cannot insert a string with & into the database from code -

Here is a snippet of my code:
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT_ACS_STUDIES_DATA";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#mrn", mrn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#log_id", crid);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#panel_id", panel_id);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PROC_NAME", procName);
It fails when the vairable #PROC_NAME has a value with & in it - e.g. A & A
What is the correct syntax to insert strings which have these characters?

It sails because when using C# parameters you need to encode all special characters. C# will reject unencoded special characters to help prevent SQL Inject Attacks. You can use HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode(string) to encode it.


Looking for a SQL injection demonstration

I'm a web applications developer, using Classic ASP as server side script.
I always protect my apps from SQL injection by using a simple function to double single apostrophe for string parameters.
Function ForSQL(strString)
ForSQL = Replace(strString, "'", "''")
End Function
For numeric parameters, I use the CInt, CLng and CDbl functions.
I often write concatenated query; I don't always use stored procedure and I don't always validate user inputs.
I'd like to ask you if someone can show me a working attack against this line of code:
strSQL = "SELECT Id FROM tUsers WHERE Username='" & _
ForSQL(Left(Request.Form("Username"),20)) & "' AND Password='" & _
ForSQL(Left(Request.Form("Username"),20)) & "'"
It could be a banality but I've never found a kind of attack that works.
I've always found "sqli helper 2.7" (you can download it) to find most/all SQL injections. I'm not sure if this will help at all, but it will at least help test for all of the SQL comments and everything. I remember on one of my sites it found a main SQL injection to dumb all of my database data. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but it might be able to find a way through.
There is no functioning SQL injection for input sanitized this way. The downside is retrieving data from the database is you have to replace on double apostrophes.
sDataRetrievedFromDatabase = Replace(sDataRetrievedFromDatabase, "''", "'")

Server side call to webservice in classic ASP

I've .NET webservice, which takes a encoded html-string as a parameter, decodes the string and creates a PDF from the html. I want to make a synchronous server side call to the webservice from a classic asp webpage. It works fine if use a plain text string (with no html tags), but when I send a encoded html string the webservice it seems that the string is empty when it reaches the webservice.
The webservice is working fine when I call it from client side, with both plain text string and an encoded html string.
My code looks like this:
Private Sub SaveBookHtmlToPdf(pHtml, pShopId)
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
Dim strEnvelope
strEnvelope = "pShopId=" & pShopId & "&pEncodedHtml=" & Server.HTMLEncode(pHtml)
Call oXMLHTTP.Open("POST", "", false)
Call oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
Call oXMLHTTP.Send(strEnvelope)
Set oXMLHTTP = Nothing
End Sub
It smells like some kind of security issue on the server. It's working when posting a asynchronous call from the client side, but not when it comes from server side - it seems that the encoded html string is somehow not allowed in a server side call to the webservice.
Anyone who know how to solve this tricky problem?
This looks all wrong to me:
Its quite common for developers to get confused between HTML encoding and URL encoding even though they are quite different. You are posting data that needs to be URL encoded. Hence your code should use URLEncode instead:
strEnvelope = "pShopId=" & pShopId & "&pEncodedHtml=" & Server.URLEncode(pHtml)
One thing that URLEncode does that may not be compatible with a URLEncoded post is it converts space to "+" instead of "%20". Hence a more robust approach might be:
strEnvelope = "pShopId=" & pShopId & "&pEncodedHtml=" & Replace(Server.URLEncode(pHtml), "+", "%20")
Another issue to watch out for is that the current value of Response.CodePage will influence how the URLEncode encodes non-ASCII characters. Typically .NET does things by default in UTF-8. Hence you will also want to make sure that your Response.CodePage is set to 65001.
Response.CodePage = 65001
strEnvelope = "pShopId=" & pShopId & "&pEncodedHtml=" & Replace(Server.URLEncode(pHtml), "+", "%20")
This may or may not help but I use a handy SOAP Class for Classic ASP which solved a few problems I was having doing it manually. Your code would be something like this:
Set cSOAP = new SOAP
cSOAP.SOAP_StartRequest "", "", "SaveBookToPdf"
cSOAP.SOAP_AddParameter "pShopId", pShopId
cSOAP.SOAP_AddParameter "pEncodedHtml", Server.HTMLEncode(pHtml)
' result = cSOAP.SOAP_GetResult("result")
You will probably need to set your namespace for it to work ("" currently), and uncomment the 'on error resume next' lines from the class to show errors.
AnthonyWJones made the point about URL encoding and HTML encoding, and the original problem being experienced is likely a combine of the two, a race condition if you will. While is was considered answered, it partially wasn't, and hopefully this answers the cause of the effect.
So, as the message get HTMLEncoded, the html entities for the tags become such '<' = '<'.
And as you may know, in URLEncoding, &'s delimit parameters; thus the first part of this data strEnvelope = "pShopId=" & pShopId & "&pEncodedHtml=" & Server.HTMLEncode(pHtml) upto the "&pEncodedHtml" bit, is fine. But then "<HTML>..." is added as the message, with unencoded &'s...and the receiving server likely is delimiting on them and basically truncating "&pEncodedHtml=" as a null assign: "&pEncodedHtml=<HTML>... ." The delimiting would be done on all &'s found in the URL.
So, as far as the server is concerned, the data for parameter &pEncodedHtml was null, and following it were now several other parameters that were considered cruft, that it likely ignored, which just happened to actually be your message.
Hope this provides additional info on issues of its like, and how to correct.

updating values in web.config

I need to store an escaped html string in a key in web.config using the
KeyValueConfigurationElement.Save method built into framework 3.5. But when I try to do so,
it keeps escaping my ampersands.
Code looks like this:
strHTML = DecodeFTBInput(FTB1.Text)
FTB1.Text is a string of HTML, like this: <b><font color="#000000">Testing</font></b>
DecodeFTPInput uses the String.Replace() method to change < and > to < and >, and " to ".
Given the above string and function, let's say strHTML now contains the following:
<b><font color="#000000">Testing</font></b>
Of course I can manually edit web.config to store the correct value, but I need the authenticated admin user to be able to change the html themselves.
The problem is that when I try to save this string into its key in web.config, it escapes all ampersands
as & which ruins the string.
How can I get around this?
web.config is an XML file, so when it writes values there the .NET Framework stores strings using HTML encoding, replacing the < > & characters with <, > and &, and much more besides.
You'll need to stop your DecodeFTPInput method from HTML encoding the string if you want the HTML in the web.config file to be editable. Otherwise you'll be HTML encoding twice, which isn't the result you want!

How does one pass string contains '\' from from server side to Javascript function?

How does one pass string contains '\' from from
server side to javascript function?
After checking parameters at client side, all '\' replaced with '' even,
replacing '\' with '%5C' at server side doesn't work.
Any idea?
\ is a special character - basically it "escapes" the character after it. Try passing \\ instead. BTW - if you're using C# you can use the # character before a string to avoid needing to pass it as a double slash, e.g.
string path = #"c:\documents\mydocuments";
I got solution for that.
parameter.Replace("\\", "\\\\") solve it.
Are you using ASP.NET to write a JavaScript string literal? ie. something like:
"<script type='text/javascript'>"+
" var bar= '"+myBarValue+"';"+
If so, then you are embedding text inside a delimited JavaScript string literal and you must use an escaping scheme that follows the syntax for string literals. In particular any \ character inside the text must be escaped with \\, and any ' character must be replaced by \', since that's the delimiter being used in this case (JavaScript can use either type of quote to delimit strings).
What's more if you're using an inline <script> block like in the above example, you're actually embedding text in a string literal in an HTML element, so you have to do some HTML escapes too. In particular you have to break up any </ sequences in the text, because that would end the script block. Also, in XHTML, there are no CDATA elements, so you'd also have to ampersand-escape any < or & characters in the text, except that would make it incompatible with legacy-HTML parsers. So to solve all these problems it is better to use JavaScript string literal escapes for that too, replacing < with \x3C and & with \x26.
Ideally what you would do would be to pass the simple string to a JSON encoder library, which would take care of escaping it appropriately for JavaScript. However I don't know of one for .NET that will escape the HTML for you as above, so you'd still need some replaces.

How to stop .NET from encoding an XML string with XML.Serialization

I am working with some Xml Serialization in ASP.NET 2.0 in a web service. The issue is that I have an element which is defined such as this:
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form:=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified, IsNullable:=True)> _
Public Property COMMENTFIELD() As String
Return CommentField ' This is a string
End Get
Set(ByVal value as String)
CommentField = value
End Set
End Property
Elsewhere in code I am constructing a comment and appending
as a line-break (according to the rules of the web service we are submitting to) between each 'comment', like this: (Please keep in mind that
is a valid XML entity representing character 10 (Line Feed I believe).
XmlObject.COMMENTFIELD = sComment1 & "
" & sComment2
The issue is that .NET tries to do us a favor and encode the & in the comment string which ends up sending the destination web service this: &#xA;, which obviously isn't what we want.
Here is what currently happens:
XmlObject.COMMENTFIELD = sComment1 & "
" & sComment2
<COMMENTFIELD>comment1 &#xA comment2</COMMENTFIELD>
Output I NEED:
The Question Is: How do I force the .NET runtime to not try and do me any favors in regards to encoding data that I already know is XML compliant and escaped already (btw sComment1 and sComment2 would already be escaped). I'm used to taking care of my XML, not depending on something magical that happens to escape all my data behind my back!
I need to be able to pass valid XML into the COMMENTFIELD property without .NET encoding the data I give it (as it is already XML). I need to know how to tell .NET that the data it is receiving is an XML String, not a normal string that needs escaped.
If you look at the XML spec section 2.4, you see that the & character in an element's text always used to indicate something escaped, so if you want to send an & character, it needs to be escaped, e.g., as & So .Net is converting the literal string you gave it into valid XML.
If you really want the web service to receive the literal text &, then .NET is doing the correct thing. When the web service processes the XML it will convert it back to the same literal string you supplied on your end.
On the other hand, if you want to send the remote web service a string with a newline, you should just construct the string with the newline:
XmlObject.COMMENTFIELD = sComment1 & "\n" & sComment2
.Net will do the correct thing to make sure this is passed correctly on the wire.
It is probably dangerous to mix two different encoding conventions within the same string. Since you have your own convention I recommend explicitly encoding the whole string when it is ready to send and explicitly decoding it on the receiving end.
Try the HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode Method (System.Web) .
