How to write specific CSS statements for mozilla, chrome and IE - css

can you please let me know how to write single statement to with specific for IE, Mozilla, Chrome.

Whether using this approach to target browsers specifically is a good idea or not is a seperate question in itself. However, assuming you have a legitimate reason to target browsers as you asked, there are couple of ways you can achieve your goal
CSS Browser Specific Selector Hacks has an exhaustive list of browser specific selector based hacks that will apply to only specific browsers. Also, as Mr. Alien suggests, this question details browser hacks well too.
CSS Browser Selector JS Library
This library will add classes to the root html tag that indicate browsers and more other potentially useful info:
Once you've included the library, it . You can use those classes to target specific browsers in css similar to this:
.chrome .some-class { } /* Will only apply in chrome (all versions) */
.ie .some-class { } /* Will only apply in IE (all versions) */
.ie7 .some-class { } /* Will only apply in IE7 */
.opera .some-class { } /* Will only apply in Opera (all versions) */
The library will add a bunch of classes that can be used to target based on browser, browser version, platform, platform version, device, device version etc. Check the documentation in the github link for full details.


Detect browser support for CSS-animated SVG

I am playing around with CSS-animated SVG elements and came across the problem that even though all technologies, which are used, are supported by some browsers the combination is not, i.e. CSS-animated DIVs work but SVG elements don't. I am wondering if there is a way to detect if a browser is capable of animating SVG elements using CSS.
Here is a jsFiddle with an example. It works in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. But when opening it with e.g. Firefox 5 only the div rotates while the rect doesn't.
You can add an event listener to check for the completion of an animation iteration, and within the corresponding event handler set a flag like supportsSVGKeyFramedAnimatedProps = true (if the iteration never completes then it is not animating).
elem.addEventListener('animationiteration', eventHandler, false)
This would allow you to 'fall forward' to your SVG animation, instead of providing a fallback.
I am wondering if there is a way to detect if a browser is capable of
animating SVG elements using CSS
Simple Answer: Yes you can as stated by #jhpratt.
You can detect if a browser supports CSS-Functionality with only CSS.
The #supports CSS at-rule lets you specify declarations that depend on a browser's support for one or more specific CSS features. This is called a feature query.
#supports (display: flex) {
div {
display: flex;
#supports not (display: flex) {
div {
float: right;
MDN Link:
Long Answer:
You will always have some cross-browser issues.
The problem you have encountered is bothering every Webdeveloper. Still there are ways to get around with this Browser-Support-Problem:
1. You can check "can I use" for compatibility:
It is recommend to look up any functionality which is questionable like animations.
2. Use an autoprefixer in your workflow:
With the help of an autoprefixer you don't have to worry most of the time about using CSS with a prefix like -moz-, -webkit-, etc. This tiny helper will do the trick for you, you can even tell some autoprefixers which browsers you want to support.
3. User 3rd - Party libraries:
There are many libraries out there which you can use to detect the browser and version. If you want to be sure that your animation is secure to use, you can simply use the provided animation from the libraries and of course look the compatibility up before on their respective websites.
Some Big Names:
Angular: (use ng-Animate)
there are many more, jsut search the world wide web.
4. Use CSS Hacks to detect specific Browsers:
It is possible to use so called CSS-Hacks. They are specific CSS calls, which only apply on certain browsers.
Some examples:
Internet Explorer/Edge 8 only: #media \0screen {}
firefox ≥ 3.6 only: #media screen and (-moz-images-in-menus:0) {}
Opera ≤ 9.27 AND Safari 2: html:first-child .selector {}
You can look up more Browserhacks here:
It is possible to detect specific browsers, but it is not possible to detect if the brwoser is supporting the given feature with only CSS. That is why you will always have some hard times with browser support.
Hope this helps.
I believe that the SMIL animations detections in modernizr should do it.
I'm using it in a pretty involved set of css/SVG chart animations. Just wrap a fallback in the following tag:
.no-smil{ }
I haven't done exactly what you're looking for, but something similar (providing an animated clip-path as defined by SVG when the browser supports it and falling back when it doesn't). You can use media queries looking for pixel ratios to determine if a broswer is moz or webkit and provide the fallback animation outside the media query and provide the preferred animation in media queries that indicate a browser that will support it.
//fallback animation here
#media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
// webkit animation here
As for older versions of Firefox? I don't know how to do that in CSS, but I'm not sure going back more than a few versions of Firefox or Chrome is a common use case.

One vendor prefix inside a different vendor prefix

I've recently came across a project with css rules like this:
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
#header .searchform input:-moz-placeholder, #header .searchform textarea:-moz-placeholder {
line-height: 140%;
In my opinion this is kinda weird, as I know vendor prefixes are used to target different browsers. What about a situation like this then, when you use a different vendor prefix compared to the parent? Is it just a typo from a previous programmer? Or is it a perfectly valid rule that would apply in certain scenarios? If yes, what would the scenario be when this rule gets applied?
Looks like a careless mistake. There are no known implementations of Gecko that recognize -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio — the prefix that Gecko uses is min--moz-device-pixel-ratio1 instead, which has since been deprecated in favor of the standardized resolution. And there are no known implementations of WebKit or Blink that recognize :-moz-placeholder.
Either way, this snippet of CSS is meaningless to both engines. At best, in WebKit/Blink, you get an empty #media screen and (...) {} rule, and in Gecko, you theoretically get #media not all { ... }, which means "this rule will never be applied in any situation".
1 Unlike the code in the question, this is not a typo.
-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0 Is a browser hack to target Safari 3+ and Chrome 1+.
input:-moz-placeholder Is a pseudo-class that has been deprecated in Firefox 19 in favor of the ::-moz-placeholder pseudo-element and only targets Firefox browsers.
Given your code that your code is asking to target Safari and Chrome only to then run code for FireFox only; it's ultimately code that will never run under any circumstances and is likely a mistake.
Additional information can be read on the Safari 3+ / Chrome 1+ hack here:
and more information on -moz-placeholder can be found here:
and more information on style placeholder text in general can be found here:

Is it possible to target Chrome only, not all Webkit powered browsers?

Vaguely related to this question, but not quite the same. I'd like to target Chrome ONLY, without targeting Safari.
I used the following media query, but it targets both Chrome and Safari:
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
h1, h2 {
font-weight: bold;
Chrome does a great job at rendering the header elements in bold even though a bold version of the font I'm using doesn't exist. Safari... not so much. Hence the super specific targeting. For reference, the font is Cody Star.
There are browser-specific CSS hacks that might work for this problem now, but they certainly aren't supported.
IMHO, your best bet is to add a class to the body tag using JavaScript that reads your navigator.userAgent and use that class ( for example) to target Chrome.
Safari,Chrome,Opera all of them are Web-kit browsers, so it's very difficult to find a CSS or media query hack to target this browsers specifically,
but here is a JavaScript code that will target the Google Chrome,
not all the versions of Google Chrome,But Chrome 14 and later.
var isChrome = !! && !!;
if you want to know more information,please refer to my answer,for this question

How to get odd/even coloring for IE and Firefox using CSS alone?

I use php for my web project, but I need this coloring complement with CSS alone.
Thus I need code that works in Firefox and internet explorer.
This code is written, but does not work in internet explorer:
.tbl_css col:nth-child(odd){
.tbl_css col:nth-child(even){
Lower versions of IE will not support pseudo-selection.
You can use jQuery to make it work:
$('table tr:even').addClass('even');
$('table tr:odd').addClass('odd');
In CSS simply:
.even{ /* your styles */ }
.odd { /* your styles */ }
The pseudo-selector :nth-child is supported by the newest version of all major browsers (IE 9+, FF 3.5+). If you have to support older browsers (IE 8-, for example), you can either manually assign class="odd", class="even" to your columns, or use JQuery:
$(".tbl_css col:nth-child(2n+1)").addClass("odd");
$(".tbl_css col:nth-child(2n)").addClass("even");
Rename .tbl_css col:nth-child(odd) to .odd.
Rename .tbl_css col:nth-child(even) to .even.
What version of IE are you testing with?
The nth-child selector was only added to IE in IE9. Previous version (IE8 and earlier) do not support it.
If you need to achieve this effect in older versions of IE, then you will need to use an alternative technique. The most common is simply to output your HTML with alternating classes in the <tr> elements. There are also JQuery plugins that can achieve this effect for you.
Hope that helps.

Make CSS apply only for Opera 11? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to make CSS visible only for Opera
(13 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 5 months ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Is there a way to make some CSS rules apply only for Opera (11)?
body {background:0} /* default */
#media not screen and (1) {
body {background:red} /* OP 11 */
#media not screen and (orientation) {
body {background:green} /* for the earlier versions of Opera that pick the first media query's rule + chrome/safari */
Browsers tested:
red: Opera 11
green: Opera 10 and 10.5 + WebKit browsers
none: Opera 9.26 + Firefox 3.6 + IE9
It's related to the error-handling and also the fact that NOT negates the global result (WebKit browsers don't evaluate orientation correctly without a valid value). Since orientation is supported in presto 2.7 the second media query is FALSE.
The false orientation hack sounds like a good name to me.
Is there a good reason you want to do this?
I'd always recommend against doing browser detection. In almost every case where people want to use it, it's a better idea to use feature detection instead. If you find out if the feature you want is supported, then you'll automatically start supporting new versions of other browsers when they catch up, without having to constantly work to keep your site up to date as you would with browser detection scripts.
For feature detection, one of the best tools I can suggest is to use Modernizr.
For browser detection - especially brand a new browser like Opera11 - I can't really suggest anything that will be foolproof. The correct answer is to look at the User Agent string, but that can easily be changed by the user to spoof another browser (and often is, especially by Opera users, as they're the one most often trying to get around sites that do browser detection and try to block them)
You could try using
I don't know of a CSS-only way as Opera 11 is still VERY new.
You can either use server-side languages like PHP to detect the User Agent of the browser or you can use the freely available Javascript solution CSS Browser Selector.
The above solution does not yet include Opera 11, so let's check Opera 11's User Agent string by checking their references. (Actually they have their own article on how to detect opera)
Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.7.39 Version/11.00
When you now look at the Javascript of the above mentioned CSS Browser selector you can see it is just reading out the navigator.userAgent and comparing it to many variations - just add your Opera 11 variation and you are good to go (or wait until the developer updates the javascript - or even better, update the script and tell the author about it!).
Here you go......
/* Opera */
#media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:10000), not all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
here you can display anything you want just for opera
The following style would indeed only get rendered in Opera. See Webmonkeys blog post for details:
#media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:10000), not all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
#myid { background-color: #F00; }
But keep in mind, that all sort of CSS hacks might not work anymore in the future.
So I would strongly recommend you to add the styles dynamic only for Opera with jQuery (jQuery.browser).
The read-only pseudo-class is a simple filter for Opera:
#foo:read-only { overflow: auto; }
