How to Display doctors ordered by number of performed surgeries -

I have table [Surgery_By] table[Surgery] table[Doctor] i'm using ASP.NET with SQL Server :
The table [Surgery_By] contains the following columns:
1-ID (PK)
2-Surgery ID (FK)
3-Doctor ID (FK)
How to Display doctors ordered by number of performed surgeries ?

Try it this way
SELECT, d.fullname, COUNT( total_surgeries
FROM doctor d LEFT JOIN surgery_by s
ON = s.doctor_id
GROUP BY, d.fullname
ORDER BY total_surgeries DESC
Sample output:
| 1 | John Doe | 3 |
| 2 | Jane Doe | 1 |
| 3 | Mark Smith | 0 |
Here is SQLFiddle demo

This is a stab in the dark.
Select Doctor.ID As DoctorID
,Count(*) As Count
From Doctor
Join Surgery_By
On Doctor.ID = Surgery_By.DoctorID
Group By Doctor.DoctorID
Order By Count(*)
I am not sure if you want the table Surgery incorporated (but if you do, the join will be pretty straight forward - just be sure to add selected columns to the Group By statement.)
From ASP.NET, you may select this data from a SQL Command.


How to rank rows in a table in sqlite?

How can I create a column that has ranked the information of the table based on two or three keys?
For example, in this table the rank variable is based on Department and Name:
Dep | Name | Rank
1 | Jeff | 1
1 | Jeff | 2
1 | Paul | 1
2 | Nick | 1
2 | Nick | 2
I have found this solution but it's in SQL and I don't think it applies to my case as all information is in one table and the responses seem to SELECT and JOIN combine information from different tables.
Thank you in advance
You can count how many rows come before the current row in the current group:
FROM MyTable AS T2
WHERE T2.Dep = MyTable.Dep
AND T2.Name = MyTable.Name
AND T2.rowid <= MyTable.rowid);
(The rowid column is used to differentiate between otherwise identical rows. Use the primary key, if you have one.)

SQL Query for Parent Child Data from two table

I have 2 table one table is Course Category and second is Course
In Course Category Table
Following data stores :
CategoryId | Name
1 | MCA
2 | MBA
In Course Table
Following data stores :
Id | Name | CategoryId | ParentId
1 | Asp.Net | 1 | 0
2 | C# | 1 | 1
3 | Finance | 2 | 0
i want following output
Id | Name | Parent
1 | MCA | 0
2 | MBA | 0
3 | Asp.Net | 1
4 | C# | 3
5 | Finance | 2
Whether i have to use nested query or should i relate two tables with foreign and primary keys or any mapping should be done.if not give me a solution to do this.
thanks in advance
select rownum as id, name, 0 as parent
from Category
union all
select rownum, name, id
from course
I assume that you only have one level of children (no cases like parent<-child<-child)
select,,, from course c
join category t on c.categoryId =
left join (select, from course c2) parent on c.parentId =
This should give you something like
id |categoryname |parentname |coursename
1 |MCA |null |Asp.Net
2 |MCA |Asp.Net |C#
3 |MBA |null |Finance
This is not exactly your desired result but should do the trick to display what you want.

select record that match one item in column

So I'm making a movie website and in my database table, I've got a column called Genre. In this I have listed the genres like this; Horror, Action.
Example Table
| id | Genre |
| 1 | Action |
| 2 | Horror, Action |
| 3 | Horror |
| 4 | Action |
| 5 | Romance, Drama |
| 6 | Horror, Drama |
So if I were to do a query to get films with a Horror genre, it would return the ID's 2,3 & 6. How would I go about structuring a query to do this?
The structure of your database is no good. Read up on database normalization to understand why this is. I would go with a structure like this:
You can then do a query like this:
FROM Movie as m
INNER JOIN Movie_Genres as mg
ON mg.Movie_id =
WHERE mg.Genre_id = {Horror genre Id}
If you don't structure your DB like this you will run into a lot of problems down the road.
Continuing off of #Abe's excellent answer. If you want to build a comma delimited string based on #Abe's normalized 3 table structure it would look like this:
SELECT m.Name,
STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + g.Name
FROM Movie_Genres as mg
INNER JOIN Genres AS g on mg.Genre_id = g.Id and mg.Movie_id =
), 1, 2, '')
FROM Movie AS m
GROUP BY m.Name, m.Id;
Here's a Fiddle

Query to get the user list which are belongs to a group

I can select the users which has 'sex = 2' by this sql
->where(' = 2');
How can I select the users which are belonging to group A?
My tables are below.
my user table.
ID | name |sex
1 | bob |1
2 | kayo |2
3 | ken |1
my fos_group table
ID | name
1 | student
2 | teacher
my fos_user_user_group
user_id | group_id
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 1
it means that
Bob and Ken are belonging to group_1(student)
Kayo is belonging to group_2(teacher)
I would like to select the lists from user table which are belonging to 'student' or 'teacher'
What I want to have is username list belonging to student.
ID | name | sex
1 | bob |1
3 | ken |1
You need to do a join first, and then filter on the association property.
->join('s.groups', 'g') // Assuming the association on your user entity is 'groups'
->where(' = :group')->setParameter('group', 'student');
See for examples of filtering on associations with DQL.
SELECT AS GroupName,
FROM fos_group AS g
INNER JOIN fos_user_user_group AS ug ON ug.group_id = g.ID
INNER JOIN user AS u ON = ug.user_id
GroupName | Users
student | bob , ken
teacher | kayo

How to add a new column in a View in sqlite?

I have this database in sqlite (table1):
| _id | name | level |
| 1 | Mike | 3 |
| 2 | John | 2 |
| 3 | Bob | 2 |
| 4 | David | 1 |
| 5 | Tom | 2 |
I want to create a view with all elements of level 2 and then to add a new column indicating the order of the row in the new table. That is, I would want this result:
| index | name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Bob |
| 3 | Tom |
I have tried:
CREATE VIEW words AS SELECT _id as index, name FROM table1;
But then I get:
| index | name |
| 2 | John |
| 3 | Bob |
| 5 | Tom |
I suppose it should be something as:
CREATE VIEW words AS SELECT XXXX as index, name FROM table 1;
What should I use instead of XXXX?
When ordered by _id, the number of rows up to and including this one is the same as the number of rows where the _id value is less than or equal to this row's _id:
FROM table1 b
WHERE level = 2
AND b._id <= a._id) AS "index",
FROM table1 a
WHERE level = 2;
(The computation itself does not actually require ORDER BY _id because the order of the rows does not matter when we're just counting them.)
Please note that words is not guaranteed to be sorted; add ORDER BY "index" if needed.
And this is, of course, not very efficient.
You have two options. First, you could simply add a new column with the following:
ALTER TABLE {tableName} ADD COLUMN COLNew {type};
Second, and more complicatedly, but would actually put the column where you want it, would be to rename the table:
ALTER TABLE {tableName} RENAME TO TempOldTable;
Then create the new table with the missing column:
CREATE TABLE {tableName} (name TEXT, COLNew {type} DEFAULT {defaultValue}, qty INTEGER, rate REAL);
And populate it with the old data:
INSERT INTO {tableName} (name, qty, rate) SELECT name, qty, rate FROM TempOldTable;
Then delete the old table:
DROP TABLE TempOldTable;
I'd much prefer the second option, as it will allow you to completely rename everything if need be.
