Does any one know how to break second page in mpdf. i am getting two PDF page but second one is blank so i want to remove that blank page.
$htm = get_template_directory_uri().'/admin/_invoice.php?id='.$_GET['id'];
$html = file_get_contents("$htm");
$mpdf=new mPDF('c');
$mpdf->debug = true;
I have a WP shortcode that is giving me problems.
Basically, the shortcode just pulls content from another post using a couple of parameters. It then loads up a partial template.
The problem occurs in WP Admin when saving the page that contains the shortcode. When saving the page updates do in fact save correctly but the resulting page is a page that outputs the contents of the shortcode.
I'm using output buffering around get_template_part() for two reasons: 1. So I only have one instance of the template in my code - and - 2. Because the template is actually pretty substantial and appending all of it to an output variable would be a daunting task.
The shortcode works fine in every way except when saving the page.
Here is a video demonstrating the issue:
Here is my code:
function get_main_page_content( $atts ) {
$main_page_id = $atts['main_page_id'];
$section = $atts['section'];
$people_display_option = $atts['people_display_option'];
$GLOBALS['sc_display_option'] = $people_display_option;
if(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)):
while(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)): the_row();
if ( $section == 'agenda' ) {
if ( $section == 'people_cards' ) {
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
add_shortcode('get_main_page_content', 'get_main_page_content');
It looks to me like ob_end_flush() is not needed and is redundant. That might be causing the OB to send twice, resulting in that code on your screen.
I'd be curious if your problem persists if you drop that line. Also, for a very simplified version of your exact usecase, check this blog post:
I have Woocommerce (Subscriptions) and Elementor. I'm trying to add a page/content within the Myaccount area of Woocommerce - new navigation menu item.
Creating the endpoint and navigation menu bit works without issue. The issue I'm facing is displaying a page created in elementor. One page (also created in elementor) works without issue while the other doesn't.
The page created in elementor is fairly simple that essentially creates 4 columns, 10 rows. Within each row there is button that uses shortcodes to get the button text and url to navigate to when pressed. This is all tested and works without issue when accessing the page directly.
If I use this code
$post = get_post(1114);
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
echo $content;
on the endpoint to display the page the output is just a list of rows of text showing the table cells from left to right. This only shows the button text (no sign of the URL) and is not formatted in anyway like the page in the elementor editor is (or if accessed directly)
e.g if the table is
H1 H2 H3 H4
R1a R1b R1c R1d
R2a R2b R2d R2d
The display is
If I use the below code
$content = \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( 1119);
echo $content;
the table largely displays correctly with all formatting etc. The one thing that isn't working is the button text. Instead of displaying the text returned by shortcode it just displays the shortcode.
I'm sure I'm just missing something that needs to be processed somewhere but I have no idea what it is and the Elementor pages don't give much away unfortunately.
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT : The correct answer is that there is a dynamic button/dropdown next to the text field that I didn't notice before. Using this you can select shortcode and enter the shortcode details and it will display correctly without having to process manually.
Not sure why it doesn't load correctly as above in the first place but to get around it I did the below. No sure this is the correct way to do this but it works.
$content = \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( 1013 );
$content = process_subswitch_content_for_shortcodes( $content );
echo $content;
The below essentially searches the content returned from the get_builder_content_for_display function for '[subswitch' which is the start of the shortcodes in question (unable to just search for ] as elementor puts other [] in the content).
function process_subswitch_content_for_shortcodes( $content ) {
$keepprocessing = true;
$searchstart_pos = 0;
do {
$startchar_pos = strpos( $content, "[subswitch", $searchstart_pos );
if ( $startchar_pos == false ) {
$keepprocessing = false;
$endchar_pos = strpos( $content, "]", $startchar_pos );
$shortcode_request = substr( $content, $startchar_pos, $endchar_pos );
if ( $shortcode_request == false ) {
$keepprocessing = false;
$shortcode_content = do_shortcode( $shortcode_request );
$content = str_replace( $shortcode_request, $shortcode_content, $content );
$searchstart_pos = $endchar_pos;
} while ( $keepprocessing );
return $content;
I'd of course still like to know the way to load this directly so that it displays without having to process the shortcodes manually so to speak.
I'm second day into Drupal and pretty confused... I need to add an unique class name to the body tag to identify each page as there are many unique styling (to repeating elements) on each page across the site.
I've found a couple of code snippets online but they haven't worked. For example I've added this into the template.php file, but it doesn't work:
function testtheme_preprocess_html(&$vars) { // my theme is called "testtheme"
$path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
$aliases = explode('/', $path);
foreach($aliases as $alias) {
$vars['classes_array'][] = drupal_clean_css_identifier($alias);
It's suppose to add a class to the body tag but nothing is showing up for me. Am I missing something or can someone provide another solution?
The answer of Rainfall is true but :
There are already unique class by page in drupal in body element page-NAMEPAGE
Sorry if I didn't understand you right, but you can add code to the body tag in your html.tpl.php file to make it look this way:
<body class="<?php print $classes; ?>" <?php print $attributes;?>>
And that's all. After that your body tag will automatic have css classes according to the page . Also you'll have info about node type, info about if user logged in, node id.
Let me know if it works or if I made some mistake.
Thanks and good luck!
You can modify module:
1) comment function node_class_preprocess_node in node_class.module
2) insert
$node_classes = node_class($node);
if (!empty($node_classes)) $node_classes .= ' ';
$content_column_class = str_replace(' class="','', $content_column_class);
$content_column_class = ' class="'. $node_classes . $content_column_class;
in page.tpl.php
<section<?php print $content_column_class; ?> id="content_col">
In Drupal 7, when i goto and then click Edit on any user there, then a blank white screen is appearing.
This user edit url is like:
Not even a line of error. Just blank white.What should i do?
You can go to /admin/reports/dblog just after you hit the white screen, you should see the error in that report.
This will help you to find the error that is breaking the page.
I know this may be late, but it helped me. Most times a module causes WSOD, I couldn't just disable modules to test which it was, since I may have lost data in the process. What I did was to edit this function in
function module_invoke_all($hook) {
$args = func_get_args();
// Remove $hook from the arguments.
$return = array();
foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
print "Starting loading $module <br />";
$function = $module . '_' . $hook;
if (function_exists($function)) {
$result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
$return = array_merge_recursive($return, $result);
elseif (isset($result)) {
$return[] = $result;
print "Finished loading $module <br />";
return $return;
And I added those 2 print statements in the code above, then refresh the page, the module which didn't reach the "Finish loading $module" statement is the one with the problem... it was devel in my case.
After finding the module, you can go into the system table and look for that module, set it's status = 0 and bootstrap = 0 or run the query:
UPDATE system SET status = 0, bootstrap = 0 WHERE name = 'module_name' LIMIT 1
I have tried everything I know how on Drupal to confirm my search results page to show the pager at the bottom. I work at a library and know there are several pages that mention library but only ten will show up on the first page which is expected but there is no option to view anymore after the first page. I've searched on Drupal and looked at the code and it appears to be the same, however, I'm unable to get the pager functionality to work.
Any suggestions?
if you are trying to make query resut as a pager try to do as the following
$query = db_select('node', 'n')->extend('PagerDefault');
->condition('type', 'blog') // you query condition
->fields('n', array('title')) // the fields that you request from database
->limit(10); // the number of result/row per page
$queryresult = $query->execute() ;
$content = '';
foreach ($queryresult as $row) {
$content .= $row->title."<br/>"; // the row view content
$content .= theme('pager'); // this will display the pagination content
echo $content;