SignalR Chat App in WinForm With Remote Clients - signalr

i am new in signalR , i have tried and learn from different web sites like github and etc etc
But i couldn't find the solution for my problem.... and now i am getting confused...
My problem is:
I have developed a Chat app in Winform with Web Services and Centralized Database and it is working fine in different countries as in different branches of one organization.
But i want to convert that Chat App into SignalR to achieve more efficiency but i couldn't understand , how to do it in SignalR. because All tutorials of SignalR on Web in one Solution.
like Web , Console or WinRT communicated with each other but they are in one solution but in my scenerio i cannot put the service or Web Page in WinForm application.
Please please help me out in this manner.

What you need to do is use the SignalR for .NET clients. Bring that into your project using NuGet assuming you are using Visual Studio.
You will need to import the following generally:
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Hubs;
Assuming you are following most of the tutorials on the web you can need the following to connect:
public IHubProxy Proxy { get; set; }
public HubConnection Connection { get; set; }
Also you will need to set the connection like so:
public string Host = "";
Connection = new HubConnection(Host);
//Assuming your SignalR hub is also called ChatHub (If you followed most tutorials it will be)
Proxy = Connection.CreateHubProxy("ChatHub");
This part will need to be in an async function:
//If you are passing an object back and fourth otherwise String is fine
Proxy.On<ChatMessage>("Send", hello => OnSendData("Recieved send " + hello.Username + " " + hello.Content));
await Connection.Start();
More material fro the link below, this guy has it running on Console app, WPF app, and web clients so you can see the difference.
Standard tutorial on how to make the web server.


Client application login using httprequest

I am a bit new to ASP.NET and web development, and I am still confused about the following :
On the one hand I have a very complete ASP.NET MVC website based on NopCommerce that includes login, registration, e-commerce features, forums, etc.
On the other hand, I have a Windows Forms client application that needs to read and write data from and to my website database.
The first thing I would need to do is to allow users to login in the client application by sending a request to the server. I've been looking around the web for days and I can't manage to find a precise and secure way to do so.
I'm pretty much sure that I have to use System.Net.Http to make a request from the client. Will this request then got to be handled by a MVC controller action ? Maybe an already existing one ?
Here is the method I have so far, based on a tutorial found online (it is not complete at all) :
private static async void PostRequest(string addressPost)
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> queries = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>()
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Query1", "Email"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Query2", "Password")
HttpContent formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(queries);
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(addressPost, formContent))
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
string myContent = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Any existing example or help would be greatly appreciated.
first we need to focus on the architecture of the application, we have here two applications, 1) web application, 2) WinForm application. and you want to share the same db for both, here are the drawbacks of doing so, you might found yourself one day your winform will lock a table because of updating etc, and your web application will lose access, thats not a good idea,
here is how i would do it.
create a web api plugin for your web application, and use api tokens for security, there is some available web api plugin for nopcommerce but its limited in functionality, so i guess you will have to add some methods based on your needs, next thing you will do is have your winform application communicate with your webapi, in that case your winform works independently and secure,
as a side note, you can have in your web api multiple tokens for each user if you want, you can manage that in your web api plugin, just make a table where you will store that info with user info and tokens for everyone and you can manage that from the web admin.

WCF Service with SignalR

I have a web application which has few charts on dashboard. The data for charts is fetched on document.ready function at client side invoking a WCF service method.
What i want is now to use SignalR in my application. I am really new to SignalR. How can i call WCF methods from SignalR Hub or what you can say is that instead of pulling data from server i want the WCF service to push data to client every one minute.
Is there a way of communication between signalR and WCF service.
Also another approach can be to force client to ask for data from WCF Service every minute.
Any help will be really appreciated.
I have done following as of yet.
Client Side Function on my Dashboard page
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<!--Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
<script src="/signalr/hubs"></script>
<a id="refresh">Refresh</a>
$(function() {
var dashboardHubProxy = $.connection.dashboardHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
// dashboardHubProxy.server.refreshClient(parameters);
$("#refresh").click(function() {
dashboardHubProxy.client.refreshChart = function (chartData) {
DrawChart(chartData, 'Hourly Call Count For Last ' + Duration + ' Days', '#chartHourly', 'StackedAreaChart');
and my Dashboard Hub class is as follows
public class DashboardHub : Hub
private readonly ReportService ReportService = new ReportService();
public void RefreshClient(string parameters)
var chartData = ReportService.GenerateHourlyCallsTrendGraphicalReport(parameters);
My SignalR startup class is as follows
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(CallsPortalWeb.Startup), "Configuration")]
namespace CallsPortalWeb
public static class Startup
public static void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public static void ConfigureSignalR(IAppBuilder app)
When i click on refresh button and a debugger on RefreshClient method on hub the debugger doesn't get to the method which means i am unable to call server side method of SignalR.
Is there anything needs to be done in web.config?
I agree with AD.Net's comment. To elaborate slightly more though, the SignalR hubs can be hosted directly in your web project kinda the same way controllers are used. There is also a package out there so you can host the SignalR library on its own so it can act as a service all on its own. Either way you will need to hit the SignalR hub first as that is how it communicates then you would call your WCF service methods from within the hubs.
Brief explanation
Your HUB will have methods used by both your USER Client and your WCF Client. You may use something like UserConnected() for the user to call in and setup your logging of the connection. Then the WCF service may call your HUB with an UpdateUserStats(Guid connnectionId, UserStats stats) which would in turn call the USER client directly and provide the stats passed in like so Clients.Client(connectionId).updateStats(stats) which in turn would have a method on the USERS client named updateStats() that would handle the received information.
Initial page landing
What AD.Net provided is basic code that will be called when the user lands on the page. At this point you would want to log the ConnectionId related to that user so you can directly contact them back.
First contact with your hub touching WCF
From your Hub, you could call your WCF service as you normally would inside any normal C# code to fetch your data or perform action and return it to your user.
Method of updating the user periodically
SignalR removes the need for your client code to have to continually poll the server for updates. It is meant to allow you to push data out to the client with out them asking for it directly. This is where the persistence of the connections come into play.
You will probably want to create a wrapper to easily send messages to the hub from your application, since you are using WCF I would assume you have your business logic behind this layer so you will want the WCF service reaching out to your Hub whenever action X happens. You can do that by utilizing the Client side C# code as in this case your client is actually the user and the WCF service. With a chat application the other user is basically doing what you want your WCF service to do, which is send a message to the other client.
Usage example
You are running an online store. The dashboard displays how many orders there have been for the day. So you would wire up a call to the hub to send a message out to update the products ordered when a user places a new order. You can do this by sending it to the admin group you have configured and any admins on the dashboard would get the message. Though if these stats are very user specific, you will more then likely instead reach into the database, find the ConnectionId that the user has connected with and send the update message directly to that connectionid.
WCF Client Code Example
Just incase you want some code, this is directly from MS site on connecting with a .net client. You would use this in your WCF service, or wherever in your code you plan on connecting and then sending an update to your user.
var hubConnection = new HubConnection("");
IHubProxy stockTickerHubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("StockTickerHub");
stockTickerHubProxy.On<Stock>("UpdateStockPrice", stock => Console.WriteLine("Stock update for {0} new price {1}", stock.Symbol, stock.Price));
await hubConnection.Start();
Here is a link directly to the .Net Client section:
I am sure you have seen this link but it really holds all the good information you need to get started.
Here is a more direct link that goes into usages with code for you.
ADDED: Here is a blog specific to Dashboards with SignalR and their polling.
ADDED: Here is a page on managing users signalR connections.
Update for your code update
The .Net Client library (in NuGet) gives your .net code access to the hub. Since you are a client you will need to connect to the hub just like the User who is also a client. Your hub would act as the server for this. So with the .Net Client I am assuming you would setup a windows service that would internally poll, or something event based that would call the .Net Client code portion of it which would reach out to your hub. Your hub would take the information provided, more than likely a ConnectionId or GroupId and broad cast the User (which is perhaps on a website so it would be the JS client) a method that would update the front end for the user client. Basically what I mention under "Brief Explanation".
Now, to directly respond to the code you posted. That is Javascript, I would expect a connect like you have done. Updating the chart on initial connection is fine as well. If this is all the code signalR wise though you are missing a client side method to handle the refresh. Technically, instead of calling Clients.Caller.RefreshChart() you could just return that data and use it, which is what your javascript is doing right now. You are returning void but it is expecting a your date.
Now, I would actually say correct your javascript instead of correcting the hub code. Why? Because having a method in JS on your client that is called "refreshChart()" can be reused for when you are having your server reach out and update the client.
So I would recommend, dropping anything that is related to updating the dashboard in your JS done statement. If you want to do a notification or something to the user that is fine but dont update the grid.
Now create a JS client function called "refreshChart", note the lower case R, you can call it with a big R in c# but the js library will lowercase it so when you make the function have it will receive your dashboard information.
Now, on the server polling, or executing on some action, your WCF would call a method on the hub that would be say "UpdateDashboar(connectionId,dashInfo)" and that method would then inside of it call the "refreshChart" just like you are doing in your RefreshClient method, accept instead of doing Clients.Caller you would use Clients.Client(connectionId).refreshChart(chartInfo).
Directly the reason your code is not working is because you need to turn that Void into the type you expect to be returned. If the rest is coded right you will have it update once. You will need to implement the other logic I mentioned if you want it constantly updating. Which is again why I asked about how you are persisting your connections. I added a link to help you with that if you are not sure what I am talking about.
You should use the SignalR Hub to push data to the client. Your hub can consume a WCF service (the same way your client can) to get the data.
from client:
on the hub in the VisitingDashBoard method:
var data = wcfClient.GetDashboardData()//may be pass the user id from the context
Of course your client will have a handler for UpdateDashboard call

ASP.NET MVC - Real time updates using Web Service

I'm trying to find examples on how to get real time updates using a web service in ASP.NET MVC (Version doesn't matter) and posting it back to a specific user's browser window.
A perfect example would be a type of chat system like that of facebooks' where responses are send to the appropriate browser(client) whenever a message has been posted instead of creating a javascript timer on the page that checks for new messages every 5 seconds. I've heard tons of times about types of sync programs out there, but i'm looking for this in code, not using a third party software.
What i'm looking to do specifically:
I'm trying to create a web browser chat client that is SQL and Web Service based in ASP.NET MVC. When you have 2-4 different usernames logged into the system they chat and send messages to each other that is saved in an SQL database, then when there has been a new entry (or someone sent a new message) the Web Service see's this change and then shows the receiving user the new updated message. E.G Full Chat Synced Chat using a Web Service.
The thing that really stomps me in general is I have no idea how to detect if something new is added to an SQL table, and also I have no idea how to send information from SQL to a specific user's web browser. So if there are people userA, userB, userC all on the website, i don't know how to only show a message to userC if they are all under the username "guest". I would love to know hot to do this feature not only for what i'm trying to create now, but for future projects as well.
Can anyone point me into the right direction please? I know SQL pretty well, and web services i'm intermediate with.
You can use SignalR for this task.
Via Scott Hanselman:
Create mvc empty application
install nuget package of SignalR
Add new Controller (as example HomeController):
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Create view Index with javascript references:
and function:
$(function () {
var hub = $.connection.chatHub;
hub.AddMessage = function (msg) {
$('#messages').append('<li>' + msg + '</li>');
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
$('#send').click(function() {
Create class ChatHub:
public class ChatHub:Hub
public void Send(string message)

How to mix Entity Framework with Web API

I'm researching the new ASP.NET MVC4 Web API framework. I'm running Visual Studio 2011 beta on the Windows 8 consumer preview.
My problem is that none of the official samples for the new Web API framework use any kind of database backend. In the past, I've been able to create a local SQL CE database and serve it up via a WCF Data Service using Entity Framework as the ORM. How do I do the same with Web API?
Also, is this even a valid question? Should I just keep using a WCF Data Service if I want to expose an Entity Framework mapped SQL CE database? It seems to work fine, other than not offering the flexibility to choose response formatters that I might get with web api.
If you look at the official Contact Manager sample, you'll find that the Repository Pattern is used to access the data layer.
Also, bear in mind that in this particular example there's also DI via Ninject.
In my case I've easily plugged this onto an already existing EF model.
Here's an example for a repository implementation
public class SampleRepository : ISampleRepository
public IQueryable<Users> GetAll()
SampleContext db = new SampleContext();
return db.users;
private readonly ISampleRepository repository;
public SampleController(ISampleRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
//GET /data
public class SampleController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<DataDTO> Get()
var result = repository.GetAll();
if (result.Count > 0)
return result;
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
response.Content = new StringContent("Unable to find any result to match your query");
throw new HttpResponseException(response);
Your mileage may vary though, and you might want to abstract out some of this data access even further.
Good news is that plenty of patterns and ideas that you may have already used on MVC-based projects are still valid.
I haven't worked with WCF Web API, so I can say for sure if you can use it same way as you did with WCF Web API, but I'm sure you can use EF with ASP.NET Web API. I suggest you take a look at how ASP.NET MVC makes use of EF, it should be very similar how you would use it with ASP.NET Web API.
As for other question, if you're planning some new development you should consider using ASP.NET Web API since there's an announcement on saying:
WCF Web API is now ASP.NET Web API! ASP.NET Web API released with
ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta. The WCF Web API and WCF Support for jQuery content
on this site will be removed by the end of 2012.

WCF - Third party application authentication

I am currently working on an iPhone application. This application calls back to WCF services exposed through my ASP.NET web application. Currently, my WCF operation looks like the following:
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST")]
public string SubmitMessage(string message, int priority)
// Process message
// Return success code | message
catch (Exception)
// Return error code | message
My web application is using ASP.NET Forms Authentication. My challenge is, I only want authenticated users to be able to call this operation from their iPhone. I know that the iPhone SDK has baked in support for XML. However, I’m not sure how to lock down my WCF operation such that only authenticated users can access it.
How do I make my WCF operation only accessible to authenticated users from third party applications?
Thank you
This has to be done in both sides of the transfer, namely server (WCF site) and client (iPhones).
If you're using SOAP endpoints then you should look for Objective-C SOAP client libraries. This way all you will have to do is to setup best security options to your needs and your server-side code will be almost identical as it is at the moment.
Instead if you're exposing as RESTful endpoints I suggest you to look for an OpenID(&OAuth) approach. Here also, there are .NET and Objective-C libraries available. I belive this solution would require much more coding in both of the sides.
