I'm trying to set up custom 404 errors on IIS which needs to go to an ASPX page (404.aspx). If I browse the site and go to a nonexistant .aspx page (eg /not-here.aspx, the custom 404 page is used as expected. However if I go to an extensionless URL like /not-here then I just get IIS's own default 404 page served by the static content handler, rather than 404.aspx though ASP.NET
IIS (8.5) is set to "Execute a URL on this site" which is set to /404.aspx
How can I make IIS use the 404.aspx for all 404 errors? This works on our ancient IIS6 server but I can't get it to work on IIS 8.5
In the Error Pages feature, click on Edit Feature Settings. Make sure you have Custom error pages selected as the Error Responses.
On our websites as someone visits a non-existing page, we dinamically create a 404 error page that returns a status code 404.
It works perfectly on localhost, but on the server the same page returns the standard 404 IIS (7.0) error
(IISError) instead of the custom one CustomError.
We can't edit the web.config file because we don't have a physical page to redirect to.
Is it possible that there is a IIS configuration that prevents our custom error page from showing?
There is a configuration setting in IIS. Click your application in IIS, and find Error pages settings.
For the error code, you could specify location of your custom page.
How can I force IIS and ASP.NET WebForms to go to our custom error page for an undefined routing?
I've reviewed the question asp-net-not-displaying-a-custom-404-page-as-configured.
We are using IIS 7.5
Web Forms
If we have a request for http://www.oursite.com/searches, and we don't have "searches" defined in our routing map. We're getting a blank page back from the request with a 404 Status. We have:
Default 404 page at the server level
Default 404 page at the website level
Default error page defined in the web.config file
In our code, if throw an HTTPException of 404 we end up on our custom 404 page. If we request an ASPX page that doesn't exist we get our custom error page. If I add a default "catchall" routing for our site at the end of the routes, our cart process stops working.
When you search like - http://www.oursite.com/searches and it returns a blank page back from the request with a 404 Status. Its an http protocol error returning from IIS/Web Server. Your web config settings for custom error page will work only for .net framework exception. Configure your IIS to go to your custom error page that returns a 404 error.
I have custom errors turned on and when I go to
www.mywebsite.com/video/default.aspx it shows error which corresponds to 404 and this is fine
but when I go to www.mywebsite.com/video/ it shows a generic iis 404 error.
My other pages that have files work fine like
www.mywebsite.com/photo/ would redirect to www.mywebsite.com/photo/default.aspx because files exists and default is setup in IIS.
Please help. Thanks!
The 404 handler specified in the web.config only works for files handled by the ASP.NET runtime. This is why it is working for www.mywebsite.com/video/default.aspx and not www.mywebsite.com/video/, the generic error your observing is the one configured by default in IIS. You will need to go into IIS Manager and set 404's to be redirected to your PageNotFound.aspx.
Here's some more infomtion on configuring custom error messages in IIS 6.0.
So here's the issue. We run Sitecore, which does URL rewriting, and allows for something like example.com/Folder/Page.aspx to be a proper URL.
Now, "Folder" doesn't actually exist on the file system, and neither does "Page.aspx". But those URL's work, because ASP.NET does what it's supposed to.
Okay, so now say I try to go to a web page that doesn't exist like example.com/idontexist.html. This doesn't exist in on the file system, and doesn't use ASP.NET to resolve the file, so then we get a IIS7 404 Error.
Now, I want to change the 404 Error Page to a Custom Error Page, by using a URL. Say, the URL is example.com/ErrorPage.aspx. This page is actually, not a physical page, but an item in Sitecore.
In the Custom Error configuration in IIS Manager, I am trying to change the 404 Error to point to a "URL Redirect" and I'm using "/ErrorPage.aspx" as the URL redirect. When I try to then go to a URL that doesn't exist, IIS7 blows up with an error saying that it can't find /ErrorPage.aspx.
In IIS6, this isn't an issue, and everything works fine. But on IIS7, I redirect to a URL that isn't physically on the server.
to make a very long story short, here's the thing:
1) configure IIS so that 404 errors go to "default.aspx"
2) create a page that actually handles what you want to handle.
Reference links, SDN originals:
I am using Sitecore as a CMS solution. Recently, we decided to add redirect capability to our website for errors. In Sitecore, I have created two content pages, one to handle Server errors and another to handle 404 errors. I implemented the server error with basic sublayouts without any code behind. On the other hand, the 404 page had a sublayout that allows to display the link that was typed that resulted to the 404 error. I then proceeded to add these pages into the web.config file (I edited the customErrors setting to redirect to the Server errors page and the 404 errors to redirect to the 404 error page. I also replaced the NoItems settings to point to my 404 error page.
In addition, I changed the HTTP Error 404 to point to my new 404 error page in IIS (5.1). Lo and behold, my changes worked; I was able to redirect many of the errors to these new pages. However, what I found out is that by forcing IIS to redirect to my aspx page for 404 errors, My website now features extensionless URL redirecting. (Previosly if I typed http://mywebsite/foo, I will get a 404 error. Now after doing all of this, it gets me to the foo.aspx page)
Can anyone explain this behavior? Any plausible explanation will let me sleep at night.
Should I go ahead and use this as a temporary solution for Extensionless URL redirecting? What could be wrong with this solution?
Look for this in the web.config in the linkManager section:
Is that set to true? If so, then this is a sitecore setting you would have to change.