How is unsigned int *ptr treated as prt[i]? - pointers

int *c;
int d,noofentries;
struct A
unsigned int *ptr;
int entry;
a->ptr=memalloc(34,unsigned int);
a->ptr = (unsigned int*) entry
nofoentries = 8 ;
d =56749;
c[i] = d; // how is a pointer treated as array ?
a->ptr[i] = c[i]; //segmentation fault occurs
I require the assignment of the values populated in c[i] to be assigned to a->ptr[i]. So that when a->ptr[i] deleted then c[i] is also freed.
Kindly help!!

generally you would not want your pointer to be treated as an array, rather you would have an array and use its name as pointer to refer to any particular member of the array
for e.g
int arr[5];
//the array name 'arr' points to the zeroth element
so now you can use *(arr+ indexNo) = value or arr[indexNo] = value, to assign a value to a particular element
you would want to use your pointer as an array, when you have assigned an array to it.
for e.g
int arr[5];
int *ptr;
if you do
ptr = arr;
you can access ptr as you would have accessed arr
ptr[index]= value;

a pointer to a type is just the same than an array of the type
*( c + x ) = a
c[x] = a;
c + x find the right pointer position since it adds x * sizeof(type) to c pointer.
your code compiling under gcc :
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct A { unsigned int *ptr; int entry; };
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
unsigned int * c;
unsigned int d;
int noofentries, i;
struct A a;
c=malloc(noofentries * sizeof(unsigned int));
d =56749;
for(i=0;i<noofentries;i++) { c[i] = d; }
// no need to copy full array c, since ptr is a pointer over it...
a.ptr = c;
// warning if above line is not done then allocation of ptr is required:
// a.ptr = malloc(noofentries * sizeof(unsigned int));
// and content copy
// for(i=0;i<noofentries;i++) { a.ptr[i] = c[i]; }
for(i=0;i<noofentries;i++) {
assert( a.ptr[i] == *(c + i) );
printf("a.ptr[%u]=%u\n",i,*(a.ptr + i));


Freeing an array of pointer but heap block

I wrote a program that has to read a 2D array from a text file and save it into a double pointer which will act as a 2D array.
Here's the code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char **create_map(char* filename);
int n;
int m;
char **map;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int i;
map = create_map(argv[1]);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return 0;
char **create_map(char *filename) {
int i = 0;
char *row;
char **map;
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
fscanf(file, "%d %d", &n, &m);
map = malloc(sizeof(char *) * n);
row = malloc(sizeof(char)*m);
while(fscanf(file, "%s\n", row) != EOF) {
map[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*m);
strcpy(map[i], row);
return map;
The content of the file is stored successfully in the map variable, but when it comes to freeing some space the debugger prints "warning: Heap block at 0000029967AF5770 modified at 0000029967AF578A past requested size of a".
Why the memory can't be freed?
Where's the error?
Thank you in advance.

Why doesn't managed_shared_memory::find() return the same address as managed_shared_memory::construct()?

I'm having a problem where I am using Boost Interprocess to write some values to shared memory using managed_shared_memory::construct() then in another process trying to read those values using managed_shared_memory::find() but it is not coming back with the same address that was created using construct().
I took the sample code from the Boost Interprocess documentation for Creating named shared memory objects and split into two different programs and the same thing is happening.
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <cstdlib> //std::system
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace boost::interprocess;
typedef std::pair<double, int> MyType;
if(argc == 1){ //Parent process
shared_memory_object::remove ("MySharedMemory");
//Construct managed shared memory
managed_shared_memory segment(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 65536);
//Create an object of MyType initialized to {0.0, 0}
MyType *instance = segment.construct<MyType>
("MyType instance") //name of the object
(0.0, 0); //ctor first argument
//Create an array of 10 elements of MyType initialized to {0.0, 0}
MyType *array = segment.construct<MyType>
("MyType array") //name of the object
[10] //number of elements
(0.0, 0); //Same two ctor arguments for all objects
//Create an array of 3 elements of MyType initializing each one
//to a different value {0.0, 0}, {1.0, 1}, {2.0, 2}...
float float_initializer[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
int int_initializer[3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
MyType *array_it = segment.construct_it<MyType>
("MyType array from it") //name of the object
[3] //number of elements
( &float_initializer[0] //Iterator for the 1st ctor argument
, &int_initializer[0]); //Iterator for the 2nd ctor argument
std::cout << array << ":" << instance << ":" << array_it << std::endl;
//Check child has destroyed all objects
if(segment.find<MyType>("MyType array").first ||
segment.find<MyType>("MyType instance").first ||
segment.find<MyType>("MyType array from it").first)
return 1;
return 0;
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <cstdlib> //std::system
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
int main (int argc, char **argv)
using namespace boost::interprocess;
typedef std::pair<double, int> MyType;
//Open managed shared memory
managed_shared_memory segment(open_only, "MySharedMemory");
std::pair<MyType*, managed_shared_memory::size_type> res;
//Find the array
res = segment.find<MyType> ("MyType array");
//Length should be 10
if(res.second != 10) return 1;
std::cout << res.first << ":";
//Find the object
res = segment.find<MyType> ("MyType instance");
//Length should be 1
if(res.second != 1) return 1;
std::cout << res.first << ":";
//Find the array constructed from iterators
res = segment.find<MyType> ("MyType array from it");
//Length should be 3
if(res.second != 3) return 1;
std::cout << res.first << std::endl;
//We're done, delete all the objects
segment.destroy<MyType>("MyType array");
segment.destroy<MyType>("MyType instance");
segment.destroy<MyType>("MyType array from it");
When I ran the interprocess_write program I got the following output:
But when I run the interprocess_read program I get:
Is there something missing that has to be done in interprocess_read to make it pull the correct addresses out of shared memory?

CS50 Pset 5 Hashtable issue

After creating a hash table and assigning each letter to a value for the table, i am noticing the first word output by the table for the beginning of every linked list is the same word. Somehow it seems I am transferring the entire dictionary to each array in the table even though I have attempted to separate them. Any assistance would be awesome! Thanks in advance
// Implements a dictionary's functionality
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
// Represents a node in a hash table
typedef struct node
char *word;
struct node *next;
// Number of buckets in hash table
const unsigned int N = 25;
// Hash table
node *table[N];
char lowerword[LENGTH+1];
// Returns true if word is in dictionary else false
bool check(const char *word)
int bucketfind = 0;
int x = 0;
for (int b = word[x]; b != '\0';b = word[x], x++)
int lowertemp = tolower(word[x]);
if (x == 0)
bucketfind = lowertemp - 97;
char lowerfinal = lowertemp;
lowerword[x] = lowerfinal;
//printf("%c", lowerword[x]);
int wordlen = x + 1;
int pr = 0;
while (table[bucketfind] -> next != NULL)
int dwlen = strlen(table[bucketfind]-> word);
//printf("%i, %i, %s, %i\n", pr, dwlen, table[bucketfind] -> word, bucketfind);
return false;
// Hashes word to a number
unsigned int hash(const char *word)
int asciifirst = word[0];
int lowerfirst = tolower(asciifirst);
int bucketnum = lowerfirst - 97;
return bucketnum;
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful else false
int dictwords = 0;
//char *cword = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*46);
bool load(const char *dictionary)
char *cword = malloc(sizeof(char)*46);
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (dictionary == NULL)
return false;
int x = 0;
while ((fscanf(dict, "%s", cword) != EOF))
node *nword = malloc(sizeof(node));
nword -> word = cword;
nword -> next = NULL;
int bucket = hash(cword);
//printf("%i\n", bucket);
if (table[bucket] != NULL)
nword -> next = table[bucket];
table[bucket] = nword;
table[bucket]= nword;
return true;
// Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded
unsigned int size(void)
return dictwords;
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful else false
bool unload(void)
return false;
It's not just the first word; every word in the linked list is the same word (the last one read). cword gets 46 bytes of memory at a specific address here char *cword = malloc(sizeof(char)*46);. Every word from dictionary is read into that same address.

How does one use qsort to sort a char containing pathnames/files based on their bytes?

I basically wrote a code in which I take two command line arguments one being the type of file that I want to search in my directory and they other being the amount I want(which is not implemented yet, but I can fix that)
The code is like so:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define sizeFileName 500
#define filesMax 5000
int cmpfunc( const void *a, const void *b) {
return *(char*)a + *(char*)b;
int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
FILE * fp = popen( "find . -type f", "r");
char * type = argv[1];
char * extension = ".";
char* tExtension;
tExtension = malloc(strlen(type)+1+4);
strcpy(tExtension, extension);
strcat(tExtension, type);
// printf("%s\n",tExtension);
int amount = atoi(argv[2]);
char buff[sizeFileName];
int nFiles = 0;
char * files[filesMax];
while(fgets(buff,sizeFileName,fp)) {
int leng = strlen(buff) - 1;
if (strncmp(buff + leng - 4, tExtension, 4) == 0){
files[nFiles] = strndup(buff,leng);
//printf("\t%s\n", files[nFiles]);
nFiles ++;
printf("Found %d files\n", nFiles);
long long totalBytes = 0;
struct stat st;
// sorting based on byte size from greatest to least
qsort(files, (size_t) strlen(files), (size_t) sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
for(int i = 0;i< nFiles; i ++) {
if(0!= stat(files[i],&st)){
perror("stat failed:");
totalBytes += st.st_size;
printf("%s : %ld\n",files[i],st.st_size);
printf("Total size: %lld\n", totalBytes);
// clean up
for(int i = 0; i < nFiles ; i ++ ) {
return 0;
So far I have every section set up properly, upon running the code say $./find ini 5, it would print out all the ini files followed by their byte size(it's currently ignore the 5). However, for the qsort(), I'm not exactly sure how I would sort the contents of char * files as while it holds the pathnames, I had to use stat to get the byte sizes, how would I print out a sorted version of my print statements featuring the first statement being the most bytes and finishes at the least bytes?
If we suppose your input is valid, your question could be simplified with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define filesMax 5000
int cmpfunc(const void const *a, const void *b) { return *(char *)a + *(char *)b; }
int main(void) {
int nFiles = 4;
char *files[filesMax] = {"amazing", "hello", "this is a file", "I'm a bad file"};
qsort(files, strlen(files), sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
for (int i = 0; i < nFiles;; i++) {
printf("%s\n", files[i]);
If you compile with warning that give you:
source_file.c:11:23: warning: incompatible pointer types passing 'char *[5000]' to parameter of type 'const char *' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
qsort(files, strlen(files), sizeof(char), cmpfunc);
qsort() expect the size of your array (or in your case a subsize) and it's also expect the size of one element of your array. In both you wrongly give it to it. Also, your compare function doesn't compare anything, you are currently adding the first bytes of both pointer of char, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
To fix your code you must write:
qsort(files, nFiles, sizeof *files, &cmpfunc);
and also fix your compare function:
int cmpfunc_aux(char * const *a, char * const *b) { return strcmp(*a, *b); }
int cmpfunc(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmpfunc_aux(a, b); }
also size should be of type size_t:
size_t nFiles = 0;
Don't forget that all informations about how to use a function are write in their doc.
how would I print out a sorted version of my print statements featuring the first statement being the most bytes and finishes at the least bytes?
Your code don't show any clue that your are trying to do that, you are currently storing name file and only that. How do you expect sort your file with an information you didn't acquired ?
However, that simple create a struct that contain both file name and size, acquire information needed to sort it and sort it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
struct file {
off_t size;
char *name;
int cmpfunc_aux(struct file const *a, struct file const *b) {
if (a->size > b->size) {
return -1;
} else if (a->size < b->size) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int cmpfunc(void const *a, void const *b) { return cmpfunc_aux(a, b); }
#define filesMax 5000
int main(void) {
size_t nFiles = 4;
struct file files[filesMax] = {{42, "amazing"},
{21, "hello"},
{168, "this is a file"},
{84, "I'm a bad file"}};
qsort(files, nFiles, sizeof *files, &cmpfunc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFiles; i++) {
printf("%s, %" PRId64 "\n", files[i].name, (intmax_t)files[i].size);
The function cmpfunc() provided adds the first character of each string, and that's not a proper comparison function (it should give a opposite sign value when you switch the parameters, e.g. if "a" and "b" are the strings to compare, it adds the first two characters of both strings, giving 97+98 == 195, which is positive on unsigned chars, then calling with "b" and "a" should give a negative number (and it again gives you 98 + 97 == 195), more on, it always gives the same result ---even with signed chars--- so it cannot be used as a sorting comparator)
As you are comparing strings, why not to use the standard library function strcmp(3) which is a valid comparison function? It gives a negative number if first string is less lexicographically than the second, 0 if both are equal, and positive if first is greater lexicographically than the second.
if your function has to check (and sort) by the lenght of the filenames, then you can define it as:
int cmpfunc(char *a, char *b) /* yes, you can define parameters as char * */
return strlen(a) - strlen(b);
or, first based on file length, then lexicographically:
int cmpfunc(char *a, char *b)
int la = strlen(a), lb = strlen(b);
if (la != lb) return la - lb;
/* la == lb, so we must check lexicographycally */
return strcmp(a, b);
Now, to continue helping you, I need to know why do you need to sort anything, as you say that you want to search a directory for a file, where does the sorting take place in the problem?

Sizeof pointer of pointer in C [duplicate]

First off, here is some code:
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", sizeof(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
Is there a way to find out the size of the array that ptr is pointing to (instead of just giving its size, which is four bytes on a 32-bit system)?
No, you can't. The compiler doesn't know what the pointer is pointing to. There are tricks, like ending the array with a known out-of-band value and then counting the size up until that value, but that's not using sizeof().
Another trick is the one mentioned by Zan, which is to stash the size somewhere. For example, if you're dynamically allocating the array, allocate a block one int bigger than the one you need, stash the size in the first int, and return ptr+1 as the pointer to the array. When you need the size, decrement the pointer and peek at the stashed value. Just remember to free the whole block starting from the beginning, and not just the array.
The answer is, "No."
What C programmers do is store the size of the array somewhere. It can be part of a structure, or the programmer can cheat a bit and malloc() more memory than requested in order to store a length value before the start of the array.
For dynamic arrays (malloc or C++ new) you need to store the size of the array as mentioned by others or perhaps build an array manager structure which handles add, remove, count, etc. Unfortunately C doesn't do this nearly as well as C++ since you basically have to build it for each different array type you are storing which is cumbersome if you have multiple types of arrays that you need to manage.
For static arrays, such as the one in your example, there is a common macro used to get the size, but it is not recommended as it does not check if the parameter is really a static array. The macro is used in real code though, e.g. in the Linux kernel headers although it may be slightly different than the one below:
#if !defined(ARRAY_SIZE)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0]))
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", ARRAY_SIZE(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
You can google for reasons to be wary of macros like this. Be careful.
If possible, the C++ stdlib such as vector which is much safer and easier to use.
There is a clean solution with C++ templates, without using sizeof(). The following getSize() function returns the size of any static array:
#include <cstddef>
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
size_t getSize(T (&)[SIZE]) {
return SIZE;
Here is an example with a foo_t structure:
#include <cstddef>
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
size_t getSize(T (&)[SIZE]) {
return SIZE;
struct foo_t {
int ball;
int main()
foo_t foos3[] = {{1},{2},{3}};
foo_t foos5[] = {{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}};
printf("%u\n", getSize(foos3));
printf("%u\n", getSize(foos5));
return 0;
As all the correct answers have stated, you cannot get this information from the decayed pointer value of the array alone. If the decayed pointer is the argument received by the function, then the size of the originating array has to be provided in some other way for the function to come to know that size.
Here's a suggestion different from what has been provided thus far,that will work: Pass a pointer to the array instead. This suggestion is similar to the C++ style suggestions, except that C does not support templates or references:
#define ARRAY_SZ 10
void foo (int (*arr)[ARRAY_SZ]) {
printf("%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(*arr)/sizeof(**arr));
But, this suggestion is kind of silly for your problem, since the function is defined to know exactly the size of the array that is passed in (hence, there is little need to use sizeof at all on the array). What it does do, though, is offer some type safety. It will prohibit you from passing in an array of an unwanted size.
int x[20];
int y[10];
foo(&x); /* error */
foo(&y); /* ok */
If the function is supposed to be able to operate on any size of array, then you will have to provide the size to the function as additional information.
For this specific example, yes, there is, IF you use typedefs (see below). Of course, if you do it this way, you're just as well off to use SIZEOF_DAYS, since you know what the pointer is pointing to.
If you have a (void *) pointer, as is returned by malloc() or the like, then, no, there is no way to determine what data structure the pointer is pointing to and thus, no way to determine its size.
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_DAYS 5
typedef int days_t[ NUM_DAYS ];
#define SIZEOF_DAYS ( sizeof( days_t ) )
int main() {
days_t days;
days_t *ptr = &days;
printf( "SIZEOF_DAYS: %u\n", SIZEOF_DAYS );
printf( "sizeof(days): %u\n", sizeof(days) );
printf( "sizeof(*ptr): %u\n", sizeof(*ptr) );
printf( "sizeof(ptr): %u\n", sizeof(ptr) );
return 0;
sizeof(days): 20
sizeof(*ptr): 20
sizeof(ptr): 4
There is no magic solution. C is not a reflective language. Objects don't automatically know what they are.
But you have many choices:
Obviously, add a parameter
Wrap the call in a macro and automatically add a parameter
Use a more complex object. Define a structure which contains the dynamic array and also the size of the array. Then, pass the address of the structure.
You can do something like this:
int days[] = { /*length:*/5, /*values:*/ 1,2,3,4,5 };
int *ptr = days + 1;
printf("array length: %u\n", ptr[-1]);
return 0;
My solution to this problem is to save the length of the array into a struct Array as a meta-information about the array.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Array
int length;
double *array;
typedef struct Array Array;
Array* NewArray(int length)
/* Allocate the memory for the struct Array */
Array *newArray = (Array*) malloc(sizeof(Array));
/* Insert only non-negative length's*/
newArray->length = (length > 0) ? length : 0;
newArray->array = (double*) malloc(length*sizeof(double));
return newArray;
void SetArray(Array *structure,int length,double* array)
structure->length = length;
structure->array = array;
void PrintArray(Array *structure)
if(structure->length > 0)
int i;
printf("length: %d\n", structure->length);
for (i = 0; i < structure->length; i++)
printf("%g\n", structure->array[i]);
printf("Empty Array. Length 0\n");
int main()
int i;
Array *negativeTest, *days = NewArray(5);
double moreDays[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
for (i = 0; i < days->length; i++)
days->array[i] = i+1;
negativeTest = NewArray(-5);
return 0;
But you have to care about set the right length of the array you want to store, because the is no way to check this length, like our friends massively explained.
This is how I personally do it in my code. I like to keep it as simple as possible while still able to get values that I need.
typedef struct intArr {
int size;
int* arr;
} intArr_t;
int main() {
intArr_t arr;
arr.size = 6;
arr.arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * arr.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) {
arr.arr[i] = i * 10;
return 0;
No, you can't use sizeof(ptr) to find the size of array ptr is pointing to.
Though allocating extra memory(more than the size of array) will be helpful if you want to store the length in extra space.
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", sizeof(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
Size of days[] is 20 which is no of elements * size of it's data type.
While the size of pointer is 4 no matter what it is pointing to.
Because a pointer points to other element by storing it's address.
In strings there is a '\0' character at the end so the length of the string can be gotten using functions like strlen. The problem with an integer array, for example, is that you can't use any value as an end value so one possible solution is to address the array and use as an end value the NULL pointer.
#include <stdio.h>
/* the following function will produce the warning:
* ‘sizeof’ on array function parameter ‘a’ will
* return size of ‘int *’ [-Wsizeof-array-argument]
void foo( int a[] )
printf( "%lu\n", sizeof a );
/* so we have to implement something else one possible
* idea is to use the NULL pointer as a control value
* the same way '\0' is used in strings but this way
* the pointer passed to a function should address pointers
* so the actual implementation of an array type will
* be a pointer to pointer
typedef char * type_t; /* line 18 */
typedef type_t ** array_t;
int main( void )
array_t initialize( int, ... );
/* initialize an array with four values "foo", "bar", "baz", "foobar"
* if one wants to use integers rather than strings than in the typedef
* declaration at line 18 the char * type should be changed with int
* and in the format used for printing the array values
* at line 45 and 51 "%s" should be changed with "%i"
array_t array = initialize( 4, "foo", "bar", "baz", "foobar" );
int size( array_t );
/* print array size */
printf( "size %i:\n", size( array ));
void aprint( char *, array_t );
/* print array values */
aprint( "%s\n", array ); /* line 45 */
type_t getval( array_t, int );
/* print an indexed value */
int i = 2;
type_t val = getval( array, i );
printf( "%i: %s\n", i, val ); /* line 51 */
void delete( array_t );
/* free some space */
delete( array );
return 0;
/* the output of the program should be:
* size 4:
* foo
* bar
* baz
* foobar
* 2: baz
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
array_t initialize( int n, ... )
/* here we store the array values */
type_t *v = (type_t *) malloc( sizeof( type_t ) * n );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, n );
int j;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
v[j] = va_arg( ap, type_t );
va_end( ap );
/* the actual array will hold the addresses of those
* values plus a NULL pointer
array_t a = (array_t) malloc( sizeof( type_t *) * ( n + 1 ));
a[n] = NULL;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
a[j] = v + j;
return a;
int size( array_t a )
int n = 0;
while ( *a++ != NULL )
return n;
void aprint( char *fmt, array_t a )
while ( *a != NULL )
printf( fmt, **a++ );
type_t getval( array_t a, int i )
return *a[i];
void delete( array_t a )
free( *a );
free( a );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define array(type) struct { size_t size; type elem[0]; }
void *array_new(int esize, int ecnt)
size_t *a = (size_t *)malloc(esize*ecnt+sizeof(size_t));
if (a) *a = ecnt;
return a;
#define array_new(type, count) array_new(sizeof(type),count)
#define array_delete free
#define array_foreach(type, e, arr) \
for (type *e = (arr)->elem; e < (arr)->size + (arr)->elem; ++e)
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
array(int) *iarr = array_new(int, 10);
array(float) *farr = array_new(float, 10);
array(double) *darr = array_new(double, 10);
array(char) *carr = array_new(char, 11);
for (int i = 0; i < iarr->size; ++i) {
iarr->elem[i] = i;
farr->elem[i] = i*1.0f;
darr->elem[i] = i*1.0;
carr->elem[i] = i+'0';
array_foreach(int, e, iarr) {
printf("%d ", *e);
array_foreach(float, e, farr) {
printf("%.0f ", *e);
array_foreach(double, e, darr) {
printf("%.0lf ", *e);
carr->elem[carr->size-1] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", carr->elem);
return 0;
#define array_size 10
struct {
int16 size;
int16 array[array_size];
int16 property1[(array_size/16)+1]
int16 property2[(array_size/16)+1]
} array1 = {array_size, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
#undef array_size
array_size is passing to the size variable:
#define array_size 30
struct {
int16 size;
int16 array[array_size];
int16 property1[(array_size/16)+1]
int16 property2[(array_size/16)+1]
} array2 = {array_size};
#undef array_size
Usage is:
void main() {
int16 size = array1.size;
for (int i=0; i!=size; i++) {
array1.array[i] *= 2;
Most implementations will have a function that tells you the reserved size for objects allocated with malloc() or calloc(), for example GNU has malloc_usable_size()
However, this will return the size of the reversed block, which can be larger than the value given to malloc()/realloc().
There is a popular macro, which you can define for finding number of elements in the array (Microsoft CRT even provides it OOB with name _countof):
#define countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
Then you can write:
int my_array[] = { ... some elements ... };
printf("%zu", countof(my_array)); // 'z' is correct type specifier for size_t
