how to use wildcards in seacrh in ScrewTurn Wiki - screwturn

I have ScrewTurn Wiki version
When we try to use searching like 'projec*' there are not results.
But if we try search word 'project' there are a lot of results.
What is problem here? How can i fix it?


OpenSearch Dashboards Search in “Discover” tab does not works

Search in “Discover” tab does not works.
I’m searching for some word and got an error.
I tried to switch between DQL and Lucerne, the result is the same.
Currently the only thing that solves the issue is to delete the index and create it again but it's not ideal solution.
I wonder if anyone know better solution for that
Thank you.
Here is the error i got:
Error:Bad Request
OpenSearch log

What are the available variables in Atom editor and how can I use them?

I'm exploring the Atom editor and trying to set up some Snippets. I would like to know if there are variables that I can use to insert things like the Author's name, file creation date, etc.
I looked around and since Atom is patterned after Sublime, I tried to use $TM_FULLNAME but it didn't seem to work. Where might I find the variables that Atom exposes (if any)?
Rene' Robinson
Kind of a late answer, but currently doesn't look like it does support this. Tried looking through the snippets code on GitHub, but so far, not seeing variables
(at least as of today and version d74e73364c5fd48a73524ae28f6fb442c7e6e95d of snippets project)

Excluding method from code coverage Ncover

I have some dll's for which i want to run code coverage using (ncover) with vs2010. There are some methods which i don't want to be included in the coverage result since those methods are already written by some other programmer the option of using CoverageExclusion attribute is not feasible.
Is there any other way out ?
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, Testdriven.NET does not yet support using other NCover arguments, like //ea.
I found this post, where it was last discussed and Jamie Cansdale at Testdriven confirmed this:
I found an interesting post about using NCover 3.4.x with Testdriven, just FYI:
So, my best advice is to contact to find out the latest on configuring and using NCover parameters.
Best Regards,
NCover Support
NCover has a command line parameter //ea which stands for 'exclude attributes'. It allows you to provide a list of attributes marking classes or methods to exclude from coverage.
There is a blog post about it here.
This feature works with the version of NCover that comes with TestDriven.NET (1.5.8).

Freebase with own data?

I have been looking for an autosuggest search script and I have finally found one that I like, the only problem is that I cannot find a way to get it to run off our database results.
Is there any way to customize this script so that it runs from our own database, and not off the freebase pre-defined data types?
Have you tried overriding service_url and service_path ? There are also the corresponding params for the flyout service. It's documented in the docs that you pointed to.
As masouras says, you can override service_url and service_path, but that's not particularly helpful unless you have another service which provides the same APIs as Freebase.
Dae Park recently posted a recipe to the Freebase mailing list which might help - however, I'm not aware of anyone who's actually managed to get Suggest working with anything other than Freebase.

Where can one post nicely formatted code combined with LaTeX for mathematical expressions?

Admittedly not a programming question, but I don't really know where else to ask this...
I'm planning to start a blog to post the stuff I'm working on, which is mostly about Expression Trees & Mathematics. Hopefully this will help me focus on the problem at hand instead of going off every possible tangent that comes up.
I wonder if someone out there knows a good place to host a blog with the two following requirements:
(1) Nice support for code listings (as seen here, for example).
(2) Support for complex mathematical expressions, ideally in LaTeX (as seen here, for example).
For a while now I've been looking around for posts/articles combining both nicely formatted code and mathematical expressions, but I haven't found anything.
Thanks a lot!
PS - If there's another Q&A forum where this question would fit better, then please let me know and I'll move it there.
EDIT(1): While carrying out some additional research, I found this related SO question (see also resources therein), which then took me to here. Leaving the question open for now though in case someone wants to suggest alternatives.
Read here:
about LaTeX on Wordpress, syntax higlighting is easy (hint: google for "syntax highlighting") and you can go on any host with WP.
Good luck.
Edit: Okay, about that latex - it seems you need to have administrator rights, so any hosting with friendly administrator or virtual server or server hosting/housing :)
Edit: As for syntax highlighting:
For math expressions in LaTeX syntax checkout MathJax. It can probably be used with most blog hosting services. You just need to be able to add javascript to the page.
