I get this error when trying to set a cookie on a WP page.
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by(...)
Any help here? It worked fine when I did the php outside of wordpress, but when I move it in, it broke. Nothing special about the cookie(very basic).
So how do I get the cookie to set?
You need to set the cookie before any output is sent to the browser. In your theme's functions.php file, add the following hook:
add_action('init', 'my_cookies');
function my_cookies(){
// set cookie here
The init hook runs before your template files (header.php, etc) are included. If you try to put your cookie code inside index.php or single.php or whatever template file, you would have to make sure it goes BEFORE get_header(). Once get_header() runs, you've already sent data to the browser, and you cannot modify the headers (which is necessary to modify cookies).
Its possible you are leaking output somewhere else in your code, before the cookie code. If you even echo a space: echo " " somewhere before your cookie code, you'll get that error. If you have a closing php tag ?> with a space after it in one of your files, this gets sent to the browser, and you'll get that error.
I would want to show some HTML code in my WordPress page. So in my child theme functions.php, I have written an action like this one:
add_action('wp', function() {
if(is_admin()) {
$html = '<div class="home_immodvisor">';
echo $html;
However, a warning is displayed when I go to the back-office (admin) login page:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
in /var/www/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1296
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
in /var/www/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1299
My question is: is it the good action to hook? Or should I use another one than wp?
From my understanding wordpress sends headers after wp so this is the wrong place, since you cannot echo before.
There is no standardized hook/action for inserting a html in a theme. Every theme could handle this differently, some might not even have a hook.
But if you must the wp_head hook will work, but it will not be valid HTML.
The better thing todo is check the documentation of your thema. Or make a child-theme and adjust the tempaltes) you need
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
To solve this add the below code in theme function.php file
It will remove your error.
I am trying to create custom plugin in wordpress.
We want to create a case like if user is not logged in to the system then user should be redirected login page. I tried wp_redirect and wp_safe_redirect but it is not working. here is my code.
if (isset($_SESSION['game_login'])) {
//Do Something
I am getting this warning
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-includes/class.wp-styles.php:225) in wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1216
can someone suggest me in this scenario?
You shouldn't just start output buffers wherever unless you're specifically delaying the final output, such as modifying content on the template_redirect, using add_shortcode, or any numerous scenarios where you intend to buffer the output.
The code in your example should be encapsulated in a function and hooked to one of WordPress' many Action Hooks. Typically this kind of function is added on the plugins_loaded or init hooks.
add_action( 'init', 'redirect_anonymous_users' );
function redirect_anonymous_users(){
if( isset( $_SESSION['game_login'] ) ){
// Do Something
} else {
There may be several reasons causing this issue.
Try this points and hope this may have a fix
Remove blank space from files that are showing error after php ?> tag at end of file, But in your case
it is from core file, So don't modify anything in terms of code just try to remove blank space at the
ending of those files. Also remove blank space from bottom of files
wp-config.php and functions.php
If the above point does not work add this code to your wp-config.php file
Found this question: Wordpress: media library grid mode infinite loading
And, more recently:
"Currently I am using Enfold child theme but media grid view is not working. Even if I try to get to the grid from any of other places like selecting the featured image its not working."
From: Wordpress grid media is not working
I am having the exact same problem in WordPress (and also using Enfold). I have renamed my plugins folder to plugins.hold, disabling all plugins. I also set the theme to TwentySixteen. Neither of those things worked. The media library list view works -- only the grid view does not. (But, this is vital, since several elements pull the grid view by default with no chance to switch to the list view. This essentially renders those elements useless, as it is impossible to add an image.)
I realize this is more a WP question than a programming question, but I am hoping someone else has seen this and has a suggestion as to how it can be resolved.
I faced same issue on my wordpress site. After the lot of debugging i fixed my problem step by step.
First add given below code your db-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', TRUE);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Then goto /wp-includes/js/wp-util.js files and find the code $.ajax(
options ) on line number 100(depand your wordpress version) insert given below code into your file
deferred.jqXHR = $.ajax( options ).done( function( response ) {
try {
response = JSON.parse(response);
} catch (Exception) {
response = response;
Please check your may be resolved.
if you Removed constant from db-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', TRUE);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Then compress your /wp-includes/js/wp-util.js file code and put your compressed code into /wp-includes/js/wp-util.min.js
*change your own risk if your update your wordpress version changed may be lost.
Solution: Check the admin-ajax.php response, if there are non-json return or invalid json return you should investigate where the extra ajax response come from.
I had similar issue recently, after inspecting admin page the admin-ajax.php response contain non json response. It is because my client adding extra code in function.php that somehow append inline to the admin-ajax.php response
I had this issue recently and after trying all suggestion following worked for me.
Add following function in wp-config.php at top most line. If needed after that
than update permalink once.
For me, this happened after moving my site from an NGINX host to Apache. An old .htaccess file was lurking in the /uploads folder, which blocked access to any file in the uploads folder with a referrer that was not was my site (but, the http version, not the current https version). Because NGINX doesn't read .htaccess, this was now suddenly preventing images from being shown in the media grid.
Strangely, the images were showing in the list view. Also, directly requesting images was fine, presumably because that is done without a referrer.
Check the log error file in the wp-admin directory. If the repeating error is something like this
PHP Warning: ini_set () has been disabled for security reasons in
So, disable the ini_set function in your Cpanel (php selector> options> disable functions)
If the php selector option does not appear in your Cpanel, contact your hosting provider to fix this problem
Adding following code to functions.php of theme folder worked for me
add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_style');
function my_custom_style()
echo '<style>
.media-frame.mode-grid .media-toolbar {
height: 60px !important;
I know there's a dedicated WordPress StackExchange, however, I'm getting no traction over there.
I have a file in my WordPress template I want to use for a Twitter authentication callback named oauth.php that I'd like to be accessible through htp://mydomain.com/oauth.php:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
echo "test";
However the file is throwing up a 404??
This actually a issue I'd like a solution for away from just this instance.
Using the full file path works as intended, so:
Is this bad practise?
You could try something like this in your oauth.php:
//Instead of setting to false, try comment it out
//define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
/** Load the WordPress Environment */
// Fake a 200 OK status header
//The rest of your code here
This should allow you to access this file at http://example.com/oauth.php and run the code inside leveraging Wordpress functionality but without your template.
NOTE: This may depend on your wordpress version.
Hope it helps!
I try to implement a custom function/action after a new user profile has been created in WordPress. To test the code I try to write a text in a file as proof of function execution.
Here is the code that I have inserted at the end of the active theme's functions.php file
if ( ! function_exists( 'register_for_cmsa' ) ) :
function register_for_cmsa($user_id) {
// write in an external file
// writeLogWP($msg) is a function from a file I have included in index.php
writeLogWP("A new user is: " . $user_id);
add_action('user_register', 'register_for_cmsa');
Therefore, I added a new user through the admin panel. As soon as I validate the standard WP add user form (wp-admin/user-new.php) I get a blank page, meaning that the above code is in trouble. But the user is added in the database (it is visible in the users' list if I comment my function). The trouble here is when executing the writeLogWP("A new user is: " . $user_id) statement inside the register_for_cmsa() function.
I tried to see if the statement works outside of the function, while always inside the functions.php file. And I noticed that it writes the message to the external file when I navigate in the WP site, BUT it publishes blank page as soon as I get into the admin dashboard section.
My code is accepted in 'site' side but it is in error in the 'admin' one.
The code is however not executed in the 'site' side because the hook is not triggered. It is triggered only if I go to the 'wp-admin/user-new.php' but ... I can' test it, as per the above reason.
I am really confused, glad to have your comments and, why not, solution.
The index.php is not loaded when accessing the WordPress admin, hence the writeLogWP function is not being called in that case. Moving it to functions.php should solve the issue.