Making Flexible Height Containers for Responsive Design - css

I'm trying to make my site responsive and I'm having trouble creating containers divs where their height responds to the content within them. I've tried setting height to 100% but it's not working for.
Most of the content blocks are flowing below each other as I resize my browser but the containers aren't expanding to fit around them.
Does anyone know do I have anything fundamentaly wrong in how the page is built that is preventing me from acheiving this?

You need to clear your floats. One example is .mission-statement. When you have multiple divs floating inside a div, the container collapses on itself. In your case, it's only partially collapsing because you have a min-height set.
You do this easily by doing something like this:
.mission-statement:after {
clear: both;
display: table;
content: '';
To affect all divs you can change .mission-statement:after to div:after

Images will automatically have a height of 100% of the image relative to the width and the percent tag is percent of the browser window. What you may want is a width tag that might be max-width=*px and let the height be determined by the image itself.

Instead of letting me write you an answer I will refer to a really good thread about this. The solution anyway is something called clearfix.
css - What is clearfix?


Should all HTML containers have css height 100%

I'm very confused over the CSS style height: 100% and page layouts overall.
I typically end up setting html, body, and basically every container to height: 100% because if I want to have let's say 4 elements that split the height evenly, I can set them to height: 25%. Otherwise they will just take up their internal heights and could look really silly. And without their parents set to 100%, well, it won't work at all.
So fine, I give every container height: 100%. But then this has a bad effect if I have another page that should be able to scroll because it has a lot of vertical content and no defined heights. Yes, it will still scroll, but the child element is now technically outside main containers as evident through dev tools.
I think Bootstrap used to set height to 100% for html and body, but they no longer do (maybe I am wrong). Is this a bad design practice overall? What should I do instead of I want some pages to essentially not scroll and some to scroll?
Hope it makes sense and that this fiddle helps explain what I mean.
I'm not sure about where you got the idea that every css element needs a 100% height, and it does not need to be used on every single container. Each container is used for different purposes, therefore you need to add the appropriate height, whether that is in px, vh, percents, etc. You can search pixels, percents, and viewport heights to find out which one is most suitable for your div containers. 100% for html and body is fine though. Overflows can be handled with overflow-x and overflow-y, and if you want to be able to scroll through the content you can use something like
It's important to understand that height does not limit the height of the element and if the content does not fit within the height, it will overflow. Handling that overflow is done with the overflow property which specifics what happens if content overflows an element box.
For example adding overflow: hidden to your class, will prevent your element from overflowing:
.h100 {
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
Adding overflow: auto on the other-hand will add a scroll bar to the overflow if clipped, which is the intended behavior a lot of times. Keep in mind that if you only want overflow on a certain axis you can use overflow-x or overflow-y.
To to answer your question and if it's a bad practice no it's not a bad practice and regarding how to cause some containers to scroll and some not, this is done with the overflow property.
More info and useful resources:
Overflow -
Height -

From absolute to fixed element on flexbox layout

How would you make an element go from position:absolute; to position:fixed; when parent is flexbox ?
Let me explain further: I have a very basic layout 100% flexbox based. The layout is just a left sidebar and a content area. In the content area lives a header which starts at 400px from the top and is absolutely positioned (in order to cover a hero section), the desired UX is to make this header sticky after it touches the top of the screen.
Here is a pen for illustration.
Now, I have the mechanism to programatically switch the header from absolute to fixed at a given scroll position, this is not a problem.
The problem is, when fixed:
1. the header covers the scrollbar to the right (real issue)
2. left side of the header has to be known in order to set the left: property (minor issue: I can live with it as my sidebar has a fixed width I can copy from).
I heard about a position:sticky which does the trick, but it seems not that reliable as not really well supported so far.
Of course I cannot know size of the scrollbars as it depends on each navigators... otherwise I would just do right:17px; or something like that. ;)
The culprit of the "bug" forcing the header to overlap the scrollbar is the overflow:auto set on #content.
However, as the layout is flexbox based, I don't see how to avoid use of this approach as the sidebar is sticky by definition using basic flexbox. So an underlying question would be: How to stick an element within flexbox, USING FLEXBOX ? The position:fixed is clearly not compatible as it breaks the flow... Also, the obvious step would be to avoid flexbox and redesign the whole layout using classical positioning, but this is out of the purpose: the layout has to be compatible with react-native which ignores classic CSS positioning (uses flexbox only)... See here. (of course, react-native has another way to handle scrolling, hence the problem in web environments).
In order to proceed with my design, I had to make a decision and I went using position:absolute only, but adjusting my top property programatically (using react but could be implemented with Jquery or whatever technology able to know the current scroll position).
In pseudo-code, it would like :
//when scroll reaches 400px
if getScrollTopPostion() > 400
//recalculate top position of given element to equal current Scroll position.
//This gives the effect that the element is sticky. In reality it is just live recalculated...
//Quid of performances?? no idea
then setTop( getScrollTopPostion() )
//otherwise, let the element absolutely positioned at 400
else 400
Obviously, this does NOT answer the initial question.
The "official" answer would be to use position:sticky, but until it gets really spread across say 95% of browsers (particularly mobile ones...), I would say the proper answer is still to be found.
For fixing the 1st issue, try this:
#main #content #header {
position: fixed;
Remove the overflow: auto; property from #content. And also add align-items:stretch to #sideBar.

Set unlimited width CSS

I have been tasked with making an update to the following site:
I would like it to allow an infinite number of images to appear horizontally in each category. You will see right now that the width is hard set in the CSS, which isn't ideal as the image will start tiling underneath each other if they reach that width.
Any tips on how I can modify the CSS to allow for this?
Have you tried white-space: nowrap; ?
white-space: nowrap;
on the image container element. Also add display: inline-block; to your images if you didn't already (or inline).
You should consider using some kind of slider script. People don't like horizontal scrollbars
There is a jquery solution I have created, which allows you to add as many images as you like, and it will adjust the width of the image container dynamically. See here -
For a CSS only solution, you would create a container for the image container. The image container would be auto width, the outer container would have overflow-x set to auto. This css can be viewed in the above demo too.
hope this helps

CSS min-height 100% page with content height 100%

I have created a page that has a min-height of 100% with a footer, as outlined
It works for the page-filling div, but I would like to have elements inside it which also take up all the height available to them.
Adding height: 100% to them does not work. They will use the parent's height but there are other elements and padding etc so that's the wrong height.
Making them absolute and set top: 0px; bottom: 0px;. This will make the div fill up the entire height, but if content is added the div doesn't get higher.
If this explanation is unclear, I have an example here:
So the parent dictates a minimum height, as does the content. The highest of them should be selected. I've found this a formidable challenge; is it possible without javascript?
Thanks in advance!
It is possible without javascript. But you should not use absolute positioning with this problem. Use this solution to have footer stick to the bottom of the page. And make content div min-height: 100%. With more content it expand and push the footer down and with little content footer will be at the bottom of the page and content div will be pushed up to the footer.
After a lot of fiddling, I am quite confident that what I want to do is impossible. Correct me if I'm wrong.
In my case, it turned out a fix was possible. I used the position: absolute to create the background pattern. Above that, I added the content in a width:100% div to make the page scale.
It'll only work for some applications, but I think a general solution is not possible.

Overlapping content and elastic width issues CSS

I'm sort of new at Web Design, I'm getting there, though. But I'm still having trouble with elastic layouts and floats. I think that's where my problem with this page lies but I'm too inexperienced to understand it.
Here's my problems illustrated:
Here's a fiddle with my code:
This is what it SHOULD look like:
I also want to have the right scrolling section fit in it's parent div. Right now, it's flowing out of it.
Any help would be awesome.
The only issue remaining now is the icons not staying in their parent divs.
See the fiddle for code and demo:
see screen shot for output:
Set min-height on each of the elements that u've given height and width in percentage.Percentage will be effective only when the resolution is big enf to encompass ur children elements.
If you want to use percentages - note the min-width required for their children and set that min-width for its parent.Also use overflow:hidden|scroll|auto as a fall back to control the overflow of the children out of its parent.
