| varchar1 |
| aaa, aba, aab |
| aac, aca, caa |
| varchar2 |
| bbb, abb, aba |
| bbc, bcb, cbb |
How to compare the varchar from 2 different tables for a partial match?
Such that aaa, aba, aab from Table1 matches with bbb, abb, aba from Table2 because both contains aba.
As mentioned in the comments, you REALLY should normalize this. That's definitely a better solution than having to parse out strings like this. However, if you really wanted to, you could do something like this:
Dim varchar1 As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"aaa, aba, aab", "aac, aca, caa"}
Dim varchar2 As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"bbb, abb, aba", "bbc, bcb, cbb"}
Dim varchar1Tokens As IEnumerable(Of String) = (From foo In varchar1
Let tokens = foo.Split(","c)
From bar In tokens
Select bar.TrimEnd)
Dim varchar2Tokens As IEnumerable(Of String) = (From foo In varchar2
Let tokens = foo.Split(","c)
From bar In tokens
Select bar.TrimEnd)
Dim matches As IEnumerable(Of String) = (From item In varchar1Tokens
Where varchar2Tokens.Contains(item)
Select item)
For Each match As String In matches
How do I group by Username in Sentinel? I get confused with the project, extend, join, and summerize operations. Sanitized KQL Code and Picture attached. This is for mass downloads of files, but number has been lowered to trigger for MSP.
let threshold = 100;
let szSharePointFileOperation = "SharePointFileOperation";
let szOperations = dynamic(["FileDownloaded"]);
let starttime = 10m;
let endtime = 600m;
let historicalActivity =
| where TimeGenerated between(ago(starttime)..ago(endtime))
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| summarize historicalCount = count() by ClientIP, RecordType, Operation;
let recentActivity = OfficeActivity
| where TimeGenerated > ago(endtime)
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| summarize min(Start_Time), max(Start_Time), recentCount = count() by ClientIP, RecordType, Operation;
let RareIP = recentActivity | join kind= leftanti ( historicalActivity ) on ClientIP, RecordType, Operation
// More than 100 downloads/uploads from a new IP
| where recentCount > threshold;
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime)
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| join kind= inner (RareIP) on ClientIP, RecordType, Operation
| where Start_Time between(min_Start_Time .. max_Start_Time)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(min_Start_Time), EndTimeUtc = max(max_Start_Time) by RecordType, Operation, UserType, UserId, ClientIP, OfficeWorkload, Site_Url, OfficeObjectId, UserAgent, IPSeenCount = recentCount
| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = UserId, IPCustomEntity = ClientIP, URLCustomEntity = Site_Url
| order by IPSeenCount desc, ClientIP asc, Operation asc, UserId asc
| where UserAgent <> "FileZip/1.0"
| where Site_Url contains ""
Results in image: I am trying to group by UserIDs or "AccountCustomIdentity" and not have seperate rows for each. Many thanks for any help!
If you are not interested to see the userIds, you can simply remove it from the "summarize" line here (this is the applicable line without it):
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(min_Start_Time), EndTimeUtc = max(max_Start_Time) by RecordType, Operation, UserType, ClientIP, OfficeWorkload, Site_Url, OfficeObjectId, UserAgent, IPSeenCount = recentCount
Once you do this, these line will show and error under the UserId expressions:
| extend timestamp = StartTimeUtc, AccountCustomEntity = UserId, IPCustomEntity = ClientIP, URLCustomEntity = Site_Url
| order by IPSeenCount desc, ClientIP asc, Operation asc, UserId asc
You should remove these expressions from these lines as well and run the query. The UserIds will be gone.
As a side note, UserIds in this query is duplicated and show up twice in the results, once as UserId and once as AccountCustomEntity - this is strange.
I'm trying to perform a very simple query for Firebase events stored in Google BigQuery but I´m not able to find a way to do it.
In the Android app, I´m logging an event like this:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("productID", productId);
params.putInt(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.VALUE, value);
firebaseAnalytics.logEvent("productEvent", params);
So, in BigQuery I have something like this:
___________________ _______________________ ____________________________
| | event_dim.params.key | event_dim.params.int_value |
| productEvent | productID | 25 |
| |_______________________|____________________________|
| | value | 1253 |
When I get the data from this table I get two rows:
___________________ _______________________ ____________________________
| | event_dim.params.key | event_dim.params.int_value |
| productEvent | productID | 25 |
| productEvent | value | 12353 |
But what I really need is a SELECT clause from this table to get the data as below:
___________________ _____________ _________
| name | productID | value |
| productEvent | 25 | 12353 |
Any idea or suggestion?
You can pivot the values into columns like this
SELECT as name,
MAX(IF(event_dim.params.key = "productID", event_dim.params.int_value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD productID,
MAX(IF(event_dim.params.key = "value", event_dim.params.int_value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD value,
FROM [events]
In case you want to generate this command using SQL, see this solution: Pivot Repeated fields in BigQuery
Using standard SQL (uncheck "Use Legacy SQL" under "Show Options" in the UI), you can express the query as:
SELECT as name,
(SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_dim.params)
WHERE key = "productID") AS productID,
(SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_dim.params)
WHERE key = "value") AS value
FROM `dataset.mytable` AS t,
t.event_dim AS event_dim;
Edit: updated example to include int_value as part of value based on the comment below. Here is a self-contained example that demonstrates the approach as well:
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(event_dim) AS event_dim
"foo" AS name,
ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRUCT<int_value INT64, string_value STRING>>>[
("productID", (10, NULL)), ("value", (5, NULL))
] AS params) AS event_dim
"bar" AS name,
ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRUCT<int_value INT64, string_value STRING>>>[
("productID", (13, NULL)), ("value", (42, NULL))
] AS params) AS event_dim
SELECT as name,
(SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_dim.params)
WHERE key = "productID") AS productID,
(SELECT value.int_value FROM UNNEST(event_dim.params)
WHERE key = "value") AS value
t.event_dim AS event_dim;
I want to create a barcode by merge and combine two column.
here is my table :
ID | Items1 | Items2 | BArcode
001 | Shirt | CPU |
002 | Shirt | CPU |
001 | Shoes | Monitor |
002 | Jacket | Monitor |
001 | Shoes | CPU |
002 | | Keyboard |
002 | | Keyboard |
001 | Shirt | Keyboard |
002 | Shirt | |
The barcode created based on ID+Item1/Items2+Count. The count get from counting how many times one ID have oredered the same item. I want it to display only the data that haven't generated a barcode, so it's when the Barcode column value is null, from the above table the Barcode is null:
ID | Barcode |
001 | 001Shirt1 |
002 | 002Shirt1 |
001 | 001Shoes1 |
002 | 002Jacket1 |
001 | 001Shoes2 |
001 | 001Shirt2 |
002 | 002Shirt2 |
001 | 001CPU1 |
002 | 002CPU1 |
001 | 001Monitor1 |
002 | 002Monitor1 |
001 | 001CPU2 |
002 | 002Keyboard1 |
002 | 002Keyboard2 |
001 | 001Keyboard1 |
here is my first code :
Dim strcommand As String = "select [ID], ([ID] + [Items1])
as Barcode from tbl_Request where [Items1] != 'null'
and Barcode = 'null' union select ([ID] + [Items2])
from tbl_Request where [Items2] != 'Null' and Barcode = 'null'"
it doesn't work. it say "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists". on my code above I haven't implement the counting yet. does anyone know how to do it?
Thanks in advances....
You can use this query to generate the barcode values:
;with cte as
(select id, item1 item, row_number() over (partition by id, item1 order by getdate()) rn
from items
where item1 is not null and barcode is null
select id, item2 item, row_number() over (partition by id, item2 order by getdate()) rn
from items
where item2 is not null and barcode is null)
select id, cast(id as varchar) + item + cast(rn as varchar) barcode
from cte
If you wanted to add this to a new table, say tbl_barcode with columns id and barcode, you would do this:
;with cte as
(select id, item1 item, row_number() over (partition by id, item1 order by getdate()) rn
from items
where item1 is not null and barcode is null
select id, item2 item, row_number() over (partition by id, item2 order by getdate()) rn
from items
where item2 is not null and barcode is null)
insert into tbl_barcode (id, barcode)
select id, cast(id as varchar) + item + cast(rn as varchar) barcode
from cte
The error that you are getting is that the union join that you have created does not contain the same fields in the second select statement, as your original select statement. SQL UNION Operator, Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns.
So therefore you will need to change
select ([ID] + [Items2])
select [ID], ([ID] + [Items2])
declare #x table (ID varchar(20),Items1 VARCHAR(10),Items2 VARCHAR(10),BARCODE INT)
VALUES ('001','Shirt','CPU',NULL)
VALUES ('001',NULL,'Monitor',NULL)
VALUES ('002','TRouser','Monitor',NULL)
select ID,
Case when Items1 IS NOT NULL Then ID +Items1+
CAST(DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION by Items1 order by Items1 desc)AS VARCHAR)
when Items2 IS NOT NULL Then ID +Items2+
CAST(DENSE_RANK()OVER(PARTITION by Items2 order by Items1 desc)AS VARCHAR)
ELSE '' END AS Barcode from #x
I want to calculate and rank the suitability of healthcare workers for a particular patients, by comparing parameters such as race, religion, gender, spoken language, etc.
HealthcareWorker table
ID (int)
name (varchar)
race (varchar)
religion (varchar)
gender (varchar)
german (bit)
french (bit)
english (bit)
Patient table
ID (int)
name (varchar)
race (varchar)
religion (varchar)
gender (varchar)
german (bit)
french (bit)
english (bit)
Webpage Layout
On page1.aspx there will be a gridview table showing the details of all Patients.
User will then select a Patient and be directed to page2.aspx
On page2.aspx there will a table showing the details of each Healthcare Worker and his suitability with the selected patient in the form of a score. there will also be checkboxes inside the table in order to assign more than one Healthcare Worker to the selected Patient.
| ID | name | religion | gender | german | french | english | score | |
| 4 | mary | | f | 1 | 0 | 1 | 132 | checkbox |
| 2 | john | | m | 0 | 1 | 1 | 125 | checkbox |
| 3 | tim | | m | 1 | 0 | 1 | 98 | checkbox |
| 1 | jane | | f | 1 | 1 | 0 | 55 | checkbox |
the computation of the score will be something like this:
if patient.race = healthcareworker.race then healthcarework.score +10
if patient.religion = healthcareworker.religion then healthcarework.score +10
if at least one of patient's language match with healthcareworker's language then healthcarework.score +10
Dim strCon As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(strCon)
Dim query As String = "select *, CAST ( 0 as int ) score from HealthcareWorker;"
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(query, con)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
'code to read cell
'code to compare and compute
'code to update the score in each row
GridView1.DataSource = dt
How do I read and modify the cells in the datatable?
I want read and compare the data from some cells in each row and then update the score value.
I need to update the score for each row so I am going to need a loop but I do not know the number of rows that will be loaded into the datatable before hand.
How do I get the number of rows in the datatable?
edit/update: reworked the entire question to provide (a lot) more background information
The last question is answered easily:
I need to update the score for each row so I am going to need a loop
but I do not know the number of rows that will be loaded into the
datatable before hand. How do I get the number of rows in the
You just have to use the Rows.Count property:
Dim rowCount As Int32 = tblPatient.Rows.Count ' tblPatient => DataTable '
If you want to loop all rows you can use a foreach:
For Each row As DataRow In tblPatient.Rows
' ... '
or a for-loop:
For i As Int32 = 0 To tblPatient.Rows.Count - 1
Dim row As DataRow = tblPatient.Rows(i)
' ... '
To update the rows you can use the SetField extension method which also support nullable-types:
For Each row As DataRow In tblPatient.Rows
Dim id As Int32 = row.Field(Of Int32)("ID")
Dim race As String = row.Field(Of String)("Race")
row.SetField("Score", CalculateScore(row))
Sorry that i cannot provide you the correct calculation but it's still not clear how you want to calculate it since you haven't provided the source of the Score(theres no column). But it might give you an idea anyway.
Is there any nice trick to change values in string using dictionary mapping? For example I have table1 FIDDLE
| ROW1 |
| This is an example string |
| This String has typ0s |
And some mapping table dict1 FIDDLE:
| OLD | NEW |
| IS | ARE |
I need some SELECT statement that will split values in table1.row1 and change words using mapping dictionary dict1 so received values will be ( changing no existing dictionary values to upper is optional):
PS. Spliting using REGEXP expression will be so nice..
WITH dict1 AS
'THAT' t
FROM dual
'ARE' t
FROM dual
FROM dual
FROM dual),
table1 AS
(SELECT 'This is an example string' AS str,
1 AS sn
FROM dual
SELECT 'This String has typ0s' AS str,
2 sn
FROM dual),
src AS
(SELECT regexp_substr(upper(s.str), '[^ ]+', 1, LEVEL) str2,
rownum nn
FROM table1 s
CONNECT BY instr(TRIM(' ' FROM str), ' ', 1, LEVEL - 1) > 0
AND PRIOR sn = sn
AND PRIOR dbms_random.value IS NOT NULL),
repl AS
(SELECT nvl2(dict1.t, dict1.t, src.str2) lex,
FROM src
ON = src.str2)
SELECT listagg(lex, ' ') within GROUP(ORDER BY nn),
FROM repl
It works now as you ask. Enjoy.
EDIT: FIDDLE with solution