Grunt rename not working - gruntjs

My directory structure looks like this:
My gruntfile contains the following task:
copy: {
dest:"<%= builddir %>/",
src: ["src/**/*.{yaml,yml,py,html,htm,json,css}"],
rename:function(d, s){return d.replace("src/","");}
builddir: "build/<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>-<%= date %>",
When I run the copy task, it copies all the selected files into the directory containing the package name, version and build date, as expected, but it copies the entire src directory. while I only want to copy the contents of the src directory, so I'm trying to remove src/' from dest using therename`property, which doesn't work for some reason.
I've only started using grunt today, so I might be makiing a rookie mistake here.

Hmm... I think all you need is the cwd (current working directory) option. Unless you in fact want to flatten the files into a single directory.
copy: {
expand: true,
dest:"<%= builddir %>/",
src: ["**/*.{yaml,yml,py,html,htm,json,css}"],
cwd: "src/"

You'll need to set the flatten option, which removes the directory structure.
copy: {
expand: true,
flatten: true,
dest:"<%= builddir %>/",
src: ["src/**/*.{yaml,yml,py,html,htm,json,css}"]


OracleJET: How to change grunt release directory

I created an javascript app using Oracle JET v2.0. Running
grunt build:release
creates release folder in the project root folder. How to change this to point to another path, for example outside project root?
If you're using the Yeoman generator, you can follow the Grunt flow in scripts/grunt/tasks/build.js. You'll see under if (target === "release")
that it runs a number of tasks in order.
Unfortunately the release folder name is hardcoded in many of those tasks' config files. So it might make more sense to add a task at the end of your build:release task to copy the built release into a new directory. You could add a target to the scripts/grunt/config/copy.js file named myFinalRelease:
module.exports = {
src: [
dest: "release/",
expand: true
cwd: 'release/',
src: ['**'],
dest: "myRelease",
expand: true
Then add that task:target as a copy step on the last line of the release section of scripts/grunt/tasks/build.js:
if (target === "release")
To make this more robust, you should do some additional cleanup tasks if you're doing a lot of build:release'ing, because the myRelease folder won't get cleaned out unless you create tasks to do it. Or you might look into other Grunt plugins like grunt-contrib-rename.
If this is too much copying and too messy for your tastes, you could instead edit all of the hardcoded task configs to change the name of the release directory. You'll find the directory name shows up in these four files:
release: ["release/*"],
dest: "release/",
baseUrl: "./release/js",
name: "main-temp",
mainConfigFile: "release/js/main-temp.js",
optimize: "none",
out: "release/js/main.js"...

Unable to process a file using grunt copy-task

I'm trying to use grunt-contrib-copy (version 0.4.1) to rewrite some strings inside a file during the build process. As a test I can copy the file, so it's not a permissions or location problem.
These are the options for the fileProcessor task (in Coffeescript syntax) to copy the file:
files: [
expand: true
cwd: "target/js/"
dest: "target/js/"
src: ["**/test-*.js"]
rename: (dest, src) ->
grunt.verbose.writeln src, " => ", dest + src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "foo.js"
dest + src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "foo.js"
I get the following output, everything worked as expected:
Running "copy:fileProcessor" (copy) task
Verifying property copy.fileProcessor exists in config...OK
test-25fd6a1c3a890933.js => target/js/foo.js
Files: target/js/test-25fd6a1c3a890933.js -> target/js/foo.js
Options: processContent=false, processContentExclude=[]
Options: processContent=false, processContentExclude=[]
Copying target/js/test-25fd6a1c3a890933.js -> target/js/foo.js
Reading target/js/test-25fd6a1c3a890933.js...OK
Writing target/js/foo.js...OK
Copied 1 files
So far so good. Clearly grunt-contrib-copy has no problem with the file itself. So I replace the the rename task with a process task, and use a simple regex to see if it works:
files: [
expand: true
cwd: "target/js/"
dest: "target/js/"
src: ["**/test-*.js"]
processContent: (content, src) ->
re = new RegExp("(angular)+")
content.replace(re, "foo")
Which produces the following output:
Running "copy:fileProcessor" (copy) task
Verifying property copy.fileProcessor exists in config...OK
Files: target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js -> target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js
Options: processContent=false, processContentExclude=[]
Options: processContent=false, processContentExclude=[]
Copying target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js -> target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js
Reading target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js...OK
Writing target/working/shared/scripts/bootstrap-25fd6a1c3a890933.js...OK
Copied 1 files
So grunt-contrib-copy finds the file I need to process, but the processing never happens. processContent remains set to the default false.
Looking in copy.js, when grunt.file.copy(src, dest, copyOptions) is called, copyOptions is an object with only two properties:
process, which is false, and
noProcess, which is an empty array.
So my process options are never passed along. Any ideas on why this could be?
your processContent is in the wrong place, it needs to be wrapped into options and moved one level higher. Also note that processContent is depreciated and replaced by process
files: [
expand: true
cwd: "target/js/"
dest: "target/js/"
src: ["**/test-*.js"]
process: (content, src) ->
re = new RegExp("(angular)+")
content.replace(re, "foo")

grunt-contrib-copy error (Error code: ENOENT)

I searched internet and it looks only me had this problem with grunt-contrib-copy.
Result I expected:
In another word, just copy files in /project/app/img to /project/app/dist/img.
Here is my copy config, which is NOT working:
copy: {
main: {
src: ['*.*'],
expend: true,
cwd: 'app/img/',
dest: 'app/dist/img/'
Here is error message:
Warning: Unable to read "download.png" file (Error code: ENOENT). Use --force to continue.
(download.png is the name of picture file)
How should I config the copy option? Thank you!
It looks like you have a typo, it should be expand instead of expend. So the cwd property is being ignored. Try the following config instead:
copy: {
main: {
src: ['**/*'],
expand: true,
cwd: 'app/img/',
dest: 'app/dist/img/'
The glob pattern *.* is probably not necessary as * will already match all files (unless you're specifically trying to match only files with a . in them.) Try using src: '*' to match all files within the single folder or src: '**/*' to match all files and folders within the cwd.

Contatenation with grunt-contrib-concat doesn't work

I use grunt-contrib-concat, but it doesn't appear to work.
All file are in the folder.
I used --verbose to see the details, but everything seems to be working correctly.
concat: {
options: {
// define a string to put between each file in the concatenated output
separator: ';'
dist: {
// the files to concatenate
src: [
// the location of the resulting JS file
dest: 'assets/javascript/jquery.<%= %>.min.js'
Running the tasks with --verbose:
Running "concat" task
Running "concat:dist" (concat) task
Verifying property concat.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: separator=";", banner="", footer="", stripBanners=false, process=false
Reading assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.
Running "uglify" task
Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task
Verifying property uglify.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: banner="", footer="", compress={"warnings":false}, mangle={}, beautify=false, report=false
Minifying with UglifyJS...Reading assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.

Trying to get grunt to copy directory to destination directory

I've been working a lot with grunt lately and trying to get up to speed on all the awesome things I can do with it. What I am attempting to do is set a variable for a src, and one for a destination directory and run a copy task to move my initial build files (updated from another source) to production destination directory. I can get the copy to work with this simple example but it brings over the src directory /build/ to assets
I'm trying to not copy over the directory name build. so the copy just has the following /assets/js/vendor-library/*
module.exports = (grunt) ->
expand: "true"
src: "build/vendor-library/*"
dest: "assets/js/"
grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-contrib-copy"
grunt.registerTask "default", "copy"
Add the flatten option.
module.exports = (grunt) ->
expand: "true"
flatten: "true"
src: "build/vendor-library/*"
dest: "assets/js/"
grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-contrib-copy"
grunt.registerTask "default", "copy"
