bootstrap offcanvas example is buggy - css

I am trying to make a similar offcanvas element in one of my projects. I found few examples, but since I am using bootstrap 3 I went on with this one: I replicate it in my project, but instead of the toggle button on mobile I use Hammer.js like this:
Hammer("body").on("hold", function() {
The tricky part is that whenever my content inside the visible div, is shorter than the div containing the list of links (on the right) the page is scrolling. Once I add more content to the visible div, I do not get any scrolling and everything works as it should. I made a simple example here , but it can only be tested on mobile, if you really want to see the scrolling (just HOLD not click anywhere in the body). The working example is here:
I tried to set overflow-x: hidden on the visible div, but that doesn't help.
Again, how can I remove scrolling on mobile even when the content on the left is shorter than the one on the right side?
It is very frustrating. Please help :)
UPDATE: I am testing it on default Android browser on 4.3 and 4.1.2. I need to use the default browser as my Android app uses a webview.


Bootstrap Responsiveness when keyboard is open in AngularJS

I am currently working on an AngularJS project for a tablet with the basic navigation through all the different pages. The project consists of all the basic features like Side Navigation Menu, a Header, the links of different pages, and a Footer.
The project is also created responsively using Bootstrap. I am not facing any responsiveness issue in all the elements created in the project except one.
When keyboard opens, the responsiveness gets disturbed.
Basically, the header div position gets distorted, the footer shifts above and gets placed right above the keyboard opened, and the side-navigation width also gets disturbed.
I tried the following things -
Used position: fixed, position: relative but nothing changed.
Looked into many different SO question links but got no fruitful result.
I have one option (hack) left that is stated in this SO answer given by Roberrrt but that's a long process and I'm short on time and doubt if it will be a positive hack.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Update :-
Giving an idea of how the structure of my project is -
This is the main page where a search box that is in-built in DataTables is used. The Header, Footer and Side-Navigation Burger Menu Button are as described here.
When clicked on the Burger menu, the side-nav opens in full-width as shown below -
Now on clicking the search box the following screen shows with all the elements distorted and responsiveness screwed -
For reference purpose, The theme that I'm working on is Inspinia

iOS safari update element while scrolling

I want to get the similar behavior for my header in HTML page as in ios google chrome's header: when user start to scroll to the top (from any place of the page) of the page header appears as if it was sitting just above. And when user is scrolling to the bottom - the header just keeps it's position and slides up.
I added a 'touchmove' event to capture scroll coordinates, and can log it in some div just to check if it is working and seems like it's working fine, except for header's position is not updating while scrolling. Once scroll has stopped header's position updated as expected.
So my question: is it possible to update an element while user is scrolling?
I would prefer to not change to scrolling the content of the element (instead of scrolling the page itself).
Seems like no workaround, from page:
Triggers when a scroll begins. Note that iOS devices freeze DOM
manipulation during scroll, queuing them to apply when the scroll
finishes. We're currently investigating ways to allow DOM
manipulations to apply before a scroll starts.
Do you by any chance have some code we can look at?
Although, if you're using jQuery, check out this plugin:
It provides the functionality you are looking for.

Scrolling does not work when responsive bootstrap navbar is extended to full size

I just started with ROR and I'm following the One Month Rails tutorial. This includes the Bootstrap responsive navbar. I now added some pins to my pinterest clone. I noticed that the scrolling does not work when the navbar is in full size. when i make the browserwindow smaller so the navigation gets into the small navigation symbol i can scroll the page. You can probably see best on my heroku link:
It would be great to get a hint on how to solve this.
Thanks a lot
Looks like you've nested the container class inside the navbar, which will always cause this behavior.
If you're using ERB it means you didn't close a div where you should have, if you're using haml or slim it's most likely an indentation oops. If you use chrome, safari or firefox you can see this clearly, just inspect the element and collapse the navbar, if all other content is contained within that, you still haven't fixed it.
If you still have questions post your layout and your index.

Fix a css/jquery animate issue on Chrome

Here is the web site:
Set "Montreal" in the search textbox and hit Enter. The map should go there and show results (after you zoom in one notch I think). A panel will slide from the left for the list of results. This panel has a white arrow attached so that it's possible to collapse/expand it. Here is what happens:
On IE/Firefox: the panel slides well.
On Chrome: the first time the panel extends, it works well. Then any
new manipulation shows the issue. The content of the panel and the
tabs will change position only after the jquery.animate("left") is
I let you have a look at the css structure under firebug or other dev bar, but basically it seems that chrome doesn't like the various "position:relative" css rules inside the panel. The problem is that I don't control them. They are set by the mCustomScrollbar jquery plugin. To check that this is the actual reason, just zoom out a little until a small window appears notifying that you should zoom in again. This empties the content of the pane and collapses it. See how it closes nicely this time, since there is no content anymore in the pane.
The question is: how should I modify the css (the part I control) so that it works well in Chrome and continues to work well in other browsers?
Let me know if something is unclear, I will update this question.Thanks for your help.
There was no answer here, so I decided to fix it myself by adopting css3 transitions on chrome only. This is now far better but you will notice that the tabs are a bit lagging when the panel slides. This does not happen in non webkit browsers.

Google Chrome Toolbar breaking website layout

I have an issue with Google Chrome: 19.0.1084.52 m when I have the Ask Toolbar installed
it breaks the website layout.
See print screen:
Is it usual behaviour that toolbars in Chrome would effect the website?
EDIT: I guess I should wrap everything inside a <div> and move the background-image from the <body> although is there a better option without adding this extra markup?
Website link
A Javascript snippet can disable ask toolbar in chrome. I hope this function spreads quickly!!
function removeAsk(){
if(document.getElementById("apn-null-toolbar") != null){
// mainMenu had a style change for its top positioning, returning it to normal
// perhaps a function can be made which iterates over every element ask has changed
document.getElementById("mainMenu") = "-16px";
// Just remove the iframe and style elements
Call this method after body onload
<body onload="removeAsk()">
There is no Chrome extensions API for creating a toolbar so mentioned extension must have created it via content script. What it means is that for each page you open, CSS and JavaScript files are injected by this extension to create a DOM element within the page acting as a toolbar. Problem with this solution is that using the content script it is possible to mess up website look or even the way it works.
I ran into this exact same issue with the Ask Toolbar. I basically took out my positioning attributes and top/left/right/bottom 's and replaced with margins. Margin uses less space and it comes out cleaner.
Although i do agree, it's kind of ridiculous to accommodate for a toolbar because the end-user could have anything installed that breaks and gives your layout bugs. Even Skype extensions will break a layout just changing the phone number.
So there's not much you can do, but use margins and keep CSS to a minimum. Just my 2 cents. and if you have to use CSS then stick with margins.
