Does the stop button (or esc key) in R stop a loop after a completion?
and I hit stop before the loop ends... will the loop break at the end of a repeat, or will it break in the middle?
Does anyone know where to find documentation on this stop button?
The "stop button" is actually a GUI feature so its documentation should be consulted. The keyboard ctrl-C or 'esc-key' should do the same. The commentary I have seen is rather non-committal about how soon an interrupt will be handled. It says something like: "well written code will handle interrupts promptly."
> x=1:1000000
> i=2
> repeat{
+ x[i]=x[i]+3
+ x[i-1]=x[i]+1
+ i=i+1
+ if(i>length(x)){break} } # esc key hit promptly
> i
[1] 15128
You should read the help page for:
The 'R for Mac OS X FAQ' says: "However, if the executed code does not check for interrupts (using `R_CheckUserInterrupt') there may be no way of stopping R. In that case it may be worth alerting the maintainer of the package to allow interruption (if appropriate)."
This search will let you page through postings to R-devel that mention that internal mechanism by name:
Maybe it's because I'm too careless and often write the wrong code when dealing with big data. I tried to click the stop button(the red one in Rstudio), ctrl + c, ctrl+z, none of them can interrupt the process, and in the end I have to terminate the ```rsession`` and Rstudio in the terminal. Is ther anything else I can do? (I am using dplyr)
You can press esc and wait the until job is cancelled
I wonder if there is a way to display the current time in the R command line, like in MS DOS, we can use
Prompt $T $P$G
to include the time clock in every prompt line.
Something like
options(prompt=paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),"> "))
will do it, but then it is fixed at the time it was set. I'm not sure how to make it update automatically.
Chase points the right way as options("prompt"=...) can be used for this. But his solutions adds a constant time expression which is not what we want.
The documentation for the function taskCallbackManager has the rest:
R> h <- taskCallbackManager()
R> h$add(function(expr, value, ok, visible) {
+ options("prompt"=format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S> "));
+ return(TRUE) },
+ name = "simpleHandler")
[1] "simpleHandler"
07:25:42> a <- 2
We register a callback that gets evaluated after each command completes. That does the trick. More fancy documentation is in this document from the R developer site.
None of the other methods, which are based on callbacks, will update the prompt unless a top-level command is executed. So, pressing return in the console will not create a change. Such is the nature of R's standard callback handling.
If you install the tcltk2 package, you can set up a task scheduler that changes the option() as follows:
tclTaskSchedule(1000, {options(prompt=paste(Sys.time(),"> "))}, id = "ticktock", redo = TRUE)
Voila, something like the MS DOS prompt.
NB: Inspiration came from this answer.
Note 1: The wait time (1000 in this case) refers to the # of milliseconds, not seconds. You might adjust it downward when sub-second resolution is somehow useful.
Here is an alternative callback solution:
updatePrompt <- function(...) {options(prompt=paste(Sys.time(),"> ")); return(TRUE)}
This works the same as Dirk's method, but the syntax is a bit simpler to me.
You can change the default character that is displayed through the options() command. You may want to try something like this:
options(prompt = paste(Sys.time(), ">"))
Check out the help page for ?options for a full list of things you can set. It is a very useful thing to know about!
Assuming this is something you want to do for every R session, consider moving that to your .Rprofile. Several other good nuggets of programming happiness can be found hither on that topic.
I don't know of a native R function for doing this, but I know R has interfaces with other languages that do have system time commands. Maybe this is an option?
Thierry mentioned system.time() and there is also proc.time() depending on what you need it for, although neither of these give you the current time.
I'm using vanilla R on Linux, and when R is computing something and I press keyboard buttons, they get printed to the terminal.
For example, if I type "foo" while R is sleeping, the following happens:
Sys.sleep(1) #Typing "foo" now before the sleep ends...
foo>foo #"foo" is both registered and shown before the sleep ends
This of course may be wanted in some cases, but there are cases in which I'd like the terminal to be as clean as possible. In this case both the following options would be good:
Ignore any keypress that is registered before the completion of the previous command;
Do not ignore keypresses, but simply do not show them before the completion of the previous command.
To clarify, this is what should happen in those two cases if you write "foo" while R is sleeping:
Sys.sleep(1) #Typing "foo" now before the sleep ends...
> #Nothing is registered
Sys.sleep(1) #Typing "foo" now before the sleep ends...
>foo #"foo" is registered but not shown before the sleep ends
Is there any way I can accomplish one of the two?
I am trying to pause my code for a little while, time for me to observe the plots.
I tried:
something = readline("Press Enter")
, then there is no pause, the line print('B') is fed to readline and get stored into something and therefore only A and C got printed on the screen. Note that if I add an empty line between Something = readline("Press Enter") and print("B"), then print("B") get printed on the screen but still the console doesn't allow the user to press enter before continuing.
And I tried:
The program waits 3 seconds before starting and then run "normally" without doing any pause between print('A') and print('B').
What do I missunderstand?
Here is my R version: R 3.1.1 GUI 1.65 Snow Leopard build (6784)
The problem with readline is that if you paste your script into an R console, or execute it from eg Rstudio, the redline function is read and then the next line of the script is read in as the console entry, which in your case sets the value of something to print('B).
An easy way to get around this is to stick your entire code in a function, then call the function to run it. So, in your case:
myscript = function(){
something = readline(prompt = "Press Enter")
The output of this for me (in Rstudio, with R version 3.1.1):
[1] "A"
Press Enter
[1] "B"
[1] "C"
This has always felt like a bit of a hack to me, but it's essentially what the readline documentation recommends in its example.
I've never used sleep in my code, so I can't help you there.
Edit to clarify based on comments: This will only work if myscript() is the very last line of your script, or if it is manually entered into the console after running the script to generate the function. Otherwise, you will run into the same problem as before- the next line of code will be automatically entered.
I am trying to create a scripting widget for R using the tcltk package. But I don't know how to to create a STOP button to interrupt a script coming from the widget. Basically, I would like to have a button, a menu option, and/or a key binding that will interrupt the current script execution, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
One (non-ideal) strategy is to just use the RGui STOP button (or <ESC> or <Ctrl-c> on the console), but this seems cause the tk widget to hang permanently.
Here's a minimal example of the widget based on the tcl/tk examples (
tkscript <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel()
txt <- tktext(tt, height=10)
run <- function() {
code <- tclvalue(tkget(txt,"0.0","end"))
e <- try(parse(text=code))
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
tkmessageBox(message="Syntax error", icon="error")
In the scripting widget if you try executing Sys.sleep(20) and then interrupt from the console, the widget hangs. The same thing happens if one were to run, for example, an infinite loop, like while(TRUE) 2+2.
I think what I'm experiencing may be similar to the bug reported here:
Also, I should mention that I'm running this on R 3.0.0 on Windows (x64), so maybe the problem is platform-specific.
Any thoughts on how to interrupt the running script without causing the widget to hang?
It depends on what the script is doing; a script that is sitting waiting for the user to do something is easy to interrupt (since you can make it listen for your interruption message) but a script that is doing an intensive loop is rather more tricky. The possible solutions depend on the version of Tcl inside.
Interpreter Cancellation — Requires 8.6
If you are using Tcl 8.6, you can use interpreter cancellation to stop the script. All you have to do is arrange for:
interp cancel -unwind
to be run, and the script will return control back to you. A reasonable way of doing this would be to use the extra Tcl package TclX (or Expect) to install a signal handler that will run the command when a signal is received:
package require Tcl 8.6
package require TclX
# Our signal handler
proc doInterrupt {} {
# Print a message so you can see what's happening
puts "It goes boom!"
# Unwind the stack back to the R code
interp cancel -unwind
# Install it...
signal trap sigint doInterrupt
# Now evaluate the code which might try to run forever
Adding signal handling in earlier versions is possible, but not quite as easy as you can't guarantee that things will return control to you so easily; the stack unwinding isn't there.
Execution Time Limiting — Requires 8.5 (or 8.6)
The other thing you could try is setting an execution time limit on a slave interpreter and running the user script in that slave. The time limit machinery will then guarantee a trap back to you every so often, giving you a chance to check for interruption and a way to do the stack unwinding. This is a considerably more complex method.
proc nextSecond {} {
clock add [clock seconds] 1 second
interp create child
proc checkInterrupt {} {
if {["decide if the R code wanted an interrupt"]} {
# Do nothing
# Reset the time limit to another second ahead
interp limit child time -seconds [nextSecond]
interp limit child time -seconds [nextSecond] -command checkInterrupt
interp eval child "the user script"
Think of this mechanism being a lot like how an operating system works, and yes, it can stop a tight loop.
Use a Subprocess — Any version of Tcl
The most portable mechanism is to run the script in a subprocess (with the tclsh program; the exact name varies by version, platform and distribution, but it's all variations on that) and just kill off that subprocess when it is no longer wanted with pskill. The downside of this is that you cannot (easily) carry any state over from one execution to another; subprocesses are pretty isolated from each other. The other methods described above can leave the state able to be accessed from another run: they do a real interrupt, whereas this destroys.
Also, I don't know exactly how to start the subprocess in such a way that you can communicate with it from R while it is still running; system and system2 don't seem to quite give enough control, and hacking something with forking is non-portable. Needs an R expert here. Alternatively, use a Tcl script (running inside the R process) to do it with:
set executable "tclsh"; # Adjust this line
set scriptfile "file/where/you/put/the_user/script.tcl"
# Open a bi-directional pipe to talk to the subprocess
set pipeline [open |[list $executable $scriptfile] "r+"]
# Get the subprocess's PID
set thePID [pid $pipeline]
That is actually reasonably portable to Windows (if not perfectly so) but intermediate states with forking are not.
I seem to have found a solution to prevent the tk widget from hanging by embedding the eval in a tryCatch that handles interrupt conditions. Unfortunately, it requires interruption from the console rather than the widget, but it does work. tryCatch is pretty poorly documented, so I'm putting this out here in case anyone else has similar needs in the future.
tkscript <- function() {
tt <- tktoplevel()
txt <- tktext(tt, height=10)
run <- function() {
code <- tclvalue(tkget(txt,"0.0","end"))
e <- try(parse(text=code))
if (inherits(e, "try-error")) {
tkmessageBox(message="Parse error", icon="error")
e <- tryCatch(eval(e),
error = function(errmsg)
tkmessageBox(message=as.character(errmsg), icon="error"),
interrupt = function(errmsg)
tkmessageBox(message=as.character(errmsg), icon="error")
Another strategy I stumbled across is using tools::pskill (in the form pskill(Sys.getpid(), SIGINT) as a tk menu option) to interrupt the process, but - at least on Windows - this terminates the entire R process (including the tk widget). So, that's not a great solution but at least seems to exit everything as an absolute fallback.