How can I easily copy the whole CSS file from a website? - css

How can I easily copy the whole CSS file a website uses to stylize HTML with Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera?
With the web inspector, I can see the css styles applied to an element, but I can't see the big picture of styles applied to the whole HTML document.
Can you show me how can I do this?

For chrome you can use Quick Source Viewer to see all CSS, whether in the body or the head, whether in the served HTML or injected at runtime.
It is better than the dev tools as you don't have to go looking for the style tags, and saving them is just a right click on the link.

The answer given by Bobby Russell is not correct in this case.
Just follow the steps:
Open the Firefox and type in the url
Now Inspect the googlepage with the help of firebug.
You can see in the attached image how to select the css file

Right click the page and view the source.
Ctrl+F link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="
Follow the link
See the CSS
Not too hard...right?


Chrome rendering css files as style tags in the element inspector

Chrome version: 44
When working in my normal development environment (C#, IIS Express) css files downloaded by the browser are available in the sources tab and I can see what styles come from what files in the element inspector. However, in my current development environment (PHP, Apache, Xammp). The stylesheets are being downloaded and rendered as style tags and are not available in the sources tab. This is rather annoying as I can't save locally edited styles to my working copy. I've never seen this before and can't seem to find any answers with a quick google. Does anyone know what would cause dev tools to render this way? I feel like it must be some sort of server configuration issue but I can't be sure. Example below:
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
is rendered as:
And looks like so in the element inspector:
Any help greatly appreciated!
I just met the same issue. Not sure if my case can fix your problem, but I found out that I had a script 'prefixfree' requesting redundant css files at loading. So I just commented this line out and my style in Element Inspector just back to normal.
<script src="~/Scripts/prefixfree-1.0.7.js"></script>
In my case, the problem appeared to be caused by a bad/malformed CSS style that was being applied to the target element. I'm able access the element's style normally after removing this style:
background: -webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#2521BC), to(#1C1957), color-stop(.5,#3A33E7));

Dynamically added stylesheet not showing up in IE Developer Tools

I'm working on a cross-browser bookmarklet where I need to inject my own style sheet into the page as well as various divs, etc. I've got it working everywhere but IE so am now attempting to debug some of the styling issues there.
I'm adding my css to the document after a user clicks my bookmarklet as follows:
if (document.createStyleSheet){
} else {
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />');
The file is being fetched and applied to divs, etc. I create on the page, however when I inspect the element in IE 9 Developer Tools it does not show me ANY properties from the stylesheet I added dynamically, only those in the style="{}" attr.
Also, mystyle.css does not show up in the dropdown on the CSS tab, yet it does have a corresponding element in the head and styles in it are being applied to the dom correctly.
Any thoughts on how to force the dev tools to recognize my new sheet? It is infuriating to attempt to debug css w/o being able to manipulate it in-browser directly.
Did you click the refresh button in developer tools? It doesn't refresh the page, it reloads the dom from the current page.

Chrome Developer Tools: inspect prettified CSS

If you want to look at the CSS of other people's websites (to steal learn from them), Firebug lets you inspect the prettified CSS:
But in Chrome 16, you only get the minified CSS as it was served out:
Is there a way to get Chrome to prettify the CSS?
In the newer versions there is a "format" button that prettifies the source:
(only just realised myself :P )
The Developer's console shows the file as served. If you want a human-readable version, copy-paste the code to
If you use the Elements tab, the applied CSS properties are also shown per element.
I recommend Quick Source Viewer, which is an extension to chrome and requires no human copy-pasting (acts sort of like an extra chrome dev-tool).
It can show you the source of the current page formatted and colour coded.
It's pretty powerful, showing all 'sources' of the page, be it css, js or html. Even things like inline css/js can be viewed individually (with injected code highlighted). And the best part is it prettifies all of them, even the css (which chrome's dev tools still refuses to do).
You may want to checkout Pretty Print:
After installing, when you view a minified CSS or JS file, it will appear (after a moment) un-minified.

Internet Explorer external css issue

I am working on a site ( and have to create an external CSS for both the header and footer.
If I view the header, for example, seperately in FireFox by going to, it looks fine — the CSS is all there, and it's styled the way it should be. However, in IE8, if I do the same, the style is gone compeletely. It works on the index page, but not when I view it alone.
I am using link rel="stylesheet" href=" to include the CSS at the top of my header.php page. Same goes for my footer.php page.
So, what's the problem with Internet Explorer this time? Why won't it behave?
header.php doesn’t return a full HTML page, so maybe Internet Explorer is borking on that. Even though Firefox renders it, I don’t think you can necessarily expect all browsers to do so.
As ifaour mentioned, you might want to move your <link> tags into the <head> tag, as they’re not meant to go in <body>.
Your link is inside the body of the page... try putting it inside the <head /> section. Also add type="text/css" to the <rel /> tag.
It's because when you're vewing the header on its own, Firefox will correct the incomplete markup and make the page a valid html document with the <html><body>...</body></html> tags.
IE will not do this, so the styles will not be applied as it doesn't know to do this on an invalid page.
This is also why the page looks correct on the live site.
I included all the css inside the .php files themselves instead of linking them and changed some div names (from to , and to . This helped because css styling of the divs before were being overridden by the other companys css styling, so I had to create my own unique div names, instead of the standard HTML5 ones

How do I edit CSS in Chrome like in Firebug for Firefox?

I've been editing CSS using Firebug in Firefox, but recently noticed that Chrome is rendering my pages much quicker (with scrolling, interactive elements etc) and wanted to switch to it.
I found Chrome shows the computed CSS and what attributes are overruled in the stack and I can alter them one-by-one but what I liked about Firebug was that I could just edit the entire stylesheet in a real-time text editor. Is this same feature somewhere in the Chrome developer panel, or is there a Chrome extension that lets me alter the stylesheets this way?
In current versions of Chrome (I'm running 16) you don't need any external add-ons.
Right click anywhere in your page, choose inspect element, then in the window that shows up click the Resources tab, then in the left panel select the stylesheet you want to edit. To begin editing you need to first double click, over the css text.
Try StyleBot. It can also save edited CSS.
You can edit any property or create a new property by double click on an entry or empty space in Elements panel's styles pane. There is no way to edit entire css file just as text at the moment.
I use live.js! As you edit your css file it shows you the results realtime in your browser without having to refresh.
I've spend countless hours testing almost every Chome extension i could find (including stylebot) to mimic the live CSS editing of Firebug in Firefox. None to date have that same workflow. Live.js is the closest.
Have you tried the Web Developer Toolbar extension's CSS->Edit CSS tool?
Web Developer Toolbar for Chrome > CSS > Edit CSS
there's a semi-working firebug extension but it's not exactly perfect yet.
User Firebug Lite. It's also available as an extension to Chrome.
You are looking for this - Live Stylesheets
I wrote the LiveCSSEditor 4 years ago for exactly this reason. FireBug in Firefox would let me free-hand write CSS into the page, but nothing else in Chrome would.
I still use it today and have yet to find a better solution. It may work for you as well. :)
