I would like to extract a dataframe that shows how many years it takes for NInd variable (dataset p1) to recover due to some culling happening, which is showed in dataframe e1.
I have the following datasets (mine are much bigger, but just to give you something to play with):
# Dataset 1
Batch <- c(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
Rep <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Year <- c(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4)
RepSeason <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
PatchID <- c(17,25,19,16,21,24,23,20,18,33)
Species <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Selected <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
Nculled <- c(811,4068,1755,449,1195,1711,619,4332,457,5883)
e1 <- data.frame(Batch,Rep,Year,RepSeason,PatchID,Species,Selected,Nculled)
# Dataset 2
Batch <- c(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
Rep <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Year <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
RepSeason <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
PatchID <- c(17,25,19,16,21,24,23,20,18,33,17,25,19,16,21,24,23,20,18,33,17,25,19,16,21,24,23,20,18,33)
Ncells <- c(6,5,6,4,4,5,6,5,5,5,6,5,6,4,4,5,6,7,3,5,4,4,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,4)
Species <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
NInd <- c(656,656,262,350,175,218,919,218,984,875,700,190,93,127,52,54,292,12,43,68,308,1000,98,29,656,656,262,350,175,300)
p1 <- data.frame(Batch, Rep, Year, RepSeason, PatchID, Ncells, Species, NInd)
The dataset called e1 shows only those year where some culled happened to the population on specific PatchID.
I have created the following script that basically use each row from e1 to create a Recovery number. Maybe there is an easier way to get to the end, but this is the one I managed to get...
When you run this, you are working on ONE row of e1, so we focus on the first PatchID encounter and then do some calculation to match that up with p1, and finally I get a number named Recovery.
Now, the thing is my dataframe has 50,000 rows, so doing this over and over looks quite tedious. So, that's where I thought a loop may be useful. But have tried and no luck on how to make it work at all...
#here is where I would like the loop
e2 <- e1[1,] # Trial for one row only # but the idea is having here a loop that keep doing of comes next for each row
e3 <- e2 %>%
p2 <- p1[,c(1,2,4,5,3,6,7,8)] # Re-order
row2 <- which(apply(p2, 1, function(x) return(all(x == e3))))
p3 <- p1 %>%
slice(row2) # all years with that particular patch in that particular Batch
#How many times was this patch cull during this replicate?
e4 <- e2[,c(1,2,4,5,3,6,7,8)]
e4 <- e4 %>%
c_batch <- e1[,c(1,2,4,5,3,6,7,8)]
row <- which(apply(c_batch, 1, function(x) return(all(x == e4))))
c4 <- c_batch %>%
# Number of year to recover to 95% that had before culled
c5 <- c4[1,] # extract the first time was culled
c5 <- c5 %>%
row3 <- which(apply(p2, 1, function(x) return(all(x == c5))))
Before <- p2 %>%
NInd <- Before[,8] # Before culling number of individuals
Year2 <- Before[,5] # Year number where first culling happened (that actually the number corresponds to individuals before culling, as the Pop file is developed during reproduction, while Cull file is developed after!)
Percent <- (95*NInd)/100 # 95% recovery we want to achieve would correspond to having 95% of NInd BEFORE culled happened (Year2)
After <- p3 %>%
filter(NInd >= Percent & Year > Year2) # Look rows that match number of ind and Year
After2 <- After[1,] # we just want the first year where the recovery was successfully achieved
Recovery <- After2$Year - Before$Year
# no. of years to reach 95% of the population immediately before the cull
I reckon that the end would have to change somehow to to tell R that we are creating a dataframe with the Recovery, something like:
Batch <- c(1,1,2,2)
Rep <- c(0,0,0,0)
PatchID <- c(17,25,30,12)
Recovery <- c(1,2,1,5)
Final <- data.frame(Batch, Rep, PatchID, Recovery)
Would that be possible? OR this is just too mess-up and I may should try a different way?
Does the following solve the problem correectly?
I have first added a unique ID to your data.frames to allow matching of the cull and population files (this saves most of you complicated look-up code):
# Add a unique ID for the patch/replicate etc. (as done in the example code)
e1$RepID = paste(e1$Batch, e1$Rep, e1$RepSeason, e1$PatchID, sep = ":")
p1$RepID = paste(p1$Batch, p1$Rep, p1$RepSeason, p1$PatchID, sep = ":")
If you want a quick overview of the number of times each patch was culled, the new RepID makes this easy:
# How many times was each patch culled?
Then you want a loop to check the recovery time after each cull.
My solutions uses an sapply loop (which also retains the RepIDs so you can match to other metadata later):
sapply(unique(e1$RepID), function(rep_id){
all_cull_events = e1[e1$RepID == rep_id, , drop = F]
first_year = order(all_cull_events$Year)[1] # The first cull year (assuming data might not be in temporal order)
first_cull_event = all_cull_events[first_year, ] # The row corresponding to the first cull event
population_counts = p1[p1$RepID == first_cull_event$RepID, ] # The population counts for this plot/replicate
population_counts = population_counts[order(population_counts$Year), ] # Order by year (assuming data might not be in temporal order)
pop_at_first_cull_event = population_counts[population_counts$Year == first_cull_event$Year, "NInd"]
population_counts_after_cull = population_counts[population_counts$Year > first_cull_event$Year, , drop = F]
years_to_recovery = which(population_counts_after_cull$NInd >= (pop_at_first_cull_event * .95))[1] # First year to pass 95% threshold
2:0:0:17 2:0:0:25 2:0:0:19 2:0:0:16 2:0:0:21 2:0:0:24 2:0:0:23 2:0:0:20 2:0:0:18 2:0:0:33
(The output contains some NAs because the first cull year was outside the range of population counts in the data you gave us)
Please check this against your expected output though. There were some aspects of the question and example code that were not clear (see comments).
I want to find the best way to plot a chart showing the cumulative number of individuals in a group based on the date they came into the group as well as the date they may have left the group. This would be within the minimum and maximum date ranges of the date values. Each row is a person.
group_id Date_started Date_exit
1 2005-06-23 NA
1 2013-03-17 2013-09-20
2 2019-10-24 NA
3 2019-11-27 2019-11-27
4 2019-08-14 NA
3 2018-10-17 NA
4 2018-04-13 2019-10-12
1 2019-07-10 NA
I've considered creating a new data frame with a row per day within the min/max range and then applying some kind of function to tally the groups totals for each row (adding and subtracting from a running total based on whether or not there is a new value in either of the columns) but I'm not sure if one, that's the best way to approach the problem and two, how to practically run the cumulative count function either.
Ultimately though I want to be able to plot this as a line chart so I can see the trends over time for each group as I suspect one or more of them are much more volatile in terms of overall numbers. So again I'm not sure if ggplot2 has something already in place to handle this.
As you mentioned, you will need to create a dataframe with the desired dates and count, for each group, how many individuals are in the group.
I quickly put this together, so I'm sure there's a more optimal solution, but it should be what you're looking for.
library(reshape2) # for melt
# your data
test <- read.table(
text =
h = T, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = F
# make date series
from <- min(as.POSIXct(test$Date_started))
to <- max(as.POSIXct(test$Date_started))
datebins <- seq(from, to, by = "1 month")
d_between <- function(d, ds, de){
if(ds <= d & (de > d | is.na(de)))
# make df to plot
df <- data.frame(dates = datebins)
df[,paste0("g", unique(test$group_id))] <- 0
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df))){
for(j in seq_len(nrow(test))){
gid <- paste0("g", test$group_id[j])
df[i, gid] <- df[i, gid] + d_between(df$dates[i], test$Date_started[j], test$Date_exit[j])
# plot
ggplot(melt(df, id.vars = "dates"), aes(dates, value, color = variable)) +
geom_line(size = 1) + theme_bw()
This gives:
Feel free to play with the date bins (in seq()) as necessary.
EDIT : for loop explanation
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df))){
for(j in seq_len(nrow(test))){
gid <- paste0("g", test$group_id[j])
df[i, gid] <- df[i, gid] + d_between(df$dates[i], test$Date_started[j], test$Date_exit[j])
The first loop iterates over the chosen dates.
For each date, go through the dataframe of interest (test) with the second for loop and use the custom d_between() function to determine whether or not an individual is part of the group. That function returns a boolean (which can translate to 0/1). The value 0 or 1 is then added to the df dataframe's column corresponding to the appropriate group (with gid) at the date we checked (row i).
Note that I'm considering the individuals as part of the group as soon as they join (ds <= d), but are not a part of the group the day they quit (de > d).
I am calculating final averages for a course. There are about 500 students, and the grades are organized into a .csv file. Column headers include:
Name, HW1, ..., HW10, Quiz1, ..., Quiz5, Exam1, Exam2, Final
Each is weighted differently, and that shouldn't be an issue programming. However, the lowest 2 HW and the lowest Quiz are dropped for each student. How could I program this in r? Note that the HW/Quiz dropped for each student may be different (i.e. Student A has HW2, HW5, Quiz2 dropped, Student B has HW4, HW8, Quiz1 dropped).
Here is a simpler solution. The sum_after_drop function takes a vector x and drops the i lowest scores and sums up the remaining. We invoke this function for each row in the dataset. ddply is overkill for this job, but keeps things simple. You should be able to do this with apply, except that you will have to convert the end result to a data frame.
The actual grade calculations can then be carried out on dd2. Note that using the cut function with breaks is a simple way to get letter grades from the total scores.
sum_after_drop <- function(x, i){
dd2 = ddply(dd, .(Name), function(d){
hw = sum_after_drop(d[,grepl("HW", nms)], 1)
qz = sum_after_drop(d[,grepl("Quiz", nms)], 1)
data.frame(hw = hw, qz = qz)
Here's a sketch of how you could approach it using the reshape2 package and base functions.
#sample data
Now I convert it to long format and split apart the field names
mm<-melt(dd, "Name")
colsplit(gsub("(\\w+)(\\d+)","\\1:\\2",mm$variable, perl=T), ":",
Now i can use by() to get a data.frame for each name and do the rest of the calculations. Here i just drop the lowest homework and lowest quiz and i give homework a weight of .2 and quizzes a weight of .8 (assuming all home works were worth 15pts and quizzes 25 pts).
grades<-unclass(by(mm, mm$Name, function(x) {
hw <- tail(sort(x$value[x$type=="HW"]), -1);
quiz <- tail(sort(x$value[x$type=="Quiz"]), -1);
(sum(hw)*.2 + sum(quiz)*.8) / (length(hw)*15*.2+length(quiz)*25*.8)
attr(grades, "call")<-NULL #get rid of crud from by()
Let's check our work. Look at student "c"
Name HW1 HW2 HW3 Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3
c 6 9 7 21 20 14
Their grade should be
((9+7)*.2+(21+20)*.8) / ((15+15)*.2 + (25+25)*.8) = 0.7826087
and in fact, we see
grades["c"] == 0.7826087
Here's a solution with dplyr. It ranks the scores by student and type of assignment (i.e. calculates the rank order of all of student 1's homeworks, etc.), then filters out the lowest 1 (or 2, or whatever). dplyr's syntax is pretty intuitive—you should be able to walk through the code fairly easily.
# Load libraries
# Sample data
grades <- data.frame(name=c("Sally", "Jim"),
HW1=c(10, 9),
HW2=c(10, 5),
HW3=c(5, 10),
HW4=c(6, 9),
HW5=c(8, 9),
Quiz1=c(9, 5),
Quiz2=c(9, 10),
Quiz3=c(10, 8),
Exam1=c(95, 96))
# Melt into long form
grades.long <- melt(grades, id.vars="name", variable.name="graded.name") %.%
mutate(graded.type=factor(sub("\\d+","", graded.name)))
# Remove the lowest scores for each graded type
grades.filtered <- grades.long %.%
group_by(name, graded.type) %.%
mutate(ranked.score=rank(value, ties.method="first")) %.% # Rank all the scores
filter((ranked.score > 2 & graded.type=="HW") | # Ignore the lowest two HWs
(ranked.score > 1 & graded.type=="Quiz") | # Ignore the lowest quiz
# Calculate the average for each graded type
grade.totals <- grades.filtered %.%
group_by(name, graded.type) %.%
# Unmelt, just for fun
final.grades <- dcast(grade.totals, name ~ graded.type, value.var="total")
You technically could add the summarize(total=mean(value)) to the grades.filtered data frame rather than making a separate grade.totals data frame—I separated them into multiple data frames for didactical reasons.
I apologize if this has been answered - I just can't find it! To simplify, I have a dataframe of cars with 2 pertinent columns: mileage and price. I want to calculate the mean price and number of cars for 0-20,000 miles, 20,000-40,000, and so on (in 20,000 mile "bins"). I have been making subsets of data for the various mileage ranges and then looking at the mean and number or vehicles for that subset. I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this, instead of making all of these subsets - I'm doing it many times over with various "bins" and data. I would love to learn a slicker way of doing this.
You probably want smth along these lines:
d = data.table(mileage = runif(1000, 0, 100000), price = runif(1000, 15000, 35000))
d[, list(price = mean(price), number = .N),
by = cut(mileage, c(0, 20000, 25000, 30000, 100000))][order(cut)]
# cut price number
# 1: (0,2e+04] 25252.70 215
# 2: (2e+04,2.5e+04] 25497.66 46
# 3: (2.5e+04,3e+04] 25349.79 45
# 4: (3e+04,1e+05] 25037.93 694
This shows how to use aggregate to return more than one statistic by category in a single run.
# Using Quentin's data
d[['mileage.cat']] <- cut(d$mileage, breaks=seq(0, 200000, by= 20000))
aggregate(d$price, d['mileage.cat'] ,
FUN=function(price) c(counts=length(price),
mean.price=mean(price) ) )
mileage.cat x.counts x.mean.price
1 (0,2e+04] 212.00 24859.01
2 (2e+04,4e+04] 194.00 24343.16
3 (4e+04,6e+04] 196.00 24357.73
4 (6e+04,8e+04] 191.00 25006.71
5 (8e+04,1e+05] 207.00 25250.23
To make the bins, "cut". Example:
which finishes up like this. y is some data for later:
To calculate something for each group, use tapply. Following my example:
which calculates (a) the number of y's and (b) the mean of y's in each of the groups defined by x.cut.
Another approach using aggregate:
df <- data.frame(mil = sample(1e5,20),price = sample(1000,20) )
#mil2 is our "mile bin" ( 0 -> [0:20000[; 1 -> [20000:40000[ ...)
df$mil2 = trunc(df$mil /20000)
# then to get the mean by "mile bin":
aggregate(price ~ mil2,df,mean)
# or the number:
aggregate(price ~ mil2,df,length)
# or simply: