Add marginals to data table? - r

What is the right way to add marginal sums to a data table?
What I do right now:
> (a <- data.table(x=c(1,2,1,2,2,3,3),y=c(10,10,20,20,30,30,40),z=1:7,key=c("x")))
x y z
1: 1 10 1
2: 1 20 3
3: 2 10 2
4: 2 20 4
5: 2 30 5
6: 3 30 6
7: 3 40 7
> (a <- a[a[,sum(z),by=x]])
x y z V1
1: 1 10 1 4
2: 1 20 3 4
3: 2 10 2 11
4: 2 20 4 11
5: 2 30 5 11
6: 3 30 6 13
7: 3 40 7 13
> setnames(a,"V1","x.z")
> setkeyv(a,"y")
> (a <- a[a[,sum(z),by=y]])
y x z x.z V1
1: 10 1 1 4 3
2: 10 2 2 11 3
3: 20 1 3 4 7
4: 20 2 4 11 7
5: 30 2 5 11 11
6: 30 3 6 13 11
7: 40 3 7 13 7
> setnames(a,"V1","y.z")
I am pretty sure this is not The Right Way.
What is?

One alternative is this one:
> a[,Sum:=sum(z), by="x"]
> a
x y z Sum
1: 1 10 1 4
2: 1 20 3 4
3: 2 10 2 11
4: 2 20 4 11
5: 2 30 5 11
6: 3 30 6 13
7: 3 40 7 13
Edit: Some more explanation on := usage:
The := operator enables add/update by reference. With this, you can:
add new columns or update existing columns by reference
DT[, x2 := x+1] # add one new column
DT[, `:=`(x2 = x+1, y2 = y+1)] # adding more than 1 col
DT[, x := x+1] # modify existing column
add or update certain rows of new or existing columns by reference
DT[x == 1L, y := NA] # modify 'y' just where expression in 'i' matches
DT[x == 1L, `:=`(y = NA, z=NA)] # same but for multiple columns
DT[x == 1L, newcol := 5L] # matched rows for 'newcol' will be 5, all other 'NA'
add or update cols while grouping, by reference - by default, the computed result is recycled within each group.
DT[, zsum := sum(z), by=x]
Here, sum(z) returns 1 value for each group in x. The result is then recycled for length of that group and is added/updated by reference to zsum.
add or update during a by-without-by operation. That is, when you perform a data.table join and you want to add/update column while joining:
X <- data.table(x=rep(1:3, each=2), y=1:6, key="x")
Y <- data.table(x=1:3, y=c(3L, 1L, 2L), key="x")
X[Y, := y > i.y]
Finally, you can also remove columns by reference (i.e. instantly even it's a 20GB table) :
DT[, x := NULL] # just 1 column
DT[, c("x","y") := NULL] # 1 or more columns
toRemove = c("x","y")
DT[, (toRemove) := NULL] # wrap with brackets to lookup variable
Hope this helps clarify the usage on :=. Also check out ?set. It is similar to :=, but with the limitation that it can not be combined with joins. This allows for it to be faster inside a for loop (due to reduced overhead from not calling [.data.table) for all operations it is capable of than :=.
It can be quite handy, especially, in some scenarios. See this post for a nice usage.


Replace Inf/-Inf values from vector of variable names, with values from similarly named vector of variables (substr/grep/gsub)

I'm currently stumped making some efficient code. I have a vector of variables (med.vars) that were transformed by the in-year global median. Sometimes the global median is 0, which creates Inf/-Inf values I would like to replace with the pre-transformed variable value (vars). I can't figure out how to do this efficiently with some type of data.table 'dat[,:=lapply(.SD), .SDcols=med.vars] function or a for loop with get(), noquotes(), etc.
v1 v2 v3
1: 2 5 10 1 5 -Inf
2: 10 6 15 Inf 6 2
3: 7 5 20 5 5 3
In reality these vectors are 50+ vars I pull from names(dat) with grep() and use gsub(".med","",med.vars) to create the second vector of pre-transformed variable names.
I would like to efficiently perform
dat[ |,]
dat[ |,]
for each element, med.vars[i], and its corresponding element, vars[i] such that the resulting data.table is:
v1 v2 v3
1: 2 5 10 1 5 -10
2: 10 6 15 10 6 2
3: 7 5 20 5 5 3
Thank you for your time
OP mentions efficiency, so maybe move to long form. Then the standard syntax can be used:
DT = melt(dat, meas=list(vars, med.vars),"var", "med"))
DT[!is.finite(med), med := sign(med)*var]
variable var med
1: 1 2 1
2: 1 10 10
3: 1 7 5
4: 2 5 5
5: 2 6 6
6: 2 5 5
7: 3 10 -10
8: 3 15 2
9: 3 20 3
As these are corresponding columns, we can make use of Map
dat[, (med.vars) := Map(function(x, y) ifelse(is.finite(y), y,
x * sign(y)), .SD[, vars, with = FALSE],
.SD[, med.vars, with = FALSE])]
# v1 v2 v3
#1: 2 5 10 1 5 -10
#2: 10 6 15 10 6 2
#3: 7 5 20 5 5 3
Or another option is set by looping through the columns with a for loop
for(j in seq_along(vars)) {
i1 <- !is.finite(dat[[med.vars[j]]])
v1 <- dat[[vars[j]]]
v2 <- dat[[med.vars[j]]]
set(dat, i = which(i1), j = med.vars[j], value = sign(v2[i1]) * v1[i1])
This can also be done in base R (on a data.frame)
i1 <- !sapply(dat[med.vars], is.finite)
dat[med.vars][i1] <- dat[vars][i1] * sign(dat[med.vars][i1])

Creating a new data table for each row of an existing data table R while avoiding memory vector issue

Suppose I have two data tables:
> A
w d
1: 1 5
2: 2 6
3: 3 7
> B
K m
1: 2 9
2: 3 10
3: 4 11
I want to do the following expansion, where I have a new B for each row of A:
w d K m
1: 1 5 2 9
2: 1 5 3 10
3: 1 5 4 11
4: 2 6 2 9
5: 2 6 3 10
6: 2 6 4 11
7: 3 7 2 9
8: 3 7 3 10
9: 3 7 4 11
However, when I do it with my real data, I get this error:
Error in `[.data.table`(A, , B[], by = names(A)) :
negative length vectors are not allowed
It turns out this is a memory error. However, I think there should be a way to do this without loops, memory is not an issue on my server up to 50gb of ram, which the following data table would certainly be less than.
Does anyone know an efficient way to do this?
A hacky way to handle this might be to add an identical helper column to each table and then to allow cartesian joins:
A = data.table(w = 1:3, d = 5:7)
B = data.table(K = 2:4, m = 9:11)
A[, j := 1]
B[, j := 1]
C = A[B, on = 'j', allow.cartesian = T]

Summing the number of times a value appears in either of 2 columns

I have a large data set - around 32mil rows. I have information on the telephone number, the origin of the call, and the destination.
For each telephone number, I want to count the number of times it appeared either as Origin or as Destination.
An example data table is as follows:
dt <- data.table(Tel=seq(1,5,1), Origin=seq(1,5,1), Destination=seq(3,7,1))
Tel Origin Destination
1: 1 1 3
2: 2 2 4
3: 3 3 5
4: 4 4 6
5: 5 5 7
I have working code, but it takes too long for my data since it involves a for loop. How can I optimize it?
Here it is:
for (i in unique(dt$Tel)){
index <- (dt$Origin == i | dt$Destination == i)
dt[dt$Tel ==i, "N"] <- sum(index)
Tel Origin Destination N
1: 1 1 3 1
2: 2 2 4 1
3: 3 3 5 2
4: 4 4 6 2
5: 5 5 7 2
Where N tells that Tel=1 appears 1, Tel=2 appears 1, Tel=3,4 and 5 each appear 2 times.
We can do a melt and match
dt[, N := melt(dt, id.var = "Tel")[, tabulate(match(value, Tel))]]
Or another option is to loop through the columns 2 and 3, use %in% to check whether the values in 'Tel' are present, then with Reduce and + get the sum of logical elements for each 'Tel', assign (:=) the values to 'N'
dt[, N := Reduce(`+`, lapply(.SD, function(x) Tel %in% x)), .SDcols = 2:3]
# Tel Origin Destination N
#1: 1 1 3 1
#2: 2 2 4 1
#3: 3 3 5 2
#4: 4 4 6 2
#5: 5 5 7 2
A second method constructs a temporary data.table which is then joins to the original. This is longer and likely less efficient than #akrun's, but can be useful to see.
# get temporary data.table as the sum of origin and destination frequencies
temp <- setnames(data.table(table(unlist(dt[, .(Origin, Destination)], use.names=FALSE))),
c("Tel", "N"))
# turn the variables into integers (Tel is the name of the table above, and thus character)
temp <- temp[, lapply(temp, as.integer)]
Now, join the original table on
dt <- temp[dt, on="Tel"]
Tel N Origin Destination
1: 1 1 1 3
2: 2 1 2 4
3: 3 2 3 5
4: 4 2 4 6
5: 5 2 5 7
You can get the desired column order using setcolorder
setcolorder(dt, c("Tel", "Origin", "Destination", "N"))

R data.table filtering on group size

I am trying to find all the records in my data.table for which there is more than one row with value v in field f.
For instance, we can use this data:
dt <- data.table(f1=c(1,2,3,4,5), f2=c(1,1,2,3,3))
If looking for that property in field f2, we'd get (note the absence of the (3,2) tuple)
f1 f2
1: 1 1
2: 2 1
3: 4 3
4: 5 3
My first guess was dt[.N>2,list(.N),by=f2], but that actually keeps entries with .N==1.
f2 N
1: 1 2
2: 2 1
3: 3 2
The other easy guess, dt[duplicated(dt$f2)], doesn't do the trick, as it keeps one of the 'duplicates' out of the results.
f1 f2
1: 2 1
2: 5 3
So how can I get this done?
Edited to add example
The question is not clear. Based on the title, it looks like we want to extract all groups with number of rows (.N) greater than 1.
DT[, if(.N>1) .SD, by=f]
But the value v in field f is making it confusing.
If I understand what you're after correctly, you'll need to do some compound queries:
DT <- data.table(v1 = 1:10, f = c(rep(1:3, 3), 4))
DT[, N := .N, f][N > 2][, N := NULL][]
# v1 f
# 1: 1 1
# 2: 2 2
# 3: 3 3
# 4: 4 1
# 5: 5 2
# 6: 6 3
# 7: 7 1
# 8: 8 2
# 9: 9 3

Add a countdown column to data.table containing rows until a special row encountered

I have a data.table with ordered data labled up, and I want to add a column that tells me how many records until I get to a "special" record that resets the countdown.
For example:
DT = data.table(idx = c(1,3,3,4,6,7,7,8,9),
name = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "a", "a", "b", "a", "b"))
setkey(DT, idx)
#manually add the answer
DT[, countdown := c(3,2,1,0,2,1,0,1,0)]
> DT
idx name countdown
1: 1 a 3
2: 3 a 2
3: 3 a 1
4: 4 b 0
5: 6 a 2
6: 7 a 1
7: 7 b 0
8: 8 a 1
9: 9 b 0
See how the countdown column tells me how many rows until a row called "b".
The question is how to create that column in code.
Note that the key is not evenly spaced and may contain duplicates (so is not very useful in solving the problem). In general the non-b names could be different, but I could add a dummy column that is just True/False if the solution requires this.
Here's another idea:
## Create groups that end at each occurrence of "b"
DT[, cd:=0L]
DT[name=="b", cd:=1L]
DT[, cd:=rev(cumsum(rev(cd)))]
## Count down within them
DT[, cd:=max(.I) - .I, by=cd]
# idx name cd
# 1: 1 a 3
# 2: 3 a 2
# 3: 3 a 1
# 4: 4 b 0
# 5: 6 a 2
# 6: 7 a 1
# 7: 7 b 0
# 8: 8 a 1
# 9: 9 b 0
I'm sure (or at least hopeful) that a purely "data.table" solution would be generated, but in the meantime, you could make use of rle. In this case, you're interested in reversing the countdown, so we'll use rev to reverse the "name" values before proceeding.
output <- sequence(rle(rev(DT$name))$lengths)
makezero <- cumsum(rle(rev(DT$name))$lengths)[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
output[makezero] <- 0
DT[, countdown := rev(output)]
# idx name countdown
# 1: 1 a 3
# 2: 3 a 2
# 3: 3 a 1
# 4: 4 b 0
# 5: 6 a 2
# 6: 7 a 1
# 7: 7 b 0
# 8: 8 a 1
# 9: 9 b 0
Here's a mix of Josh's and Ananda's solution, in that, I use RLE to generate the way Josh has given the answer:
t <- rle(DT$name)
t <- t$lengths[t$values == "a"]
DT[, cd := rep(t, t+1)]
DT[, cd:=max(.I) - .I, by=cd]
Even better: Taking use of the fact that there's only one b always (or assuming here), you could do this one better:
t <- rle(DT$name)
t <- t$lengths[t$values == "a"]
DT[, cd := rev(sequence(rev(t+1)))-1]
Edit: From OP's comment, it seems clear that there is more than 1 b possible and in such cases, all b should be 0. The first step in doing this is to create groups where b ends after each consecutive a's.
DT <- data.table(idx=sample(10), name=c("a","a","a","b","b","a","a","b","a","b"))
t <- rle(DT$name)
val <- cumsum(t$lengths)[t$values == "b"]
DT[, grp := rep(seq(val), c(val[1], diff(val)))]
DT[, val := c(rev(seq_len(sum(name == "a"))),
rep(0, sum(name == "b"))), by = grp]
# idx name grp val
# 1: 1 a 1 3
# 2: 7 a 1 2
# 3: 9 a 1 1
# 4: 4 b 1 0
# 5: 2 b 1 0
# 6: 8 a 2 2
# 7: 6 a 2 1
# 8: 3 b 2 0
# 9: 10 a 3 1
# 10: 5 b 3 0
