Log Parser c# error using STRCAT with CASE - case

I'm having trouble with the log parser, punctually on the use of the function STRCAT parameter with CASE, using log parser the query works perfectly and using a simple STRCAT without CASE the query works even using c#, the problem starts when i use CASE. Am I missing something?
Here's the error:
CLogQueryClass: Error 8007064f: Execute: error parsing query: Syntax Error: : cannot find closing parenthesys for function STRCAT [ SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported. ]
string query = "SELECT " + " STRCAT('" + entry.Name +"'";
query += #", CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/')
ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/')
query += ") AS APPPOOL";
query += ", '" + Environment.MachineName + "' as server";
query += ", '" + entry.Name + "' as site";
query += ", cs-uri-stem as csUriStem";
query += ", c-ip as cIp, sc-status as scStatus";
query += ", sc-bytes as scBytes";
query += ", cs-bytes as csBytes";
query += ", time-taken as timeTaken";
query += " FROM " + logAddress + "\\" + yesterdayLogName;
// Initialize a LogQuery object
logQuery = new LogQueryClass();
logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query,new COMIISW3CInputContextClass());
for (; !logRecordSet.atEnd(); logRecordSet.moveNext())
logrecord = logRecordSet.getRecord();
int i = 0;
while (i < 9)

First, it looks like you are mixing types. The CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/') WHEN 'NULL' compares an integer to string. This should be:
CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/')
ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/')
The error complains about finding the close parenthesis, but I've found that parsing errors can result in misleading error messages with LogParser.
Second, I've tested the following in C# targeted at .NET 3.5 (4.0 had an issue with embedded type. Similar to this...):
string logAddress = "C:\\Path\\to\\consolidatedFile";
string entryName = "blah";
string yesterdayLogName = "fileName.log";
string query = "SELECT " + " STRCAT('" + entryName + "'"
+ ", CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/') "
+ "ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/') "
+ "END"
+ ", '" + Environment.MachineName + "' as server"
+ ", '" + entryName + "' as site"
+ ", cs-uri-stem as csUriStem"
+ ", c-ip as cIp, sc-status as scStatus"
+ ", sc-bytes as scBytes"
+ ", cs-bytes as csBytes"
+ ", time-taken as timeTaken"
+ " FROM " + logAddress + "\\" + yesterdayLogName;
// Initialize a LogQuery object
COMW3CInputContextClassClass ctx = new COMW3CInputContextClassClass();
//LogQueryClass logQuery = new LogQueryClass();
LogQueryClass logQuery = new LogQueryClassClass();
//ILogRecordset logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query, new COMIISW3CInputContextClass());
ILogRecordset logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query, ctx);
for (; !logRecordSet.atEnd(); logRecordSet.moveNext())
ILogRecord logrecord = logRecordSet.getRecord();
int i = 0;
while (i < 9)
This ran successfully and return results. I commented out the lines initially presented since when I used them nothing returned on the console. That might be a difference of the code not presented. Finally, I substituted a string entryName for the entry.Name object assuming that it returns a string.
I hope this helps.


how to get data from excel sheet with specific code

I have one problem with my code I can not achieving mobile no from my code :
OleDbCommand cmdoledb = new OleDbCommand("Select [Phone(R)] from [nil$] where [Code]='" + treadcode + "' ", oledbConn);
mobileno = cmdoledb.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
string message = "Dear " + clientname + " Your BSE Trade Position: " + Codemsg + " Ledger balance is : " + purebalance + ". (Aadinath)";
Int64 len = message.Length;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobileno.Trim()))
dsmsg.Tables[0].Rows.Add(true, message, len, mobileno, clientname, treadcode);
dsmsg.Tables[0].Rows.Add(true, message, len,"No Mobile Found", clientname, treadcode);
this is my excel sheet screen shot :

using placeholder in sql query in asp.net

I am an ASP.Net developer & using sql server CE 4.0 I want to know how to use place holder for this code, As this query is currently vulnerable to sql injection. Place holder can prevent this but the problem is for example query = "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE TITLE = #0" but in my query the value of #0 is dynamically added to query how do i use place holder
this is the code
if (Request["search"] != "" && Request["search"] != null)
var search = Request["search"].Trim();
string[] querynew = search.Split(' ');
var searchquery = "and ";
foreach (string word in querynew)
searchquery += "response_table.adtitle LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR ";
sql += searchquery.Remove(searchquery.Length - 4);
if (Request["min"] != "" && Request["min"] != null && Request["max"] != null && Request["max"] != "")
sql = sql + " and (CAST(response_table.price AS Float)) between " + Request["min"].Trim() + " AND " + Request["max"].Trim();
// 3. the order clause
switch (Request["sort"])
case "recent":
sql = sql + "ORDER BY response_table.response_ID DESC OFFSET " + offset + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + pageSize + " ROWS ONLY";
case "hightolow":
sql = sql + "ORDER BY CAST(response_table.price AS Float) Desc OFFSET " + offset + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + pageSize + " ROWS ONLY";
case "lowtohigh":
sql = sql + "ORDER BY CAST(response_table.price AS Float) ASC OFFSET " + offset + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + pageSize + " ROWS ONLY";
result = db.Query(sql);
Thank You
Using parameters (instead of concatenating strings) allows you to optimize performance of your queries.
You can use a SqlCeCommand. It has a collection of parameters and you can find a sample here regarding how to use them.

Python: infinite loop while executing SQLite statement

I have this 2 SQLite scripts:
both tested by direct input into SQLite.
def getOutgoingLinks(self, hostname):
t = (hostname,)
result = self.__cursor.execute("SELECT url.id, hostname.name, url.path, linking_to.keyword, siteId.id " +
"FROM url, hostname, linking_to, " +
"(SELECT url.id FROM url, hostname " +
"WHERE hostname.name = (?) " +
"AND hostname.id = url.hostname_id " +
") AS siteId " +
"WHERE linking_to.from_id = siteId.id " +
"AND linking_to.to_id = url.id " +
"AND url.hostname_id = hostname.id", t)
result = result.fetchall()
return result
def getIncommingLinks(self, hostname):
t = (hostname,)
result = self.__cursor.execute("SELECT url.id, hostname.name, url.path, linking_to.keyword, siteId.id " +
"FROM url, hostname, linking_to, " +
"(SELECT url.id FROM url, hostname " +
"WHERE hostname.name = (?) " +
"AND hostname.id = url.hostname_id " +
") AS siteId " +
"WHERE linking_to.to_id = siteId.id " +
"AND linking_to.from_id = url.id " +
"AND url.hostname_id = hostname.id", t)
result = result.fetchall()
return result
The getIncommingLinks() methond works very well, but getOutgoingLinks() causes an infinite Loop when python trys to execute the SQL statement. Any ideas what went wrong?
Rewrite your Select statements without select ...( Select ...) - thats very bad style. The result may solve your problem.
If by infinite loop you mean that the function doesnt ever get to return a value, I had the same problem.
Found the solution in Why python+sqlite3 is extremely slow?. With large tables it becomes a performance issue with the version shipped with python 2.7. I solved it by upgrading sqlite3 as specified here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3341117/3894804

Variable 'per' not in scope error in XQuery

I am getting 'Variable 'per' not in scope error' error, when I tried to execute below code in Java.
String xq = "declare variable $per1 as document-node(element(*, xs:untyped)) := " +
"fn:parse-xml($per);" +
"declare variable $job1 as document-node(element(*, xs:untyped)) := fn:parse-xml($job);" +
"for $i in $per1//pimergednodes/Get__CompIntfc__CI_PERSONAL_DATAResponse,\n" +
" $j in $job1//jobmergednodes/Get__CompIntfc__CI_JOB_DATAResponse[PROP_EMPLID = $i/PROP_EMPLID]\n" +
"\n" +
" return\n" +
" <emp>\n" +
" {\n" +
" $i/PROP_EMPLID,\n" +
" <coll_names>\n" +
" {\n" +
" }\n" +
" </coll_names>,\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
" }\n" +
" </emp>";
XQDataSource xds = new oracle.xquery.xqj.OXQDataSource();
XQConnection conn = xds.getConnection();
XQPreparedExpression pEx = conn.prepareExpression(xq); ==> error raised in this call.
Can somebody help me in fixing this error.
Thanks In Advance,
You reference $per in fn:parse-xml($per), but your code doesn't define that variable anywhere. I see $per1, but no $per. I suspect you'll run into the same problem with $job.
For debugging, print out the xq string so you can see the XQuery by itself without all the Java string escaping, which just adds a lot of noise.

Crystal Report with Error : A number range is required here

I am using the crystal report, in that i am using code like below to show the SQL data into the crystal report,
string req = "{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN " + str + " AND " + "({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(" + fromDate.Year + " , " + fromDate.Month + " , " + fromDate.Day + ")" + "AND" + "{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(" + toDate.Year + " , " + toDate.Month + " ," + toDate.Day + " ))";
ReportDocument rep = new ReportDocument();
DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["fDate"].ToString());
DateTime toDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["tDate"].ToString());
CrystalReportViewer_PumpTest.ReportSource = rep;
//CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = str;
rep.RecordSelectionFormula = str;
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject from = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtFrom"]);
from.Text = fromDate.ToShortDateString();
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject to = ((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)rep.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtTO"]);
to.Text = toDate.ToShortDateString();
//Session["Repo"] = rep;
after running my application it executes fine with no exception but such error i am getting,
A number range is required here. Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\Delmon\LOCALS~1\Temp\PumpTestReport {14E557A7-51B3-4791-9C78-B6FBAFFBD87C}.rpt: Error in formula . '{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN ['15739410','13465410'] AND ({View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}>=date(2010 , 12 , 1)AND{View_EODPumpTest.RecordCreatedDate}<=date(2010 , 12 ,25 ))' A number range is required here.
what i will do for this?
Please help,
Thanks in advance
You've not included the definition of 'str' in your code sample, but I'd guess that it's a comma-separated set of values. For Crystal to interpret this you have to put the value range inside [ and ], not the standard ( and ) you might use in SQL. Eg,
{View_EODPumpTest.ROId} IN [1,2,3,4,5,6]
