How to view singularities in model fitted in caret train in R - r

I've got a database that is 161 x 151 and I applied the following on my dataset:-
> ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 10, savePred = T)
> model <- train(RT..seconds.~., data = cadets, method = "lm", trControl = ctrl)
For which I get in return
Coefficients: (82 not defined because of singularities)
I know this means that a lot of my variables are co-linear, and are therefore not independent variables. So I want to be able to look at the coefficient matrix of my data, so I did:-
cor(cadets, use="complete.obs", method ="kendall")
but the results as you can imagine was to big to fit it all into my R screen. Is there a way of viewing the model matrix so I can see which variables are co-linear with one another, and furthermore what can I do from here onwards to better improve the model if my variables are co-linear? How do I over come that?

Its described in the preprocess section of the caret manual (about half way down page):
so for you cadets data it's something like (not tested):
cadetsCor <- cor(cadets)
highlyCorCadets <- findCorrelation(cadetsCor, cutoff = 0.75)
cadets <- cadets[, -highlyCorCadets]
The other alternative is dimension reduction.. e.g PCA but then your model maybe gain in predictive power but lose interpretability.


R feature selection with LASSO

I have a small data set (37 observations x 23 features) and want to perform feature selection with LASSO regression in order to its reduce dimensionality. To achieve this, I designed the below code based on online tutorials
#Load the libraries
#Initialize cross validation and train LASSO
cv_5 <- trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
lasso <- train( ColumnY ~., data=My_Data_Frame, method='lasso', trControl=cv_5)
#Filter out the variables whose coefficients have squeezed to 0
drop <-predict.enet(lasso$finalModel, type='coefficients', s=lasso$bestTune$fraction, mode='fraction')$coefficients
My_Data_Frame<- My_Data_Frame%>%select(-drop)
In most cases the code runs without errors but it occasionally throws the following:
Warning messages:
1: model fit failed for Fold2: fraction=0.9 Error in if (zmin < gamhat) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
2: In nominalTrainWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
I sense this happens because my data has few rows and some variables have low variance.
Is there a way I can bypass or fix this issue (e.g. setting a parameter in the flow)?
You have a low number of observations, so there's a good chance in some training set, that some of your columns will be all zero, or very low variance. For example:
df = data.frame(ColumnY = rnorm(37),matrix(rbinom(37*23,1,p=0.15),ncol=23))
cv_5 <- trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
lasso <- train( ColumnY ~., data=df, method='lasso', trControl=cv_5)
Warning messages:
1: model fit failed for Fold4: fraction=0.9 Error in elasticnet::enet(as.matrix(x), y, lambda = 0, ...) :
Some of the columns of x have zero variance
Before running below, check that for categorical columns, all of them don't have only 1 positive label..
One way is to increase the cv fold, if you set 5, you are using 80% of the data. Try 10 to use 90% of the data:
cv_10 <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
lasso <- train( ColumnY ~., data=df, method='lasso', trControl=cv_10)
And as you might have seen.. since the dataset is so small, cross-validation might not offer you that much advantage, you can also do leave one out cross-validation:
tr <- trainControl(method="LOOCV")
lasso <- train( ColumnY ~., data=df, method='lasso', trControl=tr)
You can use the FSinR package to perform feature selection. It is in R and accessible from CRAN. It has a wide variety of filter and wrapper methods that you can combine with search methods. The interface to generate the wrapper evaluator follows the caret interface. For example:
# Load the library
# Choose one of the search methods
searcher <- searchAlgorithm('sequentialForwardSelection')
# Choose one of the filter/wrapper evaluators (You can remove the fitting and resampling params if you want to make it simpler)(These are the parameters of the train and trainControl of caret)
resamplingParams <- list(method = "cv", number = 5)
fittingParams <- list(preProc = c("center", "scale"), metric="Accuracy", tuneGrid = expand.grid(k = c(1:20)))
evaluator <- wrapperEvaluator('knn', resamplingParams, fittingParams)
# You make the feature selection (returns the best features)
results <- featureSelection(My_Data_Frame, 'ColumnY', searcher, evaluator)

Pooled Regression Results using mice, caret, and glmnet

Not sure if this more of a statistics question but the closest similar problem I could find is here, although I couldn't get it to work for my case.
I am trying to develop a pooled, penalized logistic regression model. I used mice to create a mids object and then fit a model to each dataset using caret repeated cross-validation with elastic net regression (glmnet) to tune parameters. The fitted object is not of class "mira" but I think I fixed that by changing the object class with the right list items. The major issue is that glmnet does not have an associated vcov method, which is required by pool().
I would like to use penalized regression based on the amount of variables and uncertainty over which ones are the best predictors. My data consists of 4x numeric variables and 9x categorical variables of varying levels and I anticipate including interactions.
Does anyone know how I might be able to create my own vcov method or otherwise address this issue? I am not sure if this is possible.
Example data and code are enclosed, noting that I am not able to share the actual data.
dat <-,3,1,1,2,2,3,5,2,4,5,1,4,3,1,1,2,2,3,5,2,4,5,1),
imp <- mice(dat,m=5, seed=192)
control = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
verboseIter = FALSE)
mod <- list(analyses=vector("list", imp$m))
for(i in 1:imp$m){
mod$analyses[[i]] <- train(sex ~ .,
data = complete(imp, i),
method = "glmnet",
trControl = control,
tuneLength = 10,
obj <- as.mira(mod)
obj <- list(call=mod$analyses[[1]]$call, call1=imp$call, nmis=imp$nmis, analyses=mod$analyses)
oldClass(obj) <- "mira"
Error in pool(obj) : Object has no vcov() method.

R caret / Confusion matrix

I'd like to display the confusion matrix after a train() of the caret library, but I have some doubts. The "train()" should be on a train set ?(I'm not sure because of the "control" parameter). The "predict()" on the test set ? It seems weird to predict on the whole data set...
# df_corpus = Document Term Matrix + 1 column of Cos.code(class which are 203.2.2, 204.3.2 ...)
dataset <- df_corpus
control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 3)
seed <- 7
metric <- "Accuracy"
preProcess=c("center", "scale")
# Linear Discriminant Analysis
fit.lda <- train(Cos.code~., data=dataset, method="lda", metric=metric,preProc=c("center", "scale"), trControl=control)
ldaClasses <- predict(fit.lda)
cm <- confusionMatrix(data = ldaClasses, dataset$Cos.code)
F1_score(cm$table, "lda")
Thank you for your help
You can get the confusion matrix like this:
You can calculate the confusion matrix in the same manner for your testing set, just switch the datasets.
But I believe your model should contain already the information that you want
Examine the information given when printing these two objects.

Differences when tuning neural network with two output variables using caret and neuralnet packages

I'm using caret package and 'neuralnet' model so as to find the best tuning parameters for a neural network based on a data set which contains several predictors transformed by PCA. This data set also contains two output numeric variables, so I want to model these two variables against the predictors. Thus, I'm performing regression.
When using the package 'neuralnet', I get the desired output: a network whose output layer consists of two neurons, corresponding to the two output variables that I want to model, as you can see from the following code.
library(neuralnet) <- neuralnet(x + y ~ PC1 + PC2, train.pca.groundTruth, hidden=2, rep=5, algorithm = "rprop+", linear.output=T)
> head(compute(, test.pca[,c(1,2)])$net.result)
[,1] [,2]
187 0.5890781796 0.3481661367
72 0.7182396668 0.4330461404
107 0.5854193907 0.3446555435
228 0.6114171607 0.3648684296
262 0.6727465772 0.4035759540
135 0.5559830113 0.3288717153
However, when using the same model with train function from caret package, the output consists of just one single variable, named '.outcome', which is in fact the sum of the two variables. This is the code:
paramGrid <- expand.grid(.layer1 = c(2), .layer2 = 0, .layer3 = 0)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 5)
caret.neuralnet <- train(x + y ~ PC1 + PC2, data = train.pca.groundTruth, method = "neuralnet", metric = "RMSE", tuneGrid = paramGrid, trControl = ctrl, algorithm = "rprop+", linear.output = T)
> head(predict(caret.neuralnet, test.pca[,c(1,2)]))
[1] 0.9221328635 1.1953289038 1.0333353272 0.9561434406 1.0409961115 0.8834807926
Is there any possibility to prevent caret train function from interpreting the symbol '+' in a formula as summation but as the specification of several output variables, just as neuralnet does? I've tried the x-y form, though it doesn't work.
I would like to know whether there is any form to do that without training separate models for each output variable.
Thank you so much!
train doesn't support multiple outcomes so the intended symbolic formula x + y resolves to a literal one adding x and y.

Plot learning curves with caret package and R

I would like to study the optimal tradeoff between bias/variance for model tuning. I'm using caret for R which allows me to plot the performance metric (AUC, accuracy...) against the hyperparameters of the model (mtry, lambda, etc.) and automatically chooses the max. This typically returns a good model, but if I want to dig further and choose a different bias/variance tradeoff I need a learning curve, not a performance curve.
For the sake of simplicity, let's say my model is a random forest, which has just one hyperparameter 'mtry'
I would like to plot the learning curves of both training and test sets. Something like this:
(red curve is the test set)
On the y axis I put an error metric (number of misclassified examples or something like that); on the x axis 'mtry' or alternatively the training set size.
Has caret the functionality to iteratively train models based of training set folds different in size? If I have to code by hand, how can I do that?
If I want to put the hyperparameter on the x axis, I need all the models trained by caret::train, not just the final model (the one with maximum performance got after CV). Are these "discarded" model still available after train?
Caret will iteratively test lots of cv models for you if you set the
trainControl() function and the parameters (e.g. mtry) using a tuneGrid().
Both of these are then passed as control options to the train()
function. The specifics of the tuneGrid parameters (e.g. mtry, ntree) will be different for each
model type.
Yes the final trainFit model will contain the error rate (however you specified it) for all folds of your CV.
So you could specify e.g. a 10-fold CV times a grid with 10 values of mtry -which would be 100 iterations. You might want to go get a cup of tea or possibly lunch.
If this sounds complicated ... there is a very good example here - caret being one of the best documented packages about.
Here's my code on how I approached this issue of plotting a learning curve in R while using the Caret package to train your model. I use the Motor Trend Car Road Tests in R for illustrative purposes. To begin, I randomize and split the mtcars dataset into training and test sets. 21 records for training and 13 records for the test set. The response feature is mpg in this example.
# set seed for reproducibility
# randomize mtcars
mtcars <- mtcars[sample(nrow(mtcars)),]
# split iris data into training and test sets
mtcarsIndex <- createDataPartition(mtcars$mpg, p = .625, list = F)
mtcarsTrain <- mtcars[mtcarsIndex,]
mtcarsTest <- mtcars[-mtcarsIndex,]
# create empty data frame
learnCurve <- data.frame(m = integer(21),
trainRMSE = integer(21),
cvRMSE = integer(21))
# test data response feature
testY <- mtcarsTest$mpg
# Run algorithms using 10-fold cross validation with 3 repeats
trainControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3)
metric <- "RMSE"
# loop over training examples
for (i in 3:21) {
learnCurve$m[i] <- i
# train learning algorithm with size i
fit.lm <- train(mpg~., data=mtcarsTrain[1:i,], method="lm", metric=metric,
preProc=c("center", "scale"), trControl=trainControl)
learnCurve$trainRMSE[i] <- fit.lm$results$RMSE
# use trained parameters to predict on test data
prediction <- predict(fit.lm, newdata = mtcarsTest[,-1])
rmse <- postResample(prediction, testY)
learnCurve$cvRMSE[i] <- rmse[1]
pdf("LinearRegressionLearningCurve.pdf", width = 7, height = 7, pointsize=12)
# plot learning curves of training set size vs. error measure
# for training set and test set
plot(log(learnCurve$trainRMSE),type = "o",col = "red", xlab = "Training set size",
ylab = "Error (RMSE)", main = "Linear Model Learning Curve")
lines(log(learnCurve$cvRMSE), type = "o", col = "blue")
legend('topright', c("Train error", "Test error"), lty = c(1,1), lwd = c(2.5, 2.5),
col = c("red", "blue"))
The output plot is as shown below:
At some point, probably after this question was asked, the caret package added the learning_curve_dat function which helps assess model performance across a range of training set sizes.
Here is the example from the function documentation:
class_dat <- twoClassSim(1000)
lda_data <- learning_curve_dat(dat = class_dat,
outcome = "Class",
test_prop = 1/4,
## `train` arguments:
method = "lda",
metric = "ROC",
trControl = trainControl(classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary))
ggplot(lda_data, aes(x = Training_Size, y = ROC, color = Data)) +
geom_smooth(method = loess, span = .8)
The performance metric(s) are found for each Training_Size and saved in lda_data along with the Data variable ("Resampling", "Training", and optionally "Testing").
Here is a link to the function documentation:
To be clear, this answers the first part of the question but not the second part.
NOTE Before at least August 2020 there was a typo in the caret package code and documentation. The function call was learing_curve_dat before it was corrected to learning_curve_dat. I've updated my answer to reflect this change. Make sure you are using a recent version of the caret package.
