Datatable Controls in dialog header/footer - jquery-ui-dialog

I have a DataTable with 3 controls; General Search, Pagination, and Info (i.e. 'Showing 1 to 10 of 88 Entries' ). I want to place these controls in the header/footer of a jQuery Dialog window.
DataTables provides an options called sDOM, which lets one specify where to put DataTable's controls. But, I want to put the controls in the header and footer of a modal, which can not be done with sDOM.
The General Search control can be created with fnFilter, which is easy enough.
I think Pagination, and Info will require writing a custom pagination plugin, which I would like to avoid.
This is my current progress on jsFiddle.
modal: true,
"height": 570,
"width": 1170,
autoOpen: false,
auto: true,
dialogClass: "myDialog",
create: function () {
$(".myDialog").append('<div id="dialogFooter" class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix"><div class="dataTables_info" id="DataTables_Table_X_info"></div></div>');
var dataTableJS = $('#dataTable').dataTable({
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sDom": 'it<\"F\"p>"',

You are doing it backwards :)
Create the dataTable
Create the modal
Move the autogenerated controls from the dataTable to the footer (or whatever)
forked fiddle ->
I Have in the example placed the footer on top and included jQuery UI css (and you have BTW forgotten to close the modal markup </div>)
var dataTableJS = $('#dataTable').dataTable({
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
//"sDom": 'it<\"F\"p>"',
modal: true,
"height": 570,
"width": 770,
autoOpen: false,
auto: true,
dialogClass: "myDialog",
create: function () {


ExtJs 3.4 appears in the wrong location

I have a panel which have 2 items, a start button and a save button.
the start button is at the bottom left corner
the save button is at the bottom right corner
the save button is hidden, when shown using show() the save button appears on top of the start button. If all these hide and show calls are removed the buttons rendered in the correct location, both of them.
Anyone know why this maybe ?
It is a straight up panel with items: [startbutton, spacer, savebutton]
Oh god I really hate this one framework..
You're probably confused about the layout management in ExtJS (which is actually quite nice once you understand how it works). Also you want to make sure that you perform a doLayout after you've toggled an element's visibility to make sure that everything gets placed properly.
Look at this jsfiddle:
var pnl = new Ext.Panel({
renderTo: 'ctn-panel',
width: 300,
cls: 'my-pnl',
bodyBorder: false,
border: false,
layout: 'hbox',
layoutConfig: {
padding: 5
items: [
startBtn = new Ext.Button({
text: 'start',
width: 100,
hidden: true
}), {
xtype: 'spacer',
flex: 1,
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'save',
width: 100
new Ext.Button({
renderTo: 'button-container',
text: 'Show/hide',
handler: function(){;

How do I add a button to the bottom bar in extjs?

I try to add a text filed and a button to the grid panel in extjs with following code:
var shopIdInput = new Ext.form.TextField({
emptyText: "请输入商户Id",
width: 200
var deleteOneShopCacheBtn = new Ext.Button({
text : '删除商户缓存',
handler: deleteOneShopCache,
minWidth : 100,
cls: "delBtn"
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: store,
columns: columns,
bbar: [shopIdInput, deleteOneShopCacheBtn],
buttons: [clearRedressWordCacheBtn, clearSplitWordCacheBtn, clearRegionCacheBtn, clearCategoryCacheBtn, runCommandBtn],
items: [commandForm],
buttonAlign: 'center',
stripeRows: true,
autoExpandColumn: 'serverUrl',
//title: '批量执行指令',
sm: checkboxSelect,
frame: true,
autoHeight: true,
enableColumnHide: false,
renderTo : 'serverInfoList'
But the button deleteOneShopCacheBtn in bbar doesn't look like a common button as button clearRedressWordCacheBtn in buttons. It changes to a button when the mouse is on it. I have tried to fix the problem by set the property cls and fail, so what can I do?
I usually just add an icon to the button which helps it stand out. so just set a value for
iconCls: 'mybuttonicon'
and in your css
.mybuttonicon { background-image: url(../path/to/icon) !important;}
the cls config allows you to specify additional classes to which to apply to your renderable object (in your case a button) but does NOT do anything with making it change based on the mouse hovering over it, etc.
What you need is a listener on deleteOneShopCacheBtn and listen to the mouseover event(also see Sencha docs for the list of events a button responds to). You can fire off a function and make your button look like whatever you want. I am currently at work. If you still have this question when I get home tonight I can post some code.
Also see following example:
Button click event Ext JS

Sencha Touch Update Contents of a tabPanel with Buttons

I've been trying to learn Sencha Touch and I'm stuck on something that is probably pretty obvious. I'm trying to update a tabPanel with a button event. I'd like for a tap on the first button to load 'maptestPanel' in the same panel. This is a map loaded from its own js file.
The map panel looks ok by itself:
maptestPanel = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'fit',
fullscreen: true,
items: [map]
But I'm not seeing how to properly place it in the tabPanel
The code is:
icon: 'icon.png',
tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png',
phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png',
glossOnIcon: false,
onReady: function() {
var navBar = new Ext.Toolbar({
dock : 'top',
title: 'Some App Name',
var topPanel = new Ext.Panel({
dockedItems: [navBar],
fullscreen : true,
//html: 'Test Panel'
var tapHandler = function(button, event) {
btnPanel.update(maptestPanel); //I'm sure part of the problem is here
var SomeDate1 = new Ext.Button({
text:"Some date",
height: 45,
var SomeDate2 = new Ext.Button({
text:"Another Date",
height: 45,
var SomeDate3 = new Ext.Button({
text:"And Another Date",
height: 45,
var btnPanel = new Ext.Panel ({
id: 'date',
items: [SomeDate1,SomeDate2,SomeDate3],
var tabpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
layout: 'card',
tabBar: {
dock: 'bottom',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
fullscreen: true,
ui: 'dark',
cardSwitchAnimation: {
type: 'slide',
cover: true
defaults: {
scroll: 'vertical'
items: [{
title: 'Maps',
//html: '<h1>Place holder</h1>',
iconCls: 'maps',
cls: 'card1',
items: [btnPanel]
}, {
title: 'Favs',
html: '<h1>Place holder</h1>',
iconCls: 'favorites',
cls: 'card2',
badgeText: '4',
layout: 'fit'
//items: [SomeList, SomeOtherList, AnotherList]
}, {
title: 'Info',
html: '<h1>Place holder</h1>',
cls: 'card4',
iconCls: 'info'
Thanks for any advice or a steer in the right direction.
There's several things you need to do to fix up that code:
1) 'Maps' has no layout. Since it has a single child item, layout: 'fit' would be appropriate here.
2) Only use fullscreen on the outermost item, you don't want the other items to be fullscreen since they are child items of other containers.
3) To dynamically add items to a container, use the add() method on container. You'll also need to call doLayout() to trigger a layout for the container.
However, in this case I don't see why you're adding the map to a panel, it doesn't give you any extra functionality. Instead, I would add the map directly to the btnPanel.
4) The btnPanel has no layout either, so you'll need to choose an appropriate layout there as well, possibly the vbox layout.
I only know "classic" sencha, but this should work the same way : So you could just add the mapPanel (but hidden) to your tabPanel, and in the button handler show it while hiding the button panel.
Besides, speaking of layouts, I don't think you need to precise layout:'card' in tabPanel since it uses a card layout by definition

UI Dialog window - How to not display dialog until content is loaded?

I've been experimenting with using a UI Dialog window to display an existing form (page with the form and no layout). I'm not sure if I'm doing this the right way but it seems to work fine minus a couple of pieces of bad behavior. This is the behavior right now:
The dialog window with no conent opens (very small/empty)
About a half second later the content loads and the window expands insantly (looks bad visually)
Even though the window width expands when the content is loaded, the title bar does not adjust to the new width and remains very small width wise. Although if resizeable is set to 'true' the title will expand. It's just not responding with a width adjustment when the content from the hidden div is loaded.
How could I go about not displaying the dialog until the content is finished loading into the dialog, and how could I force the dialog title to width adjust right after the content is finished loading?
<A HREF="javascript:newItem('foo')">CREATE NEW FOO ITEM<A>
<script type="text/javascript">
newItem= function(type) {
'/items/new', {item_type: type}).dialog({
draggable: true,
resizable: false,
title: 'Some title',
position: [150, 150]
You're going to want to call the dialog after the content is loading.
You can do this by using $.load's callback method.
<script type="text/javascript">
newItem = function(type) {
{item_type: type},
function (data) {
modal : true,
draggable : true,
resizable : false,
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto',
title : 'Some title',
position : [100, 100]
You may also want to include a hide/show toggle so the #form_load container isn't displayed until the content is loaded.
See jQuery's $.load docs here:
UPDATE: Added .hide() so content isn't shown until dialog is created.

button on modal dialog not working

I've put an button on a modal dialog box that will appear once a certain option is clicked.
I want to call a .net subroutine once the button is clicked as normal but because I'm guessing it's in modal in won't foolw through to the subroutine or the click has no affect.
Is there a way around this?
var dlg = jQuery("#dialog2").dialog({
bgiframe: true,
autoOpen: false,
height: 410,
width: 800,
modal: true,
show: 'Transfer',
hide: 'Transfer',
draggable: true,
resizable: true
The button is a standard which doesn't click add go through the appropriate code behind the button.
<div style="width: 743px">
<asp:Button ID="btnNoteSave" runat="server" Text="Save" class="button_class" />
If it's a standard ASP.NET Button, it will still work, so long as your event handlers are setup correctly, however it may not behave as desired, i.e. Model popup will not persist.
May I suggest some AJAX and ASMX/WCF/JayRock?
I got this working by changing it all to:
bgiframe: false,
autoOpen: false,
height: 410,
width: 800,
modal: true,
draggable: true,
resizable: true
It does allow me to just use the method behind the
