Missing Draw Link on Adopt Signature Dialog in Embedded Signing Session - iframe

Our implementation of Embedded Signing (aka In-Session, Captive Recipient, etc.) is now discovering yet another undocumented limitation. The document and Agreement dialog are loading correctly in the iframe. On the Adopt Signature dialog, however, there should be both a "Select Style" link and a "Draw" link. The latter enables the canvas feature for HTML5-compliant browsers for the user to draw their signature on a touch-screen or even using a mouse.
The "Draw" link does not appear when using IE (version 9, 10 or 11) -- and it is completely missing from the DOM. Chrome and Firefox render as expected. My conclusion is that a script to write the tag is not running. Additionally, other screen elements are skewed, as if an html tag is missing its closure or styling scripts have not completed.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Seems like I've heard of others encountering issues with some browser types/versions when trying to render the DocuSign signing session within an iFrame. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend that you try rendering the DocuSign Signing session within its own browser window/tab (instead of rendering it within an iFrame). In addition to (hopefully) resolving the IE-specific issues that you're currently experiencing, rendering the DocuSign signing session within its own broswer window/tab also provides a much better user experience on mobile devices (due to the limited amount of screen real estate available).


Links inside of a Xamarin.Forms/Xamarin.Android WebView won't work

I have a Xamarin.Forms app that opens locally saved HTML files which contain relative link to each other (think an old HTML offline docs) in a WebView. Everything functioned in Android 10, but now I needed to make a custom renderer in Xamarin.Android due to the new Android 11 changes needing AllowFileAccess (I have all accesses currently on for testing until I get this problem fixed) in the WebSettings. The WebView's OnElementChange sets all the Control's settings, sets the WebClient (which has a ShouldOverrideUrlLoading set to handle particular filetypes like PDF), and then loads the URL. The first page loads fine, but none of the links operate (this testing page has a few links to other HTML pages and some to PDFs). Click on the highlights them as normal, but nothing opens.
No breakpoints in the WebClient's ShouldOverride are hit and neither are any in the Android WebView's OnElementChanged when I click a link. The output window registers the touch, but doesn't do anything more. I feel like this is some kind of communication problem between Xamarin.Forms WebView and Xamarin.Android WebView (possibly even the Xamarin.Android's WebView not being up to date with Android's WebView), but I do not know where to look. Has anyone run into a similar situation and have a fix to get the links functioning again?
After much blood, sweat, and tears, mostly tears, I found the solution.
First off, WebView doesn't tell you directly, but anything that targets a new window (IE _blank and potentially others) will not hit your WebViewClient's ShouldOverrideUrlLoading method and instead hit your WebViewChromeClient's OnCreateWindow method. So you need to handle loading through that one as well as through your WebViewClient.
Second, links will not always work because of Safe Browsing in the WebView. Again, Google doesn't specifically say it can cause issues with urls, but it works against outside urls (which in a file is potentially every url). I had to turn it off, which you can find instructions at developer.android.com/guide/webapps/managing-webview, and I was able to navigate just fine. I feel you will want to set up safeguards to prevent people from abusing your app (like having a WebView that is for your stuff with Safe Browsing off and another for all others, or blocking any sites that aren't yours) since cybersecurity is always a thing.
Lastly, I found IFrames won't load properly if you manually load the page in the view passed to WebViewClient's ShouldOverrideUrlLoading. The sizing goes all off in my docs, which leads me to believe the elves in the background do something special if you return false and the WebView handles it. I found I needed to handle all my other cases (IE pdfs, images, etc) and then return false from ShouldOverrideUrlLoading if it is my iframe htmls.
As a note, because I had forgotten this having worked on Windows for so long, remember that Android's base file system is case sensitive, which makes links case sensitive. You need to either makes sure all your casing is correct in your files or have them on a FAT file system SD card if you want them to be insensitive.

Form filling and web scraping from a website

Not a good way to start, but pardon me if this if off-topic, it seems like a programming question though...
From an ASP.NET website I want to open a page in a new browser that has a toolbar at top and an iframe-like window at the bottom. The frame-like window will support tabbed browsing and load a third party website. The toolbar will have buttons that allow the user to manipulate the HTML (form-fill and web-scrape). For example, toolbar buttons may be "Extract Webpage Data" or "Fill Form".
Ideally it would work with IE, Edge, Chrome and Safari, but an absolute minimum requirement is IE, a more preferable minimum requirement is Chrome and Edge.
I have seen this done, well, by other proprietary software. I do not know if they require a specific browser (like IE where they can install a plugin) or how they do it, that is my question.
So I have narrowed this problem down to three possibilities:
Use pure HTML, Javascript, et al. - Using an iFrame almost works perfectly but the content will not be in the same domain so I cannot access the iFrame's HTML.
Use (or write) a proprietary browser - I do not think you can (or want) to launch an EXE from a web page, plus this seems rather complex in itself.
Use (or write) a plug-in - Probably limits use to IE. I think an IE plugin could do what I want based on other plugins I've seen.
I have past desktop programming experience with a web automation and scripting product, while promising, I don't think they offer what I need:
They have an ASP.NET COM component that runs server side so it does not display an interface to the user but can be used to silently fill and scrape a website based on scripts.
They also have a proprietary browser that shows a user interface and runs scripts to fill and scrape. But this is an EXE, so cannot be launched from a web site.
They have an IE Plugin, that adds a companion popup window that attaches itself to IE. Similar to their browser and runs scripts.
Question - This can be done, I've seen it, but what is the mechanism? I'm leaning to an IE plugin.
If plugins are the answer, chrome has extensions, is that a possibility?

How can I email a flash animation (ecard) in an email body - not as an attached?

We are creating a egreeting site using .net and are stuck in attaching flash image to the email body.I most of the flash ecard sites i gone through have given the link to the browser and from the browser flash image is viewed.Is there any method to show flash animation in email body?
Most populate email clients don't support embedded SWF in emails (for many good reasons). In addition, it just increases the likelihood of your email being designated as SPAM. To be honest, even getting legit HTML in anything but simple layouts to display well cross-email client is tricky enough task without trying to do what you're asking.
If you really want animations in an email, go with an animated GIF which links out to a URL that has the SWF in it. But of course, now you face the fact that most mobile devices do not support SWF either ;-)

Google map not responding on android's native browser after 4-5 times zoom in and/or area navigation

I have developed a mobile site using Icefaces-mobile framework in that I want to search the things based on area zoomed in on the mobile screen, for this users can zoom in/out & navigates the area but the problem is after doing zoom in/out/navigations 4 to 6 times browser becomes unresponsive. I think it must be problem with browsers capability of handling/execute the javascript(correct me if I m wrong).
I have generated latest API key for map using some standers steps given by google on their forum.
Thanks in Advance.
The stock Android browser does suffer from serious limitations, and it could be device performance limitations, as the previous poster mentioned. But you should also be careful that you're not inadvertently causing a memory leak in your own JavaScript. Are there DOM updates from Ajax interactions being generated during this? Check the Android LogCat messages to see the ICEfaces/ICEmobile logging which will show the updates. Check to ensure that if you're custom function is being re-run that you're not causing a memory leak there. If not, I doubt there's an issue with the GMap code and it's likely just a device limitation. Perhaps also put your gmap code in a separate HTML page without ICEmobile and see if you still have the problem.

How do I make a mobile-friendly popup on my website?

Is there a simple way to trigger a mobile OS's native pop-up/alert/etc. from some form of web code? I'm writing an ASP.NET mobile web page and I'd like to, for example, have the iPhone's UIAlertView appear.
EDIT: What I'm looking for is not the method with which to detect which mobile browser is accessing the site (I already know how to do that). If the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an Android browser is different than the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an iPhone browser, I can simply throw in a switch statement that redirects the user to the pop-up that corresponds with their browser. I'm trying to find the html/javascript/asp.net code which will create a mobile-friendly pop-up, either in general or for the various popular mobile web browsers specifically.
Don't know whether there is any pre-built functionality in .NET that can achieve this, but you can surely write one yourself.
You can write a method, that returns the code for your popup, based on the user OS (simple switch statement should do).
EDIT after taking a short nap:
I believe you should reconsider using popups. They are quite annoying even on desktop browsers and many people block them automatically. Probably every blog about accessibility will tell you, that you should keep mobile version of your website as simple as possible because of various compatibility issues that you can run into.
Instead, try to think about some interesting way to incorporate messages for users in a different and appealing way, that won't disturb anybody.
What I do is use a div popup (that floats ontop of the page) and eighter make a big close button or set at timeout to remove it.
jquery mobile is a good place to start.
