I am new to the Grunt Task Runer. I'm trying to do some file matching in one of my configurations. With this file matching, I need ignore all of my test files, except for one. The one test file that I need to keep is named 'basic.test.js' In an attempt to do this, I currently have the following configuration:
files: [
At this time, I am still getting ALL of my tests. This means that my tests in the other test files are still being seen. I'm trying to confirm if I'm doing my globbing pattern correctly. Does my globbing pattern look correct for my scenario?
Thank you!
If you only want one test then there is no need to match and then unmatch all the others. Just include the one test:
files: [
I would like to use wildcards in Snakemake in a very simple way to start a script for two datasets. Unfortunately, I cannot find the proper way of doing it.
My data folder contains three files: gene_list.txt, expression_JGI.txt, expression_UBC.txt.
Here is what my snakefile looks like:
rule extract:
"bash scripts/extract.sh {input.genes} {input.expression} {output}"
When I use snakemake -c1 extract I get the following error message:
Building DAG of jobs...
Target rules may not contain wildcards. Please specify concrete files or a rule without wildcards at the command line, or have a rule without wildcards at the very top of your workflow (e.g. the typical "rule all" which just collects all results you want to generate in the end).
I tried adding a rule all at the beginning of the snakefile with the desired result files as input without success:
rule all:
I also tried with expand:
rule all:
expand("data/expression_{dataset}_subset.txt", dataset=DATASETS)
But I get the same error message.
The script works fine when I use it outside Snakemake.
How can I achieve what I want?
When you do snakemake -c1 extract you ask snakemake to execute only rule extract and its dependencies, if any. However, because extract contains wildcards snakemake doesn't know what to replace them with. (Note that rule all is not a dependency of extract).
So either execute snakemake -c1 to run the whole pipeline or specify the concrete files you want to generate, e.g.:
snakemake -c1 -- data/expression_JGI_subset.txt data/expression_UBC_subset.txt
I have tried a number of suggestions from Stackoverflow on how to do this, but I can't get them to work. The following excludes the first two files, but does not exclude the nginx files.
cwd: 'server',
src ['**/*','!app.js','!config/local.env.js','!config/local.env.sample.js','!routes.js','!.ebextensions/02Nginx.sub.yml','!.ebextensions/02Nginx.config'],
dest: '/',
expand: true
I have tried other combinations:
I have added 'dot:true'. Nothing prevents that file from going to the server.
Any suggestions?
Second file selection below the first was overriding my selection. Simple enough.
I apologize for being a complete grunt newbie. I have node.js installed, i have grunt installed, and I am able to run "grunt less" on a gruntfile.js with a less target. It "runs", but it doesn't do anything.
My .less files live in a source respository: C:\Workspace\dev, in directories like:
My gruntfile.js file lives in C:\Tools\Grunt (at least as I am learning), so I need to run the "grunt less" command from C:\Tools\Grunt.
Some questions:
1. How can I run grunt from "anywhere" rather than where the gruntfile.js lives? I'm trying to integrate compiling less files as part of the build.
How do I specify the "home directory" for the .less files so I don't have to specify full paths to source and dest? In my case, home directory would be C:\Workspace\dev\Webs\RP\Content, and my less files: would be something like:
"rp1/less/rp1.css": "rp1/less/rp1.less" (there are several that need to be compiled).
Thanks in advance.
module.exports = function(grunt){
less: {
options: {
paths: ["/c/Workspace/dev/Webs/RP/Content"]
files: {
"rp1/less/rp1.css": "rp1/less/rp1.less",
"rp1/less/ie9.css": "rp1/less/ie9.less",
"rp2/less/rp2.css": "rp2/less/rp2.less",
"rp3/less/rp3.css": "rp3/less/rp3.less",
"rp4/less/rp4.css": "rp4/less/rp4.less",
"rp4/less/ie9.css": "rp4/less/ie9.less",
"rp5/less/rp5.css": "rp5/less/rp5.less",
"rp5/less/ie9.css": "rp5/less/ie9.less"
grunt.registerTask('default', ['less']);
You should read up on how to use the files object in Grunt. Basically, you want a wildcard pattern, rather than having to specify each file individually. I think something like this might work:
files: [
expand: true,
src: ['**/*.less'],
Haven't tested though. You might need a 'dest' property also (either empty or just './') if it's not smart enough to figure it out on its own.
Also consider using gulp instead of grunt if you're just starting your project, I find the way it separates out the 'src' and 'dest' config rather than combining them into a 'files' object much more natural. Also I've worked with less and sass and have found the latter to be vastly superior (mostly because of the mixin libraries available, but it's also a more capable language in its own right), and it's pretty easy to move across from one to the other.
I want to run grunt-contrib-concat over a directory and match everything in it except for one subdirectory, however, within that subdirectory I want to match one file. So it looks like this:
// Include everything
// Include only one file in this specific directory
Is there an easy way to do this?
That's easy as:
The pattern with leading ! is the excluding pattern.
Remember that you should always include .extension to the matching pattern, when using "Files Array" mapping, because pattern **/* matches directories too.
To avoid this, you can use dynamic mapping:
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'topDir/',
src: ['**/*', '!**/subdir/**/*', '**/subdir/onlyIncludeThisFromThisDirectory.whatever'],
dest: 'dest/',
filter: 'isFile'
See documentation for more info.
How could I specify output file name based on input file name?
I'm specifically trying to use grunt task (grunt-closure-tools or grunt-closure-compiler) to compile (minify) multiple javascript files, let's say all satisfying '/source/**/*.js' and want to output them in format $(original_file_path_without_extension).min.js
In all samples I've seen, the output is specified as single file only but I need to minify each file separately and into the same folder where the original file comes from.
Finally, I figured out the configuration. The trick is in building the files object dynamically (as described here). My configuration for grunt-closure-tools looks like this:
closureCompiler: {
options: {
// .. YOUR OPTIONS (ommited)
minify: {
files: [
expand: true,
src: ['source/**/*.js', '!source/**/*.min.js'],
ext: '.min.js'
Closure-compiler is designed to simultaneously compile all of your javascript into a single file to minimize requests. There are really only two use cases where separate output files are supported:
Multiple modules
In order to preserve renaming references, you'll have to compile your files simultaneously. The way to do that and maintain separate files is with modules. See How do I split my javascript into modules using Google's Closure Compiler?
Non-related Files
If your files don't have inter-dependencies, then you would simply run your grunt task multiple times - one for each file.