstruct);
It must macroexpand sxql:set=.
What these constraints mean is that sxql:set= can't know about the structure at the time it is expanded. So any trick which relies on information about the structure must make that information available at compile time.
As I said, I don't understand the y part well enough to understand what you are trying to do, but a hacky approach to this is:
write a wrapper for defstruct which stashes information at compile time (strictly: at macro-expansion time);
write a wrapper for sxql:set= which uses that information to expand into something which makes sense.
Here is a mindless wrapper for defstruct. Note that this is mindless: it can only understand the most simple defstruct forms, and even then it may be wrong. It exists only as an example.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defvar *structure-information* '()))
(defmacro define-mindless-structure (name &body slots)
(assert (and (symbolp name)
(every #'symbolp slots))
(name slots)
"I am too mindless")
(let ((found (or (assoc name *structure-information*)
(car (push (list name) *structure-information*)))))
(setf (cdr found) (mapcar (lambda (slot)
(list slot (intern (symbol-name slot)
(find-package "KEYWORD"))
(intern (concatenate 'string
(symbol-name name)
(symbol-name slot)))))
`(defstruct ,name ,#slots))
So now
(define-mindless-structure mine
name value)
Will expand into (defstruct mine name value) and, at macroexpansion time will stash some information about this structure in *structure-information*.
Now I stop really understanding what you need to do because I don't know what sxql:set= is meant to do, but it might be something like this:
(defmacro mindless-set= ((s o))
(let ((info (assoc s *structure-information*))
(ov (make-symbol "O")))
(unless info
(error "no information for ~A" s))
`(let ((,ov ,o))
(sxql:set= ,#(loop for (slot initarg accessor) in (cdr info)
;; the compiler will whine about slot annoyingly
collect initarg
collect `(,accessor ,ov))))))
So with this macro, assuming a suitable define-mindless-structure for mine form has been seen by the time the macro is expanded, then
(mindless-set= (mine it))
Will expand into
(let ((#:o it))
(set= :name (mine-name #:o) :value (mine-value #:o)))
But, as I said, I am not sure what the expansion you actually want is.
Finally, before even thinking about using anything like the above, it would be worth looking around to see if there are portability libraries which provide compile/macroexpansion-time functionality like this: there very well may be such, as I don't keep up with things.
I have written a function that accepts a list of characters and checks how many times the instances of the vowels are in the list.
The following error appears when I try the function:
; contains?: undefined;
; cannot reference undefined identifier
; [,bt for context]
The function :
(define (count list)
(if (and(null? (cdr list))
(contains?(vowels)(car list)))
(+ counter 1)
(if(and (contains?(vowels)(car list))
(not(contains?(vowels)(cadr list))))
(+ counter 1)
(count(cdr list)))))
contains? is not part of either R5R, R6RS, or R7RS and thus is not part of any current Scheme standard.
In the current standard we have something that works in its place: member, memv, and memq:
(member '(b) '((a) (b) (c))) ; ==> ((b) (c))
(member '(q) '((a) (b) (c))) ; ==> #f
member uses equal? to check for same object. The others use eqv? (numbers) and eq? (identity).
I've put together the following rudimentary stopwatch in Racket (just learning now, the final aim is a pomodoro-timer).
#lang racket
(define start-time 0)
(define end-times '())
(define (start);; stores start-time
(set! start-time (current-seconds)))
(define (lap);; stores "laps" in list
(set! end-times (cons (current-seconds) end-times)))
(define (stop);; stores final time, displays lap-times in h, m, s and resets end-times
(set! end-times (cons (current-seconds) end-times))
(map (lambda (an-end)
(let ((the-date (seconds->date(- an-end start-time))))
(sub1(date-hour the-date))
;; sub1 is needed because (date-hour(seconds->date 0) = 1
(date-minute the-date)
(date-second the-date)))) end-times)))
(set! end-times '())
While this does exactly what it should, I was wondering how I could avoid mutable state. If I follow HTDP, this is the kind of situation where mutable state is warranted, but after browsing Wadler's "Monads for Functional Programming", I'm still curious about how I could do without set!.
I know that to make it functional, I should add arguments to my functions. For instance, start would become
(define (start [now (current-seconds)])
and a similar approach could work with lap and stop.
Still, while I know that after adding additional arguments to restore functionality, I should also pass arguments rather than storing values in variables, I don't see how in this case I can leverage this to avoid set! as well.
Update: Since all three answers below are highly valuable (thanks!), I didn't mark any of them as the unique correct one. Below is the minimal solution to my initial question. It is a combination of the loop-proposal of #Metaxal, with the example-usage of #Greg Hendershott.
#lang racket
(define (run)
(displayln "Enter 'lap' or 'quit':")
(let loop ([t0 (current-seconds)] [times '()])
(match (read-line)
["quit" (reverse
(map (lambda (x)
(let ((the-date (seconds->date x)))
(sub1(date-hour the-date))
(date-minute the-date)
(date-second the-date)))) times))]
["lap" (loop t0 (cons (- (current-seconds) t0) times))]
[_ (loop t0 times)])))
What will likely happen in the following of your program is that you will have a loop.
Then this loop can be a function that takes as input the whole current state, and when you want to update its state, just call the loop again with the new state (you may also call the loop again with the same exact state of course).
Simplified example:
(define (loop [t0 (current-seconds)] [times '()])
;; ... do things here, possibly depending on user input ...
;; then loop with a new state:
(cond [<some-start-condition> (loop (current-seconds) '())]
[<some-lap-condition> (loop t0 (cons (- (current-seconds) t0) times))]
[<some-stop-condition> times])) ; stop, no loop, return value
This certainly changes the approach to your design though.
It's harder to use this approach when designing GUI programs, because the event loop often prevents you from (or makes it difficult) passing values from one event to the next.
However, in Racket, there is (the pedagogical, but still very good) big-bang that is made just for that.
In this case using set! is justified and hard to avoid, because we must "remember" state between invocations of the procedures. What we can do is improving the encapsulation of state, by hiding the variables that change inside a procedure and using a message dispatcher for accessing the procedures that refer to the mutable state. This is very similar to what we do with object-oriented programming, but only lambdas are required to implement it!
(define (make-timer)
; the "attributes" of the object
(let ([start-time 0]
[end-times '()])
; the "methods" of the object
(define (start)
(set! start-time (current-seconds)))
(define (lap)
(set! end-times (append end-times (list (current-seconds)))))
(define (stop)
(map (lambda (an-end)
(let ((the-date (seconds->date (- an-end start-time))))
(sub1 (date-hour the-date))
(date-minute the-date)
(date-second the-date))))
(set! end-times '()))
; return a dispatch procedure
(lambda (msg)
(case msg
((start) (start)) ; call the start procedure defined above
((lap) (lap)) ; call the lap procedure defined above
((stop) (stop)) ; call the stop procedure defined above
(else (error "unknown message:" msg))))))
I took the liberty of modifying some of your procedures to make them a bit simpler. Here's how we would use the timer object we just created:
(define timer (make-timer))
(timer 'start)
(sleep 1)
(timer 'lap)
(sleep 1)
(timer 'lap)
(sleep 1)
(timer 'lap)
(sleep 1)
(timer 'stop)
=> ((18 0 1) (18 0 2) (18 0 3) (18 0 4))
This technique is called "message passing", learn more about it in the wonderful SICP book.
For a simple example like this, I would probably do what #Metaxal
However another approach is that you could explicitly define the state
as a struct:
(struct state (start-time end-times))
Then change the start, lap, and stop to be functions on state:
;; start : -> state
;; stores start-time
(define (start)
(state (current-seconds) '()))
;; lap : state -> state
;; stores "laps" in list
(define (lap st)
(match-define (state start-time end-times) st)
(state start-time
(cons (current-seconds) end-times)))
;; stop : state -> list
;; stores final time, displays lap-times in h, m, s
(define (stop st)
(match-define (state start-time end-times*) st)
(define end-times (cons (current-seconds) end-times*))
(map (lambda (an-end)
(let ((the-date (seconds->date(- an-end start-time))))
(sub1(date-hour the-date))
;; sub1 is needed because (date-hour(seconds->date 0) = 1
(date-minute the-date)
(date-second the-date)))) end-times)))
As in #Metaxal's answer, your "main loop" needs to handle the state and "thread" it through the functions as appropriate:
Example usage:
(define (run)
(displayln "Enter 'lap' or 'quit':")
(let loop ([st (start)])
(match (read-line)
["quit" (stop st)]
["lap" (loop (lap st))]
[_ (loop st)])))
Whereas #Óscar López's answer shows a style of OOP as explained in SICP.
A nice thing about Racket (and Scheme) is that you can choose whatever approach on the spectrum you think best fits the problem at hand, and your taste -- simple imperative, OOP imperative, pure functional.
I'm trying to write a simple calculator with addition, subtraction, etc.
My problem is with getting the user input. How do I turn the string of numerical values into a vector? And also what is a better way to write the program?
(ns scalc.core)
(defn add
(println (apply + numbers)))
(defn numchoose
(println "What numbers?: ")
(let [numbers (read-line)] numbers))
(defn opchoose
(println "What operation would you like to do?: ")
(let [operation (read-line)]
(if (= operation "add")
(println "You chose to add.")
(let [numvect (numchoose)]
(add [numvect]))))))
(defn -main
[& args]
And this is the error:
~/clj/scalc 1/7 % lein trampoline run -m scalc.core
What operation would you like to do?:
You chose to add.
What numbers?:
5 7
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast java.lang.String to java.lang.Number
at java.lang.Class.cast(
at clojure.core$cast.invoke(core.clj:318)
at clojure.core$_PLUS_.invoke(core.clj:927)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:601)
at scalc.core$add.invoke(core.clj:5)
at scalc.core$opchoose.invoke(core.clj:21)
at scalc.core$_main.doInvoke(core.clj:27)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at user$eval15.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2797)
at clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke(main.clj:297)
at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:316)
at clojure.main$null_opt.invoke(main.clj:349)
at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:427)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
at clojure.main.main(
EDIT: the solved program now looks like this:
(ns scalc.core)
(defn add [numbers]
(reduce + numbers))
(defn numchoose []
(let [nums (re-seq #"\d+" (read-line))]
(map #(Integer/parseInt %) nums)))
(defn delegate []
(println "What operation would you like to do?: ")
(let [operation (read-line)]
(when (= operation "add")
(println "You chose to add.")
(println "What numbers? ")
(add (numchoose)))))
(defn -main
[& args]
For getting the numbers, you can use re-seq:
(re-seq #"\d+" "123 456 789") => ("123" "456" 789")
You still only have strings rather than numbers though. You can use read-string to get the numbers (read-string is convenient, but not safe in all cases. Here we make sure there are really only numbers in these strings so it's fine).
(read-string "5") => 5
Instead of (apply + numbers) you could use reduce: (reduce + numbers), also your add function really shouldn't print anything (you should try to separate functional functions from side-effecty functions whenever possible).
This (let [numbers (read-line)] numbers) is equal to (read-line). Don't overcomplicate things!
Instead of
(if (= operation "add")
(do ... ))
you can write
(when (= operation "add")
when is just a macro that's useful when you don't need the else case in your ifs (it wraps everything after the condition in a do, and evaluates to nil when the condition evaluates to false).
To put it another, way, "Okay, so code is data..."
That thread addresses how to read from a source file, but I'm wondering how to get the s-expression of an already-loaded function into a data structure that I can read and manipulate.
In other words, if I say,
(defn example [a b] (+ a b))
can't I get that list at runtime? Isn't this the whole point of "code as data"?
This is really a general Lisp question, but I'm looking for an answer in Clojure.
You can use the clojure.repl/source macro to get the source of a symbol:
user> (source max)
(defn max
"Returns the greatest of the nums."
{:added "1.0"
:inline-arities >1?
:inline (nary-inline 'max)}
([x] x)
([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (max x y)))
([x y & more]
(reduce1 max (max x y) more)))
But this is only part of the answer. AFAICT source looks up the source filename and line number that define the given symbol, and then prints the source code from the file. Therefore, source will not work on symbols that you do not have the source for, i.e. AOT-compiled clojure code.
Coming back to your original question, you can think of source as reading the meta data associated with the given symbol and simply printing that. I.e. it's cheating. It's not in any way returning "code as data" to you, where with code I mean a compiled clojure function.
In my mind "code as data" refers to the feature of lisps where source code is effectively a lisp data structure, and therefore it can be read by the lisp reader. That is, I can create a data structure that is valid lisp code, and eval that.
For example:
user=> (eval '(+ 1 1))
Here '(+ 1 1) is a literal list which gets read by the clojure reader and then evaluated as clojure code.
Update: Yehonathan Sharvit was asking in one of the comments if it's possible to modify the code for a function. The following snippet reads in the source for a function, modifies the resulting data structure, and finally evaluates the data structure resulting in a new function, my-nth, being defined:
(let [src (read-string (str (source-fn 'clojure.core/nth) "\n"))]
`(~(first src) my-nth ~#(nnext src))))
The syntax-quote line replaces nth with my-nth in the defn form.
You can get the source in recent versions of clojure with the source function.
user=> (source nth)
(defn nth
"Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied. nth
also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
in O(n) time, for sequences."
{:inline (fn [c i & nf] `(. clojure.lang.RT (nth ~c ~i ~#nf)))
:inline-arities #{2 3}
:added "1.0"}
([coll index] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index)))
([coll index not-found] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index not-found))))
to get the string as a value you can wrap this in with-out-str:
user=> (with-out-str (source nth))
"(defn nth\n \"Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of\n bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied. nth\n also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,\n in O(n) time, for sequences.\"\n {:inline (fn [c i & nf] `(. clojure.lang.RT (nth ~c ~i ~#nf)))\n :inline-arities #{2 3}\n :added \"1.0\"}\n ([coll index] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index)))\n ([coll index not-found] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index not-found))))\n"
That was my message; nice to meet you ;-) BTW, the references given in that thread for answers were excellent reading; so if you're interested, you might want to take the time to read them. Back to your question though source seems to work for code that was loaded through a file, but it doesn't work in all cases. I think, specifically, it doesn't work for functions defined in the repl.
user=> (def foo (fn [] (+ 2 2)))
user=> (source foo)
Source not found
user=> (defn foo2 [] (+ 2 2))
user=> (source foo2)
Source not found
Digging a little bit...
user=> (source source)
(defmacro source
"Prints the source code for the given symbol, if it can find it.
This requires that the symbol resolve to a Var defined in a
namespace for which the .clj is in the classpath.
Example: (source filter)"
`(println (or (source-fn '~n) (str "Source not found"))))
user=> (source clojure.repl/source-fn)
(defn source-fn
"Returns a string of the source code for the given symbol, if it can
find it. This requires that the symbol resolve to a Var defined in
a namespace for which the .clj is in the classpath. Returns nil if
it can't find the source. For most REPL usage, 'source' is more
Example: (source-fn 'filter)"
(when-let [v (resolve x)]
(when-let [filepath (:file (meta v))]
(when-let [strm (.getResourceAsStream (RT/baseLoader) filepath)]
(with-open [rdr (LineNumberReader. (InputStreamReader. strm))]
(dotimes [_ (dec (:line (meta v)))] (.readLine rdr))
(let [text (StringBuilder.)
pbr (proxy [PushbackReader] [rdr]
(read [] (let [i (proxy-super read)]
(.append text (char i))
(read (PushbackReader. pbr))
(str text)))))))
So yeah, it looks like it tries to load the source file off the classpath to try to spit it out for you. One thing I've learned when working with Clojure is that 9 times out of 10 it is useful to look at the source.