asp:hyperlink href won't show up even though i populate navigateurl -

Does anyone know what is wrong with the following two lines of code? In both cases, there is no href in the anchor links when i view it in the browser:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# Eval(Request.QueryString["conferenceId"], "~/Cms/schedule-edit.aspx?conferenceId={0}&type=workshopStream") %>' Text="Create Workshop Stream"></asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("~/Cms/schedule-edit.aspx?conferenceId={0}&type=scheduleItem", Request.QueryString["conferenceId"]) %>' Text="Create Schedule Item"></asp:HyperLink>
This exact same code seems to work fine when I put it into the ItemTemplate of a Listview though. But it doesn't work when used on it's own in an aspx file.
What's wrong with it?
Also if i replace the navigateUrl with a hardcoded string ~/cms/schedule-edit.aspx?conferenceId=2&type=stuff then the href shows up. It just doesn't work when i have the Eval or String.Format in there.

If those HyperLink server controls are located outside of DataBound controls like GridView, there are two problems in our code -
You want to use <%= %> instead of <%# %> which is used in DataBound controls.
You cannot use <%= %> to set property of a server control. Basically, you cannot mix runat="server" with <%= %>.
<a href='<%= String.Format("~/Cms/schedule-edit.aspx?conferenceId={0}&type=scheduleItem",
Request.QueryString["conferenceId"]) %>'>Create Workshop Stream</a>

The anchor syntax NavigateUrl='<%#...%> is only valid inside a GridView, ListView, etc. When it is not inside such controls, you can set its NavigateUrl property via code. Obviously, you also need to give an ID to your HyperLink.
The markup:
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text="Create Schedule Item"></asp:HyperLink>
The code behind:
HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = String.Format("~/Cms/schedule-edit.aspx?conferenceId={0}&type=scheduleItem", Request.QueryString["conferenceId"])

You are using a data-binding expression here. This is denoted in the following syntax:
<%# [code] %>
The code inside is evaluated only when the containing control, or any of its ancestors have their .DataBind() method called.
To work this around, you can:
Call Page.DataBind()
This could have some unwanted consequences if you have other data-bound controls on the page, as this method will cause all of them to have their data-binding events fired. Usually, this approach is applied if you have minimalistic code-behind and the entire page relies on data-binding expressions.
Give each HyperLink an ID and call HyperLinkID.DataBind();
Stick to the approach in codingstill's answer by setting the NavigateUrl property in the code behind of your page/user control.


Render DateTime.Now directly in the ASPX page

I am trying to do the following directly into the aspx page but it is not showing the date value. I dont want to do it from the code behind. Am i missing something small here? Pls suggest.
<asp:Literal ID="ltrDate" Text='<% DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>' runat="server"></asp:Literal>
Even the use of hash in the expression <%#DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %> does not work.
If you do not need to access the value of the Literal control from the code-behind, then there is no need to use it. Instead, you can just use the following expression in your page directly where you want to print the date:
<%= DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>
With server controls, you can only put either static text, databinding expressions <%# xx %>, or expression builders <%$ %> inside the property values in the page markup.
See this related question for more details about each approach.
When using a databinding expression such as <%# DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>, then you have to call Page.DataBind() (or ltrDate.DataBind() if that's the only databound control) from your code-behind (e.g. in Page_Load).

Dynamically assigning properties on a non data bound ASP.NET control

For example, let's say I have a HyperLink:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl="foo.aspx" />
How can I set the NavigateUrl on the server side, without having to go the code-behind?
This doesn't work of course:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl="<%= urlString %>" />
(where urlString might be a string I created earlier in the page)
And this doesn't work because the HyperLink is not within a data bound control:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="Foo" NavigateUrl='<%# urlString %>' />
I guess I could just use a standard anchor element:
But I'd rather not mix up HTML and ASP.NET controls, and it would be handy to be able to do this for other controls.
Surely there must be a way?
Try setting the property in an inline code block:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="MyLink" Text="Foo" />
<% MyLink.NavigateUrl="foo.aspx"; %>
This doesn't work of course:
Of course it does.
And this doesn't work because the
HyperLink is not within a data bound
Consider the Page as your data bound control.
You need to calls it's DataBind method.
Maybe you need to add an ID attribute as well. If that does not work, try to display a property instead of a variable.

Why does Visible='<%#false%>' work on a GridView but not label?

I am scratching my head over this, but have no idea what the problem is.
My actual code is
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="abc"
Visible='<%#Request.QueryString["ListName"] == null %>' />
<asp:GridView ID="gvLists" runat="server"
Visible='<%#Request.QueryString["ListName"] == null %>' />
As you can see, i am trying to only make the visibility of the object be driven by the querystring. It works fine for the GridView, but doesn't work for a label. I also tried Panel and HyperLink with the same results.
I am sure I could get this working by putting my code in the code-behind, but it won't be as clean.
<%# %> works only on databound items.
you need to change it to <%= %> (Notice the "=")
<%= is uses to print to the page directly and the <%# is used for data binding elements. Here is a great explanation of all the inline code directives.
Thanks to Alison for pointing me in the right direction.
I needed to add Page.DataBind() to my Page_Load event in order for the expression to be evaluated. Inline Expression Issue

I can't seem to figure out why this does not work below. I need to bind the text box to a value from an inline expression. Seems like a simple thing right? But neither of these work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
<asp:textbox id="tbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("test") %>' />
<asp:textbox id="tbName" runat="server" Text='<%= "test" %>' />
I should mention that this page has no code behind and only the following directives at the top.
<%# Import Namespace="System" %>
<%# Import Namespace="System.Web" %>
<%# Page Language="C#" %>
The only workable solution that I could come up with short of adding a code behind is adding an inline server script, like this one. I wish I knew why the inline expressions won't work unless you're in a data binding context.
<script language="C#" runat="server">
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
tbName.Text = "test";
In the Page_Load of you will have to make a call to Page.DataBind() for
<asp:textbox id="tbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("test") %>' />
to work.
<%= %> is a shortened response.Write() and is never valid as an attribute, for any server tag.
<%# %> can be used, only if the conatainer is databound (the page in your case).
<%$ %> can be used to access data in resources files.
EDIT: You can also take a look at How to 'bind' Text property of a label in markup which is a smimilar question.
As stated, <%= %> is illegal anywhere within a server control declaration, except where inner markup is being parsed as content (eg <ItemTemplate> within a Repeater).
<%# %> is valid as an expression for control properties, as these expressions will be evaluated when DataBind() is called on the control.
Your use of Eval() looks a little suspect though. Per the example, Eval() will use the current Page object as the binding context, which means that the value of the public property named "test" will be bound to when DataBind() is called. Unless you actually have this property defined on the Page class, the expression will never evaluate to anything.
Eval() is mainly intended for use in expressions within controls such as Repeater, GridView, ListView, etc, where there is a list of data items being bound using templates, and you need a method to be able to access the properties of the current data item.
For all other controls, just use normal code expressions inside a data-binding expression - it's much faster, and more intuitive than Eval(), which relies on runtime reflection.
If you want a more clever alternative using <%$ %> syntax that avoids data-binding altogether, go here:
Use <asp:textbox id="tbName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("test") %>' />
and set tbName.DataBind(); in page load event.
For those who are searching for more info about inline expressions, refer to the following links. have the following inline expressions
Embedded code blocks <% ... %>
Displaying expression <%= ... %>
Directive expression <%# ... %>
Data-binding expression <%# ... %>
Expression builder <%$ ... %>
Server-side comments block <%-- ... --%>
You might need the namespace for the textbox control
<%# Import "System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
Try adding runat="server" to the server elements.
Otherwise, this element will not be processed at server.
EDIT: Actually, "its correct" that this doesn't work; code <%=...%> cannot be evaluated in a server tag, only expressions like for instance <%$ Resources: h1 %>
<asp:textbox id="tbName" runat="server"><%="test"%></asp:textbox>

Eval scripts in server side control property

how do i implement an eval script in a sever side control?
eg. <a runat="server" href="?id=<%= Eval("Id") %>">hello world</a>
If the server-side control is within a databound control (ListView, GridView, FormView, DetailsView), then the syntax is: <%# Eval("Id") %>.
If the server-side control is not within a databound control, you will have to access it via the code-behind and set your attribute there.
as far as I know, its <%# instead of <%=
The Data-Binding expression is your friend, see MSDN for examples.
