terminate instruction in CLIPS - break

I'm new to CLIPS expert system.
How do I tell CLIPS to stop executing rules after performing a specific instruction ????!!
Somethin' like this :
(defrule firstRule
(some assumption)
(if (X happened) then (and (print "yikes 1")(terminate the program))
(defrule secondRule
(some assumption)
(if (Y happened) then (and (print "yikes 2")(terminate the program))
(defrule thirdRule
(some assumption)
(if (Z happened) then (and (print "yikes 3")(terminate the program))
In case of Y and Z happening and X not, I want something like this to be printed out :
yikes 2

Use this:
(if [condition]
(printout t "yikes 3" crlf)
Where [condition] would be something like a variable, ?b, or an expression, (> 3 4). In the printout statement, t is the logical name which indicates where the output should be directed (in this case t indicates standard output) and crlf prints a carriage return/line feed (new line for the output). The (halt) statement halts execution of the rules after the current rule has finished executing. You could then restart execution by entering (run) at the command prompt. Alternately, the (exit) command will immediately terminate execution of the rule as well as CLIPS.


How to read a racket code from a file, and execute the code

I want to define a function in racket that reads a racket code from an input file (for example "input.txt"), and runs the racket code and display the output. I tried doing this with the “read” function. But it only reads the first expression.
What you probably want is load. However it's mildly fiddly to get load to print the values of individual forms. Here is a simpler and probably not completely correct version of load which does this:
(define (load/print path
#:namespace (namespace (current-namespace))
#:printer (printer println)
#:suppress-void (suppress-void #t))
;; If the file starts with #lang &c this will let it be read, but the
;; printing won't generally be helpful in that case as it will be
;; read usually as a single (module ...) form.
(parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t]
[read-accept-lang #t])
(λ (in)
(for ([form (in-port (λ (p) (read-syntax path p)) in)])
(thunk (eval form namespace))
(λ vals
(for ([v (in-list vals)])
(unless (and suppress-void (void? v))
(printer v))))))
So given a file containing
(values 2 3 4)
> (load/print "/path/to/my/file")

Recursive Loop in Clojure via Macro is throwing me errors

I've been trying to write a recursive loop in clojure that will print me out the very last number in the list. The point is not that I need to get the last number (for which I'm sure there's a built in function for that) but that I want to better understand recursion and macros in clojure. So I have this macro...
(defmacro loop-do [the-list]
`(if (= (count '~the-list) 1)
(println (first '~the-list))
(loop-do (rest '~the-list))))
But I get a stackoverflow error. What am I doing wrong?
How will people use your macro?
Somewhere, someone will call:
(loop-do list)
As a piece of code, those are only two symbols in a list. The first one is recognized as your macro, and the second one, list, is a symbol that represents a variable that will be bound at runtime. But your macro only knows that this is a symbol.
The same goes for:
(loop-do (compute-something))
The argument is a form, but you do not want to get the last element of that form, only the last element of the list obtained after evaluating the code.
So: you only know that in your macro, the-list will be bound to an expression that, at runtime, will have to be a list. You cannot use the-list as-if it was a list itself: neither (count 'list) nor (count '(compute-something)) does what you want.
You could expand into (count list) or (count (compute-something)), though, but the result would only be computed at runtime. The job of the macro is only to produce code.
Recursive macros
Macros are not recursive: they expand into recursive calls.
(and a b c)
might expand as:
(let [a0 a] (if a0 a0 (and b c)))
The macroexpansion process is a fixpoint that should terminate, but the macro does not call itself (what would that mean, would you expand the code while defining the macro?). A macro that is "recursive" as-in "expands into recursive invocations" should have a base case where it does not expand into itself (independently of what will, or will not, happen at runtime).
(loop-do x)
... will be replaced by:
(loop-do (rest 'x))
... and that will be expanded again.
That's why the comments say the size actually grows, and that's why you have a stackoverflow error: macroexpansion never finds a fixpoint.
Debugging macros
You have a stackoverflow error. How do you debug that?
Use macroexpand-1, which only performs one pass of macroexpansion:
(macroexpand-1 '(loop-do x))
=> (if (clojure.core/= (clojure.core/count (quote x)) 1)
(clojure.core/println (clojure.core/first (quote x)))
(user/loop-do (clojure.core/rest (quote x))))
You can see that the generated code still contains a call to usr/loop-do , but that the argument is (clojure.core/rest (quote x)). That's the symptom you should be looking for.

Read the proper input to a variable

I would like to have a variable containing an integer, that came from an input of a user. It can't accept strings neither decimal numbers.
I would like some help to understand what I am doing wrong here.
My code until now:
I appreciate the help.
(format t "~%Enter a number: ")
(loop (defvar numb (read))
(cond (((rationalp numb)1)
(print "No decimal numbers are allowed, please enter an integer"))
(((stringp numb)1)
(print "No strings are allowed, please enter an integer"))
(when ((integerp numb)1) (return numb))
Working code
Here is how I would do it:
(defun ask-and-read (prompt)
"Prompt the user and read his input."
(princ prompt *query-io*)
(force-output *query-io*) ; flush the buffers
(let ((*read-eval* nil)) ; close the security hole
(read *query-io*)))
(defun request-object (prompt predicate)
"Ask the user for an object using prompt.
Only accept data which satisfies the predicate."
for object = (ask-and-read prompt)
when (funcall predicate object)
return object
do (format *query-io* "Alas, ~S (~S) does not satisfy ~S, please try again~%"
object (type-of object) predicate)))
> (request-object "Enter an integer: " #'integerp)
Enter an integer: 4.6
Alas, 4.6 (SINGLE-FLOAT) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: 5/7
Alas, 5/7 (RATIO) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: asdf
Alas, ASDF (SYMBOL) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION INTEGERP>, please try again
Enter an integer: 7
==> 7
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: 4.5
==> 4.5
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: 5/8
==> 5/8
> (request-object "Enter a real: " #'realp)
Enter a real: "sdf"
Alas, "sdf" ((SIMPLE-BASE-STRING 3)) does not satisfy #<SYSTEM-FUNCTION REALP>, please try again
Enter a real: 8
==> 8
Please see the documentation for the facilities I used:
Your mistakes
Code formatting
Your code is unreadable because you have incorrect indentation.
Lispers do not count parens - this is the job for compilers and editors.
We look at indentation.
Please do yourself a favor and use Emacs - it will indent the code for you and you will often see your errors yourself.
Defvar is a top-level form
First of all, defvar is a top-level form which is used to define global variables, not set them.
Subsequent calls do not change the value:
(defvar *abc* 1)
==> 1
(defvar *abc* 10)
==> 1 ; not 10!
Use setq to set variable.
Prefer local variables to global variables
While Lisp does allow global variables, the predominant programming
style in Lisp is the functional style: every function receives its
"input" data as arguments and returns its "output" data as values.
To achieve functional style, prefer a local to a global variable.
You create local variables through let or
let* or, in loop, see
Local Variable Initializations.
Cond and When have very specific syntax
You have extra parens and 1(?!) in your cond and when forms.
Remember, parens are meaningful in Lisp.
Security first!
Binding *read-eval* to nil
before read is necessary to
avoid a nuclear war if a user enters #.(launch-nuclear-missiles)
in response to your prompt, because normally read evaluates whatever
comes after #..

common lisp: read list into list

It might seem simple, but I can't get it to work. I simply need to read a file where the contents are just one big list
(a b c d)
. . . as is . . . into a list in my program. I have
(let ((ardplst nil))
(with-open-file (in ardpfile :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)
(when in
(read-sequence ardplst in))
(format t "~a" ardplst))
But it's not working. I get NIL. What am I doing wrong?
What does read-sequence do? It reads some elements from the stream, typically characters (but it depends on the element-type of the stream) and destructively insert them into the input sequence. So, you would collect characters #\(, then #\a, then #\Space, then #\b, etc. However, reading stops as soon as you reach the end of your sequence: with your empty list, that means immediately (you are supposed to pass a buffer, e.g. a vector). In you case, read-sequence returns 0.
The reason you get nil is because your last expression is format, which in the above code outputs to the standard output (because of t) and returns nil. You could have used print, which returns the printed object.
I don't understand why you are explicitely using :if-does-not-exist nil. Are you sure you want to silently skip the task if the file cannot be opened? What if the list you read is empty? You should probably let an error be signaled in case the file is not found.
I would use read while disabling read-time evaluation:
(with-open-file (in my-file)
(let* ((*read-eval* nil)
(list (read in)))
(prog1 list
(check-type list list))))
Note that the default :direction is :input. In my opinion it does not hurt to omit this argument here, though sometimes it can be more readable to write it explicitely.

Statements not executing in order? (defvar within a let statement)

I've tried to reduce it to the minimal example. The code runs without an error, producing the expected output. But it gives me a warning that my first variable is undefined. It seems that the second statement of progn doesn't "see" the results of the first statement. Thanks for the help!
(I originally did not have the progn construct in the code at all, but after getting this error I added it to see if that would force execution in order -- but the error is the same.)
Here's the code:
(let ((input (open "input.lisp")))
(progn (defvar var1 (read input))
(defvar arr1 (make-array var1 :initial-contents (read input))))
(close input))
(print var1)
(print arr1)
These are the contents of the file "input.lisp":
(10 8 6 4 2 4 6 8 10)
And this is the output I get from sbcl after executing (load "test.lisp"):
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: VAR1
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined variable:
; VAR1
; caught 1 WARNING condition
#(10 8 6 4 2 4 6 8 10)
So, it seems to me that both definition statements are executing, but the second doesn't "see" the results of the first. It still constructs the array correctly because it's filled with the given initial-contents. But why isn't var1 already defined?
See the documentation for defvar in the Hyperspec:
If a defvar or defparameter form appears as a top level form, the compiler must recognize that the name has been proclaimed special.
This implies (and it seems to be the case for SBCL) that if a defvar appears as a non-top-level form, then the compiler need not recognize that the name has been declared. So how come your defvars are not being compiled as top level forms? See section, Processing of Top Level Forms (point 6) for the answer: the let surrounding your code causes it to be compiled as non-top-level forms.
So you need to defvar your variables at top level, and then assign them later on with setf inside the let.
Like this. It's also usually simpler to use with-open-file rather than open and close.
(defvar var1)
(defvar arr1)
(with-open-file (input "input.lisp" :direction :input)
(setf var1 (read input))
(setf arr1 (make-array var1 :initial-contents (read input))))
(print var1)
(print arr1)
The reason that you are having this trouble is that you are placing your code at top level in the file. This is a slightly unusual thing to do: the normal Lisp coding style is to put most of your code in function definitions, and then to call those functions when you need to run them.
For example, this would be a more typical way to write this kind of code, with the initialization code in its own function.
(defvar *var1* nil "Documentation for var1.")
(defvar *arr1* nil "Documentation for arr1.")
(defun init-from-file (file)
"Read *var1* and *arr1* from file."
(with-open-file (input file :direction :input)
(setf *var1* (read input))
(setf *arr1* (make-array *var1* :initial-contents (read input)))))
(when (null *var1*) (init-from-file "input.lisp"))
