Simple SQL Server database editor application -

I have a website externally hosted, to which I have FTP access, however it is not a dedicated server so I can't directly connect to SQL Server. I have the database connection string from the web.config file.
I need to edit the database directly, but obviously tools like SQL Server Management Studio aren't going to work.
Is there a (free) simple database editing application available that will run directly alongside the website on the same server? I HAD one for classic asp years back but have always run dedicated servers since...

Actually you can access a database from a service like GoDaddy that is hosted with shared hosting through SQL Server. Check this link: GoDaddy says that you could even use the SQL Server Express edition to access your database directly and remotely but you must enable Direct Database Access when setting it up.


Migrating a classic ASP's SQL Server database from a server 2003 to a 2008r2 server

I have a situation where a classic ASP's SQL Server database has been moved from a server 2003 to a 2008r2. The classic asp application stills resides on a server 2003.
Now because I have never done a migrating the only thing I thought I needed to change is the SQL Server named IP address in the application's IIS deployed ini file. Currently I am using anonymous authentication and the default application pool. The application render's to the browser fine. The problem is the application is not pulling any data for the database.
It seems that I have missed something in the configuration process. Has someone done this type of migration and if so provide me a list of thing that they have done to configure the application correct and other settings for the migration?
Steve Holdorf
This is not an asp but a database authentication.
It sounds like you used Windows authentication to connect from asp to the old server. Windows authentication means that asp uses IIS user identity to connect to the database and in your ini-file (or asp files) you do not provide any user/password to connect to sql.
If you want to keep this type of authentication for the new database, then you would need to configure user on the new Sql Server. Look at the old server, you should find the user named similar to domainName\WebServerMachineName$. You would need to create the same user on the new Sql Server and grant the same rights as on the old database. Read more
If this is not an issue, then you should find what is the error message when application is not pulling any data for the database.

Hosting SQL Server 2005 to website

I may seem silly asking this question. But since I am still a learner, I'm posting this question.
I have launched my website but I a unable to understand as to how to host the database i.e., SQL Server 2005. I have added the mdf file to the remote website, changed the connection string in the web.config to localhost as the data source.
You have to install Sql Server on the remote server that is running your website. Is that done already?
You can download Sql Server 2008 Express to get started with and install it on the remote server.
Where are you hosting your website? Is in your own server?
If it's a 3rd party hosting site, they may already have sql server running. You can check with them.
(You should probably provide more details about where and how you're hosting your app to get better feed back.)

How can i export my SQLExpress database from Webmatrix?

I used webmatrix to write my web app. and now I need to upload my files to a host server via ftp. The database file located in App_Data folder it's name: "db.sdf.backup".
The host server uses studio manager to manage the database.
Now, my question is how do i export my database so it would work on their server?
Hey, I have the same problem, I want to export my database from webmatrix to 1and1 servers to publish my web site. Unfortunatly the migrate option of webmatrix is only available for SQL Server database and not for Mysql Database ! Do you have another idea ?
Are you sure your database is in SQL Server Express? The file you mention (db.sdf) is a SQL Server Compact database, and WebMatrix indeed uses SQL Server Compact by default. If this is the case you need to convert your database to SQL Server "proper". WebMatrix makes it easier for you by offering the Migrate command in the SQL Server section of the ribbon.

ASP.NET: Can't connect to SQL Server database after uploading to server

I'm trying to upload my site to my HostGator windows server. I'm having a problem connecting to the SQL Server database in my App_Data folder. It's giving me the error:
Login failed for user 'PSS004\IWPD_353([UserName])'.
I use Windows Authentication in Visual Studio 2010 to access the database and view the site just fine locally. Is that causing a problem? If so how do I set up a user/pass to use when accessing the database file once it's on my hosting server?
If any further information is needed that I left out just let me know.
When you run the code from your webserver, its most likely using a network service account (and hence windows auth wont work). Add a user account to sql server and change the connection string to use sql auth instead and that should fix it

Publishing ASP.NET site - No login database?

I have a very simple app on my local machine that uses the ASP.NET membership provider. This works fine on my local machine.
I have published the app to our web server, and I need to know the specifics of setting up the application for membership to work.
I have a basic understanding that it uses an MDF file and somehow connects to a SQL database (SQLEXPRESS I assume on my local machine) which holds the user/role information.
I keep getting an error that it cannot connect to a SQL database when running the published application on the web server.
I wish to use a SQL server on a different machine (SQL69) than my web server (WEB69)
I have created a new connection string, but how do I tell ASP.NET to use it instead of the "LocalSqlServer" connection string that is created by default?
Can someone explain what is required to me?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Use the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool without any parameters to set up the SQL Server membership on your local machine. This will also update your config file:
You need to set up SQL Server DB membership on your local machine first. After you have this working, you can simply script the entire DB for your production environment. For this, you can use the Database Publishing Wizard in VS.
You can view a sample config file here:
