Should I always use a reverse proxy for a web app? - http

I'm writing a web app in Go. Currently I have a layout that looks like this:
[CloudFlare] --> [Nginx] --> [Program]
Nginx does the following:
Performs some redirects (i.e. www.domain.tld --> domain.tld)
Adds headers such as X-Frame-Options.
Handles static images.
Writes access.log.
In the past I would use Nginx as it performed SSL termination and some other tasks. Since that's now handled by CloudFlare, all it does, essentially, is static images. Given that Go has a built in HTTP FileServer and CloudFlare could take over handling static images for me, I started to wonder why Nginx is in-front in the first place.
Is it considered a bad idea to put nothing in-front?

In your case, you can possibly get away with not running nginx, but I wouldn't recommend it.
However, as I touched on in this answer there's still a lot it can do that you'll need to "reinvent" in Go.
Content-Security headers
SSL (is the connection between CloudFlare and you insecure if they are terminating SSL?)
SSL session caching & HSTS
Client body limits and header buffers
5xx error pages and maintenance pages when you're restarting your Go application
"Free" logging (unless you want to write all that in your Go app)
gzip (again, unless you want to implement that in your Go app)
Running Go standalone makes sense if you are running an internal web service or something lightweight, or genuinely don't need the extra features of nginx. If you're building web applications then nginx is going to help abstract "web server" tasks from the application itself.

I wouldn't use nginx at all to be honest, some nice dude tested fast cgi go + nginx and just go standalone library. The results he came up with were quite interesting, the standalone hosting seemed to be much better in handling requests than using it behind nginx, and the final recommendation was that if you don't need specific features of nginx don't use it. full article
You could run it as standalone and if you're using partial/full ssl on your site you could use another go http server to redirect to safe https routes.

Don't use ngnix if you do not need it.
Go does SSL in less lines then you have to write in ngnix configure file.
The only reason is a free logging but I wonder how many lines of code is logging in Go.
There is nice article in Russian about reverse proxy in Go in 200 lines of code.
If Go could be used instead of ngnix then ngnix is not required when you use Go.
You need ngnix if you wish to have several Go processes or Go and PHP on same site.
Or if you use Go and you have some problem when you add ngnix then it fix the problem.


Forcing application on Heroku to use https

My application currently supports both http and https and I would like to force the use of the latter when someone tries to access the first one (which also happens to be the default). However, I am a bit unsure of how to set this up when it comes to how I've deployed things.
To give a higher-level perspective, I have 3 nodes running on Heroku corresponding to:
A Next.js frontend app
An Express backend server
An nginx reverse proxy that acts as the entrypoint of the system and redirects requests to either the front or the backend.
How would one go about forcing the use of https? Is that configured at the proxy level? at the frontend level? Or maybe at the dns config level?
I think that's usually done at the proxy level but I'm not sure, plus the fact that I'm using the ssl certificate that heroku provides out the box, makes things even more confusing.
Any suggestions?

SVN over HTTPS: how to hide or encrypt URLs?

I run Apache over HTTPS and can see in the log file that a HTTP/1.1 request is made for every single file of my repository. And for every single file, the full URL is disclosed.
I need to access my repository from a location where I don't want sysadmins to look over my shoulder and see all these individual URLs. Of course I know they won't see file contents since I am using HTTPS or not HTTP, but I am really annoyed they can see URLs and as a consequence, file names.
Is there a way I can hide or encrypt HTTPS urls with SVN?
This would be great, as I would prefer not having to resort using svn+ssh, which does not easily/readily support path-based authorization, which I am heavily using.
With HTTPS, the full URL is only visible to the client (your svn binary) and the server hosting the repository. In-transit, only the hostname you're connecting to is visible.
You can further protect yourself by using a VPN connection between your client and the server, or tunneling over SSH (not svn+ssh, but an direct ssh tunnel).
If you're concerned about the sysadmin of the box hosting your repository seeing your activity in the Apache logs there, you have issues far beyond what can be solved with software. You could disable logging in Apache, but your sysadmin can switch it back on or use other means.
Last option: if you don't trust the system(s) and/or network you're on, don't engage in activities that you consider sensitive on them. They can't see something that isn't happening in the first place.

How to enable a maintenance page on the frontend server while you are restarting the backend service?

I am trying to improve the user experience while a backend service is down due to maintenance, shutdown manually.
We do had a frontend web proxy, which happens to be nginx but it could also be something else like a NetScaler instance. An important note is that the frontend proxy is running on a different machine than the backend application.
Now, for the backend service it takes a lot of time to start, even more than 10 minutes in some cases.
Note, I am asking this question on StackOverflow, as opposed to ServerFault because providing a solution for this problem is more likely to require writing some bash code inside the daemon startup script.
What we want to achive:
service mydaemon stop should enable the maintenance page on the frontend proxy
service mydaemon start should disabled the maintenance page on the frontend proxy
In the past we used to create a maintenance.html page and had nginx configured to check the existence of this page using try, before falling back to the backend.
Still, because we decided to move nginx to another machine we cannot do this and doing this using ssh raises security concerns.
We already considered writing this file to a NFS drive which would be accessible by both machine, but even this solution does not scale for a service that has a lot of traffic. Nginx will end-up trying this for every request, slowing down the responses quite a lot.
We are looking for another solution for this problem, one that would ideally be more flexible.
As a note, we still want to be able to trigger this behaviour from inside the daemon script of the backend application. So if the backend application stops responsing for other reasons, we do expect to see the same from the frontend.

Value of proxying HTTP requests with node.js

I have very recently started development on a multiplayer browser game that will use nowjs to synchronize player states from the server state. I am new to server-side development (so many of the things I'm saying are probably being said incorrectly), and while I understand how node.js works on its own I have seen discussions about proxying HTTP requests through another server technology (a la NGinx or Apache) for efficiency.
I don't understand why it would be beneficial to do so, even though I've seen plenty of explanations of how to do so. My current plan is to have the game's website and info on the same server as the game itself, so if there is any gain from proxying node I'd love to know why.
In the context of your question it seems you are looking for an answer on the benefits of implementing a reverse proxy in front of your node.js webserver. In summary, a reverse proxy (depending on implementation) can provide the following features out of the box:
Load balancing
Caching of static content
Compression of responses (e.g gzip)
SSL support
All these features are cross-cutting concerns that you should not need to accommodate in your application tier/code. By implementing these features within the proxy it allows you to focus on developing the code for your application and leaves the web server to do what it's good at, serving the HTTP requests for your application.
nginx appears to be a common choice in a reverse proxy/node configuration and if you take a look at the modules reference you should get a feel for what features the proxy can provide.
When you say "through another technology" I assume you mean through a dedicated web server such as NGinx or Apache.
The reason you do that is b/c in a production environment there are a number of considerations you don't want your application to have to do on its own. Caching, domain (or sub-domain) mapping, perhaps security, SSL, load balancing, and serving static files to name a few.
The web servers are already built to do all those things for you, and so they can handle them and then pass only the requests on to your app that actually need to be handled by your app. They're also optimized for doing those things and will probably do them as well or better than the average developer can.
Hope that helps.
Another issue that people haven't added in here is that with a front-end proxy, when you need to take your service down for maintenance (or even just restart it), nginx can serve up a pretty "YourCompanyName is currently under maintenance" page, making for a much more pleasant user experience.

Apache configuration to present multiple local-only http sites as a single public https site

I'm sure there's a simple solution - but I've banged my head against Apache documentation for what seems like forever... perhaps someone can give me a hint?
On a LAN, I've multiple websites (which, we should assume, have opaque implementations) each operating under a separate domain... and these work just fine.
I want to expose these websites over https, but I only have access to a single suitable IP address - making it desirable to map an /app1/ path to the internal site with an app1 hostname - and a path of /app2/ to the internal site with an app2 hostname - and this is my objective.
I've tried playing with "Apache Module mod_proxy" - and I've tried various combinations of ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse and sections - all with the same problem. The site at contains pages that make references to uris of the form "/submit.php" and "/base.css" - which work relative to the multiple http site scheme - but are wrong in the public https scheme where there needs to be multiple roots - identified by the prefix of the path in the public URI.
What's the best way to go about ensuring these URIs are translated properly? Is mod_proxy appropriate for this sort of task?
You need SNI, server name identification.
What you want to achieve can't be achieve by a web server on its own, it needs the client to be nice and start the encrypted session only after it has sent the domain name, otherwise, it is not possible.
Here is a tutorial, techrepublic, good luck.
In case it helps other people...
My eventual solution was to use mod_proxy to bounce requests from the SSL server to my internal servers... but, for various reasons, it turns out to be far easier to translate the URI in a separate stage where the internal servers are hosted. I used mod_rewrite to strip the path prefix - and it works charmingly.
It is a pity that there is no obvious way to do this in the configuration of the SSL server (please correct me if I've just overlooked it) and I wasted a lot of time pursuing mod_html_proxy - which was rather strict about the html it would translate. In any case, it is preferable to translate the selected URIs in Apache than to get Apache to translate entire documents.
