How to create a raster brick with rasters of different extents? - r

I am new in R so this question is very basic but I have been struggling with it and could not find a solution that worked. I want to create a raster brick from some landsat images of the same area.
They were downloaded in HDF-EOS format, and I used the Modis Reprojection Tool to convert them to .tif.
The resulting rasters have the same projection, but differ in their extent, resolution and origin.
I tried several approaches, summarized here below:
defining a subset extent manually and subsetting all the rasters. Then trying to make a brick with the subset rasters
Resampling the rasters, to give them the same number of columns and rows. Ideally that would ensure the raster cells are aligned and can be put into a raster brick. This option created a brick where rasters had no values, they were empty.
I am wondering what is the concept I should follow to correct the extent. Would it be correct (and efficient) to create an empty raster that I would fill in later with the values of the imported landsat image? Can you see where I am making a mistake?
In case it is relevant, I am working on a Mac OSX Version 10.9.1, and using rgdal version 0.8-14
Any help will be very appreciated!
I add here the code I have been using:
# .tif files have been creating using the Modis Reprojection Tool. Input
# files used for this Tool was LANDSAT HDF-EOS imagery.
# Download the files from dropbox:
dl_from_dropbox <- function(x, key) {
bin <- getBinaryURL(paste0("", key, "/", x),
ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
con <- file(x, open = "wb")
writeBin(bin, con)
message(noquote(paste(x, "read into", getwd())))
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611985245CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "qb1bap9rghwivwy")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611985309CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "sbhcffotirwnnc6")
dl_from_dropbox("lndsr.LT52210611987283CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif", "2zrkoo00ngigfzm")
# Create three rasters
tif1 <- "lndsr.LT52210611985245CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif"
tif2 <- "lndsr.LT52210611985309CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif"
tif3 <- "lndsr.LT52210611987283CUB00-vi.NDVI.tif"
r1 <- raster(tif1, values=TRUE)
r2 <- raster(tif2, band=1, values=TRUE)
r3 <- raster(tif3, band=1, values=TRUE)
### Display their properties
# projection is identical for the three rasters
# "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
# Extents are different
# class : Extent
# xmin : -45.85728
# xmax : -43.76855
# ymin : -2.388705
# ymax : -0.5181549
# class : Extent
# xmin : -45.87077
# xmax : -43.78204
# ymin : -2.388727
# ymax : -0.5208711
# class : Extent
# xmin : -45.81952
# xmax : -43.7173
# ymin : -2.405129
# ymax : -0.5154312
# origin differs for all
# 5.644590e-05 -8.588605e-05
# 0.0001122091 -0.0001045107
# 6.949976e-05 -5.895945e-05
# resolution differs for r2
# 0.0002696872 0.0002696872
# 0.0002696875 0.0002696875
# 0.0002696872 0.0002696872
## Try different approaches to create a raster brick
# a- define a subset extent, and subset all the rasters
plot(r1, main="layer1 NDVI")
de <- drawExtent(show=TRUE, col="red")
# class : Extent
# xmin : -45.36159
# xmax : -45.30108
# ymin : -2.002435
# ymax : -1.949501
e <- extent(-45.36159,-45.30108,-2.002435,-1.949501)
# Crop each raster with this extent
r1c <- crop(r1,e)
r2c <- crop(r2,e)
r3c <- crop(r3,e)
# Make raster brick
rb_a <- brick(r1c,r2c,r3c)
# Error in compareRaster(x) : different extent
# b- Resample each raster
s <- raster(nrow=6926, ncol=7735) # smallest nrow and ncol among r1,r2 and r3
r1_res <- resample(r1,s, method="ngb")
r2_res <- resample(r2,s, method="ngb")
r3_res <- resample(r3,s, method="ngb")
# Resampling gives for the three rasters the following message:
# Warning message:
# In .local(x, y, ...) :
# you are resampling y a raster with a much larger cell size,
# perhaps you should use "aggregate" first
# Make raster brick
rb_c <- brick(r1, r2, r3)
# Error in compareRaster(x) : different extent

here are some things to help you out. Since I don't have your .tif files just some hints. Have you checked the extent on your raster s? It's the size of the world, with just those columns its cells are extremely large. So you have to add an extent to your raster before resampling it. From your info I did something like this:
# create an extent that includes all your data
e<-extent(-46, -43, -2, -0.6)
# create a raster with that extent, and the number of rows and colums to achive a
# similar resolution as you had before, you might have to do some math here....
# as crs, use the same crs as in your rasters before, from the crs slot
s<-raster(e, nrows=7000, ncols=7800, crs=r1#crs)
# use this raster to reproject your original raster (since your using the same crs,
# resample should work fine
r1<-resample(r1, s, method="ngb")
Happy Holidays,
PS a better way to find your desired extent & resolution:
# dummy extent from your rasters, instead use lapply(raster list, extent)
a<-extent(-45.85728, -43.76855, -2.388705, -0.5181549)
b<-extent(-45.87077, -43.78204, -2.388727, -0.5208711)
c<-extent(-45.81952 ,-43.7173 , -2.405129 ,-0.5154312)
extent_list<-list(a, b, c)
# make a matrix out of it, each column represents a raster, rows the values
extent_list<-lapply(extent_list, as.matrix)
matrix_extent<-matrix(unlist(extent_list), ncol=length(extent_list)
rownames(matrix_extent)<-c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")
# create an extent with the extrem values of your extent
best_extent<-extent(min(matrix_extent[1,]), max(matrix_extent[3,]),
min(matrix_extent[2,]), max(matrix_extent[4,]))
# the range of your extent in degrees
ranges<-apply(as.matrix(best_extent), 1, diff)
# the resolution of your raster (pick one) or add a desired resolution
# deviding the range by your desired resolution gives you the number of rows and columns
# create your raster with the following
s<-raster(best_extent, nrows=nrow_ncol[2], ncols=nrow_ncol[1], crs=r1#crs)


Convert a spatial point to raster in R

How to convert a single spatial point to a raster object.
I want to create a raster of 0.1 resolution within the domain xmin = 150 xmx=180,ymin=25,ymax=35 and put the values of a datapoint dt point in the raster.
Here is the data and code.
dt<-data.frame(lon=71.85,lat =31.12,val=3)
ras_dom<-raster(xmn=150, xmx=180, ymn=25, ymx=35,
crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ",
resolution=c(0.1,0.1), vals=NA)
I want to put the value (or values) from dt in the ras_dom so that I have a raster with values for given grids and NA for others.
coordinates(dt) <- ~ lon + lat # Convert data frame to spatial object
result <- rasterize(dt, ras_dom, "val", update = TRUE) # put point in raster
result # The resulting raster with the point added
Because dt in the example is outside the raster, result does not contain it.

Draw polygon from raster after occurrence modeling

I want to draw polygons for species occurrence using the same methods BIEN uses, so I can use both my polygons and theirs. They use Maxent to model species occurrence when they have more then occurrence points.
So, this is, for example, a BIEN polygon:
Mormolyca_ringens<- BIEN_ranges_load_species(species = "Mormolyca ringens")
#And this is a polygon, yes. A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
plot(wrld_simpl, xlim=c(-100,-40), ylim=c(-30,30), axes=TRUE,col="light yellow", bg="light blue")
plot(Mormolyca_ringens, col="green", add=TRUE)
Mormolyca ringens polygon
Ok, then I'm trying to draw my polygons because BIEN lacks some for species I need.
# first, you need to download the Maxent software here:
#and paste the "maxent.jar" file in the ’java’ folder of the ’dismo’ package, which is here:
system.file("java", package="dismo")
#You have to do this **before** loading the libraries
#If you get the message that cannot load this library, it's possible that your version of java is not 64bit.
#Go to Oracle and install Java for windows 64bit.
#If library still doesn't load: Look in your computer for the path where the java's jre file is and paste in the code below
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME="your\\path\\for\\jre") #mine is "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_144", for example
#Giving credits: I wrote the following code based on this tutorial:
#Preparing the example data - the map
ext = extent(-90, -32, -33, 23)
#Preparing the example data - presence data for Bradypus variegatus
file <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/ex/bradypus.csv", sep="")
bradypus <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep=',')
bradypus <- bradypus[,-1] #don't need th first col
#Getting the predictors (the variables)
files <- list.files(path=paste(system.file(package="dismo"),
'/ex', sep=''), pattern='grd', full.names=TRUE )
predictors <- stack(files)
#making a training and a testing set.
group <- kfold(bradypus, 5)
pres_train <- bradypus[group != 1, ]
pres_test <- bradypus[group == 1, ]
#Creating the background
backg <- randomPoints(predictors, n=1000, ext=ext, extf = 1.25)
colnames(backg) = c('lon', 'lat')
group <- kfold(backg, 5)
backg_train <- backg[group != 1, ]
backg_test <- backg[group == 1, ]
# Running maxent
xm <- maxent(predictors, pres_train, factors='biome')
#A response plot:
# Evaluating and predicting
e <- evaluate(pres_test, backg_test, xm, predictors)
px <- predict(predictors, xm, ext=ext, progress='text', overwrite=TRUE)
#Checking result of the prediction
plot(px, main='Maxent, raw values')
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border='dark grey')
tr <- threshold(e, 'spec_sens')
plot(px > tr, main='presence/absence')
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border='dark grey')
points(pres_train, pch='+')
At this point, I have the following image:
Prediction for example's occurrence
And I'm trying to make a polygon from this raster with this code:
predic_pol<-rasterToPolygons(px )
And also:
px_rec<-reclassify(px, rcl=0.5, include.lowest=FALSE)
But i keep getting a pixels version of my extent
Can you please give me a hint so I can extract a polygon out of this raster, like the BIEN's one? (Also I'm new to modeling and to R... any tips are welcome)
EDIT: this is the px console output:
> px
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 172, 176, 30272 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y)
extent : -120, -32, -56, 30 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
data source : C:\Users\thai\Documents\ORCHIDACEAE\Ecologicos\w2\predictions\Trigonidiumobtusum_prediction.grd
names : layer
values : 6.705387e-06, 0.9999983 (min, max)
Thank you in advance
Edit 2: Solution
Thanks to #Val I got to this:
#Getting only the values>tr to make the polygon
#"tr" is what gives me the green raster instear of the multicolour one
pol <- rasterToPolygons(px>tr,function(x) x == 1,dissolve=T)
plot(wrld_simpl, xlim=c(-120,-20), ylim=c(-60,10), axes=TRUE,col="light yellow", bg="light blue")
plot(pol, add=T, col="green")
And now I have what I wanted! Thank you!
(The polygon is not the same in the figures only because I used a different data set I had at my environment at the moment I got #Val 's answer)
Bonus question:
Do you know how to smooth the edges so I get a non pixelized polygon?
I don't know BIEN, so I din't really look at this part of your example. I just generalized your problem/question down to the following:
You have a binary raster (with 0 for absence and 1 for presence) and you want to convert all areas with 1 to a polygon.
As for your px raster, it's a bit odd that your values are not 0 and 1 but more basically 0 and basically 1. But if that's a problem, that can be an easy fix.
So I tried to recreate your example with just the area of Brasil:
# get Brasil borders
shp <- getData(country = 'BRA',level=0)
#create binary raster
r <- raster(extent(shp),resolution=c(0.5,0.5))
r[] <- NA # values have to be NA for the buffering
# take centroid of Brasil as center of species presence
cent <- gCentroid(shp)
# set to 1
r[cellFromXY(r,cent)] <- 1
# buffer presence
r <- buffer(r,width=1000000)
# set rest 0
r[] <- 0
# mask by borders
r <- mask(r,shp)
This is close enough to your raster I guess:
So now to the conversion to the polygon:
pol <- rasterToPolygons(r,function(x) x == 1,dissolve=T)
I use a function to only get pixels with value 1. Also I dissolve the polygons to not have single pixel polygons but rather an area. See rasterToPolygons for other options.
And now plot the borders and the new polygon together:
And there you have it, a polygon of the distribution. This is the console output:
> pol
class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
features : 1
extent : -62.98971, -43.48971, -20.23512, -1.735122 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA
variables : 1
names : layer
min values : 1
max values : 1
Hope that helps!
Edit: Bonus answer
You have to be clear, that the pixelized boundaries of your polygon(s) represent an accurate representation of your data. So any change to that means a loss of precision. Now, depending on your purpose, that might not matter.
There's multiple ways to achieve it, either at the raster side with disaggregating and smoothing/filtering etc. or at the polygon side, where you can apply specific filters to the polygons like this.
If it's purely aesthetic, you can try gSimplify from the rgeos package:
# adjust tol for smoothness
pol_sm <- gSimplify(pol,tol=0.5)

Raster not cropping to shapefile

I'm attempting to merge some states from a shapefile, and produce a raster that I can use downstream. I have gotten the states merged, however when I am creating an empty raster to rasterize with the crop function seems to fail. I'm pretty new to the GIS features in R and really appreciate the help.
Shapefile is from
usa.states <- readOGR(dsn = "states_21basic/", layer = "states")
Co=usa.states[usa.states#data$STATE_NAME== "Colorado",]
Nm=usa.states[usa.states#data$STATE_NAME== "New Mexico",]
Az=usa.states[usa.states#data$STATE_NAME== "Arizona",]
Ut=usa.states[usa.states#data$STATE_NAME== "Utah",]
Corners= spRbind(spRbind(spRbind(Co,Ut),Nm),Az)
CRS="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
Corners=spTransform(Corners, CRS(CRS))
> extent(Corners)
class : Extent
xmin : -114.8218
xmax : -102.0372
ymin : 31.33563
ymax : 42.0023
r<-raster(ncol=ncol(Corners), nrow=nrow(Corners), crs=CRS)
Corners.crop= crop(r,cor.ext, snap="out")
When I then call the extent of the 'Corners.crop' however I receive:
> extent(Corners.crop)
class : Extent
xmin : -180
xmax : -36
ymin : 0
ymax : 45
I'm confused to what I'm missing to get this to work.
I am also looking to have a 1Km resolution and am curious if it would be better to change the resolution on the empty raster or after I rasterize shape.
usa.states <- readOGR("states.shp", layer = "states")
# Here we subset once
Corners <- usa.states[usa.states$STATE_NAME %in% c("Colorado", "New Mexico","Arizona","Utah"),]
# Dissolve polygons into one
Corners <- gUnaryUnion(Corners)
# Create a 20x20 raster using the extent of Corners
# The number of rows and columns can be change to increase/reduce the resolution
r <- raster(extent(Corners), ncol=20, nrow=20, crs=CRS(proj4string(Corners)))
# Rasterize
Corners.crop <- rasterize(Corners, r)

Getting Data out of raster file in R

I'm new to raster files, but they seem to be the best way to open up the large gov't files that have all the weather data, so I'm trying to figure out how to use them. For reference, I'm downloading the files located here (just some run of the mill weather stuff). When I use the raster package of R to import the file like this
> r <- raster("/path/to/file.grb")
Everything works fine. I can even get a little metadata when I type in
> r
class : RasterLayer
band : 1 (of 37 bands)
dimensions : 224, 464, 103936 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.125, 0.125 (x, y)
extent : -125.0005, -67.0005, 25.0005, 53.0005 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +a=6371200 +b=6371200 +no_defs
data source : /path/to/file.grb
names : NLDAS_MOS0125_H.A20140629.0100.002
All I've managed to do at this point is index the raster in a very obvious way.
> r[100,100]
So, I guess I can "index" it, but I have no idea what the number 267.1 means. It's certainly not all there is in the cell. There should be a bunch of variables including, but not limited to, soil moisture, surface runoff, and evaporation.
How can I access this information in the same way using R?
# create two rasters
r1 <- raster(matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = 10, runif(100)))
r2 <- raster(matrix(ncol = 10, nrow = 10, runif(100)))
# creates a raster stack -- the stack (or brick function) allows you to
# to use multilayer band rasters
st_r <- stack(r1, r2)
# extract values -- will create a matrix with 100 rows and two columns
vl <- getValues(st_r)
r <- raster("/path/to/file.grb")
values <- getValues(r)
You can read about the function here:
I believe that the problem is that you are using raster and not stack. The raster function results in a single layer (matrix) whereas stack or brick read an array with all of the raster layers. Here is an example that demonstrates extracting values using an [i,j,z] index.
destfile="NLDAS_MOS0125_H.A20140629.0000.002.grb", mode="wb")
r <- stack("NLDAS_MOS0125_H.A20140629.0000.002.grb")
names(r) <- paste0("L", seq(1:nlayers(r)))
# Values for [i,j]
# Values for i,j and z at layer(s) 1, 5 and 10

Finding the boundary points in a raster data file

So, I have with me the center point and the zoom level.
I have to plot some points on the map.
The map is stored in a raster data file, and is displayed on the R's widget.
The issue is that when a point is received, I need to check whether it falls inside the data of this raster file or not.
If the point is in the raster file, then I can safely plot it.
If not, then I need to load another raster file which contains that point, and then plot the point.
The raster package of R has a function named which loads the raster data into the data frame.
Is it possible, then, to figure out which points (lats and lons) are at the four corners?
Am I on the right track?
If your data is of RasterLayer class then extent will give you the extent of the raster
and xmin, 'min, ymax and xmax to access the various slots.
# create a dummy raster
r1 <- raster(nrows=108, ncols=21, xmn=0, xmx=10)
r1[] <-1
## class : Extent
## xmin : 0
## xmax : 10
## ymin : -90
## ymax : 90
You can access the various slots using
## [1] 0
##[1] 10
## [1] -90
## [1] 90
If your data is a SpatialGridDataFrame then bbox will return the bounding box
.grid <- as(r1,'SpatialGridDataFrame')
## min max
## s1 0 10
## 2 -90 90
Does my xy coordinate lie within the raster boundary
you can use cellFromXY to find the cell id, and it will return NA if it is outside the extext
# some data
.points <- rbind(c(1,1),c(-4,1))
# the first point lies within the raster, the second not
# cell from XY will tell you this.
## [1] 1116 NA
EDIT for ggmap
if you have a map acquired by get_map, it is a ggmap object, and will not work with the package raster without some help from you .
you can obtain the bounding box as the bb attribute.
hdf <- get_map()
## ll.lon ur.lon
## 1 29.38048 -95.80204 30.14344 -94.92313
A helper function that will create a RasterStack from a ggmap object
ggmap_rasterlayer <- function(map){
map_bbox <- attr(map, 'bb')
.extent <- extent(as.numeric(map_bbox[c(2,4,1,3)]))
my_map <- raster(.extent, nrow= nrow(map), ncol = ncol(map))
rgb_cols <- setNames(, c('red','green','blue'))
red <- my_map
values(red) <- rgb_cols[['red']]
green <- my_map
values(green) <- rgb_cols[['green']]
blue <- my_map
values(blue) <- rgb_cols[['blue']]
my_map <- ggmap_rasterlayer(hdf)
