Edit model with virtual field - asp.net

I have a Shop model which contains several fields. One of which is a virtual User one. Whenever I try to edit one entry I get an error saying that User field is required.
public class Shop
public virtual ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
My workaround is this:
shop.User = shop.User; //re-set the value
shop.Active = true;
db.Entry(restaurant).State = EntityState.Modified;
And I have to do this for all the fields. Is this the standard approach for this or is there a better way?

Change your model to this:
public class Shop
public int UserId {get; set; }
public virtual ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
Entity Framework will automatically detect that UserId is the foreign key for object User. You had this problem because User is virtual (lazy loaded). When changing the model without accessing or setting this property EF thinks it's empty (I assume). The foreign key UserId is not virtual, and will be fetched together with the other properties of model Shop, so you don't have to re-set the value when saving the model.
To set a new user, you now have to do for example:
myShop.UserId = 1; // instead of setting myShop.User
For more information, see this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj713564.aspx


Using Backlink feature of realm-dotnet in Xamarin.Forms App

My current employer is developing a mobile app using Xamarin.Forms and Asp.net mvc on the backend. I suggested to use realm in the mobile app. My manager want to see a POC(Proof of concept) app using realm with backlink feature before allowing it to be used in the app. I am working on the POC on GitHub . The documentation is very limiting and the GitHub repo of realm-dotnet don’t have good sample.
I completed the project. But unable to implement backlink. The sample app I have developed allow user to create assignees(employees) in the first page. The user can delete or edit the employees using context menu. When the user clicks on the employee name the app navigates to the ToDoListPage of that particular employee. Here the user can create ToDoItems. On this ToDoList page I want to show the ToDoItems that where assigned to that employee only.
The models were as follows:
public class Assignee : RealmObject
public Assignee()
ToDoItems = Enumerable.Empty<ToDoItem>().AsQueryable();
public string Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Role { get; set; }
public IQueryable<ToDoItem> ToDoItems { get; }
public class ToDoItem : RealmObject
public string Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public bool Done { get; set; }
public Assignee Employee { get; set; }
I am adding employee to each ToDo Item:
Item.Employee = Employee;
Now I want to access the ToDoItems for the Employee:
Items = _realm.All<Assignee>().Where(x => x.Id == EmployeeId).FirstOrDefault().ToDoItems;
But this does not work. I will be grateful if someone can help me out by preferably writing code in my sample app or write the correct code in the reply.
Thank you
Firstly, Realm .NET doesn't currently support traversing properties (x.Employee.Id). Due to this, when I start the app and try to go to the ToDoListPage, the app crashes with the exception:
The left-hand side of the Equal operator must be a direct access to a persisted property in Realm
Realm supports object comparison, so we can fix this like so:
var employee = _realm.Find<Assignee>(EmployeeId);
Items = _realm.All<ToDoItem>().Where(x => x.Employee == employee);
Secondly, everything seemed fine in your code, so I dug a bit deeper and saw why it isn't working. The issue is that when we try to get all items with the code above, the EmployeeId parameter is null. Since the EmployeeId is being populated after the load logic has been triggered, we don't need to load the data in the ctor. So you can remove this code.
Finally, since you won't be loading the data in the ctor, and instead in the SetValues method, the UI needs to know, when the data has been updated, what exactly to redraw. Thus, you need to mark the collection to be Reactive too:
public IEnumerable<ToDoItem> Items { get; set; }
Then, you need to change the SetValues method to use object comparison, instead of traversing:
async Task SetValues()
Employee = _realm.Find<Assignee>(EmployeeId);
Title = Employee.Name;
Items = _realm.All<ToDoItem>().Where(x => x.Employee == Employee);
To sum up - you don't need to try and load the data in the ctor, since you don't know when the EmployeeId will be set. You are already tracking when the property will change and inside the SetValues command you simply need to change the expression predicate.

asp.net ef code first duplicate elements with foreign key

I have the following code :
public Exam CreateExam(string name, List<Question> questions, DateTime timeNow)
User user = GetUserByName(name);
Exam exam = new Exam()
Questions = questions,
StartDate = timeNow,
User = user
return exam;
Exam :
public class Exam
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public User User { get; set; }
public virtual List<Question> Questions { get; set; }
And user has the basic user infos.
My problem is that when I create an exam for the user, the save change also add a new user to the database, with only the ID being different. How do I prevent that and make it understand that I want to link it to the existing user ?
Thank you !
Edit: GetUserByName() :
Context.Database.SqlQuery<User>("Select * from Users where name = #name", new SqlParameter("name", name)).FirstOrDefault();
When you use SqlQuery to fetch user, he will not be tracked by Entity Framework, because you can write arbitrary query and map result to User class. So EF consider, that he is new one, when you reference to him. To fix this problem, you should manually attach his to context:
User user = GetUserByName(name);
Based Slava Utesinov answer Entity Framework's change tracker does not track entity changes when get from raw query such as:
Context.Database.SqlQuery<User>("Select * from Users where name = #name", new SqlParameter("name", name)).FirstOrDefault();
Therefore when you call SaveChanges() method, Entity Framework change tracker detect user entity state as Added (new entity)
1.you can use DbSet.SqlQuery instead of Database.SqlQuery because DbSet.SqlQuery will tracked by the context:
Context.Users.SqlQuery("Select * from Users where name = #name", new SqlParameter("name", name)).FirstOrDefault();
2.you can attach entity to current context dbset as unchanged state

ApplicationUser has a list of ApplicationUser

I have built a new Web Application that uses the template Visual Studio provides and included MVC and Web API. The default authorization mechanism is Identity and the database interaction is done using Entity Framework with Code-first method of creating the database.
I have three requirements:
A user can have a list of Children objects
I do not want to use a "relationship" object
All users already exist on the AspNetUsers table, because they all need to be able to login, so I do not want another table to maintain user data
In theory, multiple parents could have reference to multiple children, but for this example, we will just consider it a one-to-many relationship.
In my application, I need to have an ApplicationUser have a list of ChildUsers as a collection of ApplicationUser such as shown below.
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
public string ShirtSize { get; set; }
public ICollection<ApplicationUser> Children { get; set; }
I want these users to be accessible as shown above (a collection of ApplicationUser), not a collection of Relationship object that ties them together such as:
public class Relationship
public String ParentId { get;set; }
public String ChildId { get;set; }
Can a new table be created and exist on the database without having a code-first model for it to know how to create a relationship table?
What are available solutions to this problem?
After some research, and experimentation, I have found bits and pieces of guidance to arrive at a solution that works.
In order for an intermediate table to be created to maintain the relationship, the ApplicationDbContext OnModelCreating function needs to know what it should look like. I have told it to create a new table that is not bound to an object by using the modelBuilder shown in the code below. Unfortunately, I do not have the links to the articles that guided me to this.
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base( "DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false )
public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
return new ApplicationDbContext();
protected override void OnModelCreating( DbModelBuilder modelBuilder )
base.OnModelCreating( modelBuilder );
.HasMany( p => p.ChildUsers )
.Map( m =>
m.MapLeftKey( "Father_Id" );
m.MapRightKey( "Son_Id" );
m.ToTable( "father_son_relation" );
} );
Additionally, when you need to add Children to the parent ApplicationUser, you will need to do some tweaking as you are about to insert so that it updates the database correctly. I definitely want the UserManager to do the creation of the user for me, but that means that when I go to add the user to my list of Children with the code below, it tries to add it again and throws an exception because it already exists.
var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync( user, model.Password );
var myUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var users = AppDbContext.Users.Where( u => u.Id == myUserId ).Include( u => u.ChildUsers );
var u2 = users.First();
u2.ChildUsers.Add( user );
await AppDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
After finding this question, I researched the EntityStates and found that adding the following line before calling SaveChanges resolved the exception and it no longer attempts to add it again.
AppDbContext.Entry( user ).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
TADA!!! Now to select them from the database using EF, you can then use the following code:
AppDbContext.Users.Where( u => u.Id == myUserId ).Include( u => u.Children ).First();
Since I am only getting one level of Children this will work ok, after that you risk circular references.
Comments and ideas to improve the code are welcome.

How do I populate my model from a database entry?

I have set up a large form with lots of entries. It populates my model and then saves to the database. I also need to be able to pull this information out of the database, put it into the model, and populate a bunch of fields with it for review. How do I do this?
Using ASP.NET MVC 4 Razor.
var db = new TechProjPlansContext();
TechProjPlan model = new TechProjPlan();
I can set up my data context and model, but where do I go from here to populate the model with a data entry chosen by ID?
You can search by givenId and if found return result type of TechProjPlan otherwise null
var resultFound = db.TechProjPlans.Where(e=>e.Id = givenId).FirstOrDefault();
I strongly recommend following this tutorial step by step. From the tutorial to answer your question:
Write a Model class like:
public class Movie
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
public string Genre { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
Add a DbSet to your Context class: (TechProjPlansContext in your project)
public class MovieDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }
Make sure you can connect to the database server, check your connectionStrings in your Web.config file.
As you wanted to filter only one Entity by using ID, you need a Controller class:
public ActionResult Details(int id = 0) // here id is set to 0 if it's null
Movie movie = db.Movies.Find(id);
if (movie == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(movie);
As you see, you'll be returning View(movie), that means you return Details page with the Entity (a movie) you got from the database. And have a View, that renders to actual HTML code the client will see. At the top of it, add the line:
#model MvcMovie.Models.Movie // (something TechProjPlans.Models.Movie in your project)
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Title)
This will create a simple text showing the movie's title.
It's not logical to go deeper within an answer, so rest is up to you with that tutorial. Just keep in mind that the code above is only one example and you can use endless variations within each level for your situation.
You can right click on the directory Controllers, select Add New and select your Model class and Context class at the page. That will produce a Controller and Views (index, edit, delete, details, insert) tied to it which will be a good way to start your MVC study.

Why entity framework does not delete record when setting navigation property to null

I am new with EF Code First and have some troubles with it.
Here my Model
public class User
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Address Address { get; set; }
public class Address
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string Nr { get; set; }
What I want is, if I write the following code:
user.Address = null;
the related Address (record in database) should be deleted, but it is not! It removes only the foreign key in Users table. Also when I assign a new Address:
user.Address = new Address() { ... };
it is created a second record in database, why?
I want:
if assign null to user.Address the database record should be deleted
if assign a new Address object to user.Address it should replace the existing records data with the new one
How can I solve this?
If you need to delete an entity you need to mark it as deleted. Setting a navigation property to null will not delete the related entity. Note that there may be many navigation properties (different entities) pointing to the related entity and they all would be affected in the scenario you are describing.
Because you create a new Address a new entity is created. Then you set your navigation property to a newly created property this breaks the old relationship and creates a new one. Since the entity you created is not in the database it will be added. You also did not delete the old entity so it was not deleted from the database. If you just want to change property values of an entity just set properties to new values and invoke SaveChanges. This should update data in the database.
