plotting communities in iGraph - r

I would like to reproduce the kind of "community summary" graph like on page 6 of this paper:
First a community algorithm is employed on the graph, e.g.:
wc <-
mc <-
Then the vertices are grouped according to community. The size of the community node is a function of the membership size and the edge width is a function of the total edges going from any member of community A to community B.
Please note I don't just want to encode community as color or convex hulls like this:
V(inSubGraph)$color <- commObj$membership+1
plot.igraph( inSubGraph, vertex.color = V(inSubGraph)$color)
or with the convex hulls:
plot(commObj, inSubGraph)

Use the contract.vertices function with the membership vector that the community detection method provides, followed by simplify. In particular:
Assign a numeric vertex attribute with a value of 1 to each vertex as follows: V(g)$size = 1
Assign a numeric edge attribute with a value of 1 to each edge as follows: E(g)$count = 1
Contract the communities into vertices as follows: comm.graph <- contract.vertices(g, wc$membership, vertex.attr.comb=list(size="sum", "ignore")); basically this specifies that the size attribute of the vertices being contracted should be summed and every other vertex attribute should be ignored. (See ?attribute.combination in R for more details). This call contracts the vertices but leaves the original edges so you now have as many edges between the vertices as there were in the original graph between the communities.
Collapse the multiple edges as follows: comm.graph <- simplify(comm.graph, remove.loops=FALSE, edge.attr.comb=list(count="sum", "ignore")).
You now have a graph named comm.graph where the vertices represent the communities of the original graph, the size vertex attribute corresponds to the number of vertices in each community in the original graph, and the count edge attribute corresponds to the number of edges between communities in the original graph.


Change edge size in igraph

I want to plot a simple star graph in which the size of the edges depends on a score representing a difference of perception between the central node (e.g.,a leader) and the other nodes (e.g., its employees).
I succeeded in modifying the colors, the size of the node, the width of the edges but not the size of the latter.
How would you do?
nodes <- read.csv("exemple_nodes.csv", header=T,
links <- read.csv("exemple_edges.csv", header=T,
st <- graph_from_data_frame(d=links, vertices=nodes, directed=T)
plot(st, vertex.color=V(st)$perception.type)
With the ggraph package and one of the geom_edge_ func' (e.g., geom_edge_arc, geom_edge_diagonal), in order to use the edge_width parameter, depending on a numeric value associated with the edges, in the edges-list (hereafter "value"). For example:
ggraph::ggraph(st) +
ggraph::geom_edge_diagonal(aes(edge_width = as.numeric(value)) )
In addition, ggraph allow you to specify other edges-parameters inside the geom_edge_ func', for example edge_alpha = as.numeric(value).
I think that what you want is to position the vertices so that you can control the length of the edges. If that is not what you want, then please explain what you mean by the "size" of the edges.
You do not provide your data so that we cannot use exactly your graph. I will use a generic star graph as an example. In order to control the placement of the vertices, you need to use the layout parameter. The basic function layout_as_star will place the first vertex at the center and the other vertices equally spaced around it at the same distance. Because this layout function places the center vertex at (0,0) and the remaining nodes on a unit circle around the center, it is easy to adjust it so that the distance of the outer vertices is controlled by a parameter. Just multiply the coordinates by the parameter and it will proportionally change the distance. I just make something up for the distances, but you can use your parameter.
## Make up perception parameter
Perception = sample(4, 9, replace=T)
[1] 2 3 4 4 1 4 2 2 1
Now there is one weight for every outer vertex, but we need a weight for the central vertex. We don't want it to move so we use a weight of 1.
Weight = c(1, Perception)
LO = layout_as_star(S10)
LO = LO*Weight
plot(S10, layout=LO)

how to create a complete list of diads form a vertex list

how can I create a complete list of dyads from a vertex list?
I have a list (1, 2, 3...) and I need to generate a list containing all possible dyads from that list (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2,...).
I've tried with get.edgelist, but it doesn't work, because the graph is not fully connected (all nodes are connected among them).
Using igraph, you can grab all edges of a graph using E(g). If you'd want all possible edges, you can apply it on a complete graph (a graph that is fully connected). If the vertices in your graph are indeed in sequence from 1 to n, you can use make_full_graph() to make a Kn - that is to say a fully connected graph. In this example, the graph has 14 vertices.
g <- make_full_graph(14, directed=F)
el <- as_edgelist(g)
edges <- E(g)
edges_list <- split(el, rep(1:nrow(el), each = ncol(el)))
edges_vert <- unlist(list(t(el)))
edges will be the igraph-object, but I think what you're after is a list in R, like edges_list.
As you see, length(edges_list) is 91 since it is an undirected graph, and the number of edges in complete graphs is a function of the number of vertices.
A complete graph with n vertices is commonly written Kn and has these many edges:
Note that in igraph dyads are called edges and nodes are called vertices.

Number of vertices in Igraph in R

I'm fairly new to IGraph in R.
I'm doing community detection using IGraph and have already built my communities /clusters using the walktrap technique.
Next, within each cluster, I want to count the number of vertices between each two certain vertices. The reason I want to do this is, for each vertex XX, I want to list vertices that are connected to XX via say max 3 vertices, meaning no further than 3 vertices away from XX.
Can anyone help how this can be done in R please?
making a random graph (for demonstration):
g <-, 1/25)
get walktrap communities and save as vertex attribute:
V(g)$community<, modularity = TRUE, membership = TRUE)$membership
now make a subgraph containing only edges and vertices of one community, e.g. community 2:
make a matrix containing all shortest paths:
now count the number of shortest paths smaller or equal to 3.
I also exclude shortest paths from each node to itself (shortestPaths!=0).
also divide by two because every node pair appears twice in the matrix for undirected graphs.
Number_of_shortest_paths_smaller_3 <- length(which(shortestPs<=3 & shortestPs!=0))/2
Hope that's close to what you need, good luck!

Plot communities with igraph

I want to create a graph plot with each community of nodes been covered by some background color, similar to the graph by the following code
karate <- graph.famous("Zachary")
wc <-
plot(wc, karate)
But different from this approach, I want to: (1) group the nodes by myself, instead of resulting from community detection algorithm. I achieved this by wc$membership <- some_vector; (2) plot such graph possibly with overlap between communities, then how can I assign one node to multiple communities?
Plot the graph itself instead of the community structure, and use an appropriately constructed mark.groups argument to plot() to tell igraph which groups should be enclosed by the same group. The following quote is from the manual page of plot.igraph:
mark.groups: A list of vertex id vectors. It is interpreted as a set of vertex groups. Each vertex group is highlighted, by plotting a colored smoothed polygon around and "under" it.

Choosing vertices by edge weight

I have a network with two types of edges, one with edge$weight=1 and the other edge$weight=2 (to define different relationships e.g. marriage vs. kinship). I want to choose the neighbors of nodes that are linked by edge$weight=2. Then, after getting the vertex names of the neighbors, I will calculate their degree only for edge$weight=1.
It seems simple, but the following code does not give the correct neighbor names:
Is there another way to get vertex names with respect to the edge type?
I think you are looking for the adj function which will return the vertices adjacent to a given edge set. In your case you can choose all the relevant vertices by using V(net)[ adj(E(net)$weight==2) ]
For example:
# make a sample graph with edge weights 1 or 2
net <- graph.full(20)
E(net)$weight <- sample(1:2,ecount(net),replace=T)
# now select only those vertices connected by an edge with weight == 2
V(net)[ adj(E(net)$weight==2) ]
