I have an app, and I'd like to add a share button to it. Once the button is clicked, I'd like it to open the following window:
Then the user will choose where to share it and it will display the following default message:
"Just found this great app! Find it here:http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/amtrak/c8824bb8-3a85-48f7-af54-954bd5673cc6"
Can you please tell me how to do it?
Maybe you want Task as in Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace. And which Task to choose is depending on what kind of information you want to share :
Media file. how to use ShareMediaTask
Link/URL. how to use ShareLinkTask
Status. how to use ShareStatusTask
I make a Xamarin.Forms App and making permissions for location,camera etc. I made custom text permission dialog in IOS for location like this:
<string>Test Message.</string>
but i can't find how to make it in Android. Any suggestion?
The short answer is, you can't.
As per Android's documentation:
Note: Your app cannot customize the dialog that appears when you call launch(). To provide more information or context to the user, change your app's UI so that it's easier for users to understand why a feature in your app needs a particular permission. For example, you might change the text in the button that enables the feature.
What you can do, and they advise the developers to do, is to adjust your UI or display a pop-up describing why you'll require the specified permission.
I finished the functionalities of my app. Now when user first time login i need to make introduction guide on every page, with a short text Myabe some alert. Also on the dialog need chechbox , if he check the guide wont show again. I dont know where to start and how to organize this. Any example, practise to start. On all the dialogs will be static text.
You can refer any sample which guides you to create Tutorial Screen.
You can use built in Carousel View to have that as well.
Here I'm sharing one of that: How to add tutorial screen in Xamarin.Forms
To add it on every single page, you can use custom Popup, which can be created using Rg.Plugins.Popup
How to delete node from cordite dashboard ? Delete alert shows but when i clicked on delete button nothing happened. Also i have tried through swagger. Currently m using virtual machine.
there is an old UI bug that doesn't capture the event when clicking directly on the icon.
To work around the issue, you can click just to the top-right of the icon. Here is a video of explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NczNdVxEZyM
We hope to have greater priortisation to fix this issue and to provide a more reactive and smooth experience.
Btw, you can also always code directly to the swagger api on /swagger.
In one of my projects i need to open my webpage(.aspx or .asp) in a popup dialogue box from a windows application.
i tried window.open(), but certainly its not giving me the desired output.
can anyone help me??
You're not giving us a lot of information (e.g., C#?, vb.net?, any contextual code relevant to the issue), but as sort of an all-purpose solution to this, you may want to consider using javascript to open the window. You can even run it from server-side by registering the script. I'd provide you with code, but I don't know what language you are using.
I want to add a new button on the top web debug toolbar. I would be using that button to create a copy of that particular page and save it with another name.
I have been searching but couldnt find a solution. It seems that its possible but i haven't had any success yet.
I don't really know what you want to do with that "button" and why you need it, but it is written in the doku, how the create a custom datacollector