lost server replies/errors with netty's object decoder - tcp

I have a very simple netty app which serves both as server and a client.
Client uses channel.writeAndFlush() to send request to server and then blocks on monitor.wait().
In client's InboundAdapter in channelRead() I find the appropriate monitor and do monitor.notify() to let the requesting client thread to proceed working on the server's reply.
On the server in ChannelHandler's channelRead() I do the following:
To limit the amount of requests being processed I submit a task which does the real work as a new task to existing EventLoop: ctx.executor().submit(new Task()). I that task I do heavy IO operations and after that I writeAndFlush() results back to client.
Here is my pipeline setup:
new ObjectEncoder(),
new ObjectDecoder(LibConstants.Search.MAX_REQUIEST_SIZE, ClassResolvers.cacheDisabled(null))
Here is the bootstrap config:
new ServerBootstrap()
.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1000)
.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true)
I have 2 problems:
Rather often I get io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.io.UTFDataFormatException on the client when receiving a reply from server. I cannot find any obvious reason for this. Since my pipeline setup is so simple.
A reply from the server just wouldn't appear on the client. I the logs I see a successful flush on the server but the reply never arrived at the client. This is very hard to deal with since my app is very latency sensitive. Any timeout I would set will kill my user experience.
This all happens over a VPN network so there is a possibility that VPN device misbehaves in some weird way but I hoping that TCP would handle any sort of packet loss/corruption which can happen in the channel.
Any advice or experience you can share will be very appreciated!


Implementing a WebServer

I am trying to create a Web Server of my own and there are several questions about working of Web servers we are using today. Questions are:
After receiving a HTTP request from a client through port 80, does server respond using same port 80?
If yes then while sending a large file say a pic in MB's, webserver will be unable to receive requests from other clients?
Is a computer port duplex or simplex? (Can it send and receive at the same time)?
If another port on server side is used to send response to client, then (if TCP is used, which is generally used), again 3-way handshaking will be done which will be overhead...
http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/singlepage/bgnet.html here is a good guide on what's going on with webservers, although it's in c but the concepts are all there. This will explain the whole client server relationship as well as some implementation details.
I'll just give a high level on what's going on:
Usually what happens is when your server gets a new request that comes in it creates a fork that will process it, that way you are not bogged down by each request, when the request comes in the child process is handed a new file to write to(again this is all implementation details).
So really you have one server waiting for requests and for each request it received it spawns a child to process to deal with this request. I'm sure there are much easier languages to implement this stuff than c(I had to do both a c and java server serving to either one in my past) but c really gets you to understand the things that are going on and I'm betting that is what you are looking for here
Now there are a couple of things to think about:
how you want the webserver to work. The example explains the parent child process.
Do you want to use tcp/UDP there are differences in the way to payload gets delivered.
You don't have to connect on port 80. that's just the default for web.
Hopefully the guide will help you.
Yes. The server sends the response using the TCP connection established by the client, so it also responds using the same port. The server can handle connections from multiple clients using the same port because TCP connections are identified by (local-ip, local-port, remote-ip, remote-port), so the server can even handle multiple connections from same client provided that the source ports are different.
There are different techniques you can use to be able to serve multiple clients at the same time. These include
using multiple processes or threads: when one is busy serving a client the others can serve other clients.
using events: the server listens for events from the OS: when it can write a block of data to a connection it writes it, when a new client connects it accepts the connection, ...
Frequently both approaches are be combined.
A TCP connection is duplex: you can send and receive at the same time. The HTTP protocol is based on a simple request-response model though: at any given time only one party is "talking."

FMS server died daily while enable rtmfp

I have a fms 3 server runing a video chat room application. It goes well except everyday it will die once or twice. After restarting the fms server, everything goes working again.
I really need to know the reason why fms server can die.
I checked its log, i saw many
"Server rejected an invalid flow."
Any hint will be greatest welcome.
This error can be caused by making an attempt to make a P2P connection to the server's peer ID. Connections to the server need to use
i believe the problem is that you are attempting to make a P2P connection to the server's peer ID; that is, something like
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(netConnection, netConnection.farID);
under the covers, this will open a new RTMFP flow to the server that will appear to the server as a new incoming client, but the initial handshake will be incorrect (the first/only command message is "play" instead of "connect"). i see this on Cirrus all the time.
it's possible that FMS doesn't account properly when rejecting these flows (leaving the connection count higher than it should be), or perhaps it leaves the flow open waiting for a "connect" message that will never come, so the connection count is legitimately higher than you think it is.
in any case, make sure you're not opening a P2P stream to the server's peer ID.
However, this error may not actually be related to the crashes. Additionally, are you even sure FMS is crashing and not just your application? If it's just your application, review your application logs (instead of the core FMS logs) and if you don't have anything useful add more logging to your application.

How to implement dual communication between server and client via http

I have a AJAX client which must receive messages from server. Some messages from server not like request-response type. For example, imaging game in which players can enter. Server must send to client info about player entering. But how can server send message to client via http without request from client?
Only decision that i can invent: client send request to server (getNewPlayerEnter request) with big timeout, server checks state of player set, if in set new players are, then server send info to client, if not server 'sleeps' on some time, and after 'sleeping' server checks players set again.
I think my desicion a little stupid(maybe not little). How implement it right?
p.s. sorry for my english
What you are referring to is "polling" where your client side code will make a request to the server every X seconds to check for updates.
It's an easy to implement solution, which is why you see it so often. However, a better solution is to use Comet.
In 2006, Alex Russell coined the term "Comet" to identify a technique whereby the client makes and HTTP request to the server and the server keeps that connection open indefinitely. With this open connection, the server can then push updates to the client in the response when there are updates.
When the response is received, the client immediately opens a new long-lived HTTP connection.
I encourage you to do a search for "Comet" and whatever server-side language you are using to find a framework that will get you started.
Comet Daily has some really great demos, from chat applications to games, that use Comet. If you have a tool like Firebug or Chrome Debugger, you can observe the response/request cycle of these real-time applications.
The way this typically would be done is for the client to ping the server on a regular interval (say, every 10-seconds). If there has been a change on the server, the change is sent back to the client. If there has been no change, either a blank response is sent, or some sort of "no-change" code that you specify.

Delay before sending message over socket - how does that help?

I have a tcpip socket interface to a third party software app. I've implemented this interface for several customer sites with no problem. The latest customer, though... problems. We've turned on logging in the apps on either end, and also installed Wireshark on the PC to log raw tcpip traffic. With that, we've proved that my server app successfully sends the message out, the pc receives the message, but the client app doesn't see it. (This is a totally intermittent problem, which is why it's such a pain to troubleshoot.)
The socket details are as simple as they come: one socket handling two way communications between the server and the pc. The messages are plain ascii text and fairly short (not XML). The server initiates communications by sending the first message, and then the client responds with several messages. The socket is kept open at all times while the apps are running. The client app is designed so that the end user can only process one case at a time, which prevents message collisions from happening. They have some sort of polling set up, their app "hibernates" until it sees the initiating message from the server.
The third party vendor has advised me to add a few second delay before I send them the initiating message. I can't see how that helps. If the client is "sleeping", just polling the socket waiting for a message, how does adding a delay before the first message help? It's not like we send two messages and the second one gets lost. It's losing the first message. So I don't see how it matters if we send that message now or two seconds from now.
I've asked them and they haven't given me details. It could be some proprietary details in their coding that they don't want to disclose to me, and that's fair. So I'm asking here because I'm always learning new things about socket programming. Maybe you guys can shed some light on how polling a tcpip socket can be affected by message timing?
Since its someone else's client and they won't tell you what its doing (other than saying 'insert a delay'), the answer is probably that their client is reading and discarding the message because its not yet in a state to deal with it. The delay will allow the client time to get into a state where it can respond to the message properly.
In other words, the client has a race condition. One easy way this can happen is if they have one thread for reading messages and another for dealing with them.
Short of running strace(1) on the client to see what system calls it is making, its tough to tell what the client is actually doing.

Updating data in a client application, how to avoid polling?

I have a desktop client application that is talking to a server application through a REST API using simple HTTP posts. I currently have the client polling every X minutes, but I would like the data to be refreshed more frequently. Is it possible to have the server notify the client of any new data, or is that outside the scope of what an HTTP server is meant to do? Any thoughts on the best way to approach this would be much appreciated. Thanks!
You may want to check the accepted answer to the following Stack Overflow post, which describes with a very basic example how to implement Long Polling using php on the server-side:
Simple “Long Polling” example code
When using Long Polling, your client application starts a request to the HTTP server, with an infinite timeout (or a very long one). Now as soon as new data is available, the server will find an active connection ready, so it can push the data immediately. In traditional polling, you would have to wait until the application initiates a new poll, plus the network latency to reach the server before new data is sent.
Then when the data is sent, the connection is closed, but your application should open a new one immediately in order to have a constantly open connection to the server. Actually there will be a very small gap where there will not be an active connection, but this is often negligible in many applications.
If you hold the HTTP connection open on the server side then you can send data whenever there's an update, followed by flushing the connection to actually send the data. This may cause issues with the TCP/IP stack if tens of thousands of connections are required though.
