The best way to implement the strcpy function - strcpy

if I would call the strcpy function like this:
char *s = NULL;
strcpy(&s, "Test");
in the main function, would this be the best implementation of it:
or there is a better way to implement the function?
Thank you!

First of all: if you take sizeof(src) you will alloc memory for a pointer, not for a string. In 32 bit environments, this will leave you with 4 bytes of memory, and not 10 as you need.
Therefore, you need to supply how much memory do you need, or infere it from your second argument: something like this:
void str_cpy(char** dest, const char* src){
if (*dest == NULL) *dest = malloc(strlen(src)+1);
else *dest = realloc(*dest, strlen(src)+1);
memcpy(*dest, src, strlen(src) + 1);


C functions returning an array

Sorry for the post. I have researched this but..... still no joy in getting this to work. There are two parts to the question too. Please ignore the code TWI Reg code as its application specific I need help on nuts and bolts C problem.
So... to reduce memory usage for a project I have started to write my own TWI (wire.h lib) for ATMEL328p. Its not been put into a lib yet as '1' I have no idea how to do that yet... will get to that later and '2'its a work in progress which keeps getting added to.
The problem I'm having is with reading multiple bytes.
Problem 1
I have a function that I need to return an Array
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
void setup () {
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
/////////////////////READ BYTES////////////////////
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
static byte result[i2cNumBytes];
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;
What I understand :o ) is I have declared a Static byte array in the function which I point to as the return argument of the function.
The function call requests the return of a pointer value for a byte array which is supplied.
Well .... it doesn't work .... I have checked multiple sites and I think this should work. The error message I get is:
MPU6050_I2C_rev1:232: error: incompatible types in assignment of 'byte* {aka unsigned char*}' to 'byte* [16] {aka unsigned char* [16]}'
i2cBuff1 = i2cReadBytes(mpuAdd, 0x6F, 16);
Problem 2
Ok say IF the code sample above worked. I am trying to reduce the amount of memory that I use in my sketch. By using any memory in the function even though the memory (need) is released after the function call, the function must need to reserve an amount of 'space' in some way, for when the function is called. Ideally I would like to avoid the use of static variables within the function that are duplicated within the main program.
Does anyone know the trade off with repeated function call.... i.e looping a function call with a bit shift operator, as apposed to calling a function once to complete a process and return ... an Array? Or was this this the whole point that C does not really support Array return in the first place.
Hope this made sense, just want to get the best from the little I got.
This line:
byte *i2cBuff1[16];
declares i2cBuff1 as an array of 16 byte* pointers. But i2cReadBytes doesn't return an array of pointers, it returns an array of bytes. The declaration should be:
byte *i2cBuff1;
Another problem is that a static array can't have a dynamic size. A variable-length array has to be an automatic array, so that its size can change each time the function is called. You should use dynamic allocation with malloc() (I used calloc() instead because it automatically zeroes the memory).
byte* i2cReadBytes(byte i2cAdd, byte i2cReg, byte i2cNumBytes) {
byte *result = calloc(i2cNumBytes, sizeof(byte));
for (byte i = 0; i < i2cNumBytes; i ++) {
result[i] += i2cAdd + i2cReg;
return result;

How to 'steal' data from QByteArray without copy

Is it possible to take pointer to QByteArray's internal T* data and destroy QByteArray itself so that the pointer remains unreleased? I would like to use it in the something similar to the following scenario:
const char* File::readAllBytes(const String& path, u64& outCount) {
QFile file(*static_cast<QString*>(path.internal()));
outCount = static_cast<u64>(file.size());
if (! gException("Failed to open file");
const QByteArray array = file.readAll();
return array.steal();
No, you can't steal QByteArray's pointer unless it has been constructed with QByteArray::fromRawData, which is not the case. However you can create char array manually and read data from file to it using QFile::read(char * data, qint64 maxSize). You will then decide where to pass the pointer and when to delete[] it.
Note that this is not considered good practice. You should use managed allocations whenever you can, and Qt provides enough to cover most of possible use cases. You should not do this unless you're trying to do something really low-level.
Note that many of Qt classes, including QString and QByteArray, use copy-on-write strategy, so you generally should not be afraid of copying them and passing them to another context.
No, but you can easily sidestep the problem by not using QByteArray:
const char* File::readAllBytes(const String& path, u64& outCount) {
QFile file(*static_cast<QString*>(path.internal()));
if (! return nullptr;
auto N = file.bytesAvailable();
char *data = malloc(N);
outCount =, N);
return data;
The solution above also assumes that the consumer of your data is aware of the need to free the data.
Alas, the manual memory management called for with such an API is a bad idea. If you wish not to use Qt classes in your API, you should be using std::vector<char> instead:
std::vector<char> File::readAllBytes(const String& path) {
std::vector<char> result;
QFile file(*static_cast<QString*>(path.internal()));
if (! return result;
auto count =, result.size());
return result;
I smell that String is some sort of a framework-independent string wrapper. Perhaps you could settle on std::u16string to carry the same UTF16 data as QString would.

Qt optimization of a QByteArray conversion

I wrote a function to convert a hexa string representation (like x00) of some binary data to the data itself.
How to improve this code?
QByteArray restoreData(const QByteArray &data, const QString prepender = "x")
QByteArray restoredData = data;
return QByteArray::fromHex(restoredData.replace(prepender, ""));
How to improve this code?
Benchmark before optimizing this. Do not do premature optimization.
Beyond the main point: Why would you like to optimize it?
1) If you are really that concerned about performance where this negligible code from performance point of view matters, you would not use Qt in the first place because Qt is inherently slow compared to a well-optimized framework.
2) If you are not that concerned about performance, then you should keep the readability and maintenance in mind as leading principle, in which case your code is fine.
You have not shown any real world example either why exactly you want to optimize. This feels like an academic question without much pratical use to me. It would be interesting to know more about the motivation.
That being said, several improvement items, which are also optimization, could be done in your code, but then again: it is not done for optimization, but more like logical reasons.
1) Prepender is bad name; it is usually called "prefix" in the English language.
2) You wish to use QChar as opposed to QString for a character.
3) Similarly, for the replacement, you wish to use '' rather than the string'ish "" formula.
4) I would pass classes like that with reference as opposed to value semantics even if it is CoW (implicitly shared).
5) I would not even use an argument here for the prefix since it is always the same, so it does not really fit the definition of variable.
6) It is needless to create an interim variable explicitly.
7) Make the function inline.
Therefore, you would be writing something like this:
QByteArray restoreData(QByteArray data)
return QByteArray::fromHex(data.replace('x', ''));
Your code has a performance problem because of replace(). Replace itself is not very fast, and creating intermediate QByteArray object slows the code down even more. If you are really concerned about performance, you can copy QByteArray::fromHex implementation from Qt sources and modify it for your needs. Luckily, its implementation is quite self-contained. I only changed / 2 to / 3 and added --i line to skip "x" characters.
QByteArray myFromHex(const QByteArray &hexEncoded)
QByteArray res((hexEncoded.size() + 1)/ 3, Qt::Uninitialized);
uchar *result = (uchar *) + res.size();
bool odd_digit = true;
for (int i = hexEncoded.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int ch =;
int tmp;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
tmp = ch - '0';
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
tmp = ch - 'a' + 10;
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
tmp = ch - 'A' + 10;
if (odd_digit) {
*result = tmp;
odd_digit = false;
} else {
*result |= tmp << 4;
odd_digit = true;
res.remove(0, result - (const uchar *)res.constData());
return res;
qDebug() << QByteArray::fromHex("54455354"); // => "TEST"
qDebug() << myFromHex("x54x45x53x54"); // => "TEST"
This code can behave unexpectedly when hexEncoded is malformed (.e.g. "x54x45x5" will be converted to "TU"). You can fix this somehow if it's a problem.

How to call "QList<QVariant> QVariant::toList () const"

This is a pretty simple and probably dumb question, but I have forgotten how to use QList QVariant::toList () const
QVariant s = this->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript (QString ("Open(%1,%2)").arg (point.x()).arg (point.y()));
List<QVariant> x;
x = s.toList ();
Of course this is wrong, what is the correct way out? :redface:
What you do is almost correct:
QList<QVariant> x = s.toList();
(Note the use of QList instead of List.)
What you're doing is right. May be you can check if the variant contains a list before converting it. E.g:
QVariant variant = list;
QList<QVariant> list_1 = variant.toList();

How to capture output of execvp

I'm developing a program which executes a program using execvp. It needs to capture the results of the child process and parse them in the main process. It seems there is a way, using named pipes, and duping. I'm trying to hunt down a good example of this, but so far no luck. If anyone has any pointers, links and/or suggestions about this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
You don't need named pipes; unnamed pipes work just fine. Actually, often you can just use popen instead of doing the pipe/fork/dup/exec yourself. popen works like this (though your libc's implementation likely has more error checking):
FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type) {
int fds[2];
const char *argv[4] = {"/bin/sh", "-c", command};
if (fork() == 0) {
dup2(type[0] == 'r' ? 0 : 1, fds[1]);
execvp(argv[0], argv);
return fdopen(fds[0], type);
This creates an unnamed pipe, and forks. In the child, it reattaches stdout (or stdin) to one end of the pipe, then execs the child. The parent can simply read (or write) from the other end of the pipe.
Can't you just use popen()?
Here is a simple example that demonstrates the use of popen to achieve your goal. Just put something more interesting than "echo" as the command :)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char buf[100];
int i = 0;
FILE *p = popen("echo \"Test\"","r");
if (p != NULL )
while (!feof(p) && (i < 99) )
buf[i] = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
