Why does this function crash LispWorks? - common-lisp

When I run this function from a listener in LispWorks, it either crashes the listener or gives an exception and assembly language data. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it?
(defun should-flip-block (rowlist)
(declare ((vector number) rowlist))
(if (= (length rowlist) 0) (eval nil)
(let* ((exithigh (= (car (last rowlist)) 2))
(enterhigh (= (first rowlist) 2)))
(and exithigh enterhigh))))
It's called as (should-flip-block '(1 2 1 2 1)).

Problematic declaration
Note that not all Common Lisp implementations will think that (declare ((vector number)) rowvector) is a valid declaration.
Write instead (declare (type (vector number) rowvector)).
Wrong: a list is not a vector
The problems you see is because you lied to the implementation and safety is set low. You told Lisp that the argument is a vector, but you pass a list (which is not a vector).
The function then use calls to FIRST and LAST, which don't work on vectors, but lists.
Run code with higher safety value
Don't run Common Lisp by default with low safety. Use a default safety value of 2 or 3.
Using LispWorks 6.1.1:
CL-USER 43 > (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2)))
now I recompile the function and then call it:
CL-USER 44 > (should-flip-block '(1 2 1 2 1))
Error: Variable ROWLIST was declared type (VECTOR NUMBER) but is being
bound to value (1 2 1 2 1)
1 (abort) Return to level 0.
2 Return to top loop level 0.
Now you see an useful error and not a segment violation.
Literal Vectors
#(1 2 1 2 1) is a vector.
Note: LIST type has no parameter
Note that a type (list number) does not exist in Common Lisp and can't be defined. The type list can't have a parameter. It's also not possible to define such a type based on the type cons - recursive types don't work.

You declare that rowlist is a vector (but treat it is a list — using last and first).
This means that the compiler assumes that the object you pass to it is a vector, so, when you pass it a list, you get undefined behavior.
The most important thing to know about declarations in Lisp is: do not lie to the compiler.
I.e., if you violate your declarations (like you just did), you will get burned.
(Additionally, you do not need to eval nil, and there is no need for the let* since you are using the variables it binds just once).


How come (let ((x 'huh?)) (cons (boundp 'x) x)) evaluates to (NIL . HUH?)?

I do not understand this:
CL-USER> (let ((x 'huh?)) (cons (boundp 'x) x))
(NIL . HUH?)
I had expected that inside the let expression above, x would be bound, and therefore that the whole expression would have evaluated to (t . huh?). Or else, if (contrary to my expectation) x was not bound in the let's body, then at least that the evaluation of the expression above would have resulted in an error (on account of my having passed an unbound variable as the second argument to cons).
To add to my confusion, the Common Lisp HyperSpec's description for boundp says:
Returns true if symbol is bound; otherwise, returns false.
...where the word "bound" is hyperlinked to this glossary definition (my emphasis)1:
bound adj., v.t. 1. adj. having an associated denotation in a binding. ``The variables named by a let are bound within its body.'' See unbound. 2. adj. having a local binding which shadows[2] another. ``The variable print-escape is bound while in the princ function.'' 3. v.t. the past tense of bind.
Furthermore, the CLHS's documentation for let says the following (my emphasis):
...all of the variables varj are bound to the corresponding values; ...
Granted, the HyperSpec's page for boundp (which I already linked to earlier) also has the following example:
(let ((x 2)) (boundp 'x)) => false
...which indeed would justify the assertion that what I observed is in fact "officially documented behavior", but this narrowly correct justification is little comfort in light of everything else I've cited above.
Could someone please resolve for me this whopping (and hopefully only apparent) contradiction?
1 I realize that the highlighted phrase above is just an example of how the word "bound" would be used in a sentence, but it would be a truly perverse example if what it stated was exactly the opposite of what is actually the case for Common Lisp.
This can be a bit confusing, the spec for BOUNDP does however say that:
The function bound [sic (it should be boundp)] determines only whether a symbol has a value in the global environment; any lexical bindings are ignored.
So it only informs you if a given symbol is bound in the global environment, which happens if the variable has its value cell set to a value (see SYMBOL-VALUE),
or the variable is declared special and was previously bound by a let form. This second case happens notably for variables declared with defvar and defparameter, but also any variable you declare as special:
(let ((%my-var% 0))
(declare (special %my-var%))
Note that to each time you want to use %my-var% you need to use that declaration, except if you declaimed it globally.
(defun use-my-var (input)
(declare (special %my-var%))
(print `(:my-var ,%my-var% :input ,input)))
When you write the use-my-var function, you have normally no problem identifying that input is bound, in fact a compiler would warn you if that was not the case. For lexical scopes, (boundp x) would compile down to a constant value, T or NIL. It is more interesting to check if the symbol-value of a symbol is globally bound or dynamically bound.
Here above, since %my-var% is a special variable, it can be bound or not in different calling contexts:
(let ((%my-var% 0))
(declare (special %my-var%))
(use-my-var 1))
=> (:my-var 0 :input 1)
(use-my-var 0)
;; ERROR: The variable %MY-VAR% is unbound.
boundp is for determining whether symbols are bound in the global environment. Note the following two examples from the HyperSpec:
(let ((x 2)) (boundp 'x)) ;=> false
(let ((x 2)) (declare (special x)) (boundp 'x)) ;=> true
The notes at the bottom of the page say:
The function bound determines only whether a symbol has a value in the global environment; any lexical bindings are ignored.
The appearance of bound in the note instead of boundp seems to be a typo. In any case, CLTL2 was a bit more specific about this:
boundp is true if the dynamic (special) variable named by symbol has a value; otherwise, it returns nil.
Note that fboundp has a similar restriction; here is an example from the HyperSpec:
(flet ((my-function (x) x))
(fboundp 'my-function)) ;=> false
There isn't much point in boundp handling lexical variables. From the HyperSpec Lexical Variables:
A lexical variable always has a value. There is no operator that introduces a binding for a lexical variable without giving it an initial value, nor is there any operator that can make a lexical variable be unbound.
This is to say that lexical variables are always bound in their lexical environments. But dynamic variables may be either bound or unbound, and which of the two is the case can depend upon the environment in which the question is asked:
The value part of the binding for a dynamic variable might be empty; in this case, the dynamic variable is said to have no value, or to be unbound. A dynamic variable can be made unbound by using makunbound....
A dynamic variable is unbound unless and until explicitly assigned a value, except for those variables whose initial value is defined in this specification or by an implementation.

Specification of conses

The Wikipedia-page about car and cdr says that a cons is a pair of pointers.
The following code seems to confirm that:
(setq a '(1 . 2))
(setq b a)
(setf (car b) 10)
(print a))
The evaluation of that form gives the cons (10 . 2). Setting the car of b changes the car of a. You can try that in the online repl at compileonline.com.
Where is that behavior defined in the Common Lisp specification?
(I've read some of the text but couldn't find the section pin-pointing that behavior.)
Interestingly the Wikipedia page on conses says "cons constructs memory objects which hold two values or pointers to values". If the atom 1 would directly be stored in the cons object then changing b wouldn't change a, would it?
I assume above that a and b hold the cons objects and not pointer to conses.
Even if the actual lisp implementation works with pointers this should not be visible on repl-level or should it according to the spec? One could achieve a similar effect when one assumes that a and b hold pointers that both point to the same cons.
Consing, i.e., the construction of lists through repeated application of cons, supports the assumption that conses are represented by pointers in symbol values.
The following two forms are equivalent:
(let ((a '(1)))
(setq b (cons 2 a)))
(setq b '(2 1))
Setting the car of b changes the car of a.
You are not setting the car of b. You are setting the car of the same cons cell which is referenced by b and a.
CL-USER 1 > (let (a b)
(setq a (cons 1 2))
(setq b a)
(eq a b))
we have variables a and b.
(cons 1 2) returns a cons cell
(setq a (cons 1 2)) sets a to the result of (cons 1 2), a cons cell.
(setq b a) evaluates a, which returns above cons cell and sets b to that cons cell.
The key to understand is that evaluation of variables and functions returns non-primitive (that is other than primitive numbers, characters, ...) objects as themselves - not as a copy.
I assume above that a and b hold the cons objects and not pointer to conses.
That's wrong. a and b are variables, which just point to both the same single cons cell.
"cons constructs memory objects which hold two values or pointers to values"
In a Common Lisp implementation something like small numbers (fixnums) might be stored directly in a cons cell. One can not reliably compare numbers by identity (using EQ) and has to do numeric comparison (EQL, =, ...).
OTOH, cons cells can't be stored inside cons cells and thus are referenced by pointers internally.
The operations you use:
SETQ : First form1 is evaluated and the result is stored in the variable var1. -> Notice how it says: result and not copy of the result.
RPLCA - this is what (setf CAR) actually uses. : rplaca replaces the car of the cons with object and The cons is modified -> thus it modifies the cons object it gets passed as an argument.
Evaluation - since you execute your code, the rules for evaluation apply.
Further useful to understand the execution model of Lisp:
An old Lisp book: 'Anatomy of LISP' by John Allen. (amazon)
A Scheme spec like R5RS.
Lisp in small pieces, a book explaining the execution models of Scheme/Lisp and their implementation.
First of all, your code is invalid because you're not allowed to modify constant lists. It should be:
(setq a (cons 1 2))
(setq b a)
(setf (car b) 10)
(print a))
When you perform an assignment like (setq b a), it sets the value of b to be the same as the value of a. The specification of SETQ says nothing about making a copy of the value, so the two variables contain the same value, which in this case is a cons cell.
Setting the car of that cons cell modifies that object -- again, there's no copying being done. So you'll see the change through any variable that refers to the cons cell, or any other reference (it could be in a structure slot, an array element, another cons cell, etc.).
I don't think the specification ever actually comes out and says that these things are all the same, it's just implicit in the fact that we're passing around abstract objects, and no copying is done unless you call a function that's explicitly defined to do so (e.g. COPY-TREE).
The specification doesn't talk about pointers, but that's generally what's going on under the covers. A cons cell is like a C structure:
typedef struct cons {
lisp_object car,
lisp_object cdr
} cons;
lisp_object would probably be a union of various types (some immediate types for things like FIXNUM, and pointers for other types). When a variable contains a cons, it actually contains a pointer to the above structure, and the assignment copies the pointer, not the structure. So the Lisp code is analogous to C code like:
cons *a = make_cons(1, 2);
cons *b = a;
b->car = 10;
printf("%d\n", a->car);

Why is cond a special form in Scheme, rather than a function?

(defun triangle-using-cond (number)
((<= number 0) 0) ; 1st
((= number 1) 1) ; 2nd
((> number 1) ; 3rd
;; 4th
(+ number
(triangle-using-cond (1- number))))))
Things that I know about Cond
It allows multiple test and alternative expressions
It has pre-specified evaluation order. For instance, the first condition will always evaluated whether it is right or not
One thing that I cannot distinguish is that what makes cond different from a function!
A function call (e0 e1 e2) is evaluated like this
1. e0 is evaluated, the result is (hopefully) a function f
2. e1 is evaluated, the result is a value v1
3. e2 is evaluated, the result is a value v2
4. The function body of `f` is evaluated in an environment in which
the formal parameters are bound to the values `v1` and `v2`.
Note that all expressions e0, e1, and, e2 are evaluated before the body of the function is activated.
This means that a function call like (foo #t 2 (/ 3 0)) will result in an error when (/ 3 0) is evaluated - before control is handed over to the body of foo.
Now consider the special form if. In (if #t 2 (/ 3 0)) the expressions #t is evaluated and since the value non-false, the second expression 2 is evaluated and the resulting value is 2. Here (/ 3 0) is never evaluated.
If in contrast if were a function, then the expressions #t, 2, and, (/ 3 0) are evaluated before the body of is activated. And now (/ 3 0) will produce an error - even though the value of that expressions is not needed.
In short: Function calls will always evaluate all arguments, before the control is passed to the function body. If some expressions are not to be evaluated a special form is needed.
Here if and cond are examples of forms, that don't evaluate all subexpressions - so they they need to be special forms.
If cond were not a special form then the expression:
((> number 1) ;;3rd
(+ number (triangle-using-cond (1- number))))
would cause either:
an infinite loop because triangle-using-cond would keep calling itself recursively via the tail call (triangle-using-cond (1- number)).
or, the last expression would try to apply the value #f or #t as a function (which in a type-2 Lisp such as ANSI Common Lisp is possible, but not possible in a type-1 Lisp such as Racket or Scheme) and produce an error.
What makes cond a special form is that its arguments are evaluated lazily whereas functions in Scheme or Common Lisp evaluate their arguments eagerly.
As already answered, all arguments to a call to some function f are evaluated before the result of applying f is computed. Does it however mean that cond, or if, or both should be special forms?
Well, first, if you have if, you can easily simulate a cond with nested tests. Conversely, if is just a degenerate form of cond. So you can say that it is sufficient to have one of them a special form. Let's choose if because it is simpler to specify.
So shall if be special?
It doesn't really need to...
If the underlying question is "is if expressible in terms of a smaller set of special forms?", then the answers is yes: just implement if in terms of functions:
(define true-fn (lambda (then else) (then)))
(define false-fn (lambda (then else) (else)))
Whenever you can return a boolean, you return one of the above function instead.
You could for example decide to bind #t and #f to those functions.
Notice how they call one of the two input parameters.
((pair? x) ;; returns either true-fn or false-fn
(lambda () (+ x 1))
(lambda () x))
...but why code in lambda calculus?
Evaluating code conditionally is really a fundamental operation of computing. Trying to find a minimal special forms where you cannot express that directly leads to a poorer programming language from the perspective of the programmer, however "clean" the core language is.
From a certain point of view, the if form (or cond) is necessary because without them it becomes really hard to express conditional execution in a way that a compiler/interpreter can handle efficiently.
This document referenced by uselpa discuss using closures to implement if, and concludes:
However, the syntactic inconvenience would be so great that even
Scheme defines if as a special form.

Simple LISP code won't catch input errors

I am writing a very simple lisp code for the recursive factorial function. When called using a number, it works fine. However, when I try to call it using something that is not a number (ex. a) I get the following error:
Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `A'.
[condition type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
However, this is supposed to be caught in my code. Here is my code:
(defun FactorialRec (num)
((not(numberp num))
(princ "Argument must be a number.")
((equal num 1) ;base case
((<= 1 num) (* num(FactorialRec (- num 1))))
I do not know why the numberp is not catching this. Any ideas? Thanks.
Don't mix parameter type checking into your main logic. Use the check-type macro on entry into the function, or as early in the function as is convenient:
(defun factorial (num)
(check-type num (and integer (satisfies plusp)))
(if (= num 1)
(* (factorial (1- num)) num)))
The form (and integer (satisfies plusp)) is a type expression. Lisp types can be joined with operators like and, and the satisfies type operator can be used to create a type out of any predicate function. So we can specify a type whose domain values are objects which are integers, and which are positive. check-type will happily validate our variable to see whether it belongs to this type.
Also I used the built-in 1- function which subtracts one from its argument instead of (- num 1). This 1- is a symbol, not special syntax.
The error is occurring before your function is ever being called. When you type a function call expression in the Lisp interpreter, it first evaluates all the arguments and the calls the function. If you use a variable that isn't bound, the argument evaluation fails.
Break 2 [6]> (FactorialRec "A")
Argument must be a number.
It works on my machine. So I think you were passing A but not "A"?

Scheme: Procedures that return another inner procedure

This is from the SICP book that I am sure many of you are familiar with. This is an early example in the book, but I feel an extremely important concept that I am just not able to get my head around yet. Here it is:
(define (cons x y)
(define (dispatch m)
(cond ((= m 0) x)
((= m 1) y)
(else (error "Argument not 0 or 1 - CONS" m))))
(define (car z) (z 0))
(define (cdr z) (z 1))
So here I understand that car and cdr are being defined within the scope of cons, and I get that they map some argument z to 1 and 0 respectively (argument z being some cons). But say I call (cons 3 4)...how are the arguments 3 and 4 evaluated, when we immediately go into this inner-procedure dispatch which takes some argument m that we have not specified yet? And, maybe more importantly, what is the point of returning 'dispatch? I don't really get that part at all. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This is one of the weirder (and possibly one of the more wonderful) examples of exploiting first-class functions in Scheme. Something similar is also in the Little Schemer, which is where I first saw it, and I remember scratching my head for days over it. Let me see if I can explain it in a way that makes sense, but I apologize if it's not clear.
I assume you understand the primitives cons, car, and cdr as they are implemented in Scheme already, but just to remind you: cons constructs a pair, car selects the first component of the pair and returns it, and cdr selects the second component and returns it. Here's a simple example of using these functions:
> (cons 1 2)
(1 . 2)
> (car (cons 1 2))
> (cdr (cons 1 2))
The version of cons, car, and cdr that you've pasted should behave exactly the same way. I'll try to show you how.
First of all, car and cdr are not defined within the scope of cons. In your snippet of code, all three (cons, car, and cdr) are defined at the top-level. The function dispatch is the only one that is defined inside cons.
The function cons takes two arguments and returns a function of one argument. What's important about this is that those two arguments are visible to the inner function dispatch, which is what is being returned. I'll get to that in a moment.
As I said in my reminder, cons constructs a pair. This version of cons should do the same thing, but instead it's returning a function! That's ok, we don't really care how the pair is implemented or laid out in memory, so long as we can get at the first and second components.
So with this new function-based pair, we need to be able to call car and pass the pair as an argument, and get the first component. In the definition of car, this argument is called z. If you were to execute the same REPL session I had above with these new cons ,car, and cdr functions, the argument z in car will be bound to the function-based pair, which is what cons returns, which is dispatch. It's confusing, but just think it through carefully and you'll see.
Based on the implementation of car, it appears to be that it take a function of one argument, and applies it to the number 0. So it's applying dispatch to 0, and as you can see from the definition of dispatch, that's what we want. The cond inside there compares m with 0 and 1 and returns either x or y. In this case, it returns x, which is the first argument to cons, in other words the first component of the pair! So car selects the first component, just as the normal primitive does in Scheme.
If you follow this same logic for cdr, you'll see that it behaves almost the same way, but returns the second argument to cons, y, which is the second component of the pair.
There are a couple of things that might help you understand this better. One is to go back to the description of the substitution model of evaluation in Chapter 1. If you carefully and meticulously follow that substitution model for some very simple example of using these functions, you'll see that they work.
Another way, which is less tedious, is to try playing with the dispatch function directly at the REPL. Below, the variable p is defined to refer to the dispatch function returned by cons.
> (define p (cons 1 2))
#<function> ;; what the REPL prints here will be implementation specific
> (p 0)
> (p 1)
The code in the question shows how to redefine the primitive procedure cons that creates a cons-cell (a pair of two elements: the car and the cdr), using only closures and message-dispatching.
The dispatch procedure acts as a selector for the arguments passed to cons: x and y. If the message 0 is received, then the first argument of cons is returned (the car of the cell). Likewise, if 1 is received, then the second argument of cons is returned (the cdr of the cell). Both arguments are stored inside the closure defined implicitly for the dispatch procedure, a closure that captures x and y and is returned as the product of invoking this procedural implementation of cons.
The next redefinitions of car and cdr build on this: car is implemented as a procedure that passes 0 to a closure as returned in the above definition, and cdr is implemented as a procedure that passes 1 to the closure, in each case ultimately returning the original value that was passed as x and y respectively.
The really nice part of this example is that it shows that the cons-cell, the most basic unit of data in a Lisp system can be defined as a procedure, therefore blurring the distinction between data and procedure.
This is the "closure/object isomorphism", basically.
The outer function (cons) is a class constructor. It returns an object, which is a function of one argument, where the argument is equivalent to the name of a method. In this case, the methods are getters, so they evaluate to values. You could just as easily have stored more procedures in the object returned by the constructor.
In this case, numbers where chosen as method names and sugary procedures defined outside the object itself. You could have used symbols:
(define (cons x y)
(lambda (method)
(cond ((eq? method 'car) x)
((eq? method 'cdr) y)
(else (error "unknown method")))))
In which case what you have more closely resembles OO:
# (define p (cons 1 2))
# (p 'car)
# (p 'cdr)
