How can I view/set build option in file properties -

I feel like asking a dumb question, but I just do not see the options I need in Visual Studio 2010 File Properties. The only options I see are: File Name, and Full Path. What I need to set is: Build Action, and Copy To Output Directory.
Question update:
I just found out that File Properties shows the Advanced options for files in class libraries, but not for files from the actual web site. But how do I set the mentioned options to the resource file App_GlobalResources/Contact.resx , which by default does not appear in the published version of the web project?

From ASP.NET Precompilation Overview
Resources (.resx) files:
For .resx files in the App_GlobalResources folders, generates an
assembly or assemblies and a culture structure. For .resx files in the
App_LocalResources folders, copies files as is to the
App_LocalResources folder of the output location.
Assemblies are put in the Bin folder


Adding new files with resource(.resx) file in ASP.NET

I am working on the old application where many pages have resource file. Each file structure is(.aspx file, .aspx.vb file, and aspx.resx file).
Now I have added the new file by following MSDN resource.
In that file I can see the .aspx file, .aspx.vb file and the aspx.designer.vb file but I can't find the .aspx.resx file.
Can someone please help to create the resource file as existing files?
The resx files are located inside the App_LocalResources folder for page specific resource files or in the App_GlobalResources folder for globally accessible resource files.
If that folder does not exist you can add it to the project by right clicking on the project name and select Add > Add ASP.NET Folder.

mvc which files are needed for deployment?

I've been working with webforms and recently started to work with mvc. With webforms, when we use to push to the qa/prod server, we alway copied over the files. leaving behind the .cs files, so just the .aspx, bin folder, along with associated js/css files would go.
with mvc, if we are copying the directory over from our pc (where we develop), what files are needed, do we need the .cshtml files for example? I just want to avoid having to push all the files if they are not needed.
They are definitely not all required. What you are going to want to do is setup a way to publish, this ranges from doing a "bin deploy" to feeding in ftp settings and using a "single click deploy" approach.
What it all boils down to though is this. You will need
A bin folder with every relevant .dll
A content folder with relevant images and css files
A script folder with relevant .js scripts
A views folder with nested folders for views with relevant .cshtml files
A .webconfig file in the views folder and also one at the very root
The packages.xml file at the very root
The global.asax file with markup pointing to the application starting in global.asax.cs
What this excludes is every single .cs file. These will all be composed into your projects .dll. So if you are developing FunWebApp, then all your c# will be rolled into FunWebApp.dll in your bin folder.
Use the Visual studio "Publish" option available on your UI Project. This will generates all the required files you neeeds includes, bin folder, Views folder(which will have the .cshtml files),Content folder,Script folder, Config file(web.config) etc.
Right click on your project and select "Publish". You will be shown a wizard where you can define what kind of publish you want. You have different options like FTP, File system etc.
You will not see the Controllers folder / Other class files because code inside that folder is compiled to your assembly which is in the Bin folder

What is a .pubxml.user file?

I'm deciding whether to add a file to version control. It's name ends with .pubxml.user. Can anyone tell me what it is? The fill name of the file is <name of our web server>.pubxml.user. It is evidently related to the publishing configuration.
The project is in ASP.NET MVC and C#, using Visual Studio 2013. the file is in the PublishProfiles folder.
Because this is a user-specific file, it should be excluded from version control. From, emphasis mine.
When you create a publish profile, two files are created in the PublishProfiles folder: .pubxml and .pubxml.user. The .pubxml.user file contains only a few settings that apply to a specific user, such as an encrypted password. By default it is not included in source control. Typically when you change settings related to a profile you edit the .pubxml file rather than the .pubxml.user file.

Using Resx files without App_GlobalResources folder

We use RESX files to manage translatable text labels published from a Content Management System.
In the past we would simply publish the labels to the folder App_GlobalResources folder, and use the following code to retrieve a label from the application:
System.Web.HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("labels", "key_name")
However, we've recently worked on an implementation that has a PrecompiledApp.Config file.
I understand this means we can't have a App_GlobalResources folder.
Is there anyway we can continue to use resx files in this scenario?

Shared config file among multiple web projects

I have multiple web projects each with its own web.config file.
These web projects have some common settings which I want to add in a separate config file say CommonSettings.Config
I tried adding a config file (as a linked item) as suggested in this post -
How to share configuration files between projects
But because I already have web.config file in my projects,
run-time is looking only into web.config file and not in CommonSettings.config
Is there any possibility to add CommonSettings.Config as a shared file among all projects?
Thank you!
P.S. I don't want to add these settings in machine.config file.
