Using ViewState variables -

I want to use viewstate variable's value which is saved in one page on another page. But while doing so it shows NullReferenceException. I am new to Please Help me out.
in register.aspx
in success.aspx
dim a as string

Use Session["name"] = textbox1.text...
If I am not mistaken, you don't have direct control or should have direct control over viewstate.

ViewState is the technique to persist state across postbacks and is lost when you load another page. therefore you will need to use another way to send the data to the next page. Read up more here on MSDN
The common choices for sending data across pages include:
By setting up the previous page property
Session variables

ViewState is restricted to a page, so it cannot be used on another page. The reason is that ViewState is serialized in the page output in a hidden field that is transferred to the client and back to the server upon a postback.
If you want to transfer data to another pages you have several other alternatives:
As #AnastacioGianareas also pointed out, Session memory is one of them. It is located on the server, but sessions will expire after a certain time of user inactivity. Being located on the server, it reduces application scalability if you have many users and lots of memory allocated in the session.
Hand over the data as a query string parameter to the other page, e.g. redirecting to "Success.aspx?name=". This will work for smaller amounts of data that you can put into the query string (e.g. ids or names). It is important that a client can also request Success.aspx with that query string parameter, so it should be reserved for uncritical data and be validated carefully.
Use a cookie to transfer it to the client and back again.
This link gives a good overview of the alternatives.

From MSDN:
View state is the method that the ASP.NET page framework uses by
default to preserve page and control values between round trips. When
the HTML for the page is rendered, the current state of the page and
values that need to be retained during postback are serialized into
base64-encoded strings and output in the view state hidden field or
Options to persist data between pages are varied and depend upon your requirements, this page on MSDN describes each of these options and the considerations you should make.
For your requirement either QueryStrings, SessionState seem like the best solution.
As a side note, always validate your 'State' variables (regardless of which method you chose) to ensure that they aren't null and are of the expected type. i.e. all these values will be stored as Strings, if you are going to use a variable as another type (an int, double etc) you should make sure this is valid. Also, should you go down the querystring route, take into account any security considerations as users may / will modify these values.


ASP.NET Cross Page Posting via HttpRequest || Page.PreviousPage?

I've been developing classic ASP pages at the job for the past five years and now we are moving to ASP.NET. I'm trying to understand how to get form field values from one page to another and it seems like there is more than one way to do it. In classic ASPI just called request.form collection and got the information. Which way is recommended in .net? Cross Page, Transfer, or HttpRequest?
It actually depends because I don't always use any particular method. Sometime it is easy to expose as property or sometimes just server.tranfer is fine or sometimes as querystring.
If data is sensitive and/or to many itmes I use Session where you can store an class object of custom type as well and not just basic data type.
And in certain cases I store stuff in DB and just pass an id to the record to next page via querystring or session and retrieve everything I want from DB.
Here is reference to different types available.

Why are hidden fields used?

I have always seen a lot of hidden fields used in web applications. I have worked with code which is written to use a lot of hidden fields and the data values from the visible fields sent back and forth to them. Though I fail to understand why the hidden fields are used. I can almost always think of ways to resolve the same problem without the use of hidden fields. How do hidden fields help in design?
Can anyone tell me what exactly is the advantage that hidden fields provide? Why are hidden fields used?
Hidden fields is just the easiest way, that is why they are used quite a bit.
storing data in a session server-side (with sessionid cookie)
storing data in a transaction server-side (with transaction id as the single hidden field)
using URL path instead of hidden field query parameters where applicable
Main concerns:
the value of the hidden field cannot be trusted to not be tampered with from page to page (as opposed to server-side storage)
big data needs to be posted every time, could be a problem, and is not possible for some data (for example uploaded images)
Main advantages:
no sticky sessions that spill between pages and multiple browser windows
no server-side cleanup necessary (for expired data)
accessible to client-side scripts
Suppose you want to edit an object. Now it's helpful to put the ID into a hidden field. Of course, you must never rely on that value (i.e. make sure the user has appropriate rights upon insert/update).
Still, this is a very convenient solution. Showing the ID in a visible field (e.g. read-only text box) is possible, but irritating to the user.
Storing the ID in a session / cookie is prohibitive, because it disallows multiple opened edit windows at the same time and imposes lifetime restrictions (session timeout leads to a broken edit operation, very annoying).
Using the URL is possible, but breaks design rules, i.e. use POST when modifying data. Also, since it is visible to the user it creates uglier URLs.
Most typical use I see/use is for IDs and other things that really don't need to be on the page for any other reason than its needed at some point to be sent back to the server.
-edit, should've included more detail-
say for instance you have some object you want to update -- the UI sends back a collection of values and the server at that point may or may not know "hey this is a customer object" so you fire off a request to the server and say "hey, give me ID 7" and now you have your customer object as the system knows it. The updates are applied, validated, whatever and now your UI gets the completed result.
I guess a good excuse/argument is using linq. Try to update an object in linq without getting it from the DB first. It has no real idea that it's something it can keep track of until you get the full object.
heres one reason, convenient way of passing data between client code (javascript) and server side.
There are many useful scenarios.
One is to "store" some data on a page which should not be entered by a user. For example, store the user ID when generate a page, then this value will be auto-submitted with the form back to the server.
One other scenario is security. Add some hidden token to the page and check its existence on the server. This will help identify whether a form was submitted via the browser or by some bot which just posted to some url on your site.
It keeps things out of the URL (as in the querystring) so it keeps that clean. It also keeps things out of Session that may not necessarily need to be in there.
Other than that, I can't think of too many other benefits.
They are generally used to store state as an interaction progresses. Cookies could be used instead, but some people disable them. Could also use a single hidden field to point at server-side state, but then there are session-stickiness issues.
If you are using hidden field in the form, you are increasing the burden of form by including a new control.
If there is no need to take hidden field, you should't take it because it is not suitable on the bases of security point. using hidden field does not come under the good programming. Because it also affect the performance of application.

Storing IDs between pages for up to a day?

I need to store IDs (Contact IDs, Claim IDs, etc.) between multiple .aspx pages.
At the moment I am storing the ID in the Session and have set the Session timeout to 300 minutes. However, I am still getting errors because users are attempting to perform operations after the Session has expired.
I think users are leaving their web broswers open, locking their computers, going home for the evening, coming in the next morning and attempting to pick up where they left off.
I don't want to use the Querystring. Cookies are more for User IDs than Contact IDs and Claim IDs. Viewstate is only maintained per page. Persisting Session to a database seems unnecessarily complicated. I don't want to extend the Session timeout too much.
I'd ideally like them to be able to pick up where they left off in the morning.
What are the best practices for dealing with storing IDs between pages? How can I do this without them receiving a message saying their session has expired? Am I overlooking something obvious?!
I would put all this information into a database. This is classic use of a database, a means to store information needed for the application.
Cookies are bad because you have to assume they will be at the same PC from session to session. You have seem the problem with sessions.
If you do not want to use a database then you can use a file on the server. And read from that file.
You might actually find it much easier than complicated to create a sort of "landing pad" database where a user's item history is stored, or MRU list. I wouldn't tie it to their immediate session or cookie though. Let the session maintain the user state, let the database handle where they were when they went home or took that 7 hour lunch break.
As #David said this is a classic use of databases.
If you are in need of doing this without using databases, you can fall back on some of the "tricks" (read hacks) that are used in non-dynamic languages:
Create a hidden field which exists on every page, name the field appropriately for the data you are storing.
When you render the page create an XML fragment containing your ids and other data, encrypt it for display purposes (using base64 etc), place the value into the hidden field you created.
When the page is posted back, reverse #2 and recover your data, then apply the page changes.
Rinse and repeat. :)
Really this is not a very scalable solution, as the XML and base64 encoding will add 50% or more to your data size, and if there is significant data (100's of KB) this process can get out of control.
The last time I was asked to use this solution it was for moving a list of well defined data around with an application that did not always have access to the DB. It worked ok for the purposes, but was definitely not ideal.
You could go ahead and store the IDs in viewstate on the page, then on each page that requires that ID have a settable property for that page. Before redirecting to the page instantiate it and set the ID property.
You're correct, storing this type of data in session isn't really what it's meant for. Viewstate is a better mechanism for this.

How can I store a GridView cell value to a session variable?

How would I store the value of a GridView's selected rows to a session variable?
From the codebehind file you will want to use something like this to access the underlying data item (MyDataItem) from the selected row.
MyDataItem item = (MyDataItem)GridView1.Rows[GridView1.SelectedIndex].DataItem;
Session["myItem"] = item;
Remember though, the gridview is already storing this data for you, so you may just want to access it from the GridView directly whenever you need it.
On a side note: can I stronly advise you NOT to use the session state.
Unless you are using it as a store where data is cached for the current user, which you can retrieve back at any time from e.g. a database.
If not, the "session" will come back and bite you. At some point there will be a user that leaves the browser open for longer time than your session lives (e.g. they get a telephone call, go out to lunch in a hurry, rush of to a meeting...). And when they return, they wish to complete what they are doing. And if you cannot restore all of your session data back at that point, you will either have to redirect your user to start over again (very annoying for your users), or you will have lost some information (very embarrasing), or the worst case, and most common case: your application will no longer work and crash (just plain: very bad).
It is a better approach to define small serializable objects that store your state (query parameters, selected items, etc) and use ASP.NET Viewstate to store that state across page requests. Note that most ASP.NET controls already use the viewstate to store their data. Then disable the Viewstate of your grids in the page, to vastly reduce the amount of data in your viewstate, and request the data upon each request (here it is safe to use the session or ASP.NET cache to improve performance of your application). You will have a much more robust and much more scalable application.
It is more work, but it will pay back very fast, and many times over.
ViewState only scope within one page. It's useful for postback problem, but not for cross-page problems. Session can handle both, but it has some limitations of security, lifetime, transmittion time... Depend on particular sittuation you can pick your right choice.

storing state across postback

What is the best way to store string data across postback. I need to store an ID and name for multiple entities. I was thinking of using a datatable in viewstate, but would that make viewstate grow too large? I can't use a database yet because I'll be inserting a record that those other records need to be related to. So I'll just be storing them temporarily until the user submits the form.
You actually have a lot of options - the one you choose will entirely depend on the requirements of your own application.
ViewState - you can add the data to the page's viewstate. The advantages of this is that the data will live only for the lifetime of the user being on the page and posting it back to the server. Another advantage of it over hidden fields is that it is harder for users to hack into it and alter your values (I believe, in fact, that you can encrypt your viewstate). The disadvantage, of course, lies in page sizes - everything you add to the view state is one more thing that gets dropped on a user's page and then gets posted back to the server. This makes it non-optimal for storing large amounts of data.
Cookies - You can toss the information back to the user in the form of cookies. In this case, you can declare how long the information will last - for the scope of the user having their browser open, or for a specific calendar time. The information will be available to any page of your application each time the user hits that page. The bad news is that you are limited in the amount of information you can store, and that users can very readily alter their own cookies.
Session - You're storing the user's information on your own server's memory (I'll leave aside the discussion of various types of session storage). In this case the information will live as long as your user's session lives, and will be available to all pages of your application. There is no risk of user's modifying those values directly, though session hijacking is a risk you may want to explore. The disadvantage, though, is that you are using precious server resources in this case - if your application has a large load, it may affect your scalability in the future.
As I said - what you choose to do will entirely depend on the needs and requirements of your application.
several ways (though not an exhaustive list):
ViewStatehidden fieldssessionquery stringcookies
ViewState is fine. If you are storing it across postbacks, a client-side solution is best. So, you'd be adding size somewhere--either in ViewState or hidden fields.
If you want to do this server-side, you can use the Session, but remember to clean it up when you can.
you could just store them to a cookie, this would allow you to access them from Javascript too. Alternatively you could store a simple string array to the view state. A lot depends on what and how much information you wish to store.
When I have this scenario I create a structure for my fields that I stuff into Viewstate. I'm okay with having a small structure added into the page size and lifecycle considering the entire page's controls set is there already :)
Furthermore it cleans up after itself after you're done with the page, so there's no worrying about filling your Session with crap.
I concur with the accepted answer but I would also add that if you only want to keep track of a simple key/value collection you would be better putting a generic Dictionary into either ViewState or Session:
Dictionary<int, string> myValues = new Dictionary<int, string>();
myValues.Add(1, "Apple");
maValues.Add(2, "Pear");
