CSS File Structure [closed] - css

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any best practices or very practical solutions to organizing mass amounts of css files.
Firstly, how should you use css within a page, should you have a external style sheet for each individual page, and a include css file for 'css reset' and all common elements. Say you have a included header how would you style it, would you have another external style sheet.
This just add up to mass amounts of style sheets, then secondly how to you organize them, do you have a folder for each external style sheet for each page?
Lastly, is there any standard naming conventions, for example if the file was an include would it be 'filename.inc.css' or if it was for a specific page would it be 'filename.pagename.css'

I object to the premise of the question...somewhat. The fact you have so many CSS files speaks to unnecessary bloat. You are probably coupling your styles to a specific context rather than to classes of content. Check out what they are doing at Yahoo for what I mean.
When your CSS is less-context specific, it becomes leaner. This then dramatically reduces the size of your files and mitigates your issue by curing the disease rather than treating the symptom.
So take the time to rethink your CSS to make sure it is only as big as it needs to be. Then organize your layout according just to whatever makes sense for you. After all, the layout of your CSS into multiple files is for your benefit only as a developer. The files will be minified and combined into a single file for the purposes of caching and performance.
And CSS files that are less likely to change because they have been designed for maximum immutability are ideal for caching.

Check http://smacss.com/
SMACSS (pronounced “smacks”) is more style guide than rigid framework.
is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those
rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. It is an attempt to
document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS.
My advise is always use a preprocessor, it makes the modularity easier. And use SMACSS because is the best way to do CSS especially when dealing with large styles. Check bootstrap repo for an example https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/tree/master/less

If you have a stylesheet for each page, then every page will have to download a new file. That's definitely not good. You want to take advantage of caching (this goes for anything on the web, not just css) so it would be better to have a little more overhead on a larger css file that only needs to be downloaded once for the whole site. This is a subjective question, however, so there could be and probably are cases where it could be better to split them up - maybe if there were two distinct parts of a site that both needed a massive amount of css.
Generally, having multiple css files is for development only and they should be combined for performance reasons. For example, if I had a menu.css, header.css, etc, those should be in one file when deployed. One example where multiple css files is more acceptable is when they are lazy-loaded by a plugin system like Content Management Systems use. Because the content is so dynamic and the plugins are not tightly coupled to the CMS, it doesn't make sense for all of the css to be combined. That would make it pretty difficult to add and remove plugins.
Oh! In addition to combining all of the css, minification is also great!
There are also libraries like LESS and SASS that are useful in organizing code and cutting down on the amount you need to write.

The best practice would be to have one external style sheet for the entire website. If you can try to name your classes and id's uniquely where they need to be set apart so that there is no confusion between them all in your styling. This way you can maintain the entire site from one file.
If it is absolutely necessary for you to have different style sheets for each page then keep the majority of the styles you will need to render and load that are not page specific and occur on all of the pages to one main css file, then keep the remaining ones that are page specific to a minimum, this will keep your performance higher and save yourself a lot of headaches down the road.
The less technical debt you acquire the better.
Also if you do need multiple style sheets and there are page specific styles you will need that occur on several pages, I would recommend bundling and merging your style sheets to keep the downloads to a minimum and keep your performance higher.


Why have all CSS files in one folder? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been adhering to the practice of having all CSS files in one folder. Is it just for the sake of keeping things organized or does it have any other benefit besides that.
This questions isn't just for clarification purposes, I have a whole lot of Websites that I'm trying to decrease their load time and I was wondering if this method will help.
two reasons come in mind right now (to do with keeping both html, js and css seperate):
both css and js can be reused in multiple html files if are in external file but you need to copy same code in each page if is a single html+css+js page.
If you want you can develop a new version of the code, css or js, for a online page and when you finish the only thing you need to do is to change the filename in the link or script element in html. This means you're not being repetitive
Placing them into a single css also means that it's easier to find the styling and bulk edit a lot of the html styling in a single place.
I also found:
Easier editing: Suppose you find that distances are calculated wrong (or whatever you are currently working on), then it's definitely easier to just open the file that contains the object responsible for distance calculation than scrolling through your huge HTML file looking for the culprit.
Syntax highlighting / Code completion / other features of you IDE (like refactoring): This might work partially with code inside of HTML files, but not all that well. So, you could work faster and actually see errors before they become bugs.
Cachability: While your HTML code will be different for all the pages of your site, your CSS and JS won't, and it would be silly to reload them for every page (which happens when they are put directly into the HTML).
Page load time: With CSS and JS in the HTML file, they have to be loaded before the browser will see any actual HTML, so the page will show slower. Also, search engines that don't really care about your scripts will have to load them, and there are penalties based on page load time.
Minification: In production, you use a minified (and concatenated) version of your CSS and JS, and of course you don't want to manually create that every time you make a change, so you do it programatically. Trying to do that without separate files would become very ugly, and you wouldn't be able to cache that minified version, which would be quite the performance hit.
CSS generators: When you start to care about keeping code duplication to a minimum, you will quickly tire of writing CSS, which is full of duplications, and switch, for example, to SASS (like I did quite some time ago). You will definitely need separate files to make that work.
So, in answer to your question,
Yes, for the majority of websites, separating them (like mvc does by default) will likely quicken your load time. (very few exceptions appear in this rule, however a site with 1 or 2 style declarations may be slightly faster when placed within the html, but if you ever use MVC you won't look back at not separating them!)
Storing all the css files into one folder will not decrease load time. Best way to decrease the load time is to combine all CSS files together and to minify it. Bad thing here is when time comes to change your styles. You would have to keep original files, or to decompress/pretty print it, than change, than minify again. Some CMS have an option to minify and cache all of your styles (and javascript files), which is much better. On the other, your server side, make sure all of your styles are gzipped before they are delivered to client browser. More about how to enable compression on Apache
Why have all CSS files in one folder?
Why have many CSS files to begin with? If you interested in "decreasing the load time" then you should consider having only one CSS file.
Long story short, you can organize your CSS and JavaScript files any way you want. However, when serving the files you must combine and minify all CSS files into one (likewise for JavaScript).
I personally keep related CSS, images and JavaScript together. I find it much easier to work with files that way. An example would be:
- resources
- plugin1
- plugin1.js
- plugin1.css
- images
- plugin2
- plugin2.js
- plugin2.css
- images
I have written a script that combines CSS files from all folders into one file, minifies them and copy the result to a directory below the wwwroot.
The organisation it's very important for a projet, you don't put apple into a pear bag it's a reflex, but, in fact you can do it ...
For the code it's the same, you put CSS files into CSS folder, but you can don't do it.
Imagine than you have 30 CSS files, 40 PHP files, 50 pictures et 10 js files ... You need to organised this !

How to organize CSS Sheets [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would wish to start a discussion to get some good ideas on how to organise style sheets in a very big project with a big team of developers working on it.
One possible approach here is to have just one sheet with all the styles organized using comments and regions, unfortunately even using a one-lined writing approach with tabs this sheet would become incredibly big and even having SVN commits and updates could become messier.
So we think it would be better to divide styles in different sheets. What we are not sure is how to organize this as we have different ideas for it.
One possible idea is to organize it for types: colors.css, fonts.css, forms.css, ...
Another idea is to group them by functionality/behaviour: navigator.css, menu.css, warnings.css, errors.css, ...
We could also organize them by page: login.css, contact.css, home.css, ...
Or even use a combination of those three ideas together.
Now what worries me is the fact that we would prefer not to add all the styles to every page, as not all the pages require all the styles and we are really worried about performance as our project is consumed by millions of users everyday. We of course compress it later on deploying but even so we think it's wiser to load only the required ones per page.
On being so, I am worried about other developers not loading styles in correct order, as having different sheets needed to be loaded depending on the page, or on the group of pages, they could get this messed up and on doing so cascading will fail (imagine they load menu.css before global.css, global would override some menu styles!!!).
Now we could just go for one sheet, we could just load all of them always, or we could use some idea we came to like using an alphabetical prefix to tell developers the loading order:
But that looks a bit horrible being honest. So now I was wondering if there is some type of popular css architecturing out there or at least some good ideas we could use for our project here.
Many Thanks!!
Go with a preprocessor, so you can organize source files however you want. (Our team uses LESS, because we've started with Twitter Bootsrap and it stuck). The compiled CSS file should not be under version control, each developer should compile their own version for testing. I'd recommend a grunt task to compile a minified version for production. I'd go with component-centric approach (forms, navs, grid, typography etc).
Using a preprocessor gives you the power of variables and mixins. You can keep files like variables.less and mixins.less in which you define common styles. So you when that blue color changes into slightly lighter blue you just change it in one file.
One large file including all the CSS you need should be fine as it is cached by browsers, so it minimizes HTTP requests to your serwver. Page-specific stylesheets are OK when a particular page has many uncommon elements.
Create a style guide html template which includes every common element you can think of. Headings, link colors, lists, photo thumbnails, form inputs, grid configurations, accordions etc. When you need to create a new component add it to this template, modify the stylesheets, see if it breaks any other elements and how it fits with the rest. Then use these snippets to create particular pages.
This will help you to keep your code easy managed. (variables, mixins etc)
Divide in multiple count of files.
Always a good idea. How to divide.
I suggest basically to divide them per page.
Exclude general styles to seperate files which will be included everywhere.
By the way, one single file doesn't imply low performance. Are you sure that 10 requests for smaller sheets will be faster than one request for bigger file?
Additionally this files will be cached in web browser, so one file doesn't look like a bad idea.

Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any advantage to having a single monster .css file that contains style elements that will be used on almost every page?
I'm thinking that for ease of management, I'd like to pull out different types of CSS into a few files, and include every file in my main <link /> is that bad?
I'm thinking this is better
Have you seen any gotchas with doing it one way vs. the other?
This is a hard one to answer. Both options have their pros and cons in my opinion.
I personally don't love reading through a single HUGE CSS file, and maintaining it is very difficult. On the other hand, splitting it out causes extra http requests which could potentially slow things down.
My opinion would be one of two things.
1) If you know that your CSS will NEVER change once you've built it, I'd build multiple CSS files in the development stage (for readability), and then manually combine them before going live (to reduce http requests)
2) If you know that you're going to change your CSS once in a while, and need to keep it readable, I would build separate files and use code (providing you're using some sort of programming language) to combine them at runtime build time (runtime minification/combination is a resource pig).
With either option I would highly recommend caching on the client side in order to further reduce http requests.
I found this blog that shows how to combine CSS at runtime using nothing but code. Worth taking a look at (though I haven't tested it myself yet).
I've settled on using separate files in my design time, and a build process to minify and combine. This way I can have separate (manageable) css while I develop and a proper monolithic minified file at runtime. And I still have my static files and less system overhead because I'm not doing compression/minification at runtime.
note: for you shoppers out there, I highly suggest using bundler as part of your build process. Whether you're building from within your IDE, or from a build script, bundler can be executed on Windows via the included exe or can be run on any machine that is already running node.js.
A CSS compiler like Sass or LESS is a great way to go. That way you'll be able to deliver a single, minimised CSS file for the site (which will be far smaller and faster than a normal single CSS source file), while maintaining the nicest development environment, with everything neatly split into components.
Sass and LESS have the added advantage of variables, nesting and other ways to make CSS easier to write and maintain. Highly, highly recommended. I personally use Sass (SCSS syntax) now, but used LESS previously. Both are great, with similar benefits. Once you've written CSS with a compiler, it's unlikely you'd want to do without one.
If you don't want to mess around with Ruby, this LESS compiler for Mac is great:
Or you could use CodeKit (by the same guys):
WinLess is a Windows GUI for comipiling LESS
I prefer multiple CSS files during development. Management and debugging is much easier that way. However, I suggest that come deployment time you instead use a CSS minify tool like YUI Compressor which will merge your CSS files into one monolithic file.
Historically, one of the main advantages x in having a single CSS file is the speed benefit when using HTTP1.1.
However, as of March 2018 over 80% of browsers now support HTTP2 which allows the browser to download multiple resources simultaneously as well as being able to push resources pre-emptively. Having a single CSS file for all pages means a larger than necessary file size. With proper design, I don't see any advantage in doing this other than its easier to code.
The ideal design for HTTP2 for best performance would be:
Have a core CSS file which contains common styles used across all pages.
Have page specific CSS in a separate file
Use HTTP2 push CSS to minimise wait time (a cookie can be used to prevent repeated pushes)
Optionally separate above the fold CSS and push this first and load the remaining CSS later (useful for low-bandwidth mobile devices)
You could also load remaining CSS for the site or specific pages after the page has loaded if you want to speed up future page loads.
You want both worlds.
You want multiple CSS files because your sanity is a terrible thing to waste.
At the same time, it's better to have a single, large file.
The solution is to have some mechanism that combines the multiple files in to a single file.
One example is something like
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="allcss.php?files=positions.css,buttons.css,copy.css" />
Then, the allcss.php script handles concatenating the files and delivering them.
Ideally, the script would check the mod dates on all the files, creates a new composite if any of them changes, then returns that composite, and then checks against the If-Modified HTTP headers so as to not send redundant CSS.
This gives you the best of both worlds. Works great for JS as well.
Having only one CSS file is better for the loading-time of your pages, as it means less HTTP requests.
Having several little CSS files means development is easier (at least, I think so : having one CSS file per module of your application makes things easier).
So, there are good reasons in both cases...
A solution that would allow you to get the best of both ideas would be :
To develop using several small CSS files
i.e. easier to develop
To have a build process for your application, that "combines" those files into one
That build process could also minify that big file, btw
It obviously means that your application must have some configuration stuff that allows it to swith from "multi-files mode" to "mono-file mode".
And to use, in production, only the big file
i.e. faster loading pages
There are also some software that do that combining of CSS files at run-time, and not at build-time ; but doing it at run-time means eating a bit more CPU (and obvisouly requires some caching mecanism, to not re-generate the big file too often)
Monolithic stylesheets do offer a lot of benefits (which are described in the other answers), however depending on the overall size of the stylesheet document you could run into problems in IE. IE has a limitation with how many selectors it will read from a single file. The limit is 4096 selectors. If you're monolithic stylesheet will have more than this you will want to split it. This limitation only rears it's ugly head in IE.
This is for all versions of IE.
See Ross Bruniges Blog and MSDN AddRule page.
There is a tipping point at which it's beneficial to have more than one css file.
A site with 1M+ pages, which the average user is likely to only ever see say 5 of, might have a stylesheet of immense proportions, so trying to save the overhead of a single additional request per page load by having a massive initial download is false economy.
Stretch the argument to the extreme limit - it's like suggesting that there should be one large stylesheet maintained for the entire web. Clearly nonsensical.
The tipping point will be different for each site though so there's no hard and fast rule. It will depend upon the quantity of unique css per page, the number of pages, and the number of pages the average user is likely to routinely encounter while using the site.
I typically have a handful of CSS files:
a "global" css file for resets and global styles
"module" specific css files for pages that are logically grouped (maybe every page in a checkout wizard or something)
"page" specific css files for overrides on the page (or, put this in a block on the individual page)
I am not really too concerned with multiple page requests for CSS files. Most people have decent bandwidth and I'm sure there are other optimizations that would have a far greater impact than combining all styles into one monolitic CSS file. The trade-off is between speed and maintainability, and I always lean towards maintainability. The YUI comperssor sounds pretty cool though, I might have to check that out.
I prefer multiple CSS files. That way it is easier to swap "skins" in and out as you desire. The problem with one monolithic file is that it can get out of control and hard to manage. What if you want blue backgrounds but don't want the buttons to change? Just alter your backgrounds file. Etc.
Maybe take a look at compass, which is an open source CSS authoring framework.
It's based on Sass so it supports cool things like variables, nesting, mixins and imports. Especially imports are useful if you want to keep seperate smaller CSS files but have them combined into 1 automatically (avoiding multiple slow HTTP calls).
Compass adds to this a big set of pre-defined mixins that are easy for handling cross-browser stuff.
It's written in Ruby but it can easily be used with any system....
here is the best way:
create a general css file with all shared code
insert all specific page css code into the same page, on the tag or using the attribute style="" for each page
on this way you have only one css with all shared code and an html page.
by the way (and i know that this is not the right topic) you can also encode your images in base64 (but you can also do it with your js and css files). in this way you reduce even more http requests to 1.
SASS and LESS make this all really a moot point. The developer can set up effective component files and on compile combine them all. In SASS you can toggle off the Compressed Mode while in development for easier reading, and toggle it back on for production.
In the end a single minified CSS file is what you want regardless of the technique you use. Less CSS, Less HTTP requests, Less Demand on the server.
The advantage to a single CSS file is transfer efficiency. Each HTTP request means a HTTP header response for each file requested, and that takes bandwidth.
I serve my CSS as a PHP file with the "text/css" mime type in the HTTP header. This way I can have multiple CSS files on the server side and use PHP includes to push them into a single file when requested by the user. Every modern browser receives the .php file with the CSS code and processes it as a .css file.
You can just use one css file for performance and then comment out sections like this:
/******** Header ************/
//some css here
/******* End Header *********/
/******** Footer ************/
//some css here
/******* End Footer *********/
I'm using Jammit to deal with my css files and use many different files for readability.
Jammit doest all the dirty work of combining and compressing the files before deployment in production.
This way, I've got many files in development but only one file in production.
A bundled stylesheet may save page load performance but the more styles there are the slower the browser renders animations on the page you are on. This is caused by the huge amount of unused styles that may not be on the page you are on but the browser still has to calculate.
See: https://benfrain.com/css-performance-revisited-selectors-bloat-expensive-styles/
Bundled stylesheets advantages:
- page load performance
Bundled stylesheets disadvantages:
- slower behaviour, which can cause choppyness during scrolling, interactivity, animation,
To solve both problems, for production the ideal solution is to bundle all the css into one file to save on http requests, but use javascript to extract from that file, the css for the page you are on and update the head with it.
To know which shared components are needed per page, and to reduce complexity, it would be nice to have declared all the components this particular page uses - for example:
<style href="global.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<body data-shared-css-components="x,y,z">
I've created a systematic approach to CSS development. This way I can utilize a standard that never changes. First I started with the 960 grid system. Then I created single lines of css for basic layouts, margins, padding, fonts and sizes. I then string them together as needed. This allows me to keep a consistent layout across all of my projects and utilize the same css files over and over. Because they are not specific. Here's an example: ----div class="c12 bg0 m10 p5 white fl"/div--- This means that the container is 12 columns across, utilizes bg0 has margins of 10px padding of 5 the text is white and it floats left. I could easily change this by removing or adding a new - What I call a "light" style- Instead of creating a single class with all these attributes; I simply combine the single styles as I code the page. This allows me to create any combination of styles and does not limit my creativity or cause me to create a massive number of styles that are similar. Your style sheets become a lot more manageable, minimized and allow you to re-use it over and over. This method I have found to be fantastic for rapid design. I also no longer design first in PSD but in the browser which also saves time. In addition because I have also created a naming system for my backgrounds and page design attributes I simply change out my image file when creating a new project.(bg0 = body background according to my naming system) That means that if I previously had a white background with one project simply changing it to black simply means that on the next project bg0 will be a black background or another image..... I have not found anything wrong with this method yet and it seems to work very well.

How to manage css of big websites within team environment without mess?

Where multiple people can work on same css. is it possible to follow semantic name rules even in large websites.
If I would write all main css first time with semantic names . then what and how i should guideline/instruction to other developer to maintain css readability, validation . and to know quickly where other are adding their own css if required.
Right now every one just go to down and write required css classes ot IDs at bottom. and most of the time they don't write semantic names.
How to make good documentation/guide with text or with images for other developers on how to use css in whole site and how i wrote and what i used.
We use only one CSS file. I don't want to divide one css in multiple. Want to keep css managable even using one CSS file for whole site.
A similar question was asked a while ago: How to manage CSS Explosion there is a number of good answers there, and a number of great links (check out those provided by Paul D. Waite for example.)
Your main problem is going to be structuring the CSS file well. You will need clean rules for that: Keep everything grouped within the CSS file. Maybe using a CSS editor that can help you "navigate" through the style sheet is a good idea (similar to a programming IDE's "code explorer" feature). I don't know, however, if such a thing exists.
Other than that:
Using version control is a MUST. I personally am totally happy with centralized versioning using Subversion and TortoiseSVN; others believe in distributed version control like git or hg. For a team of designers, I think the centralized approach of Subversion is good, but that is a discussion in itself.
Maybe it's a good idea to split the style sheet into thematically relevant separate files to avoid chaos, and compile it using a tool like LESS or xCSS.
Define a clear, concise coding style. Use a CSS beautifier like Polystyle ($14 per license but money well spent) or Code Beautifier (based on CSS Tidy, haven't used it but looks interesting) and run it frequently on the file.
Have a number of links handy of pages that use the style sheet. Have people test those pages after they have made a change to the style sheet.
I would break down your css logically into groups and put each of these groups into its own css file. For example: header, footer, sidebar, content groups. Maybe some pages even deserve their own css file if big enough.
Similarly, give ids and classes on pages names that make sense. If it is a css rule for sub headings on a navigation bar, make sure it comes off as that in naming. Similarly to any other coding, don't use any magic numbers, etc. for naming.
See Modularizing web applications, includes specially CSS

How to organize css files? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When my site depends on many css files, I realize it is a mess. It means, I use different css files from another team, and I put them together with mine. Hmm, many files then!. I get stuck with organizing them. Anybody has a good solution?
You can use cssmerge to merge the files after removing duplicate rules and properties.
Your 'all in one tub' approach suggests you might trample on each-other's CSS definitions.
The ordering in which you include each CSS file may well dramatically affect your site.
There isn't an easy answer for you. You need to get the other team(s) to work in the same way, or perhaps work with them using a version control system where you all contribute CSS to one place.
I'm really interested in hearing about how people group their CSS files and prevent naming conflicts.
But I also think you should consider how you package the CSS for a production release. It really depends on the framework you're using and your application code, but ideally you'll have some way to specify which pages depend on which files, and a build step that concatenates the CSS files for a page together and runs them through YUI Compressor, and outputs a unique filename including a checksum of the content or a date, so that the file can be cached indefinitely. (And then of course you'd put the CSS file at the top of the document)
These are some tips for merging and organizing CSS manually
Separate code into sections like Link Styles,Common Classes ,Layout or Structure Styles ,Header ,Navigation ,Content ,Footer
Indent descendants and related rules
This allows you more easily recognize page structure within your CSS and how elements relate to each other. This method can also be applied for a specific tag such as a heading tag.
Compress your Code to one line
Instead of having each attribute on its own line, have them all on the same line. This reduces the file size of your CSS file and also makes it easy to scan when trying to find a specific tag.
Alphabetize attributes
This just seems to make my CSS easier to read when I’m scanning it or looking for something.
Use shorthand wherever possible
This makes your CSS easier to read and understand and is much more efficient.
Reset your CSS
There are a ton of methods for resetting your CSS
Use separate CSS stylesheets for different elements
Have a main style sheet that you import others into. You could have a stylesheet just for typography, another for layout, and another for colors. By keeping these elements organized within their own style sheets this can make it easier to manage your code.
Declare colors used at the top of your CSS files
Within CSS comments at the top of your file code the colors you are using in your file and the color they represent.
I really like styleneat.com. Only if it wasn't a web app.
